


The changelogs have moved to their own webpage.


Packages provided (exclusive) by the grml system are available online in the grml-repository.

If you want to use the grml-repository inside your debian installation add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

# grml-repository - stable branch
  deb     http://deb.grml.org/ grml-stable main
  deb-src http://deb.grml.org/ grml-stable main

# grml-repository - testing branch
#  deb     http://deb.grml.org/ grml-testing main
#  deb-src http://deb.grml.org/ grml-testing main

More details regarding the use of the grml-repository in the Debian webpage of the grml-wiki.

Wallpapers provided by grml

CD cover

Debian-Information / Packages

Status: Release grml 2011.05

Status: Release grml64 2011.05:

Status: Release grml-medium 2011.05:

Status: Release grml64-medium 2011.05:

Status: Release grml-small 2011.05:

Status: Release grml64-small 2011.05: