# Filename: .irbrc # Purpose: configuration file for irb (interactive ruby) # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Die Sep 26 23:16:29 CEST 2006 [mika] ################################################################################ # we want to be able to use tab-completion in irb: require 'irb/completion' ARGV.concat [ "--readline", "--prompt-mode", "simple" ] # we want to get a history file of our session: module Readline module History LOG = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.irb-history" def self.write_log(line) File.open(LOG, 'ab') {|f| f << "#{line}\n"} end def self.start_session_log write_log("\n# session start: #{Time.now}\n\n") at_exit { write_log("\n# session stop: #{Time.now}\n") } end end alias :old_readline :readline def readline(*args) ln = old_readline(*args) begin History.write_log(ln) rescue end ln end end Readline::History.start_session_log # simple prompt? # IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :SIMPLE # prompt for easy copy/paste? start with irb --prompt xmp IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:XMP][:RETURN] = "\# => %s\n" # copy/paste from manpage: # IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME]="irb" # IRB.conf[:MATH_MODE]=false # IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER]=false # IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER]=false # IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT]=true # IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF]=false # IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE]=nil # IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = nil # IRB.conf[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT]=16 # IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = false # IRB.conf[:USE_READLINE] = nil # IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER] = false # IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT] = true # IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] = false # IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :DEFALUT # IRB.conf[:PROMPT] = {...} # IRB.conf[:DEBUG_LEVEL]=0 # IRB.conf[:VERBOSE]=true ## END OF FILE #################################################################