#!/bin/zsh # Filename: grml-x # Purpose: wrapper for startx on grml [providing new xconfiguration tool] # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Die Sep 04 01:44:19 CEST 2007 [mika] ################################################################################ # make sure /tmp is writeable {{{ if ! [ -w /tmp ] ; then echo 'Fatal: /tmp is not writeable. Can not resume therefore, sorry.' >&2 exit 1 fi # }}} # debugging {{{ # usage: DEBUG=1 grml-x ..... 2>/tmp/grml-x-debug.log if [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]]; then setopt xtrace fi # }}} # functions and color {{{ # use colors only if not booted with nocolor bootoption if ! grep -q nocolor /proc/cmdline ; then autoload colors ; colors [ -r /etc/grml_colors ] && . /etc/grml_colors fi # some functions like getBootParam if [ -r /etc/grml/script-functions -a -r /etc/grml/sh-lib ] ; then source /etc/grml/script-functions source /etc/grml/sh-lib else echo 'Error: sourcing function files failed. Exiting.' exit 1 fi check4root &>/dev/null && ROOT='1' || ROOT='' # }}} # set variables {{{ PROGRAMNAME=${0##*/} HWINFO='/usr/sbin/hwinfo' DATE=$(date) [ -n "$XINITRC" ] || XINITRC="$HOME/.xinitrc" # temporary files HWINFO_TMP="/tmp/hwinfo.$$" MONITORINFO="/tmp/monitorinfo.$$" MOUSEINFO="/tmp/mouse.$$" if [ -r /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] ; then source /etc/sysconfig/keyboard else XKEYBOARD='us' fi XSERVER="Xorg" XCONFIG='/etc/X11/xorg.conf' KEYBOARD="# Driver \"kbd\" # Option \"XkbRules\" \"xfree86\" # Option \"XkbRules\" \"xorg\" # Option \"XkbModel\" \"pc105\" # Option \"XkbLayout\" \"${XKEYBOARD},us\" # Option \"XkbVariant\" \"nodeadkeys\"" # check for font path if [ -d /usr/share/fonts/X11 ] ; then XFONTS=" FontPath \"/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc\" FontPath \"/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled\" FontPath \"/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled\" FontPath \"/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1\" FontPath \"/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi\" FontPath \"/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi\"" fi # /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts exists nearly everywhere, assume # /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts as valid font path only if fonts.dir # exists for "misc" if [ -r /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.dir ] ; then XFONTS="$XFONTS FontPath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1\" FontPath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled\" FontPath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc\" FontPath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled\" FontPath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi\" FontPath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled\" FontPath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi\"" fi # }}} # make sure we don't leave any temp files {{{ bailout() { rm -f "$HWINFO_TMP" "$MONITORINFO" "$MOUSEINFO" [ -n "$1" ] && EXIT="$1" || EXIT="1" print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Exiting...${reset_color}">&2 exit "$EXIT" } trap bailout 1 2 3 15 # }}} # warn if running as user root {{{ if [ -n "$ROOT" ] ; then if [ -r /etc/grml_cd ] ; then print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Warning: Please do not run grml-x as user root.${reset_color}" print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Running grml-x as user root is *not* supported!${reset_color}" print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Switch to user grml or run su - grml -c 'grml-x ...' instead.