#!/bin/sh # Filename: sh-lib # Purpose: Shellscript library # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Gebetsroither # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Mon May 02 00:17:44 CEST 2005 [gebi] ################################################################################ VERBOSE__=0 VERBOSE_TMP__=0 # FIXME maybe PROG_PATH__ for better error reporting? PROG_NAME__="" # initialised within init section # directory for init scripts INITD_DIR__="/etc/init.d/" # >= level and the function will print the message EPRINT__=1 # eprint (error print) EEPRINT__=2 # 2print (intern error print) DPRINT__=3 # dprint (debug print) EXIT_FUNCTION__="_syslog" # function to call upon die (can be set by user) SYSLOG__="YES" CMD_LINE__="" # /proc/cmdline LANG__="$LANG" LC_ALL__="$LC_ALL" # CONFIG FUNCTIONS {{{ function setProgName { PROG_NAME__="$1"; } function setExitFunction { EXIT_FUNCTION__="$1"; } function disableSyslog { SYSLOG__="NO"; } function enableSyslog { SYSLOG__="YES"; } function saveLang { LANG__="$LANG"; LC_ALL__="$LC_ALL"; } function restoreLang { LANG="$LANG__"; LC_ALL="$LC_ALL__"; } function setCLang { saveLang; LANG="C"; LC_ALL="C"; } # }}} # DEBUG FRAMEWORK {{{ function setVerbose { VERBOSE__=${1:-1}; } function unsetVerbose { VERBOSE_TMP__=$VERBOSE__; VERBOSE__=0; } function restoreVerbose { VERBOSE__=$VERBOSE_TMP__; } function getVerbose { echo "$VERBOSE__"; } function setDebug { setVerbose "$DPRINT__"; } function unsetDebug { restoreVerbose; } function setExitFunction { EXIT_FUNCTION__="$1"; } function resetExitFunction { EXIT_FUNCTION__="_syslog"; } # }}} # ERROR REPORTING FUNCTIONS {{{ # default print backend (there may be other functions) function vprint { local level_="$1" local type_="$2" local message_="$3" if [ $VERBOSE__ -ge $level_ -a -n "$message_" ]; then echo -n "$type_" >&2 echo "$message_" >&2 fi } # print error output function eprint { # FIXME vprint should be a var, because we want to call user-defined functions # global var (there should be a syslog, and vprint + syslog function) vprint $EPRINT__ "Error - " "$1" } # should be used for intern silentExecutes function eeprint { vprint $EEPRINT__ " Error2 - " "$1" } # print debug output (function intern errors) function dprint { vprint $DPRINT__ "Debug - " "$1" } # for program notice messages function notice { vprint $EPRINT__ "Notice - " "$1" } function die { local error_message_="$1" # print this error message local exit_code_="$2" # command exited with this exit code echo -n "PANIC: $error_message_" >&2 if [ -n "$2" ]; then echo "; ret($exit_code_)" >&2 else echo >&2 fi if [ -n "$EXIT_FUNCTION__" ]; then $EXIT_FUNCTION__ "$error_message_" "$exit_code_" >&2 fi kill $$ } function warn { local error_message_="$1" # print this error message local exit_code_="$2" # command exits with this exit code echo -n "WARN: $error_message_" >&2 if [ -n "$exit_code_" ]; then echo "; ret($exit_code_)" >&2 else echo >&2 fi } function _syslog { local message_="$1" # error message local exit_code_="$2" if [ "$SYSLOG__" = "YES" ]; then if [ -n "$exit_code_" ]; then logger -p user.alert -t "$PROG_NAME__" -i "$message_ ret($exit_code_)" >&2 else logger -p user.alert -t "$PROG_NAME__" -i "$message_" >&2 fi fi } function syslog { local message_="$1" # error message local exit_code_="$2" if [ -n "$exit_code_" ]; then logger -p user.alert -t "$PROG_NAME__" -i "$message_ ret($exit_code_)" >&2 else logger -p user.alert -t "$PROG_NAME__" -i "$message_" >&2 fi } function warnLog { local error_message_="$1" # print this error message local exit_code_="$2" # command exits with this exit code warn "$error_message_" "$exit_code_" syslog "$error_message_" "$exit_code_" } # }}} ### # # CORE FUNCTIONS # ### ## # ATTENTION... THIS FUNCTINOS