#!/bin/zsh # Filename: autoconfig.functions # Purpose: basic system configuration and hardware setup for grml system # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ # {{{ path, variables, signals, umask, zsh export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin" DEBUG="/dev/null" KERNEL="$(uname -r)" umask 022 # old linuxrc version: [ -d /cdrom ] && export LIVECD_PATH=/cdrom # new initramfs layout: [ -d /live/image ] && export LIVECD_PATH=/live/image # Ignore these signals in non-interactive mode: INT, TERM, SEGV [ -z "$PS1" ] && trap "" 2 3 11 # zsh stuff iszsh(){ if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # avoid 'no matches found: ...' iszsh && setopt no_nomatch # || echo "Warning: not running under zsh!" # }}} # {{{ Read in boot parameters if [ -z "$CMDLINE" ]; then # if CMDLINE was set from the outside, we're debugging. # Otherwise, take CMDLINE from Kernel and config files. CMDLINE="$(cat /proc/cmdline)" [ -d /cdrom/bootparams/ ] && CMDLINE="$CMDLINE $(cat /cdrom/bootparams/* | tr '\n' ' ')" [ -d /live/image/bootparams/ ] && CMDLINE="$CMDLINE $(cat /live/image/bootparams/* | tr '\n' ' ')" fi # }}} ### {{{ Utility Functions # Simple shell grep stringinfile(){ case "$(cat $2)" in *$1*) return 0;; esac return 1 } # same for strings stringinstring(){ case "$2" in *$1*) return 0;; esac return 1 } # Reread boot command line; echo last parameter's argument or return false. getbootparam(){ stringinstring " $1=" "$CMDLINE" || return 1 result="${CMDLINE##* $1=}" result="${result%%[ ]*}" echo "$result" return 0 } # Check boot commandline for specified option checkbootparam(){ stringinstring " $1" "$CMDLINE" return "$?" } checkvalue(){ if [ "$1" = "yes" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } checkgrmlsmall(){ grep -q small /etc/grml_version 2>>$DEBUG && return 0 || return 1 } checkgrmlusb(){ grep -q usb /etc/grml_version 2>>$DEBUG && return 0 || return 1 } # execute flite only if it's present flitewrapper() { [ -x /usr/bin/flite ] && flite -o play -t "$*" } ### }}} # {{{ filesystems (proc, pts, sys) and fixes mount_proc(){ [ -f /proc/version ] || mount -t proc /proc /proc 2>/dev/null } mount_pts(){ stringinfile "/dev/pts" /proc/mounts || mount -t devpts /dev/pts /dev/pts 2>/dev/null } mount_sys(){ [ -d /sys/devices ] || mount -t sysfs /sys /sys 2>/dev/null } # }}} # {{{ Check if we are running in live mode or from HD INSTALLED="" [ -e /etc/grml_cd ] || INSTALLED="yes" # testcd TESTCD="" checkbootparam 'testcd' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && TESTCD="yes" # }}} # {{{ source lsb-functions , color handling if checkbootparam 'nocolor'; then RC_NOCOLOR=yes . /etc/grml/lsb-functions einfo "Disabling colors in bootsequence as requested on commandline." ; eend 0 else . /etc/grml/lsb-functions . /etc/grml_colors fi # }}} # {{{ debug config_debug(){ checkbootparam 'debug' && BOOTDEBUG="yes" stringinstring "BOOT_IMAGE=debug " "$CMDLINE" && BOOTDEBUG="yes" rundebugshell(){ if [ -n "$BOOTDEBUG" ]; then einfo "Starting intermediate shell stage $stage as requested by \"debug\" option." if [ grep -q "debug=noscreen" "$CMDLINE" ] ; then einfo "Notice that the shell does not provide job handling: ctrl-z, bg and fg won't work!" einfo "Just exit the shell to continue boot process..." /bin/zsh else eindent if [ -r /etc/grml/screenrc ] ; then einfo "Starting GNU screen to be able to use a full featured shell environment." einfo "Just exit the shells (and therefore screen) to continue boot process..." /bin/zsh -c "screen -c /etc/grml/screenrc" else einfo "Notice that the shell does not provide job handling: ctrl-z, bg and fg won't work!" einfo "Just exit the shell to continue boot process..." /bin/zsh fi eoutdent fi fi } } # }}} # {{{ log config_log(){ if checkbootparam 'log' || checkbootparam 'debug' ; then export DEBUG="/tmp/grml.log.