${reset_color}" print '' else print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Warning: Please do not run X.org as user root!${reset_color}" print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}As soon as you have a working $XCONFIG please use startx instead of grml-x.${reset_color}" print '' fi fi fstabuser=$(grep ':x:1000:' /etc/passwd) fstabuser=${fstabuser%%[:]*} # }}} # usage information {{{ usage() { if [[ $1 != '' ]] ; then echo 1>&2 "\n$1" ; fi print "$bg[black]$fg[red]$bold_color" print 1>&2 " Usage: $PROGRAMNAME $PROGRAMNAME [-options] windowmanager Usage examples: $PROGRAMNAME wmii $PROGRAMNAME fluxbox $PROGRAMNAME openbox $PROGRAMNAME -force -nostart fluxbox $PROGRAMNAME -nosynaptics fluxbox $PROGRAMNAME -nosync fluxbox $PROGRAMNAME -noddc wmii $PROGRAMNAME -xinerama -composite wmii $PROGRAMNAME -module radeon -mode 1024x768 -vsync 60 openbox XINITRC=~/.xinitrc $PROGRAMNAME openbox $PROGRAMNAME -display 8 openbox More information on grml-x can be found in the manual page: man grml-x Report bugs, send wishes and feedback to the grml team: http://grml.org/bugs/ - contact (at) grml.org " print "${reset_color}" exit 2 } # }}} # writehwinfo {{{ writehwinfo() { if [ -n "$ROOT" ] ; then su - $fstabuser -c "$HWINFO > $HWINFO_TMP" else $HWINFO > $HWINFO_TMP fi } # }}} # monitor {{{ monitor() { sudo $HWINFO --monitor > $MONITORINFO } # }}} # mode {{{ mode() { [ -r "$MONITORINFO" ] || monitor # get monitor settings modes=$(perl -e 'while () {if (/ Resolution:/) { s/.*\s+(\d+x\d+).*/$1/; print} }' < $MONITORINFO | sort -nur | perl -ne 's/\s+/ /; s/(\d+x\d+)/"$1"/; print') if [ -n "$XINERAMA" ] ; then print "$fg[green] Option for $fg[yellow]Xinerama$fg[green] found, please use xrandr inside X.org for your further configuration! Trying to identify monitors now..." # make sure we have information from 2 monitors: # - first one from 'hwinfo --monitor' => $MONITORINFO # - second one from 'hwinfo --framebuffer' => $FRAMEBUFFER FRAMEBUFFER=$(hwinfo --framebuffer | grep 'Mode 0x.* bits' | head -1) if [ -z "$FRAMEBUFFER" ] ; then print "$fg[red] Fatal: could not identify two monitors - no chance to set up multihead using Xinerama - sorry. :-( Please run grml-x without the -xinerama option to start X anyway (dropping support for Xinerama of course) and contact grml developers if you have any further useful information. => http://grml.org/bugs/ " bailout 10 fi # check whether we can read the $MONITORINFO file if ! [ -r "$MONITORINFO" ] ; then print "$fg[red] Fatal: could not identify monitor - no chance to set up multihead using Xinerama - sorry. :-( " bailout 11 else # Currently we only know that it works with current intel driver, # so inform user about that: if [[ "$MODULE" != "intel" ]] ; then print "$fg[red] Warning: using a non-intel driver - trying Xinerama setup anyway. If it worked please contact grml developers providing information about your setup so we can adjust grml-x according! -> http://grml.org/contact/ Sleeping for 10 seconds now... Will continue then... Just press Ctrl-C to cancel operation. " sleep 10 fi # now calculate Virtual size for use with Xinerama HORIZ_RES1="$(grep 'Max. Resolution:' $MONITORINFO | sed 's/ Max\. Resolution: \(.*\)x\(.*\)/\1/')" VERIZ_RES1="$(grep 'Max. Resolution:' $MONITORINFO | sed 's/ Max\. Resolution: \(.*\)x\(.*\)/\2/')" # it might happen that we don't have a Max Resolution in hwinfo output :-/ # fall back to a generic value then... # TODO: check out how to get resolution of external monitor from console if [ -z "$HORIZ_RES1" ] ; then HORIZ_RES1="1024" VERIZ_RES1="768" fi # get maximum of output HORIZ_RES2="$(echo $FRAMEBUFFER | grep 'Mode 0x' | sed 's/ Mode 0x.*: \(.*\)x.*/\1/'| sort -u | head -1)" VERIZ_RES2="$(echo $FRAMEBUFFER | grep 'Mode 0x' | sed 's/ Mode 0x.*x\(.*\) (.*/\1/' | sort -u | head -1)" if [ -n "$HORIZ_RES1" -a -n "$VERIZ_RES1" -a -n "$HORIZ_RES2" -a -n "$VERIZ_RES2" ] ; then if [ "$(echo $VERIZ_RES1" - "$VERIZ_RES2 | bc -l)" -eq 0 ] ; then VERIZ_RESULT="$VERIZ_RES1" elif [ "$VERIZ_RES1" -gt "$VERIZ_RES2" ] ; then VERIZ_RESULT="$VERIZ_RES1" else VERIZ_RESULT="$VERIZ_RES2" fi HORIZ_RESULT=$(echo $HORIZ_RES1 + $HORIZ_RES2 | bc -l) # important: keep newline for appropriate placing below $MODES! if [ -n "$HORIZ_RESULT" ] ; then VIRTUAL=" Virtual $HORIZ_RESULT $VERIZ_RES1" fi fi fi fi if [[ -n $NODDC ]] ; then MODES="Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\" \"1600x1200\" \"1280x1024\" \"1280x960\"$VIRTUAL" elif [[ "$modes" == "\"1024x768\" " || -z $modes ]] ; then MODES="# Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\" \"1600x1200\" \"1280x1024\" \"1280x960\"$VIRTUAL" else MODES="# Modes $modes$VIRTUAL" fi } # }}} # sync - get hsync/vsync settings {{{ sync() { [ -r "$MONITORINFO" ] || monitor # get monitor settings [ -r "$MONITORINFO" ] || bailout 1 vsyncval=$(awk '/Vert. Sync Range:/{print $4}' $MONITORINFO | sed 's/-/.0 - / ; s/$/.0/' | head -1) hsyncval=$(awk '/Hor. Sync Range:/{print $4}' $MONITORINFO | sed 's/-/.0 - / ; s/$/.0/' | head -1) if [ -z $vsyncval ] ; then vsyncval='50.0 - 60.0' fi if [ -z $hsyncval ] ; then hsyncval='28.0 - 96.0' fi } # }}} # mouse {{{ mouse() { sudo $HWINFO --mouse > $MOUSEINFO # SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad if grep -q 'Device:.*Synaptics' "$MOUSEINFO" ; then if [[ "$SYNAPTICS" == "yes" ]] ; then # check for '-nosynaptics'-option MOUSEDRIVER='synaptics' SYNMOUSE='InputDevice "Synaptics" "AlwaysCore"' SYNMOUSEDETAIL=" Section \"InputDevice\" Driver \"synaptics\" Identifier \"Synaptics\" Option \"Device\" \"/dev/psaux\" Option \"Protocol\" \"auto-dev\" Option \"LeftEdge\" \"1700\" Option \"RightEdge\" \"5300\" Option \"TopEdge\" \"1700\" Option \"BottomEdge\" \"4200\" Option \"FingerLow\" \"25\" Option \"FingerHigh\" \"30\" Option \"ZAxisMapping\" \"4 5\" Option \"MaxTapTime\" \"180\" Option \"MaxTapMove\" \"220\" Option \"VertScrollDelta\" \"100\" Option \"MinSpeed\" \"0.06\" Option \"MaxSpeed\" \"0.12\" Option \"AccelFactor\" \"0.0010\" # Option \"SHMConfig\" \"on\" # Option \"Repeater\" \"/dev/ps2mouse\" EndSection " else MOUSEDRIVER='mouse' SYNMOUSEDETAIL="" SYNMOUSE='# No synaptics touchpad detected.' fi else # AlpsPS/2 ALPS TouchPad (with Synapticsdriver) if grep -q 'Device:.*ALPS' "$MOUSEINFO" ; then if [[ "$SYNAPTICS" == "yes" ]] ; then # check for '-nosynaptics'-option MOUSEDRIVER='synaptics' SYNMOUSE='# InputDevice "Synaptics" "AlwaysCore"' SYNMOUSEDETAIL=" Section \"InputDevice\" Driver \"synaptics\" Identifier \"Synaptics\" Option \"Device\" \"/dev/psaux\" Option \"Protocol\" \"auto-dev\" Option \"LeftEdge\" \"120\" Option \"RightEdge\" \"850\" Option \"TopEdge\" \"120\" Option \"BottomEdge\" \"650\" Option \"FingerLow\" \"14\" Option \"FingerHigh\" \"15\" Option \"ZAxisMapping\" \"4 5\" Option \"MaxTapTime\" \"180\" Option \"MaxTapMove\" \"50\" Option \"MaxDoubleTapTime\" \"100\" Option \"VertScrollDelta\" \"20\" Option \"HorizScrollDelta\" \"20\" Option \"MinSpeed\" \"0.3\" Option \"MaxSpeed\" \"2.00\" Option \"AccelFactor\" \"0.030\" Option \"UpDownScrolling\" \"1\" Option \"EmulateMiddleButtonTime\" \"75\" Option \"CircularScrolling\" \"1\" Option \"CircScrollDelta\" \"0.1\" Option \"CircScrollTrigger\" \"8\" # Option \"SHMConfig\" \"on\" # Option \"Repeater\" \"/dev/ps2mouse\" EndSection " else MOUSEDRIVER='mouse' SYNMOUSEDETAIL="" SYNMOUSE='# No alps touchpad detected.' fi else SYNMOUSE='# No synaptics/alps touchpad present.' fi fi # USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse if [ -n "$USE_USB" ] ; then USBMOUSE='InputDevice "USB Mouse" "CorePointer"' USBMOUSEDETAIL=" Section \"InputDevice\" Identifier \"USB Mouse\" Driver \"mouse\" Option \"Device\" \"/dev/input/mice\" Option \"Protocol\" \"auto\" Option \"ZAxisMapping\" \"4 5\" Option \"Buttons\" \"5\" Option \"SendCoreEvents\" \"true\" EndSection " else USBMOUSE='# InputDevice "USB Mouse" "CorePointer"' USBMOUSEDETAIL='' fi if grep -q 'Device:.*Serial' "$MOUSEINFO" ; then SERIAL='yes' SERMOUSE='InputDevice "Serial Mouse" "CorePointer"' SERMOUSEDETAIL=" Section \"InputDevice\" Identifier \"Serial Mouse\" Driver \"mouse\" Option \"Device\" \"/dev/ttyS0\" Option \"Protocol\" \"Microsoft\" Option \"Emulate3Buttons\" \"true\" Option \"Emulate3Timeout\" \"70\" Option \"SendCoreEvents\" \"true\" EndSection " else SERMOUSE='# No serial mouse detected.' SERMOUSEDETAIL='' fi # ImExPS/2 Logitech Explorer Mouse # "PS2++ Logitech MX Mouse" if [ -n "$USE_PS2" ] ; then PS2='yes' PS2MOUSE='InputDevice "PS/2 Mouse" "CorePointer"' PS2MOUSEDETAIL=" Section \"InputDevice\" Identifier \"PS/2 Mouse\" Driver \"mouse\" Option \"Device\" \"/dev/input/mice\" # Option \"Device\" \"/dev/psaux\" Option \"Protocol\" \"PS/2\" Option \"Emulate3Buttons\" \"true\" Option \"Emulate3Timeout\" \"70\" Option \"SendCoreEvents\" \"true\" EndSection " else PS2MOUSE='# InputDevice "PS/2 Mouse" "CorePointer"' PS2MOUSEDETAIL='' fi EVDEV_MOUSE=" # Section \"InputDevice\" # Identifier \"Generic Mouse\" # Driver \"evdev\" # Option \"Device\" \"/dev/input/mice\" # Option \"Protocol\" \"auto\" # Option \"ZAxisMapping\" \"4 5\" # Option \"Buttons\" \"5\" # Option \"SendCoreEvents\" \"true\" # EndSection " MOUSE=" $USBMOUSE $PS2MOUSE $SYNMOUSE $SERMOUSE" } # }}} # commandline parsing {{{ parse_options() { zparseopts -K -- module:=o_module help=o_help noddc=o_noddc nosync=o_nosync \ vsync:=o_vsync hsync:=o_hsync mode:=o_mode force=o_force display:=o_display \ nostart=o_nostart nodpms=o_nodpms nosynaptics=o_nosynaptics nousb=o_nousb \ nops2=o_nops2 genmouse=o_genmouse novref=o_novref nohsync=o_nohsync \ fallback=o_fallback usb=o_usb ps2=o_ps2 composite=o_composite \ xinerama=o_xinerama if [[ $# == 0 || "$o_help" != "" || "$1" == '-h' || "$1" == '--help' ]]; then usage fi if [[ "$o_force" != "" ]]; then FORCE='yes' fi if [[ "$o_fallback" != "" ]]; then FALLBACK="yes" if [ -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf.example ] ; then sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.example $XCONFIG print "$bold_color$fg[blue]Copying /etc/X11/xorg.conf.example to $XCONFIG as requested via fallback option." else echo 'Error: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.example not readable, exiting.' exit 1 fi fi if [[ "$o_nodpms" != "" ]]; then DPMS='Option "DPMS" "false"' else DPMS='Option "DPMS" "true"' fi if [[ "$o_noddc" != "" ]]; then NODDC="yes" fi if [[ "$o_vsync" != "" ]]; then FORCE="yes" fi if [[ "$o_hsync" != "" ]]; then FORCE="yes" fi if [[ "$o_nousb" != "" ]]; then echo 'Warning: option -nousb is deprecated.'