# ------ Sample gkrellmrc configuration file -------- # Option settings here correspond (with some fuzz) to the default theme. # See the Themes file for a discussion of these options. # Change or add entries as required for your theme. author = "Eric R. Reitz " chart_width_min = 64 chart_width_max = 64 chart_width_ref = 64 allow_scaling = false # Frame sizes set to 0 means render frames to drawn dimension frame_top_height = 0 frame_bottom_height = 0 frame_left_width = 0 frame_right_width = 0 # Borders for images are specified with comma separated numbers in the order: # left border, right border, top border, bottom border frame_top_border = 2,2,0,0 frame_bottom_border = 2,2,0,0 frame_left_border = 0,0,0,0 frame_right_border = 0,0,0,0 # Colors for drawing data on charts. These apply to all chart monitors # so style settings for these are not possible. These do not apply # if you have data_in/out images. chart_in_color = #10d3d3 chart_in_color_grid = #00a3a3 chart_out_color = #f4ac4a chart_out_color_grid = #b47c20 # 0 (do) 1 (don't) draw top/bottom grid lines on charts. bg_grid_mode = 1 # Placement of the Rx/Tx LEDs in the panel area of net Chart monitors. rx_led_x = -14 rx_led_y = 11 tx_led_x = -1 tx_led_y = 11 # Horizontal placement of the time online display and button of the # timer_button Meter monitor. Negative x means place x pixels from right edge timer_time_x = 1 timer_button_x = -4 # used only if the theme has a bg_timer image. bg_timer_border = 2,2,2,2 button_panel_border = 2,2,2,2 button_meter_border = 2,2,2,2 # Fonts to use in the Style settings below. large_font = "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-p-*-*-*" normal_font = "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-p-*-*-*" small_font = "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-80-*-*-p-*-*-*" #Set the borders for the background slider trough images. bg_slider_panel_border = 1,1,1,1 bg_slider_meter_border = 1,1,1,1 # ========= Style settings for the monitors. ============ # Options can be set to apply globally to areas of all similar monitors, # or can be set to individually apply only to an area of a specific monitor. # This is done with Style lines which can have a global '*' scope name or a # specific monitor name. Since these theme specifications begin at # the monitor area level (see the Themes file), there are Style lines for # each area. There are StyleChart and StylePanel lines for the chart and # panel areas in the Chart monitors, and a StyleMeter line for the single # meter area in the Meter monitors. # It is not necessary for these lines to be in any particular order, more # specific style settings always override a global setting. # - textcolor arguments are color, shadow color, and drawing effect # (shadow or none). The '#' preceding the hex color values is required. # Enclose multiple word rgb.txt color names in quotes. # - see the Themes file for how monitors use alt_font and alt_textcolor. # # Settings for the chart areas of all Chart monitors. StyleChart *.border = 5,5,5,5 StyleChart *.font = normal_font StyleChart *.alt_font = small_font StyleChart *.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StyleChart *.alt_textcolor = #000000 #000000 none # Settings for the panel areas of all Chart monitors. StylePanel *.border = 0,0,11,2 StylePanel *.font = normal_font StylePanel *.alt_font = normal_font StylePanel *.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StylePanel *.alt_textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StylePanel *.label_position = 50 StylePanel net.label_position = 0 StylePanel *.margin = 3 StylePanel *.krell_x_hot = 63 StylePanel *.krell_depth = 65 StylePanel *.krell_yoff = 1 # Settings for the meter areas of all Meter monitors. StyleMeter *.border = 2,2,2,2 StyleMeter mem.border = 2,2,2,15 StyleMeter swap.border = 2,2,2,14 StyleMeter *.font = normal_font StyleMeter *.alt_font = small_font StyleMeter *.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StyleMeter *.alt_textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StyleMeter *.label_position = 50 StyleMeter *.margin = 3 StyleMeter *.krell_x_hot = -1 StyleMeter mem.krell_x_hot = 62 StyleMeter swap.krell_x_hot = 62 StyleMeter *.krell_depth = 1 StyleMeter mem.krell_depth = 65 StyleMeter swap.krell_depth = 65 StyleMeter *.krell_yoff = 1 StyleMeter mem.krell_yoff = 13 StyleMeter swap.krell_yoff = 14 # These are some of the custom settings for the meter areas of specific # meter monitors for the default theme. # These override any general '*' settings. StyleMeter apm.border = 3,3,2,2 StyleMeter apm.font = small_font * cal.font and cal.textcolor is for day of week and month name StyleMeter cal.font = small_font StyleMeter cal.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none # cal.alt_font is day of month StyleMeter cal.alt_font = large_font * clock.font and clock.textcolor is for hours & minutes # clock.alt_font and clock.alt_textcolor would be used for seconds or am/pm StyleMeter clock.font = large_font StyleMeter clock.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StyleMeter fs.border = 3,3,3,2 StyleMeter fs.label_position = 0 StyleMeter fs.alt_font = normal_font StyleMeter host.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StyleMeter mail.alt_textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StyleMeter timer.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none StyleMeter uptime.textcolor = #000000 #000000 none