`date +%Y%m%d`" touch $DEBUG einfo "Bootparameter log found. Log files: ${DEBUG} and /var/log/boot" eindent einfo "Starting bootlogd." # known to be *very* unreliable :( bootlogd -r -c 1>>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; eend $? eoutdent else DEBUG="/dev/null" fi } # }}} # {{{ set firmware timeout via bootparam config_fwtimeout(){ if checkbootparam 'fwtimeout' ; then TIMEOUT="$(getbootparam 'fwtimeout' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Bootoption fwtimeout found. (Re)Loading firmware_class module." rmmod firmware_class 1>>$DEBUG 2>&1 modprobe firmware_class ; eend $? fi if [ -z "$TIMEOUT" ] ; then TIMEOUT="100" # linux kernel default: 10 fi if [ -f /sys/class/firmware/timeout ] ; then einfo "Setting timeout for firmware loading to ${TIMEOUT}." echo 100 > /sys/class/firmware/timeout ; eend $? fi } # }}} ### {{{ language configuration / localization config_language(){ einfo "Activating language settings:" eindent # people can specify $LANGUAGE and $CONSOLEFONT in a config file: [ -r /etc/grml/autoconfig ] && . /etc/grml/autoconfig grep -q ' lang=.*-utf8' /proc/cmdline && UTF8='yes' || UTF8='' # check for bootoption which overrides config from /etc/grml/autoconfig: BOOT_LANGUAGE="$(getbootparam 'lang' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$BOOT_LANGUAGE" ] && LANGUAGE="$BOOT_LANGUAGE" # set default to 'en' in live-cd mode if $LANGUAGE is not yet set: if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then [ -n "$LANGUAGE" ] || LANGUAGE='us' fi # if bootoption lang is used update /etc/default/locale, otherwise *not*! if [ -n "$BOOT_LANGUAGE" -a -x /usr/sbin/grml-setlang ] ; then if checkgrmlsmall ; then /usr/sbin/grml-setlang "POSIX" else /usr/sbin/grml-setlang "$LANGUAGE" fi fi # set console font if [ -z "$CONSOLEFONT" ] ; then if ! checkbootparam 'nodefaultfont' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; then # [ -n "$UTF8" ] && CONSOLEFONT='LatArCyrHeb-16' || CONSOLEFONT='Lat15-Terminus16' # if [ -r /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat15-Terminus16.psf.gz ] ; then if [ -r /usr/share/consolefonts/Uni3-Terminus16.psf.gz ] ; then CONSOLEFONT='Uni3-Terminus16' else ewarn "/usr/share/consolefonts/Uni3-Terminus16.psf.gz not available. Please upgrade package console-terminus." ; eend 1 fi fi fi # export it now, so error messages get translated, too if checkgrmlsmall ; then export LANG='C' # grml-small does not provide any further locales else [ -r /etc/default/locale ] && . /etc/default/locale export LANG LANGUAGE fi # configure keyboard layout, read in already set values first: [ -r /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] && . /etc/sysconfig/keyboard # now allow keyboard override by boot commandline for later use: KKEYBOARD="$(getbootparam 'keyboard' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$KKEYBOARD" ] && KEYTABLE="$KKEYBOARD" # notce: de/at is a bad choice, so take de-latin1-nodeadkeys instead: [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'de' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'at' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys # modify /etc/sysconfig/keyboard only in live-cd mode: if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then local LANGUAGE="$BOOT_LANGUAGE" . /etc/grml/language-functions # allow setting xkeyboard explicitly different than console keyboard KXKEYBOARD="$(getbootparam 'xkeyboard' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$KXKEYBOARD" ]; then XKEYBOARD="$KXKEYBOARD" KDEKEYBOARD="$KXKEYBOARD" elif [ -n "$KKEYBOARD" ]; then XKEYBOARD="$KKEYBOARD" KDEKEYBOARD="$KKEYBOARD" fi # duplicate of previous code to make sure /etc/grml/language-functions # does not overwrite our values.... # now allow keyboard override by boot commandline for later use: KKEYBOARD="$(getbootparam 'keyboard' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$KKEYBOARD" ] && KEYTABLE="$KKEYBOARD" # notce: de/at is a bad choice, so take de-latin1-nodeadkeys instead: [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'de' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'at' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys # write keyboard related variables to file for later use [ -d /etc/sysconfig ] || mkdir /etc/sysconfig if ! [ -e /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] ; then echo "KEYTABLE=\"$KEYTABLE\"" > /etc/sysconfig/keyboard echo "XKEYBOARD=\"$XKEYBOARD\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/keyboard echo "KDEKEYBOARD=\"$KDEKEYBOARD\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/keyboard echo "KDEKEYBOARDS=\"$KDEKEYBOARDS\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/keyboard fi fi [ -r /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] && . /etc/sysconfig/keyboard # activate unicode console if running within utf8 environment if [ -r /etc/default/locale ] ; then if grep -q "LANG=.*UTF" /etc/default/locale ; then einfo "Setting up unicode environment." unicode_start 2>>$DEBUG ; eend $? fi fi # Set default keyboard before interactive setup if [ -n "$KEYTABLE" ] ; then einfo "Running loadkeys for ${WHITE}${KEYTABLE}${NORMAL} in background" loadkeys -q $KEYTABLE & eend $? fi # we have to set up all consoles, therefore loop it over all ttys: NUM_CONSOLES=$(fgconsole --next-available) NUM_CONSOLES=$(expr ${NUM_CONSOLES} - 1) [ ${NUM_CONSOLES} -eq 1 ] && NUM_CONSOLES=6 CUR_CONSOLE=$(fgconsole) if [ -n "$CHARMAP" ] ; then einfo "Running consolechars for ${CHARMAP}" for vc in `seq 0 ${NUM_CONSOLES}` ; do consolechars --tty=/dev/tty${vc} -m ${CHARMAP} ; RC=$? done [ -n "$CUR_CONSOLE" ] && chvt $CUR_CONSOLE eend $RC fi if checkbootparam 'noconsolefont' ; then ewarn "Skipping setting console font as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if [ -n "$CONSOLEFONT" ] ; then einfo "Running consolechars using ${CONSOLEFONT}" for vc in `seq 0 ${NUM_CONSOLES}` ; do consolechars --tty=/dev/tty${vc} -f $CONSOLEFONT ; RC=$? done [ -n "$CUR_CONSOLE" ] && chvt $CUR_CONSOLE eend $? fi fi eoutdent } # }}} # {{{ Set hostname config_hostname(){ if checkbootparam 'hostname' ; then HOSTNAME="$(getbootparam 'hostname' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Setting hostname to $HOSTNAME as requested." sed -i "s/^*localhost/ $HOSTNAME localhost/" /etc/hosts hostname $HOSTNAME ; eend $? else hostname --file /etc/hostname fi } # }}} # fstabuser (needed when running from harddisk with username != grml {{{ config_userfstab(){ [ -r /etc/grml/autoconfig ] && . /etc/grml/autoconfig if [ -n "$CONFIG_FSTAB_USER" ] ; then fstabuser="$CONFIG_FSTAB_USER" else fstabuser=$(getent passwd 1000 | cut -d: -f1) fi # if not yet set fall back to default 'grml' user [ -n "$fstabuser" ] || fstabuser='grml' } # }}} # {{{ Set clock (Local time is more often used than GMT, so it is default) config_time(){ # don't touch the files if running from harddisk: if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then # The default hardware clock timezone is stated as representing local time. UTC="--localtime" grep -q "^UTC=" /etc/default/rcS || echo "UTC=no" >> /etc/default/rcS checkbootparam 'utc' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s|^UTC=.*$|UTC=yes|" /etc/default/rcS checkbootparam 'gmt' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s|^UTC=.