# Filename: .zshrc # Purpose: config file for zsh # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Son Dez 09 22:58:07 CET 2007 [mika] ################################################################################ # source ~/.zshrc.global {{{ # see /etc/zsh/zshrc for some general settings # If you don't have write permissions to /etc/zsh/zshrc on your own # copy the file to your $HOME as /.zshrc.global and we source it: # Note, that xsource() is defined in the global file, so here, # we will have to do the sourcing manually for once: [[ -z "$ZSHRC_GLOBAL_HAS_BEEN_READ" ]] \ && [[ -r "${HOME}/.zshrc.global" ]] \ && source "${HOME}/.zshrc.global" # }}} # check whether global file has been read {{{ if [[ -z "$ZSHRC_GLOBAL_HAS_BEEN_READ" ]] ; then print 'Warning: global zsh config has not been read.' >&2 print ' prepare for possible errors!' >&2 fi # }}} # autoloading stuff {{{ # associate types and extensions (be aware with perl scripts and anwanted behaviour!) # check_com zsh-mime-setup || { autoload zsh-mime-setup && zsh-mime-setup } # alias -s pl='perl -S' # }}} # completion system {{{ # just make sure it is loaded in this file too check_com compinit || { autoload -U compinit && compinit } # }}} # make sure isgrmlsmall is defined {{{ check_com isgrmlsmall || function isgrmlsmall () { return 1 } # }}} ## variables {{{ # do you want grmlsmall-specific adjustments? GRMLSMALL_SPECIFIC=1 # set terminal property (used e.g. by msgid-chooser) export COLORTERM="yes" # set default browser if [[ -z "$BROWSER" ]] ; then if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" ]] ; then #v# If X11 is running check_com -c firefox && export BROWSER=firefox else #v# If no X11 is running check_com -c w3m && export BROWSER=w3m fi fi #v# (( ${+PAGER} )) || export PAGER="less" #m# v QTDIR \kbd{/usr/share/qt[34]}\quad [for non-root only] [[ -d /usr/share/qt3 ]] && export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3 [[ -d /usr/share/qt4 ]] && export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt4 # support running 'jikes *.java && jamvm HelloWorld' OOTB: #v# [for non-root only] [[ -f /usr/share/classpath/glibj.zip ]] && export JIKESPATH=/usr/share/classpath/glibj.zip # }}} ## set options {{{ # Allow comments even in interactive shells i. e. # $ uname # This command prints system informations # zsh: bad pattern: # # $ setopt interactivecomments # $ uname # This command prints system informations # Linux # setopt interactivecomments # ctrl-s will no longer freeze the terminal. # stty erase "^?" # }}} # {{{ global aliases # These do not have to be at the beginning of the command line. # Avoid typing cd ../../ for going two dirs down and so on # Usage, e.g.: "$ cd ...' or just '$ ...' with 'setopt auto_cd' # Notice: deactivated by 061112 by default, we use another approach # known as "power completion / abbreviation expansion" # alias -g '...'='../..' # alias -g '....'='../../..' # alias -g BG='& exit' # alias -g C='|wc -l' # alias -g G='|grep' # alias -g H='|head' # alias -g Hl=' --help |& less -r' # alias -g K='|keep' # alias -g L='|less' # alias -g LL='|& less -r' # alias -g M='|most' # alias -g N='&>/dev/null' # alias -g R='| tr A-z N-za-m' # alias -g SL='| sort | less' # alias -g S='| sort' # alias -g T='|tail' # alias -g V='| vim -' # }}} ## aliases {{{ # Xterm resizing-fu. # Based on http://svn.kitenet.net/trunk/home-full/.zshrc?rev=11710&view=log (by Joey Hess) alias hide='echo -en "\033]50;nil2\007"' alias tiny='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-80-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15\007"' alias small='echo -en "\033]50;6x10\007"' alias medium='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-80-iso8859-15\007"' alias default='echo -e "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15\007"' alias large='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-150-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15\007"' alias huge='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-210-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15\007"' alias smartfont='echo -en "\033]50;-artwiz-smoothansi-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*\007"' alias semifont='echo -en "\033]50;-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-15\007"' # if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" ]] && [[ "$LINES" -ge 50 ]] && [[ "$COLUMNS" -ge 100 ]] && [[ -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]] ; then # large # fi # general #a2# Execute \kbd{du -sch} alias da='du -sch' #a2# Execute \kbd{jobs -l} alias j='jobs -l' # alias u='translate -i' # translate # compile stuff #a2# Execute \kbd{./configure} alias