IS A BIG SECURITY HOLE # this function will be changed in future release ## # i don't want to write exit status controle stuff every time function execute { local to_exec_="$1" # command to execute local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message local ret_='' # NOT A GOOD IDEA eval "$to_exec_" ret_=$? if [ $ret_ -eq 127 ]; then syslog "problems executing ( $to_exec_ )" $ret_ fi if [ $ret_ -ne 0 ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then $error_function_ "problems executing ( $to_exec_ )" "$ret_" else $error_function_ "$message_" "$ret_" fi fi dprint "exec-$error_function_: ( $to_exec_ ) ret($ret_)" return $ret_ } function silentExecute { unsetVerbose execute "$@" local ret_=$? restoreVerbose return $ret_ } ### # # TEST FUNCTIONS # ### # if the file DOES exist, everything is fine function isExistent { local file_to_test_="$1" # file to test local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message if [ ! -e "$file_to_test_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then $error_function_ "file does not exist \"$file_to_test_\"" 66 else $error_function_ "$message_" fi return 1 fi dprint "isExistent(): file \"$1\" does exist => ready to go" return 0 } function isNotExistent { local file_to_test_="$1" # file to test local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message if [ -e "$file_to_test_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then $error_function_ "file does allready exist \"$file_to_test_\"" 67 else $error_function_ "$message_" fi return 1 fi dprint "isNotExistent(): file \"$1\" does not exist => ready to go" return 0 } function checkUser { local to_check_="$1" # username to check against running process local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message local user_='' user_=`id -un` if [ $user_ != "$to_check_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then $error_function_ "username \"$user_\" is not \"$to_check_\"" 77 $exit_function_ else $error_function_ "$message_" fi return 1 else dprint "checkUser(): accepted, username matches \"$to_check_\"" return 0 fi } function checkId { local to_check_="$1" # user-id to check against running process local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message local user_id_='' user_id_=`id -u` if [ $user_id_ != "$to_check_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then $error_function_ "UID \"$user_id_\" is not \"$to_check_\"" 77 else $error_function_ "$message_" fi return 1 else dprint "checkId(): accepted, UID matches \"$to_check_\"" return 0 fi } function checkRoot { checkId 0 "$1" "$2" } function isGrml { if [ -f /etc/grml_version ] ; then dprint "isGrml(): this seems to be a grml system" return 0 else dprint "isGrml(): this is not a grml system" return 1 fi } function runsFromHd { if [ -e "/etc/grml_cd" ]; then dprint "runsFromHd(): grml is on CD" return 1 else dprint "runsFromHd(): grml is on HD" return 0 fi } function runsFromCd { if [ -e "/etc/grml_cd" ]; then dprint "runsFromCd(): grml is on CD" return 0 else dprint "runsFromCd(): grml is on HD" return 1 fi } # secure input from console function secureInput { local to_secure_="$1" local secured_='' secured_=`echo -n "$to_secure_" |tr -c '[:alnum:]/.