>&2 fi if [[ "$o_usb" != "" ]]; then USE_USB='yes' fi if [[ "$o_nops2" != "" ]]; then echo 'Warning: optino -nops2 is deprecated˙'>&2 fi if [[ "$o_ps2" != "" ]]; then USE_PS2='yes' fi if [[ "$o_genmouse" != "" ]]; then GENERICMOUSE='yes' fi if [[ "$o_nosynaptics" != "" ]]; then SYNAPTICS='no' else SYNAPTICS='yes' fi if [[ "$o_nostart" != "" ]]; then NOSTART="yes" fi DISPLAY=$o_display[2] eval WINDOWMANAGER=\${$#} if [[ "$XKEYBOARD" == de ]] ; then KEYBOARD="$KEYBOARD # Option \"XkbVariant\" \"nodeadkeys\"" fi if [ -n "$FORCE" -o ! -r "$XCONFIG" -a -z "$FALLBACK" ] ; then print -n "$bold_color$fg[blue]Gathering hardware information...$fg[red]" sync # get hsync/vsync if [ -z "$o_hsync" ] ; then o_hsync=(-hsync "$hsyncval") HSYNC=$o_hsync[2] HORIZSYNC=" HorizSync $HSYNC" else o_hsync=(-hsync "$o_hsync[2]") HSYNC=$o_hsync[2] HORIZSYNC=" HorizSync $HSYNC" fi if [ -z "$o_vsync" ] ; then o_vsync=(-vsync "$vsyncval") VSYNC=$o_vsync[2] VERTISYNC=" VertRefresh $VSYNC" else o_vsync=(-vsync "$o_vsync[2]") VSYNC=$o_vsync[2] VERTISYNC=" VertRefresh $VSYNC" fi if [[ "$o_nosync" != "" ]]; then HORIZSYNC="# HorizSync 28.0 - 96.0 # deactivated via -nosync option of grml-x" VERTISYNC="# VertRefresh 50.0 - 60.0 # deactivated via -nosync option of grml-x" fi if [[ "$o_nohsync" != "" ]]; then HORIZSYNC="# HorizSync 28.0 - 96.0 # deactivated via -nohsync option of grml-x" fi if [[ "$o_novref" != "" ]]; then VERTISYNC="# VertRefresh 50.0 - 60.0 # deactivated via -novref option of grml-x" fi if [[ "$o_xinerama" != "" ]]; then XINERAMA=1 fi if [[ "$o_composite" != "" ]]; then COMPOSITE="Section \"Extensions\" Option \"Composite\" \"Enable\" EndSection" else COMPOSITE="#Section \"Extensions\" # Option \"Composite\" \"Enable\" #EndSection" fi # write hwinfo stuff writehwinfo # monitor stuff [ -r "$HWINFO_TMP" ] || bailout 1 MONITOR=$(awk '/monitor.1:/{print $3}' $HWINFO_TMP) [[ $MONITOR != 'ddc' ]] && NODDC=yes # module handling MODULE=$o_module[2] if [ -z "$MODULE" ] ; then MODULE="$(getBootParam xmodule 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$MODULE" ] ; then MODULE=$(grep 'XFree86 v4 Server Module:' "${HWINFO_TMP}" | head -1 | awk '{print $5}') if [ -z "$MODULE" ] ; then MODULE='vesa' fi # hwinfo >=13.28 reports driver 'intel' instead of i810 if [[ "$MODULE" == 'intel' ]] ; then [ -r /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so ] || MODULE='i810' fi fi else FORCE="yes" fi mouse # get mouse settings VGA=$(lspci | grep VGA | sed 's/.*compatible controller: //' | head -1) MODE=$o_mode[2] if [ -z $MODE ] ; then B_MODE="$(getBootParam xmode 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "$B_MODE" ] ; then MODES="Modes \"$B_MODE\"" FORCE="yes" fi if [ -z "$MODES" ] ; then mode # get available modes fi else MODES="Modes \"$MODE\"" FORCE="yes" fi print "$fg[green]done$reset_color" print "$bg[black]$fg[white]$bold_color" print "$fg[green]Specified windowmanager is $fg[yellow]$WINDOWMANAGER" print "$fg[green]Video is $fg[yellow]$VGA$fg[green] using $bg[black]$fg[yellow]${XSERVER}$fg[cyan](${MODULE})$fg[green] Server" [[ -z $HSYNC ]] && [[ -z $VSYNC ]] && print "$fg[green]Monitor is $fg[yellow]$MONITOR" [[ -z $HSYNC ]] && [[ -n $VSYNC ]] && print "$fg[green]Monitor is $fg[yellow]$MONITOR$fg[green], VSYNC: $fg[yellow]$VSYNC" [[ -z $VSYNC ]] && [[ -n $HSYNC ]] && print "$fg[green]Monitor is $fg[yellow]$MONITOR$fg[green], HSYNC: $fg[yellow]$HSYNC" [[ -n $VSYNC ]] && [[ -n $HSYNC ]] && print "$fg[green]Monitor is $fg[yellow]$MONITOR$fg[green], HSYNC: $fg[yellow]$HSYNC $fg[green]VSYNC: $fg[yellow]$VSYNC" [[ -n $modes ]] && print "$fg[green]Using default X.org modes." [[ -z $modes ]] && print "$fg[green]Using Mode: $fg[yellow]$MODE" print "${reset_color}" fi } parse_options $* # }}} # check for requirements {{{ requirements() { if ! [ -x $(which hwinfo) ] ; then print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Error: hwinfo not found in path.