CO="./configure" #a2# Execute \kbd{./configure --help} alias CH="./configure --help" # http://conkeror.mozdev.org/ #a2# Run a keyboard driven firefox alias conkeror='firefox -chrome chrome://conkeror/content' # arch/tla stuff if check_com -c tla ; then #a2# Execute \kbd{tla what-changed --diffs | less} alias tdi='tla what-changed --diffs | less' #a2# Execute \kbd{tla-buildpackage} alias tbp='tla-buildpackage' #a2# Execute \kbd{tla archive-mirror} alias tmi='tla archive-mirror' #a2# Execute \kbd{tla commit} alias tco='tla commit' #a2# Execute \kbd{tla star-merge} alias tme='tla star-merge' fi # listing stuff #a2# Execute \kbd{ls -lSrah} alias dir="ls -lSrah" #a2# Only show dot-directories alias lad='ls -d .*(/)' # only show dot-directories #a2# Only show dot-files alias lsa='ls -a .*(.)' # only show dot-files #a2# Only files with setgid/setuid/sticky flag alias lss='ls -l *(s,S,t)' # only files with setgid/setuid/sticky flag #a2# Only show 1st ten symlinks alias lsl='ls -l *(@[1,10])' # only symlinks #a2# Display only executables alias lsx='ls -l *(*[1,10])' # only executables #a2# Display world-{readable,writable,executable} files alias lsw='ls -ld *(R,W,X.^ND/)' # world-{readable,writable,executable} files #a2# Display the ten biggest files alias lsbig="ls -flh *(.OL[1,10])" # display the biggest files #a2# Only show directories alias lsd='ls -d *(/)' # only show directories #a2# Only show empty directories alias lse='ls -d *(/^F)' # only show empty directories #a2# Display the ten newest files alias lsnew="ls -rl *(D.om[1,10])" # display the newest files #a2# Display the ten oldest files alias lsold="ls -rtlh *(D.om[1,10])" # display the oldest files #a2# Display the ten smallest files alias lssmall="ls -Srl *(.oL[1,10])" # display the smallest files # chmod #a2# Execute \kbd{chmod 600} alias rw-='chmod 600' #a2# Execute \kbd{chmod 700} alias rwx='chmod 700' #m# a2 r-{}- Execute \kbd{chmod 644} alias r--='chmod 644' #a2# Execute \kbd{chmod 755} alias r-x='chmod 755' # some useful aliases #a2# Execute \kbd{mkdir -o} alias md='mkdir -p' check_com -c ipython && alias ips='ipython -p sh' # console stuff #a2# Execute \kbd{mplayer -vo fbdev} alias cmplayer='mplayer -vo fbdev' #a2# Execute \kbd{mplayer -vo fbdev -fs -zoom} alias fbmplayer='mplayer -vo fbdev -fs -zoom' #a2# Execute \kbd{links2 -driver fb} alias fblinks='links2 -driver fb' # ignore ~/.ssh/known_hosts entries # alias insecssh='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive"' #a2# ssh with StrictHostKeyChecking=no \\&\quad and UserKnownHostsFile unset alias insecssh='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"' alias insecscp='scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"' # Use 'g' instead of 'git': check_com g || alias g='git' # use colors when browsing man pages, but only if not using LESS_TERMCAP_* from /etc/zsh/zshenv: if [[ -z "$LESS_TERMCAP_md" ]] ; then [[ -d ~/.terminfo/ ]] && alias man='TERMINFO=~/.terminfo/ LESS=C TERM=mostlike PAGER=less man' fi # check whether Debian's package management (dpkg) is running if check_com salias ; then #a2# Check whether a dpkg instance is currently running salias check_dpkg_running="dpkg_running" fi # work around non utf8 capable software in utf environment via $LANG and luit if check_com isutfenv && check_com luit ; then if check_com -c mrxvt ; then isutfenv && [[ -n "$LANG" ]] && \ alias mrxvt="LANG=${LANG/(#b)(*)[.@]*/$match[1].iso885915} luit mrxvt" fi if check_com -c aterm ; then isutfenv && [[ -n "$LANG" ]] && \ alias aterm="LANG=${LANG/(#b)(*)[.@]*/$match[1].iso885915} luit aterm" fi if check_com -c centericq ; then isutfenv && [[ -n "$LANG" ]] && \ alias centericq="LANG=${LANG/(#b)(*)[.@]*/$match[1].iso885915} luit centericq" fi fi # }}} ## useful functions {{{ # searching #f4# Search for newspostings from authors agoogle() { ${=BROWSER} "http://groups.google.com/groups?as_uauthors=$*" ; } #f4# Search Debian Bug Tracking System by BugID in mbox format debbug() { setopt localoptions extendedglob if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then case "$1" in ([0-9]##) ${=BROWSER} "http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=$1" ;; (*@*) ${=BROWSER} "http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?submitter=$1" ;; (*) ${=BROWSER} "http://bugs.debian.org/$*" ;; esac else print "$0 needs one argument" return 1 fi } #f4# Search Debian Bug Tracking System debbugm() { bts show --mbox $1 } # provide bugnummer as "$1" #f4# Search DMOZ dmoz() { ${=BROWSER} http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search\?search=${1// /_} } #f4# Search German Wiktionary dwicti() { ${=BROWSER} http://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/${(C)1// /_} } #f4# Search English Wiktionary ewicti() { ${=BROWSER} http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/${(C)1// /_} } #f4# Search Google Groups ggogle() { ${=BROWSER} "http://groups.google.com/groups?q=$*" } #f4# Search Google google() { ${=BROWSER} "http://www.google.com/search?