################################################## # GLOBALS # ################################################## # Global variables... this variables are used by all modules # the script uses this file to log the debugmessages global.logfile=pyszs.log # Up to how many digits after comma should be roundet? global.accuracy=2 # (not all modules support that) # Debuglevel Reference: # # Level Name Demand # ===== ==== ====== # 0 None Show absolutly no debugmessages # 1 Critical Show only criticals (if the prog crashes) # 2 Warning Show warnmessages (the prog can override it) # 3 Debug Show all the stuff global.debuglevel=0 # time in seconds to re-calculate and re-call the modules global.interval=1 # separator thats separates the displayed texts (not the meters/bars!) # spaces are cognited global.seperator= | ################################################## # MAIN # ################################################## # the main program # The 'welcometext'. Set it to !NONE if you don't want it. main.welcome= # The modules to load. #main.modules=biff,battery,load,memory,bandwidth,clock,text,diskusage main.modules=load,memory,clock # The used remote programs # for wmi-10: main.prog_txt=/usr/bin/wmiremote -t main.prog_bar=/usr/bin/wmiremote -m # for wmi around version 10-current-710 and possibly wmii: #main.prog_txt=/usr/bin/wmir set /common/statusbar/text #main.prog_bar=/usr/bin/wmir set /common/meter/data ################################################## # BATTERY # ################################################## # battery module shows the load of your battery # if you deactivated your battery, set it to zero # (not needed in most cases, cause autocognition) battery.activate=1 # statefile (usually /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state) battery.batstate=/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state # infofile (usually /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info) battery.batinfo=/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info # use "animated" bar/meter if the battery is in loading state? battery.animbatload=1 # the bar label battery.label=bat # variables are possible to show the loadingstate in the label battery.tvar=-1 battery.lvar=1 # variable reference: # 0 shows nothing # 1 shows the procentual value # 2 shows the real value # 3 shows both # if tvar is a negative value, no text would be showed # if tvar is 0, /\ is showed if the battery is charging # and \/ is showed if it discharges ################################################## # BANDWIDTH # ################################################## # bandwidth monitors the bandwidth of given interfaces # define the interfaces to monitor (all values are in kBytes) # maxdown/up are optional. If a real value exceeds the given max value # the max value will be adjusted # syntax: :