# Filename: /etc/grml/script-functions # Purpose: some often used functions for use in shellscripts # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 16:53:48 +0200 [ft] ################################################################################ # {{{ set default PATH setpath(){ export PATH=${PATH:-'/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin'} } # }}} # {{{ check for root-permissions check4root(){ if [ "$(id -u 2>/dev/null)" != 0 ] ; then echo 1>&2 "Error: please run this script with uid 0 (root)." ; return 1 fi } # }}} # {{{ check for user permissions check4user(){ if [ "$(id -u 2>/dev/null)" = 0 ] ; then echo 1>&2 "Error: please do not run this script with uid 0 (root)." ; return 1 fi } # }}} # {{{ check for running zsh iszsh(){ if ! [ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # }}} # {{{ check for (X)dialog setdialog(){ if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] ; then [ -x /usr/bin/Xdialog ] && DIALOG="Xdialog" && export XDIALOG_HIGH_DIALOG_COMPAT=1 else [ -x /usr/bin/dialog ] && DIALOG='dialog' || ( echo 1>&2 "dialog not available" ; return 1 ) fi } # }}} # {{{ check for availability of program(s) check4progs(){ local RC='' for arg in $* ; do type -p $arg >/dev/null 2>&1 || RC="$arg" done if [ -n "$RC" ] ; then echo "$RC not installed" return 1 fi } # }}} # {{{ simple shell grep stringinfile(){ case "$(cat $2)" in *$1*) return 0;; esac return 1 } # }}} # {{{ simple shell grep for strings stringinstring(){ case "$2" in *$1*) return 0;; esac return 1 } # }}} # {{{ reread boot command line; echo last parameter's argument or return false. getbootparam(){ stringinstring " $1=" /proc/cmdline || return 1 result="${/proc/cmdline##*$1=}" result="${result%%[ ]*}" echo "$result" return 0 } # }}} # {{{ check boot commandline for specified option checkbootparam(){ stringinstring " $1" /proc/cmdline return "$?" } # }}} # {{{ check whether $1 is yes checkvalue(){ if [ "$1" = "yes" -o "$1" = "YES" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # }}} # {{{ grml specific checks isgrml(){ [ -f /etc/grml_version ] && return 0 || return 1 } grmlversion(){ cat /etc/grml_version } isgrmlcd(){ [ -f /etc/grml_cd ] && return 0 || return 1 } isgrmlhd(){ [ -f /etc/grml_cd ] && return 1 || return 0 } checkgrmlsmall(){ grep -q small /etc/grml_version 2>/dev/null && return 0 || return 1 } # }}} # {{{ filesystems (proc, pts, sys) mount_proc(){ check4root || return 1 [ -f /proc/version ] || mount -t proc /proc /proc 2>/dev/null } mount_pts(){ check4root || return 1 stringinfile "/dev/pts" /proc/mounts || mount -t devpts /dev/pts /dev/pts 2>/dev/null } mount_sys(){ check4root || return 1 [ -d /sys/devices ] || mount -t sysfs /sys /sys 2>/dev/null } # }}} # char *reverse_list(list) {{{ # # Returns the reversed order of list # reverse_list() { local ret ret='' while [ "$#" -gt 0 ] ; do if [ -z "${ret}" ] ; then ret="$1" else ret="$1 ${ret}" fi shift done printf '%s' "${ret}" } #}}} # bool is_older_than(reference, files/dirs to check) {{{ # # return 0 if any of the files/dirs are newer than # the reference file # # EXAMPLE: if is_older_than a.out *.o ; then ... is_older_than() { local x local ref="$1" shift for x in "$@" ; do [ "${x}" -nt "${ref}" ] && return 0 if [ -d "${x}" ] ; then is_older_than "${ref}" "${x}"/* && return 0 fi done return 1 } #}}} # e*() output functions {{{ # heavily based on gentoo's functions.sh; stripped down and modified # to match our needs. # # defined functions: # ebegin() # eend() # eerror() # eindent() # einfo() # einfon() # eoutdent() # esetdent() # esyslog() # ewarn() # ewend() # # copyright 1999-2005 gentoo foundation # distributed under the terms of the gnu general public license v2 # $header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/sbin/functions.sh,v 2005/05/15 20:00:31 vapier exp $ # initialisation {{{ # internal variables # dont output to stdout? rc_quiet_stdout="no" # default values for e-message indentation and dots rc_indentation='' rc_default_indent=2 #rc_dot_pattern=' .' rc_dot_pattern='' # should we use color? if [ -r /proc/cmdline ] ; then grep -q ' nocolor' /proc/cmdline && RC_NOCOLOR='yes' fi [ -n "$NOCOLORS" ] && RC_NOCOLOR='yes' RC_NOCOLOR="${RC_NOCOLOR:-no}" # Can the terminal handle endcols? RC_ENDCOL="yes" # Setup COLS and ENDCOL so eend can line up the [ ok ] # width of [ ok ] == 7 COLS="$(stty size 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ -z "${COLS}" ] || [ "${COLS}" -le 0 ] ; then COLS=80 fi if [ "${RC_ENDCOL}" = "yes" ]; then ENDCOL="[$(( ${COLS} - 8 ))G" else ENDCOL='' fi # Setup the colors so our messages all look pretty if [ "${RC_NOCOLOR}" = "yes" ]; then unset GOOD WARN BAD NORMAL HILITE BRACKET else GOOD='' WARN='' BAD='' NORMAL='' HILITE='' BRACKET='' fi #}}} # void esyslog(char* priority, char* tag, char* message) # # use the system logger to log a message # esyslog() { local pri local tag [ "$#" -le 2 ] && return 0 if [ -x /usr/bin/logger ] ; then pri="$1" tag="$2" shift 2 /usr/bin/logger -p "${pri}" -t "${tag}" -- "$@" fi return 0 } # void eindent(int num) # # increase the indent used for e-commands. # eindent() { local i="${1:-0}" [ "$i" -gt 0 ] || i="${RC_DEFAULT_INDENT}" esetdent $(( ${#RC_INDENTATION} + $i )) } # void eoutdent(int num) # # decrease the indent used for e-commands. # eoutdent() { local i="${1:-0}" [ "$i" -gt 0 ] || i="${RC_DEFAULT_INDENT}" esetdent $(( ${#RC_INDENTATION} - $i )) } # void esetdent(int num) # # hard set the indent used for e-commands. # num defaults to 0 # esetdent() { local i="${1:-0}" [ "$i" -lt 0 ] && i=0 RC_INDENTATION="$(printf "%${i}s" '')" } # void einfo(char* message) # # show an informative message (with a newline) # einfo() { einfon "$*\n" LAST_E_CMD=einfo return 0 } # void einfon(char* message) # # show an informative message (without a newline) # einfon() { [ "${RC_QUIET_STDOUT}" = "yes" ] && return 0 [ "${RC_ENDCOL}" != "yes" ] && [ "${LAST_E_CMD}" = "ebegin" ] && echo printf " ${GOOD}*${NORMAL} ${RC_INDENTATION}$*" LAST_E_CMD=einfon return 0 } # void ewarn(char* message) # # show a warning message + log it # ewarn() { if [ "${RC_QUIET_STDOUT}" = "yes" ]; then printf " $*\n" else [ "${RC_ENDCOL}" != "yes" ] && [ "${LAST_E_CMD}" = "ebegin" ] && echo printf " ${WARN}*${NORMAL} ${RC_INDENTATION}$*\n" fi # Log warnings to system log esyslog "daemon.warning" "rc-scripts" "$@" LAST_E_CMD=ewarn return 0 } # void eerror(char* message) # # show an error message + log it # eerror() { if [ "${RC_QUIET_STDOUT}" = "yes" ]; then printf " $*\n" >/dev/stderr else [ "${RC_ENDCOL}" != "yes" ] && [ "${LAST_E_CMD}" = "ebegin" ] && echo printf " ${BAD}*${NORMAL} ${RC_INDENTATION}$*\n" fi # Log errors to system log esyslog "daemon.err" "rc-scripts" "$@" LAST_E_CMD=eerror return 0 } # void ebegin(char* message) # # show a message indicating the start of a process # ebegin() { local msg="$@" dots spaces spaces="$(printf '%'"${#RC_DOT_PATTERN}"'s' '')" [ "${RC_QUIET_STDOUT}" = "yes" ] && return 0 if [ -n "${RC_DOT_PATTERN}" ]; then dots="$(printf "%$(( $COLS - 3 - ${#RC_INDENTATION} - ${#msg} - 7 ))s" '')" while [ "${dots#${spaces}}" != "${dots}" ] ; do dots="${dots#${spaces}}${RC_DOT_PATTERN}" done msg="${msg}${dots}" else msg="${msg} ..." fi einfon "${msg}" [ "${RC_ENDCOL}" = "yes" ] && echo LAST_E_LEN=$(( 3 + ${#RC_INDENTATION} + ${#msg} )) LAST_E_CMD=ebegin return 0 } # void _eend(int error, char *efunc, char* errstr) # # indicate the completion of process, called from eend/ewend # if error, show errstr via efunc # # This function is private to functions.sh. Do not call it from a # script. # _eend() { local retval="${1:-0}" efunc="${2:-eerror}" msg shift 2 if [ "${retval}" -eq 0 ]; then [ "${RC_QUIET_STDOUT}" = "yes" ] && return 0 msg="${BRACKET}[ ${GOOD}ok${BRACKET} ]${NORMAL}" else if [ "$#" -gt 0 ] ; then "${efunc}" "$@" fi msg="${BRACKET}[ ${BAD}!!${BRACKET} ]${NORMAL}" fi if [ "${RC_ENDCOL}" = "yes" ]; then printf "${ENDCOL} ${msg}\n" else [ "${LAST_E_CMD}" = "ebegin" ] || LAST_E_LEN=0 printf "%$(( ${COLS} - ${LAST_E_LEN} - 6 ))s%b\n" '' "${msg}" fi return "${retval}" } # void eend(int error, char* errstr) # # indicate the completion of process # if error, show errstr via eerror # eend() { local retval="${1:-0}" shift _eend "${retval}" eerror "$@" LAST_E_CMD=eend return "$retval" } # void ewend(int error, char* errstr) # # indicate the completion of process # if error, show errstr via ewarn # ewend() { local retval="${1:-0}" shift _eend "${retval}" ewarn "$@" LAST_E_CMD=ewend return "$retval" } #}}} ## END OF FILE ################################################################# # vim:foldmethod=marker tw=80 ai expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2