&num=100&q=$*" } #f4# Search Google Groups for MsgID mggogle() { ${=BROWSER} "http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=$*" } #f4# Search Netcraft netcraft(){ ${=BROWSER} "http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report?url=$1" } #f4# Use German Wikipedia's full text search swiki() { ${=BROWSER} http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spezial:Search/${(C)1} } #f4# search \kbd{dict.leo.org} oleo() { ${=BROWSER} "http://dict.leo.org/?search=$*" } #f4# Search German Wikipedia wikide() { ${=BROWSER} http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/"${(C)*}" } #f4# Search English Wikipedia wikien() { ${=BROWSER} http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"${(C)*}" } #f4# Search official debs wodeb() { ${=BROWSER} "http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=$1&searchon=contents&suite=${2:=unstable}§ion=all" } #m# f4 gex() Exact search via Google check_com google && gex () { google "\"[ $1]\" $*" } # exact search at google # misc #f5# Backup \kbd{file {\rm to} file\_timestamp} bk() { cp -b ${1} ${1}_`date --iso-8601=m` } #f5# Copied diff cdiff() { diff -crd "$*" | egrep -v "^Only in |^Binary files " } #f5# cd to directoy and list files cl() { cd $1 && ls -a } # cd && ls #f5# Cvs add cvsa() { cvs add $* && cvs com -m 'initial checkin' $* } #f5# Cvs diff cvsd() { cvs diff -N $* |& $PAGER } #f5# Cvs log cvsl() { cvs log $* |& $PAGER } #f5# Cvs update cvsq() { cvs -nq update } #f5# Rcs2log cvsr() { rcs2log $* | $PAGER } #f5# Cvs status cvss() { cvs status -v $* } #f5# Disassemble source files using gcc and as disassemble(){ gcc -pipe -S -o - -O -g $* | as -aldh -o /dev/null } #f5# Firefox remote control - open given URL fir() { firefox -a firefox -remote "openURL($1)" } #f5# Create Directoy and \kbd{cd} to it mcd() { mkdir -p "$@"; cd "$@" } # mkdir && cd #f5# Unified diff to timestamped outputfile mdiff() { diff -udrP "$1" "$2" > diff.`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`."$1" } #f5# Memory overview memusage(){ ps aux | awk '{if (NR > 1) print $5; if (NR > 2) print "+"} END { print "p" }' | dc } #f5# Show contents of tar file shtar() { gunzip -c $1 | tar -tf - -- | $PAGER } #f5# Show contents of tgz file shtgz() { tar -ztf $1 | $PAGER } #f5# Show contents of zip file shzip() { unzip -l $1 | $PAGER } #f5# Greps signature from file sig() { agrep -d '^-- $' "$*" ~/.Signature } #f5# Unified diff udiff() { diff -urd $* | egrep -v "^Only in |^Binary files " } #f5# (Mis)use \kbd{vim} as \kbd{less} viless() { vim --cmd 'let no_plugin_maps = 1' -c "so \$VIMRUNTIME/macros/less.vim" "${@:--}" } # download video from youtube ytdl() { if ! [[ -n "$2" ]] ; then print "Usage: ydtl http://youtube.com/watch?v=.... outputfile.flv">&2 return 1 else wget -O${2} "http://youtube.com/get_video?"${${${"$(wget -o/dev/null -O- "${1}" | grep -e watch_fullscreen)"}##*watch_fullscreen\?}%%\&fs=*} fi } # Function Usage: doc packagename #f5# \kbd{cd} to /usr/share/doc/\textit{package} doc() { cd /usr/share/doc/$1 && ls } _doc() { _files -W /usr/share/doc -/ } check_com compdef && compdef _doc doc #f5# Make screenshot sshot() { [[ ! -d ~/shots ]] && mkdir ~/shots #cd ~/shots ; sleep 5 ; import -window root -depth 8 -quality 80 `date "+%Y-%m-%d--%H:%M:%S"`.png cd ~/shots ; sleep 5; import -window root shot_`date --iso-8601=m`.jpg } # list images only limg() { local -a images images=( *.{jpg,gif,png}(.N) ) if [[ $#images -eq 0 ]] ; then print "No image files found" else ls "$@" "$images[@]" fi } #f5# Create PDF file from source code makereadable() { output=$1 shift a2ps --medium A4dj -E -o $output $* ps2pdf $output } # zsh with perl-regex - use it e.g. via: # regcheck '\s\d\.\d{3}\.\d{3} Euro' ' 1.000.000 Euro' #f5# Checks whether a regex matches or not.\\&\quad Example: \kbd{regcheck '.