Module Developer Reference ========================== CONTRIBUTIONS ============= Contributions are always welcomed. The main communication happens in the #szs channel at There is also a mailinglist at To subscribe send a mail to with the following Subject: subscribe szs-devel SOURCE ====== We use the darcs ( Version Control System for the developement of szs. The main repository is at To get the source run 'darcs get'. To stay up-to-date run 'darcs pull'. If you want to submit patches please run the following 2 commands in the szs source directory: $ echo Yourname > _darcs/prefs/author $ echo > _darcs/prefs/email Make yourself familiar with darcs, a good manual is at To send us the patch simple run 'darcs send', the patch will be automatically forwarded to the mailinglist. HOWTO MAKE A MODULE =================== A szs module is a simple python script which has a main() function returning a list. The first item must be a statustext or ''. All other items are bars. Bars are those colored gauges at the right side of your statusbar. the following syntax applies to bars: %