${reset_color} Note: run 'aptitude install hwinfo' on systems running debian. Exiting.${reset_color}" exit -1 fi if ! [[ -d /sys ]] ; then print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Error: mounted /sys required (for hwinfo).${reset_color} You may want to add the following line to your /etc/fstab: sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0 or just run 'mount /sys'. Exiting.${reset_color}" exit -1 fi } requirements # }}} # xconfig {{{ xconfig() { cat << EOX ################################################################################ # Filename: $XCONFIG # Purpose: config file for xserver - generated by grml-x # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # Latest change: ${DATE} # See also: # /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg/ and # http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Home and # http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/index.html for information on Xorg # # Refer to the xorg.conf man page and to # http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/xorg.conf.5.html # for details about the format of this file. # # See http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/FAQ for information # regarding Xorg packages within Debian. # # If you would like this file to be automatically reconfigured by debian, # run the following command: # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ################################################################################ Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "XServer Configured" Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0 # InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard" # InputDevice "Generic Mouse" "CorePointer" $MOUSE EndSection Section "ServerFlags" Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true" # allows the server to start up even if the mouse does not work Option "DontVTSwitch" "false" # allow switching between virtual terminal # Option "DontZap" "true" # disable (server abort) # Option "DontZoom" "true" # disable / (resolution switching) EndSection Section "Files" # More information: http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/fonts.html $XFONTS # FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western" # FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latex-ttf-fonts" FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType" EndSection # Modules - see /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts and /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions Section "Module" Load "dbe" # double buffer extension Load "dri" # direct rendering Load "glx" # 3D layer / GLX extension Load "type1" # type1 font module Load "freetype" # freetype fonts rendering Load "extmod" # some commonly used server extensions (e.g. shape extension) Load "record" # recording extension Load "evdev" # generic input handling driver on Linux Load "xtrap" # X Trap extension # Load "vbe" # Vesa BIOS Extension # Load "i2c" # I2C bus # Load "int10" # initialize graphics cards via int10 call to the BIOS # Load "v4l" # Video for Linux ## Deprecated/unneeded modules with Xorg >=7.0: # Load "speedo" # font module (does not exist anymore) # Load "ddc" # ddc probing of monitor (automatically loaded) # Load "GLcore" # render OpenGL in software (automatically loaded) # Load "bitmap" # bitmap fonts (automatically loaded) # Valid entries - see /usr/lib/xorg/modules/[extensions/] # afb bitmap cfb cfb16 cfb24 cfb32 cw damage dbe ddc dri drm extmod fb # fbdevhw freetype GLcore glx i2c int10 int10 layer mfb pcidata rac ramdac # record scanpci shadow