\{3\} EUR' '500 EUR'} regcheck() { zmodload -i zsh/pcre pcre_compile $1 && \ pcre_match $2 && echo "regex matches" || echo "regex does not match" } #f5# List files which have been modified within the last {\it n} days new() { print -l *(m-$1) } #f5# Grep in history greph() { history 0 | grep $1 } # use colors when GNU grep with color-support #a2# Execute \kbd{grep -{}-color=auto} (grep --help 2>/dev/null |grep -- --color) >/dev/null && alias grep='grep --color=auto' #a2# Execute \kbd{grep -i -{}-color=auto} alias GREP='grep -i --color=auto' # one blank line between each line if [[ -r ~/.terminfo/m/mostlike ]] ; then # alias man2='MANPAGER="sed -e G |less" TERMINFO=~/.terminfo TERM=mostlike /usr/bin/man' #f5# Watch manpages in a stretched style man2() { PAGER='dash -c "sed G | /usr/bin/less"' TERM=mostlike /usr/bin/man "$@" ; } fi # d():Copyright 2005 Nikolai Weibull # notice: option AUTO_PUSHD has to be set #f5# Jump between directories d() { emulate -L zsh autoload -U colors local color=$fg_bold[blue] integer i=0 dirs -p | while read dir; do local num="${$(printf "%-4d " $i)/ /.}" printf " %s $color%s$reset_color\n" $num $dir (( i++ )) done integer dir=-1 read -r 'dir?Jump to directory: ' || return (( dir == -1 )) && return if (( dir < 0 || dir >= i )); then echo d: no such directory stack entry: $dir return 1 fi cd ~$dir } # usage example: 'lcheck strcpy' #f5# Find out which libs define a symbol lcheck() { if [[ -n "$1" ]] ; then nm -go /usr/lib/lib*.a 2>/dev/null | grep ":[[:xdigit:]]\{8\} . .*$1" else echo "Usage: lcheck " >&2 fi } #f5# Clean up directory - remove well known tempfiles purge() { FILES=(*~(N) .*~(N) \#*\#(N) *.o(N) a.out(N) *.core(N) *.cmo(N) *.cmi(N) .*.swp(N)) NBFILES=${#FILES} if [[ $NBFILES > 0 ]] ; then print $FILES local ans echo -n "Remove these files? [y/n] " read -q ans if [[ $ans == "y" ]] ; then rm ${FILES} echo ">> $PWD purged, $NBFILES files removed" else echo "Ok. .. than not.." fi fi } # Translate DE<=>EN # 'translate' looks up fot a word in a file with language-to-language # translations (field separator should be " : "). A typical wordlist looks # like at follows: # | english-word : german-transmission # It's also only possible to translate english to german but not reciprocal. # Use the following oneliner to turn back the sort order: # $ awk -F ':' '{ print $2" : "$1" "$3 }' \ # /usr/local/lib/words/en-de.ISO-8859-1.vok > ~/.translate/de-en.ISO-8859-1.vok #f5# Translates a word trans() { case "$1" in -[dD]*) translate -l de-en $2 ;; -[eE]*) translate -l en-de $2 ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 { -D | -E }" echo " -D == German to English" echo " -E == English to German" esac } # Some quick Perl-hacks aka /useful/ oneliner # bew() { perl -le 'print unpack "B*","'$1'"' } # web() { perl -le 'print pack "B*","'$1'"' } # hew() { perl -le 'print unpack "H*","'$1'"' } # weh() { perl -le 'print pack "H*","'$1'"' } # pversion() { perl -M$1 -le "print $1->VERSION" } # i. e."pversion LWP -> 5.79" # getlinks () { perl -ne 'while ( m/"((www|ftp|http):\/\/.*?)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* } # gethrefs () { perl -ne 'while ( m/href="([^"]*)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* } # getanames () { perl -ne 'while ( m/a name="([^"]*)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* } # getforms () { perl -ne 'while ( m:(\):gic ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* } # getstrings () { perl -ne 'while ( m/"(.*?)"/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $*} # getanchors () { perl -ne 'while ( m/«([^«»\n]+)»/gc ) { print $1, "\n"; }' $* } # showINC () { perl -e 'for (@INC) { printf "%d %s\n", $i++, $_ }' } # vimpm () { vim `perldoc -l $1 | sed -e 's/pod$/pm/'` } # vimhelp () { vim -c "help $1" -c on -c "au! VimEnter *" } #f5# List all occurrences of programm in current PATH plap() { if [[ $# = 0 ]] ; then echo "Usage: $0 program" echo "Example: $0 zsh" echo "Lists all occurrences of program in the current PATH." else ls -l ${^path}/*$1*(*N) fi } # Found in the mailinglistarchive from Zsh (IIRC ~1996) #f5# Select items for specific command(s) from history selhist() { emulate -L zsh local TAB=$'\t'; (( $# < 1 )) && { echo "Usage: $0 command" return 1 }; cmd=(${(f)"$(grep -w $1 $HISTFILE | sort | uniq | pr -tn)"}) print -l $cmd | less -F echo -n "enter number of desired command [1 - $(( ${#cmd[@]} - 1 ))]: " local answer read answer print -z "${cmd[$answer]#*$TAB}" } # Use vim to convert plaintext to HTML #f5# Transform files to html with highlighting 2html() { vim -u NONE -n -c ':syntax on' -c ':so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim' -c ':wqa' $1 &>/dev/null } # Usage: simple-extract #f5# Smart archive extractor simple-extract () { if [[ -f $1 ]] ; then case $1 in *.tar.bz2) bzip2 -v -d $1 ;; *.tar.gz) tar -xvzf $1 ;; *.rar) unrar $1 ;; *.deb) ar -x $1 ;; *.bz2) bzip2 -d $1 ;; *.lzh) lha x $1 ;; *.gz) gunzip -d $1 ;; *.tar) tar -xvf $1 ;; *.tgz) gunzip -d $1 ;; *.tbz2) tar -jxvf $1 ;; *.zip) unzip $1 ;; *.Z) uncompress $1 ;; *) echo "'$1' Error. Please go away" ;; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid file" fi } # Usage: smartcompress () #f5# Smart archive creator smartcompress() { if [[ -n $2 ]] ; then case $2 in tgz | tar.gz) tar -zcvf$1.