*$|UTC=yes|" /etc/default/rcS checkbootparam 'localtime' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s|^UTC=.*$|UTC=no|" /etc/default/rcS grep -q -i "^UTC=yes" /etc/default/rcS && UTC="-u" # hwclock uses the TZ variable KTZ="$(getbootparam 'tz' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -z "$KTZ" ] && [ -r /etc/timezone ] && KTZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) if [ ! -f "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$KTZ" ] ; then ewarn "Warning: unknown timezone $KTZ" ; eend 1 KTZ="Europe/Vienna" ewarn "Falling back to timezone $KTZ" ; eend 0 fi if ! [ -r /dev/rtc ] ; then ewarn "Warning: realtime clock not available, trying to execute hwclock anyway." ; eend 0 fi ERROR=$(TZ="$KTZ" hwclock $UTC -s 2>&1 | head -1) ; RC=$? if [ -n "$ERROR" ] ; then eindent ERROR=$(TZ="$KTZ" hwclock $UTC -s --directisa 2>&1 | head -1) if [ -n "$ERROR" ] ; then eerror "Problem running hwclock: $ERROR" ; eend 1 fi eoutdent fi fi } # }}} # {{{ print kernel info config_kernel(){ vmware-detect &>/dev/null && VMWARE="inside ${WHITE}VMware/Qemu${NORMAL}" [ -d /proc/xen ] && VMWARE='' # vmware-detect returns '0' when running with a Xen-enabled kernel einfo "Running Linux Kernel $KERNEL $VMWARE" ; eend 0 if [ -r /proc/cpuinfo ] ; then if egrep -q '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo ; then eindent einfo 'CPU(s) featuring virtualization technology detected' ; eend 0 eoutdent fi fi if [ -d /proc/xen ] ; then eindent einfo 'Running kernel featuring support for Xen detected' ; eend 0 eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ vmware specific stuff config_vmware(){ if checkbootparam 'novmware' ; then ewarn "Skipping running vmware specific stuff as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then if vmware-detect || stringinstring "BOOT_IMAGE=vmware " "$CMDLINE" ; then if ! checkbootparam 'qemu' ; then if [ -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf.vmware ] ; then einfo "VMware: Copying /etc/X11/xorg.conf.vmware to /etc/X11/xorg.conf" cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.vmware /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; eend $? fi fi elif [ -r /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info -a -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf.virtualbox ] ; then if grep -q 'OEM info: innotek' /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info ; then einfo 'Virtual Box: Copying /etc/X11/xorg.conf.virtualbox to /etc/X11/xorg.conf' cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.virtualbox /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; eend $? fi fi fi fi } # }}} # {{{ qemu specific stuff config_qemu(){ if checkbootparam 'qemu' ; then if [ -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf.example ] ; then einfo "Qemu: Copying /etc/X11/xorg.conf.example to /etc/X11/xorg.conf" cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.example /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; eend $? fi fi } # }}} # {{{ ld.so.cache + depmod config_ld_mod(){ if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ]; then if ! [ -r /etc/grml.first.boot ] ; then einfo "Running from HD for the first time, regenerate ld.so.cache and modules.dep:" eindent # Regenerate ld.so.cache and module dependencies on HD einfo "Running ldconfig" ; ldconfig ; eend $? einfo "Running depmod" ; depmod -a ; eend $? touch /etc/grml.first.boot eend 0 eoutdent fi fi } # }}} # {{{ timezone config_timezone(){ # don't touch the files if running from harddisk: if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then KTZ="$(getbootparam 'tz' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$KTZ" ] ; then if [ ! -f "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$KTZ" ] then ewarn "Warning: unknown timezone $KTZ"; eend 0 else einfo "Setting timezone." # update debconf area=$(echo $KTZ | cut -d '/' -f1) zone=$(echo $KTZ | cut -d '/' -f2) echo "tzdata tzdata/Areas select $area" | debconf-set-selections echo "tzdata tzdata/Zones/$area select $zone" | debconf-set-selections # update files echo $KTZ > /etc/timezone rm -f /etc/localtime cp "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$KTZ" /etc/localtime ; eend $? fi fi fi } # }}} # small computer / nearly no ram {{{ config_small(){ RAM=$(/usr/bin/gawk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo) # MEM=$(/usr/bin/gawk 'BEGIN{m=0};/MemFree|Cached|SwapFree/{m+=$2};END{print m}' /proc/meminfo) eindent if checkbootparam 'small'; then einfo "Information: ${RAM} kB of RAM available." ; eend 0 einfo "Bootoption small detected. Activating small system." if [ -r /etc/inittab.small ] ; then mv /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.normal mv /etc/inittab.small /etc/inittab else sed -i 's/^9/#&/' /etc/inittab sed -i 's/^10/#&/' /etc/inittab sed -i 's/^11/#&/' /etc/inittab sed -i 's/^12/#&/' /etc/inittab fi /sbin/telinit q ; eend $? else if checkgrmlsmall ; then if [[ $RAM -lt 25000 ]] ; then ewarn "Information: ${RAM} kB of RAM available." ; eend 1 ewarn "At least 32MB of RAM should be available for grml-small." ; eend 1 ewarn "Use the bootoption small to save some more MB of memory usage." ; eend 0 ewarn "Dropping you into a rescue shell. To continue booting exit the shell." ; eend 0 /bin/zsh --login else einfo "Information: ${RAM} kB of RAM available." ; eend 0 fi else if [[ $RAM -lt 58000 ]] ; then ewarn "Information: ${RAM} kB of RAM available." ; eend 1 ewarn "At least 64MB of RAM should be available for grml." ; eend 1 ewarn "Use the bootoption small to save some more MB of memory usage." ; eend 0 ewarn "Dropping you into a rescue shell. To continue booting exit the shell." ; eend 0 /bin/zsh --login else einfo "Information: ${RAM} kB of RAM available." ; eend 0 fi fi fi eoutdent } # }}} # skip startup of w3m {{{ config_fast(){ if checkbootparam 'fast '; then ewarn "Bootoption fast detected. Skipping startup of grml-quickconfig." sed -i 's#^1:.*#1:12345:respawn:/usr/bin/openvt -f -c 1 -w -- /bin/zsh#' /etc/inittab /sbin/telinit q ; eend $? fi } # }}} # activate serial console {{{ config_console(){ if checkbootparam 'console'; then einfo "Bootoption (for serial) console detected." eindent if [ -r /etc/mgetty/mgetty.config ] ; then MODE=$(getbootparam 'console' | awk -F, '{print $2}') MODE=${MODE%%n*} [ -n "$MODE" ] || MODE=9600 # default mode einfo "Setting speed in /etc/mgetty/mgetty.config to $MODE bps" sed -i "s/speed [0-9]*/speed $MODE/" /etc/mgetty/mgetty.config ; eend $? fi einfo "Activating mgetty." sed -i 's/^#T0/T0/' /etc/inittab sed -i 's/^#T1/T1/' /etc/inittab /sbin/telinit q ; eend $? eoutdent fi } # }}} # For burning on IDE-CD-Roms, k3b (and others) check for special permissions {{{ config_cdrom_perm(){ CDROMS="" for DEVICE in /proc/ide/hd?; do [ "$(cat $DEVICE/media 2>/dev/null)" = "cdrom" ] && CDROMS="$CDROMS /dev/${DEVICE##*/}" done [ -n "$CDROMS" ] && { chown root.cdrom $CDROMS; chmod 666 $CDROMS; } 2>/dev/null } # }}} # {{{ Bring up loopback interface now config_local_net(){ if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then if grep -q 'iface lo inet loopback' /etc/network/interfaces 2>/dev/null ; then grep -q lo=lo /etc/network/run/ifstate 2>/dev/null || ifup lo else ifconfig lo up fi fi } # }}} # firewire devices {{{ # the raw1394 driver does not yet export info into SYSFS, # so let's create raw1394 device manually # http://www.michael-prokop.at/blog/index.php?p=352 config_firewire_dev(){ if checkbootparam 'nofirewiredev' ; then ewarn "Skipping creating some firewire devices as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else #if [ "${KERNEL%-*}" == "2.6.11" ] ; then einfo "Creating some firewire devices (fix kernel 2.6-bug)." # cd /dev && MAKEDEV video1394 raw1394 [ -r /dev/raw1394 ] || mknod /dev/raw1394 c 171 0 [ -r /dev/video1394 ] || mknod -m 666 /dev/video1394 c 171 16 # mknod -m 666 /dev/dv1394 c 171 32 # for NTSC [ -r /dev/dv1394 ] || mknod -m 666 /dev/dv1394 c 171 34 # for PAL chown -R root:video /dev/raw1394 /dev/video1394 /dev/dv1394 chmod -R 664 /dev/raw1394 /dev/video1394 /dev/dv1394 ; eend $? fi #fi } # }}} # {{{ copy passwd-lockfile to ramdisk (fix unionfs-behaviour) # otherwise we will get: passwd: Authentication token lock busy config_fix_passwd(){ if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then touch /etc/.pwd.lock fi } # }}} # {{{ CD Checker config_testcd(){ if [ -n "$TESTCD" ]; then einfo "Checking CD data integrity as requested by '${WHITE}testcd${NORMAL}' boot option." einfo "Reading files and checking against GRML/md5sums, this may take a while..." echo -n "${RED}" if [ -n "${LIVECD_PATH}"/GRML ] ; then ( cd "${LIVECD_PATH}"/GRML ; rm -f /tmp/md5sum.log ; md5sum -c md5sums 2>&1 | tee /tmp/md5sum.log ; RC=$? ) else echo "${RED} *** Error: Could not find md5sum file. ***" fi if [ "$RC" = "0" ]; then einfo "Everything looks OK" ; eend 0 else eerror 'Checksum failed for theses files:' ; eend 1 egrep -v '(^md5sum:|OK$)' /tmp/md5sum.log eerror 'Data on the grml medium is possibly incomplete/damaged or...' eerror '... RAM of your computer is broken.' ; eend 1 einfon "Hit return to continue, or press the reset button to quit." read a fi eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ hardware detection via discover config_discover(){ if checkbootparam 'nodisc' ; then ewarn "Skipping hardware detection via discover as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if [ -x /sbin/discover ] ; then einfo "Discovering hardware. Trying to load the following modules in background:" eindent einfo "$(discover --data-path=linux/module/name --data-path=linux/modules/options --format="%s %s" --data-version=`uname -r` --enable-bus all | sort -u | xargs echo)" eoutdent /sbin/discover-modprobe -v 1>>$DEBUG 2>&1 & eend 0 else eerror "Application discover not available. Information: udev should handle hardware recognition." ; eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ hardware detection via hwinfo config_hwinfo(){ if checkbootparam 'hwinfo' >>$DEBUG 2>&1; then einfo "Discovering hardware via hwinfo:" MODULES=$(su grml hwinfo | grep "Cmd: \"modprobe" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/"//') echo -n " Loading modules: " for i in `echo $MODULES` ; do echo -n $i && modprobe $i ; done eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ disable hotplug agents on request config_hotplug_agent(){ if checkbootparam 'noagent' ; then AGENT="$(getbootparam 'noagent' 2>>$DEBUG)" AGENTLIST=$(echo "$AGENT" | sed 's/,/\\n/g') AGENTNL=$(echo "$AGENT" | sed 's/,/ /g') einfo "Disabling hotplug-agent(s) $AGENTNL" for agent in $(echo -e $AGENTLIST) ; do mv /etc/hotplug/${agent}.rc /etc/hotplug/${agent}.norc done [ "$?" == "0" ] ; eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ blacklist of hotplug-modules config_hotplug_blacklist(){ if checkbootparam 'black' ; then BLACK="$(getbootparam 'black' 2>>$DEBUG)" BLACKLIST=$(echo "$BLACK" | sed 's/,/\\n/g') BLACKNL=$(echo "$BLACK" | sed 's/,/ /g') einfo "Blacklisting $BLACKNL via /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/hotplug-light" echo -e "$BLACKLIST" >> /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/hotplug-light echo -e "$BLACKLIST" >> /etc/hotplug/blacklist eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ run hotplug config_hotplug(){ if checkbootparam 'nohotplug' ; then ewarn "Skipping running hotplug as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if [ -r /etc/init.d/hotplug ] ; then einfo "Starting hotplug system in background." /etc/init.d/hotplug start 1>>$DEBUG 2>>$DEBUG & eend 0 elif [ -r /etc/init.d/hotplug-light ] ; then einfo "Starting hotplug-light system in background." /etc/init.d/hotplug-light start 1>>$DEBUG 2>>$DEBUG & eend 0 else ewarn "No hotplug system found. Should be handled by udev. Skipping execution." ; eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ blacklist specific module [ used in /etc/init.d/udev ] config_blacklist(){ if checkbootparam 'blacklist' ; then if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then einfo "Bootoption blacklist found." BLACK="$(getbootparam 'blacklist' 2>>$DEBUG)" BLACKLIST_FILE='/etc/modprobe.d/grml.conf' if [ -n "$BLACK" ] ; then for module in $(echo ${BLACK//,/ }) ; do einfo "Blacklisting module ${module} via ${BLACKLIST_FILE}." echo "# begin entry generated by config_blacklist of grml-autoconfig" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" echo "blacklist $module" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" echo "alias $module off" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" echo "# end entry generated by config_blacklist of grml-autoconfig" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" ; eend $? done else eerror "No given module for blacklist found. Blacklisting will not work therefore." fi else ewarn "Backlisting via bootoption is not intended for use on harddisk installations." ; eend 1 eindent einfo "Please blacklist the module(s) manually using the 'blacklist' script." eoutdent fi fi } # }}} # {{{ ACPI config_acpi_apm(){ if [ -d /proc/acpi ]; then if checkbootparam 'noacpi'; then ewarn "Skipping ACPI Bios detection as requested via noacpi on boot commandline." ; eend 0 elif checkbootparam 'nogrmlacpi' ; then ewarn "Skipping ACPI Bios detection as requested via nogrmlacpi on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else einfo "ACPI Bios found, activating modules (disable via bootoption noacpi / nogrmlacpi): " eindent found="" for a in /lib/modules/$KERNEL/kernel/drivers/acpi/*; do basename="${a##*/}" basename="${basename%%.*}" case "$basename" in *_acpi) egrep -qi "${basename%%_acpi}" /proc/acpi/dsdt 2>>$DEBUG || continue ;; esac modprobe $basename >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && found="yes" local BASE="$BASE $basename" done if [ -n "$found" ] ; then einfo "$BASE" ; eend 0 else ewarn "(none)" ; eend 1 fi if ! ps x | grep -q /usr/sbin/acpid ; then if ! [ -r /var/run/dbus/pid ] ; then einfo "Starting acpi daemon." /etc/init.d/acpid start 1>>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; eend $? else eerror "acpid error: it seems you are running d-bus/hal, but acpid needs to be started before d-bus." eerror "Solution: please activate acpid via /etc/runlevel.conf" eend 1 fi else ewarn "acpi daemon already running." eend 0 fi eoutdent fi else # APM if checkbootparam 'noapm'; then ewarn "Skipping APM Bios detection as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else modprobe apm power_off=1 >>$DEBUG 2>&1 if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then if [ -x /etc/init.d/apmd ] ;then einfo "APM Bios found, enabling power management functions." /etc/init.d/apmd start ; eend $? fi else eerror "Loading apm module failed." ; eend 1 fi fi fi } # }}} # {{{ PCMCIA Check/Setup # This needs to be done before other modules are being loaded (by hwsetup) config_pcmcia(){ if checkbootparam 'nopcmcia'; then ewarn "Skipping PCMCIA detection