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Download Grml 2014.11

Get the current stable release here.
Looking for the current pre-release version instead?

Download the Grml flavour you need, then write it to a CD-R or an empty USB stick.

Alternate downloads

Daily images
Older releases
Source code (both archs)

Netboot packages:
64-bit (sig) 32-bit (sig)

Signing Key
Please verify all downloads using GnuPG!
For each released ISO image there is also a signature file, that should be verified with the following signing key:
pub  4096R/96A87872B7EA3737 2010-07-14 Michael Prokop <mail@michael-prokop.at>
     Key fingerprint = 33CC B136 401A FEC8 43A3  8763 96A8 7872 B7EA 3737
     uid                            Michael Prokop <mika@grml.org>
     uid                            Michael Prokop <mika@debian.org>
     uid                            Michael Prokop <michael@linuxtage.at>
     uid                            Michael Prokop <prokop@grml-solutions.com>
     uid                            Michael Prokop <michael.prokop@synpro.solutions>
     sub  4096R/257B6FD52892CF7E 2010-07-14
Boot from USB key

Just dd(1) the downloaded ISO to an empty USB key!

dd if=grml64_2014.11.iso of=/dev/USB_KEY


Boot option guide

Git repositories

The Grml team uses git for managing software and packages. The repositories are available online at GitHub.

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