$2 $1 ;; tbz2 | tar.bz2) tar -jcvf$1.$2 $1 ;; tar.Z) tar -Zcvf$1.$2 $1 ;; tar) tar -cvf$1.$2 $1 ;; gz | gzip) gzip $1 ;; bz2 | bzip2) bzip2 $1 ;; *) echo "Error: $2 is not a valid compression type" ;; esac else smartcompress $1 tar.gz fi } # Usage: show-archive #f5# List an archive's content show-archive() { if [[ -f $1 ]] ; then case $1 in *.tar.gz) gunzip -c $1 | tar -tf - -- ;; *.tar) tar -tf $1 ;; *.tgz) tar -ztf $1 ;; *.zip) unzip -l $1 ;; *.bz2) bzless $1 ;; *) echo "'$1' Error. Please go away" ;; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid archive" fi } # It's shameless stolen from #f5# Use \kbd{vim} as your manpage reader vman() { man $* | col -b | view -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist' - } # function readme() { $PAGER -- (#ia3)readme* } #f5# View all README-like files in current directory in pager readme() { local files files=(./(#i)*(read*me|lue*m(in|)ut)*(ND)) if (($#files)) ; then $PAGER $files else print 'No README files.' fi } # suidfind() { ls -latg $path | grep '^...s' } #f5# Find all files in \$PATH with setuid bit set suidfind() { ls -latg $path/*(sN) } # See above but this is /better/ ... anywise .. findsuid() { print 'Output will be written to ~/suid_* ...' $SUDO find / -type f \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -ls > ~/suid_suidfiles.`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.out 2>&1 $SUDO find / -type d \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -ls > ~/suid_suiddirs.`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.out 2>&1 $SUDO find / -type f \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \) -ls > ~/suid_writefiles.`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.out 2>&1 $SUDO find / -type d \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \) -ls > ~/suid_writedirs.`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.out 2>&1 print 'Finished' } #f5# Reload given functions refunc() { for func in $argv ; do unfunction $func autoload $func done } # a small check to see which DIR is located on which server/partition. # stolen and modified from Sven's zshrc.forall #f5# Report diskusage of a directory dirspace() { if [[ -n "$1" ]] ; then for dir in $* ; do if [[ -d "$dir" ]] ; then ( cd $dir; echo "-<$dir>"; du -shx .; echo); else echo "warning: $dir does not exist" >&2 fi done else for dir in $path; do if [[ -d "$dir" ]] ; then ( cd $dir; echo "-<$dir>"; du -shx .; echo); else echo "warning: $dir does not exist" >&2 fi done fi } # % slow_print `cat /etc/passwd` #f5# Slowly print out parameters slow_print() { for argument in "${@}" ; do for ((i = 1; i <= ${#1} ;i++)) ; do print -n "${argument[i]}" sleep 0.08 done print -n " " done print "" } #f5# Show some status info status() { print "" print "Date..: "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"" print "Shell.: Zsh $ZSH_VERSION (PID = $$, $SHLVL nests)" print "Term..: $TTY ($TERM), $BAUD bauds, $COLUMNS x $LINES cars" print "Login.: $LOGNAME (UID = $EUID) on $HOST" print "System: $(cat /etc/[A-Za-z]*[_-][rv]e[lr]*)" print "Uptime:$(uptime)" print "" } # Rip an audio CD #f5# Rip an audio CD audiorip() { mkdir -p ~/ripps cd ~/ripps cdrdao read-cd --device $DEVICE --driver generic-mmc audiocd.toc cdrdao read-cddb --device $DEVICE --driver generic-mmc audiocd.toc echo " * Would you like to burn the cd now? (yes/no)" read input if [[ "$input" = "yes" ]] ; then echo " ! Burning Audio CD" audioburn echo " * done." else echo " ! Invalid response." fi } # and burn it #f5# Burn an audio CD (in combination with audiorip) audioburn() { cd ~/ripps cdrdao write --device $DEVICE --driver generic-mmc audiocd.toc echo " * Should I remove the temporary files? (yes/no)" read input if [[ "$input" = "yes" ]] ; then echo " ! Removing Temporary Files." cd ~ rm -rf ~/ripps echo " * done." else echo " ! Invalid response." fi } #f5# Make an audio CD from all mp3 files mkaudiocd() { # TODO: do the renaming more zshish, possibly with zmv() cd ~/ripps for i in *.[Mm][Pp]3; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`; done for i in *.mp3; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`; done for i in *.mp3; do mpg123 -w `basename $i .mp3`.wav $i; done normalize -m *.wav for i in *.wav; do sox $i.wav -r 44100 $i.wav resample; done } #f5# Create an ISO image. You are prompted for\\&\quad volume name, filename and directory mkiso() { echo " * Volume name " read volume echo " * ISO Name (ie. tmp.iso)" read iso echo " * Directory or File" read files mkisofs -o ~/$iso -A $volume -allow-multidot -J -R -iso-level 3 -V $volume -R $files } #f5# Simple thumbnails generator genthumbs() { rm -rf thumb-* index.html echo " Images " > index.html for f in *.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png) ; do convert -size 100x200 "$f" -resize 100x200 thumb-"$f" echo " " >> index.html done echo " " >> index.html } #f5# Set all ulimit parameters to \kbd{unlimited} allulimit() { ulimit -c unlimited ulimit -d unlimited ulimit -f unlimited ulimit -l unlimited ulimit -n unlimited ulimit -s unlimited ulimit -t unlimited } # ogg2mp3 with bitrate of 192 ogg2mp3_192() { oggdec -o - ${1} | lame -b 192 - ${1:r}.mp3 } #f5# RFC 2396 URL encoding in Z-Shell urlencode() { setopt localoptions extendedglob input=( ${(s::)1} ) print ${(j::)input/(#b)([^A-Za-z0-9_.!~*\'\(\)-])/%$(([##16]#match))} } #f5# Install x-lite (VoIP software) getxlite() { setopt local_options setopt errreturn [[ -d ~/tmp ]] || mkdir ~/tmp cd ~/tmp echo "Downloading http://www.counterpath.com/download/X-Lite_Install.tar.gz and storing it in ~/tmp:" if wget http://www.counterpath.com/download/X-Lite_Install.tar.gz ; then unp X-Lite_Install.tar.gz && echo done || echo failed else echo "Error while downloading." ; return 1 fi if [[ -x xten-xlite/xtensoftphone ]] ; then echo "Execute xten-xlite/xtensoftphone to start xlite." fi } #f5# Install skype getskype() { setopt local_options setopt errreturn echo "Downloading debian package of skype." echo "Notice: If you want to use a more recent skype version run 'getskypebeta'." wget http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb $SUDO dpkg -i skype*.deb && echo "skype installed." } #f5# Install beta-version of skype getskypebeta() { setopt local_options setopt errreturn echo "Downloading debian package of skype (beta version)." wget http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-deb $SUDO dpkg -i skype-beta*.deb && echo "skype installed." } #f5# Install gizmo (VoIP software) getgizmo() { setopt local_options setopt errreturn echo "gconf2-common and libgconf2-4 have to be available. Installing therefor." $SUDO apt-get update $SUDO apt-get install gconf2-common libgconf2-4 wget $(lynx --dump http://www.gizmoproject.com/download-linux.html | awk '/\.deb/ {print $2" "}' | tr -d '\n') $SUDO dpkg -i libsipphoneapi*.deb bonjour_*.deb gizmo-*.deb && echo "gizmo installed." } #f5# Get and run AIR (Automated Image and Restore) getair() { setopt local_options setopt errreturn [[ -w . ]] || { echo 'Error: you do not have write permissions in this directory. Exiting.' ; return 1 } local VER='1.2.8' wget http://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/air-imager/air-$VER.tar.gz tar zxf air-$VER.tar.gz cd air-$VER INTERACTIVE=no $SUDO ./install-air-1.2.8 [[ -x /usr/local/bin/air ]] && [[ -n "$DISPLAY" ]] && $SUDO air } #f5# Get specific git commitdiff git-get-diff() { if [[ -z $GITTREE ]] ; then GITTREE='linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git' fi if ! [[ -z $1 ]] ; then ${=BROWSER} "http://kernel.org/git/?p=$GITTREE;a=commitdiff;h=$1" else echo "Usage: git-get-diff " fi } #f5# Get specific git commit git-get-commit() { if [[ -z $GITTREE ]] ; then GITTREE='linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git' fi if ! [[ -z $1 ]] ; then ${=BROWSER} "http://kernel.org/git/?p=$GITTREE;a=commit;h=$1" else echo "Usage: git-get-commit " fi } #f5# Get specific git diff git-get-plaindiff() { if [[ -z $GITTREE ]] ; then GITTREE='linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git' fi if ! [[ -z $1 ]] ; then wget "http://kernel.org/git/?p=$GITTREE;a=commitdiff_plain;h=$1" -O $1.diff else echo 'Usage: git-get-plaindiff ' fi } # http://strcat.de/blog/index.php?/archives/335-Software-sauber-deinstallieren...html #f5# Log 'make install' output mmake() { [[ ! -d ~/.errorlogs ]] && mkdir ~/.errorlogs make -n install > ~/.errorlogs/${PWD##*/}-makelog } #f5# Indent source code smart-indent() { indent -npro -kr -i8 -ts8 -sob -l80 -ss -ncs $* } # highlight important stuff in diff output, usage example: hg diff | hidiff #m# a2 hidiff \kbd{histring} oneliner for diffs check_com -c histring && \ alias hidiff="histring -fE '^Comparing files .*|^diff .*' | histring -c yellow -fE '^\-.*' | histring -c green -fE '^\+.*'" # rename pictures based on information found in exif headers #f5# Rename pictures based on information found in exif headers exirename() { if [[ $# -lt 1 ]] ; then echo 'Usage: jpgrename $FILES' >& 2 return 1 else echo -n 'Checking for jhead with version newer than 1.9: ' jhead_version=`jhead -h | grep 'used by most Digital Cameras. v.