\-,\(\)' '_'` dprint "secureInput(): \"$to_secure_\" => \"$secured_\"" echo "$secured_" } # convert all possible path formats to absolute paths function relToAbs { local relpath_="$1" local abspath_='' abspath_="`readlink -f \"$relpath_\"`" || \ warn "relToAbs(): Problems getting absolute path" "$?" || return 1 dprint "relToAbs(): \"$relpath_\" => \"$abspath_\"" echo "$abspath_" } # Simple shell grep function stringInFile { local to_test_="$1" # matching pattern local source_="$2" # source-file to grep if [ ! -e "$source_" ]; then eprint "stringInFile(): \"$source_\" does not exist" return 1 fi case "$(cat $source_)" in *$to_test_*) return 0;; esac return 1 } # same for strings function stringInString { local to_test_="$1" # matching pattern local source_="$2" # string to search in case "$source_" in *$to_test_*) return 0;; esac return 1 } # get value for bootparam given as first param function getBootParam { local param_to_search_="$1" local result_='' stringInString " $param_to_search_=" "$CMD_LINE__" || return 1 result_="${CMD_LINE__##*$param_to_search_=}" result_="${result_%%[ ]*}" echo "$result_" return 0 } # Check boot commandline for specified option function checkBootParam { stringInString " $1" "$CMD_LINE__" return "$?" } # NETWORK {{{ # validates an IP FIXME function netValidIp { local ip_="$1" # ip addresse to validate local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message local ret_='' echo "$ip_" | grep -E -q -e '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}' \ &>/dev/null ret_=$? if [ $ret_ -ne 0 ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then "$error_function_" "ip-addresse \"$ip_\" is NOT valied" $ret_ else "$error_function_" "$message_" $ret_ fi return 1 fi dprint "ip-addresse \"$ip_\" is valied" $ret_ return $ret_ } function netGetIfaces { local error_function_=${1:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$2" # user supplied error message local if_='' local ret_='' #ip a|grep 'inet ' |awk '$NF !~ /lo/{print $NF}' if_="`ip a|grep 'inet ' |awk '{print $NF}'`" ret_=$? if [ -z "$if_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then "$error_function_" "no interfaces found" $ret_ else "$error_function_" "$message_" $ret_ fi return 1 fi dprint "interfaces found" $ret_ echo "$if_" } # FIXME function netGetDefaultGateway { local error_function_=${1:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$2" # user supplied error message local ip_='' local ret_='' setCLang ip_=`route -n | awk '/^0\.0\.0\.0/{print $2; exit}'` ret_=$? restoreLang if [ -z "$ip_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then "$error_function_" "no default gateway found" $ret_ else "$error_function_" "$message_" $ret_ fi return 1 fi dprint "default gateway is \"$ip_\"" $ret_ echo "$ip_" return 0 } # FIXME function netGetNetmask { local iface_="$1" local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message local nm_='' local ret_='' setCLang nm_=`ifconfig "$iface_" | awk '/[Mm]ask/{FS="[: ]*"; $0=$0; print $8; exit}'` ret_=$? restoreLang if [ -z "$nm_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then "$error_function_" "could not find a netmask for \"$iface_\"" $ret_ else "$error_function_" "$message_" $ret_ fi return 1 fi dprint "netmask on \"$iface_\" is \"$nm_\"" $ret_ echo "$nm_" return 0 } # FIXME function netGetIp { local iface_="$1" local error_function_=${2:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$3" # user supplied error message local ip_="" local ret_="" setCLang #ip_=`ip addr list eth0 |mawk '/inet/{split($2,A,"/"); print A[1]}'` ip_=`ifconfig "$iface_" | awk '/[Ii]net [Aa]ddr/{FS="[: ]*"; $0=$0; print $4; exit}'` ret_=$? restoreLang if [ -z "$ip_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then "$error_function_" "no ip for \"$iface_\" found" $ret_ else "$error_function_" "$message_" $ret_ fi return 1 fi dprint "addresse for \"$iface_\" is \"$ip_\"" $ret_ echo "$ip_" return 0 } function netGetNameservers { local error_function_=${1:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$2" # user supplied error message local file_="/etc/resolv.conf" local ns_="" if [ ! -e $file_ ]; then warn "file \"$file_\" does not exist, could not get nameservers" return 1 fi setCLang ns_=`awk '/^nameserver/{printf "%s ",$2}' $file_ |xargs echo` restoreLang