shadowfb type1 vbe vgahw xaa xf1bpp xf24_32bpp xf4bpp # xf8_16bpp xf8_32bpp xtrap EndSection # If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and control keys, use: # Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps" # Or if you just want both to be control, use: # Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps" # More information: http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/XKB-Config.html # Section "InputDevice" # Identifier "Keyboard0" # Option "CoreKeyboard" # $KEYBOARD # # Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:menu" # EndSection # More information: http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/mouse.html ${USBMOUSEDETAIL}${PS2MOUSEDETAIL}${SERMOUSEDETAIL}${SYNMOUSEDETAIL}${EVDEV_MOUSE} Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" # ModelName "Old Monitor (no DDC)" $DPMS # HorizSync 28.0 - 78.0 # Warning: This may fry very old Monitors # HorizSync 28.0 - 96.0 # Warning: This may fry old Monitors $HORIZSYNC # VertRefresh 50.0 - 76.0 # Very conservative. May flicker. # VertRefresh 50.0 - 60.0 # Extreme conservative. Will flicker. TFT default. $VERTISYNC # Need more information? # http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl # http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree86-Video-Timings-HOWTO/ EndSection Section "Device" ### Available Driver options are: ## sw_cursor is needed for some ati and radeon cards # Option "sw_cursor" # Option "hw_cursor" # Option "NoAccel" # Option "ShowCache" # Option "ShadowFB" # Option "UseFBDev" # Option "Rotate" ## xorg + nvidia: # Option "RenderAccel" "true" # Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" Identifier "Card0" # The following line is auto-generated by grml-x Driver "$MODULE" VendorName "All" BoardName "All" ## Workaround for drivers (for example radeon) which might send output to wrong device: # Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS, AUTO" # Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS, CRT" # Option "MonitorLayout" "NONE, STV" # Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS" ## Specify BusID: # BusID "PCI:1:0:0" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Card0" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultColorDepth 16 SubSection "Display" Depth 1 $MODES EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 4 $MODES EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 8 $MODES EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 15 $MODES EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 16 $MODES EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 24 $MODES EndSubSection SubSection "Display" Depth 32 $MODES EndSubSection EndSection # Make sure you have the relevant Debian packages on your system # to be able to use DRI (libgl1-mesa-dri for example) Section "DRI" Mode 0666 EndSection $COMPOSITE ## END OF FILE ################################################################# EOX } # }}} # writeit {{{ writeit() { XCONFTMP="/tmp/xconfig.$$" xconfig > $XCONFTMP # we do not want to have two CorePointers, deactivate one therefore if grep -Eq '^[[:space:]]+InputDevice[ ]+"USB Mouse"[ ]+"CorePointer"' $XCONFTMP ; then if grep -Eq '^[[:space:]]+InputDevice[ ]+"PS/2 Mouse"[ ]+"CorePointer"' $XCONFTMP ; then sed -i 's|InputDevice.*PS/2.