*' | awk '{print $6}' | tr -d v` if [[ $jhead_version > '1.9' ]]; then echo 'success - now running jhead.' jhead -n%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%M_%f $* else echo 'failed - exiting.' fi fi } # open file in vim and jump to line # http://www.downgra.de/archives/2007/05/08/T19_21_11/ j2v() { local -a params params=(${*//(#m):[0-9]*:/\\n+${MATCH//:/}}) # replace ':23:' to '\n+23' params=(${(s|\n|)${(j|\n|)params}}) # join array using '\n', then split on all '\n' vim ${params} } # get_ic() - queries imap servers for capabilities; real simple. no imaps ic_get() { local port if [[ ! -z $1 ]] ; then port=${2:-143} print "querying imap server on $1:${port}...\n"; print "a1 capability\na2 logout\n" | nc $1 ${port} else print "usage:\n $0 [port]" fi } # creates a Maildir/ with its {new,cur,tmp} subdirs mkmaildir() { local root subdir root=${MAILDIR_ROOT:-${HOME}/Mail} if [[ -z ${1} ]] ; then print "Usage:\n $0 " ; return 1 ; fi subdir=${1} mkdir -p ${root}/${subdir}/{cur,new,tmp} } # xtrename() rename xterm from within GNU-screen xtrename() { if [[ -z ${DISPLAY} ]] ; then printf 'xtrename only makes sense in X11.\n' return 1 fi if [[ -z ${1} ]] ; then printf 'usage: xtrename() "title for xterm"\n' printf ' renames the title of xterm from _within_ screen.\n' printf ' Also works without screen.\n' return 0 fi print -n "\eP\e]0;${1}\C-G\e\\" return 0 } # hl() highlighted less # http://ft.bewatermyfriend.org/comp/data/zsh/zfunct.html if check_com -c highlight ; then function hl() { local theme lang theme=${HL_THEME:-""} case ${1} in (-l|--list) ( printf 'available languages (syntax parameter):\n\n' ; highlight --list-langs ; ) | less -SMr ;; (-t|--themes) ( printf 'available themes (style parameter):\n\n' ; highlight --list-themes ; ) | less -SMr ;; (-h|--help) printf 'usage: hl \n' printf ' available options: --list (-l), --themes (-t), --help (-h)\n\n' printf ' Example: hl c main.c\n' ;; (*) if [[ -z ${2} ]] || (( ${#argv} > 2 )) ; then printf 'usage: hl \n' printf ' available options: --list (-l), --themes (-t), --help (-h)\n' (( ${#argv} > 2 )) && printf ' Too many arguments.\n' return 1 fi lang=${1%:*} [[ ${1} == *:* ]] && [[ -n ${1#*:} ]] && theme=${1#*:} if [[ -n ${theme} ]] ; then highlight --xterm256 --syntax ${lang} --style ${theme} ${2} | less -SMr else highlight --ansi --syntax ${lang} ${2} | less -SMr fi ;; esac return 0 } # ... and a proper completion for hl() # needs 'highlight' as well, so it fits fine in here. function _hl_genarg() { local expl if [[ -prefix 1 *: ]] ; then local themes themes=(${${${(f)"$(LC_ALL=C highlight --list-themes)"}/ #/}:#*(Installed|Use name)*}) compset -P 1 '*:' _wanted -C list themes expl theme compadd ${themes} else local langs langs=(${${${(f)"$(LC_ALL=C highlight --list-langs)"}/ #/}:#*(Installed|Use name)*}) _wanted -C list languages expl languages compadd -S ':' -q ${langs} fi } function _hl_complete() { _arguments -s '1: :_hl_genarg' '2:files:_path_files' } compdef _hl_complete hl fi # create small urls via tinyurl.com using wget, grep and sed zurl() { [[ -z ${1} ]] && print "please give an url to shrink." && return 1 local url=${1} local tiny="http://tinyurl.com/create.php?url=" #print "${tiny}${url}" ; return wget -O- \ -o/dev/null \ "${tiny}${url}" \ | grep -Eio 'value="(http://tinyurl.com/.*)"' \ | sed 's/value=//;s/"//g' } # change fluxbox keys from 'Alt-#' to 'Alt-F#' and vice versa fluxkey-change() { [[ -n "$FLUXKEYS" ]] || local FLUXKEYS="$HOME/.fluxbox/keys" if ! [[ -r "$FLUXKEYS" ]] ; then echo "Sorry, \$FLUXKEYS file $FLUXKEYS could not be read - nothing to be done." return 1 else if grep -q 'Mod1 F[0-9] :Workspace [0-9]' $FLUXKEYS ; then echo -n 'Switching to Alt-# mode in ~/.fluxbox/keys: ' sed -i -e 's|^\(Mod[0-9]\+[: space :]\+\)F\([0-9]\+[: space :]\+:Workspace.*\)|\1\2|' $FLUXKEYS && echo done || echo failed elif grep -q 'Mod1 [0-9] :Workspace [0-9]' $FLUXKEYS ; then echo -n 'Switching to Alt-F# mode in ~/.fluxbox/keys: ' sed -i -e 's|^\(Mod[0-9]\+[: space :]\+\)\([0-9]\+[: space :]\+:Workspace.*\)|\1F\2|' $FLUXKEYS && echo done || echo failed else echo 'Sorry, do not know what to do.' return 1 fi fi } # retrieve weather information on the console # Usage example: 'weather LOWG' weather() { [[ -n "$1" ]] || { print 'Usage: weather ' >&2 return 1 } local PLACE="${1:u}" local FILE="$HOME/.weather/$PLACE" local LOG="$HOME/.weather/log" [[ -d $HOME/.weather ]] || { print -n "Creating $HOME/.weather: " mkdir $HOME/.weather print 'done' } print "Retrieving information for ${PLACE}:" print wget -T 10 --no-verbose --output-file=$LOG --output-document=$FILE --timestamping http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/$PLACE.TXT if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then if [[ -n "$VERBOSE" ]] ; then cat $FILE else DATE=$(grep 'UTC' $FILE | sed 's#.