if [ -z "$ns_" ]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then "$error_function_" "no nameservers found" $ret_ else "$error_function_" "$message_" $ret_ fi return 1 fi dprint "nameservers: \"$ns_\"" $ret_ echo "$ns_" return 0 } # }}} # SERVICES {{{ function _touchService { local action_="${1:-"start"}" local service_="$2" local error_function_=${3:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$4" # user supplied error message local i="" local known_action_='false' for i in "start" "stop" "restart" "reload" "force-reload"; do if [[ $i == $action_ ]]; then known_action_='true' break fi done $known_action_ || warn "_touchService(): unknown action \"$action_\"" local service_path_="" service_path_="${INITD_DIR__}/$service_" if [ ! -e "$service_path_" ]; then warn "_touchService(): service does not exist: \"$service_\"" return 1 fi if [ ! -x "$service_path_" ]; then warn "_touchService(): service is not executable: \"$service_\"" fi local ret_="" "$service_path_" "$action_" ret_=$? if [[ $ret_ != 0 ]]; then if [ -z "$message_" ]; then "$error_function_" "Problems ${action_}ing service \"$service_\"" $ret_ else "$error_function_" "$message_" $ret_ fi return 1 fi dprint "_touchService(): successfully started service \"$service_\"" return 0 } function _createServiceFunctions { for i in "start" "stop" "restart" "reload"; do eval "function ${i}Service { _touchService ${i} \"\$1\" \"\$2\" \"\$3\"; }" done eval "function forceReloadService { _touchService force-reload \"\$1\" \"\$2\" \"\$3\"; }" } _createServiceFunctions # }}} # prints the next free /dev/loop* to stdout function findNextFreeLoop { local error_function_=${1:-"eprint"} # function to call on error local message_="$2" # user supplied error message local tmp_='' # tmp local i='' # counter local ret_='' # saved return value for i in 'losetup' 'losetup.orig'; do tmp_=`$i -f 2>/dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $tmp_ return 0 fi done # we have to search dprint 'findNextFreeLoop(): losetup does not recognice option -f, searching next free loop device' for i in `seq 0 100`; do test -e /dev/loop$i || continue losetup /dev/loop$i &>/dev/null ret_=$? case "$ret_" in 2) continue ;; # losetup could not get status of loopdevice (EPERM) 0) continue ;; # device exist 1) echo "/dev/loop$i"; return 0 ;; # device does not exist and no error ?) continue ;; # return value not available in 'man losetup' esac done # hmm... could not find a loopdevice if [ -z "$message_" ]; then $error_function_ "could not find a free loop device" else $error_function_ "$message_" fi return 1 } # INIT {{{ function _initProgName { local name_="$1" # program name local tmp_name_=`basename "$name_"` || \ logger -p user.alert -i "Init-initProgName: problems executing ( basename \"$name_\" ) ret($?)" >/dev/null secureInput "$tmp_name_" } PROG_NAME__=`_initProgName "$0"` function _checkExecutables { local tmp_="" for i in tr dirname basename id logger kill cat grep route awk ifconfig; do type -p $i &>/dev/null || tmp_="${tmp_}$i " done if [ -n "$tmp_" ]; then eprint "Init-checkExecutables: following executables not found or not executable:\n$tmp_" #syslog "Init-checkExecutables: following executables not found or not executable: $tmp_" fi } _checkExecutables function _checkBootParam { local path_="/proc/cmdline" if [ -e "$path_" ]; then CMD_LINE__=`execute "cat $path_" warnLog` return 0 fi warnLog "$path_ does not exist, thus sh-lib may not work reliable!" return 1 } _checkBootParam function _setDebugLevel { local debug_="${DEBUG:-0}" VERBOSE__="$debug_" } _setDebugLevel # }}} # END OF FILE ################################################################################ # vim:foldmethod=marker expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2