*CorePointer|# & # deactivated to avoid two CorePointers|' $XCONFTMP fi fi [ -f $XCONFIG ] && sudo mv -f $XCONFIG $XCONFIG.old sudo mv $XCONFTMP $XCONFIG sudo chown root.root $XCONFIG sudo chmod 644 $XCONFIG } # }}} # writeconfig {{{ function writeconfig { if [[ ! -f $XCONFIG ]] ; then print -n "$bold_color$fg[blue]Creating $XCONFIG: $fg[red]" writeit && print "$fg[green]done$reset_color" else if [ -z "$FORCE" -a -z "$FALLBACK" ] ; then print "$bold_color$fg[blue]Notice: $XCONFIG exists already. Use the force-option (-force) to force creation. $fg[red]" fi fi if [[ -n "$FORCE" ]] ; then print "$bold_color$fg[blue]Force-switch or manual option(s) detected:" print -n "\-> Moving eventual existing $XCONFIG to ${XCONFIG}.old: $fg[red]" writeit && print "$fg[green]done$reset_color" fi } # }}} # runit {{{ function runit { writeconfig if [ -z "$NOSTART" ] ; then print "$reset_color" if [ -x /etc/init.d/xorg-common ] ; then sudo /etc/init.d/xorg-common start else if [ -x /etc/init.d/xfree86-common ] ; then sudo /etc/init.d/xfree86-common start fi fi print "" if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] ; then print "$bold_color$fg[green]Now trying to run startx.$reset_color" startx $XINITRC -- $XOPTS else print "$bold_color$fg[green]Now trying to run startx on display $DISPLAY.$reset_color" startx $XINITRC -- :$DISPLAY $XOPTS fi else print "$bold_color$fg[blue]Not running startx as requested via option.$reset_color" fi return 1 } # }}} # failed {{{ function failed { print "$fg[red]" if [ -z "$ROOT" ] ; then if [[ $(tty) == /dev/pts/* ]] ; then print "It seems you are running $PROGRAMNAME from inside GNU screen. Notice that this might fail if running as user grml! Please exit screen and try to run $PROGRAMNAME again." fi fi print "Run the following commands for getting information on your hardware: hwinfo --gfxcard discover -v --data-path=xfree86/server/device/driver display xdebconfigurator -c -d -i -x get-edid | parse-edid Do you want to go the debian way of life? Run: aptitude install xorg read-edid mdetect hwinfo xdebconfigurator dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg Problems with the module used for X? Try to load another one or fall back to module vesa: $PROGRAMNAME -module radeon ... $PROGRAMNAME -module vesa ... Do you want to deactivate a present synaptics touchpad? Run: $PROGRAMNAME -nosynaptics ... Your monitor is very old and/or does not support DDC-probing? $PROGRAMNAME -noddc ... Do you want to create a x configuration file but do not start X? $PROGRAMNAME -nostart ... Monitor frequency too high or too low? Just specify hsync/vsync manually: $PROGRAMNAME -hsync 30-65 ... $PROGRAMNAME -hsync 30-65 -vsync 50-60 ... Want to adjust the resolution? Use the mode-switch: $PROGRAMNAME -mode 1024x768 ... $PROGRAMNAME -mode '1280x1024 1024x768' ... Problems? Use vesa with resolution 1024x768: $PROGRAMNAME -module vesa -mode 1024x768 ... Still problems with X? Use the fallback option: $PROGRAMNAME -fallback ... To adjust resolution while running X execute: xrandr -s '1024x768' More information on grml-x can be found in the manual page: man grml-x Report bugs, send wishes and feedback to the grml team: http://grml.org/bugs/ - contact (at) grml.org " print -n "$reset_color" } # }}} # cleanup {{{ cleanup() { rm -f $HWINFO_TMP rm -f $MONITORINFO rm -f $MOUSEINFO rm -f $XCONFTMP } cleanup # }}} # xinitrc {{{ if ! [ -x "$(which $WINDOWMANAGER)" ] ; then print "$bg[black]$fg[red]${bold_color}Fatal: windowmanager $fg[blue]$WINDOWMANAGER$fg[red] not executable, startx will not work.${reset_color}">&2 bailout fi if [ -w "$XINITRC" ] ; then sed -i "s|^[^#]*exec.*| exec $WINDOWMANAGER|g" $XINITRC runit || failed else echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n exec $WINDOWMANAGER" >> $XINITRC runit || failed fi # }}} ## END OF FILE ################################################################# # vim:foldmethod=marker expandtab ai ft=zsh