* /##') TEMPERATURE=$(awk '/Temperature/ { print $4" degree Celcius / " $2" degree Fahrenheit" }' $FILE| tr -d '(') echo "date: $DATE" echo "temp: $TEMPERATURE" fi else print "There was an error retrieving the weather information for $PLACE" >&2 cat $LOG return 1 fi } # }}} # mercurial related stuff {{{ if check_com -c hg ; then # gnu like diff for mercurial # http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/TipsAndTricks #f5# GNU like diff for mercurial hgdi() { for i in $(hg status -marn "$@") ; diff -ubwd <(hg cat "$i") "$i" } # build debian package #a2# Alias for \kbd{hg-buildpackage} alias hbp='hg-buildpackage' # execute commands on the versioned patch-queue from the current repos alias mq='hg -R $(readlink -f $(hg root)/.hg/patches)' # diffstat for specific version of a mercurial repository # hgstat => display diffstat between last revision and tip # hgstat 1234 => display diffstat between revision 1234 and tip #f5# Diffstat for specific version of a mercurial repos hgstat() { [[ -n "$1" ]] && hg diff -r $1 -r tip | diffstat || hg export tip | diffstat } #f5# Get current mercurial tip via hg itself gethgclone() { setopt local_options setopt errreturn if [[ -f mercurial-tree/.hg ]] ; then cd mercurial-tree echo "Running hg pull for retreiving latest version..." hg pull echo "Finished update. Building mercurial" make local echo "Setting \$PATH to $PWD:\$PATH..." export PATH="$PWD:$PATH" else echo "Downloading mercurial via hg" hg clone http://selenic.com/repo/hg mercurial-tree cd mercurial-tree echo "Building mercurial" make local echo "Setting \$PATH to $PWD:\$PATH..." export PATH="$PWD:$PATH" echo "make sure you set it permanent via ~/.zshrc if you plan to use it permanently." # echo "Setting \$PYTHONPATH to PYTHONPATH=\${HOME}/lib/python," # export PYTHONPATH=${HOME}/lib/python fi } fi # end of check whether we have the 'hg'-executable # get current mercurial snapshot #f5# Get current mercurial snapshot gethgsnap() { setopt local_options setopt errreturn if [[ -f mercurial-snapshot.tar.gz ]] ; then echo "mercurial-snapshot.tar.gz exists already, skipping download." else echo "Downloading mercurial snapshot" wget http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/mercurial-snapshot.tar.gz fi echo "Unpacking mercurial-snapshot.tar.gz" tar zxf mercurial-snapshot.tar.gz cd mercurial-snapshot/ echo "Installing required build-dependencies" $SUDO apt-get update $SUDO apt-get install python2.4-dev echo "Building mercurial" make local echo "Setting \$PATH to $PWD:\$PATH..." export PATH="$PWD:$PATH" echo "make sure you set it permanent via ~/.zshrc if you plan to use it permanently." } # }}} # some useful commands often hard to remember - let's grep for them {{{ # Work around ion/xterm resize bug. #if [[ "$SHLVL" -eq 1 ]]; then # if check_com -c resize ; then # eval `resize Packages.gz # dpkg-scansources . | gzip > Sources.gz # grep-dctrl --field Maintainer $* /var/lib/apt/lists/* # other stuff: # convert -geometry 200x200 -interlace LINE -verbose # ldapsearch -x -b "OU=Bedienstete,O=tug" -h ldap.tugraz.at sn=$1 # ps -ao user,pcpu,start,command # gpg --keyserver blackhole.pca.dfn.de --recv-keys # xterm -bg black -fg yellow -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-c-90-iso8859-15 -ah # nc -vz $1 1-1024 # portscan via netcat # wget --mirror --no-parent --convert-links # pal -d `date +%d` # autoload -U tetris; zle -N tetris; bindkey '...' ; echo "press ... for playing tennis" # # modify console cursor # see http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Framebuffer-HOWTO-5.html # print $'\e[?96;0;64c' # }}} # finally source a local zshrc and grmlsmall-specific configuration {{{ # The following file is used to remove zsh-config-items that do not work # in grml-small by default. # If you do not want these adjustments (for whatever reason), # there are three ways to accomplish that: # a) at the beginning of this file (variables section), set # $GRMLSMALL_SPECIFIC to 0 or comment out the variable definition. # b) remove/rename .zshrc.grmlsmall # c) comment out the following line (( GRMLSMALL_SPECIFIC > 0 )) && isgrmlsmall && source ~/.zshrc.grmlsmall # this allows us to stay in sync with /etc/skel/.zshrc # through 'ln -s /etc/skel/.zshrc ~/.zshrc' and put own # modifications in ~/.zshrc.local xsource "${HOME}/.zshrc.local" # ...and remove utility functions again. xunfunction # }}} ### doc strings for external functions from files #m# f5 grml-wallpaper() Sets a wallpaper (try completion for possible values) ## END OF FILE ################################################################# # vim:foldmethod=marker autoindent expandtab shiftwidth=4