Protocol of Grml Developer Meeting 2011

Date: 4th and 5th of november 2011
Place: Metalab, Vienna/Austria

Some highlights:

1st day

Ch, Uli and Mika starting with installation and buildup of work place in Metalab's library at 9:45.
Gebi, Jimmy and formorer are joining at ~10:15, Rhonda joins in the afternoon.
Official start at 10:35.

First day involved a lot and interesting discussions and it was really helpful to get all personal ideas what Grml is and how we as developer can make Grml better.

2nd day

Financial details:

Transportation, accommodation costs and the social event added up to 840 EUR. Thanks to generous private donations as well as sponsoring by Tarent ( and Ixo (TODO) the full amount of costs could be covered. Accounting is WIP these days, if any money should be left we will save the money for the next upcoming Grml developer meeting. Thanks a lot to everyone of you who supported the Grml team through donations!

It was really amazing what we achieved during these two days and it was really helpful to meet everyone in person.
This event and this report would not be possible without many generous sponsors and the friendly hosting by Metalab! We want to thank you all! 

This report was prepared by Michael Prokop, Ulrich Dangel and XXX?