as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if /usr/sbin/laptop-detect ; then einfo "Detected Laptop - checking for PCMCIA." && eend 0 modprobe pcmcia_core >>$DEBUG 2>&1 # Try Cardbus or normal PCMCIA socket drivers modprobe yenta_socket >>$DEBUG 2>&1 || modprobe i82365 >>$DEBUG 2>&1 || modprobe pd6729 >>$DEBUG 2>&1 || modprobe tcic >>$DEBUG 2>&1 if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then modprobe ds >>$DEBUG 2>&1 if [ -d /proc/bus/pccard ] ; then if [ -x /sbin/cardmgr ] ; then einfo "PCMCIA found, starting cardmgr." cardmgr >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sleep 6 && eend 0 else eerror "No cardmgr found. Make sure package pcmciautils is installed, it should handle it instead." ; eend 1 fi fi fi fi fi } # }}} # {{{ run software synthesizer via speakup config_swspeak(){ if checkbootparam 'swspeak' ; then einfo "Bootoption swspeak found." if [ ! -d /proc/speakup/ ] && ! grep -q speakup_soft /proc/modules ; then ewarn "Kernel does not support software speakup - trying to load kernel module:" ; eend 0 eindent einfo "Loading speakup_soft" if modprobe speakup_soft ; then eend 0 else flitewrapper "Fatal error setting up software speakup" eend 1 return 1 fi eoutdent fi if [ -d /proc/speakup/ ] || grep -q speakup_soft /proc/modules ; then einfo "Kernel supports speakup." ; eend 0 eindent einfo "Just run swspeak if you want to use software synthesizer via speakup." flitewrapper "Finished activating software speakup. Just run swspeak when booting finished." eoutdent else eerror "Kernel does not seem to support speakup. Skipping swspeak." ; eend 1 flitewrapper "Kernel does not seem to support speakup. Sorry." fi fi } # }}} # {{{ support hardware synthesizer via speakup config_hwspeak(){ if checkbootparam 'speakup.synth' ; then einfo "Bootoption speakup.synth found." eindent module="$(getbootparam 'speakup.synth' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$module" ] ; then eerror "Sorry, no speakup module specified for bootoption speakup.synth." flitewrapper "Sorry, no speakup module specified for bootoption speakup.synth." else einfo "Trying to load $module" modprobe "speakup_${module}" eend $? fi if [ -d /proc/speakup/ ] || grep -q speakup /proc/modules ; then einfo "Kernel should support speakup now." ; eend 0 flitewrapper "Kernel should support speakup now." else eerror "Kernel or hardware do not seem to support speakup. Skipping hwspeak." ; eend 1 flitewrapper "Kernel or hardware do not seem to support speakup. Sorry." fi eoutdent # hwspeak: elif checkbootparam 'hwspeak' ; then einfo "Bootoption hwspeak found." if [ ! -d /proc/speakup/ ] && ! grep -q speakup /proc/modules ; then ewarn "Kernel does not support hardware speakup - trying to load kernel modules:" ; eend 0 eindent if ! [ -d "/lib/modules/${KERNEL}/extra/speakup/" ] ; then eerror "Kernel does not provide speakup modules, sorry." ; eend 1 else for module in $(find "/lib/modules/${KERNEL}/extra/speakup/" -name \*.ko | \ sed 's#.*speakup/##g ; s#.ko$##g' | \ grep -ve speakup_soft -ve speakup_dummy | sort -u) ; do einfo "Trying to load $module" modprobe $module eend $? done fi eoutdent fi if [ -d /proc/speakup/ ] || grep -q speakup /proc/modules ; then einfo "Kernel should support speakup now." ; eend 0 flitewrapper "Kernel should support speakup now." else eerror "Kernel or hardware do not seem to support speakup. Skipping hwspeak." ; eend 1 flitewrapper "Kernel or hardware do not seem to support speakup. Sorry." fi fi } # }}} # {{{ Check for blind option or brltty config_blind(){ BLIND="" checkbootparam 'blind' && BLIND="yes" BRLTTY="$(getbootparam 'brltty' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$BLIND" -o -n "$BRLTTY" ]; then if [ -x /sbin/brltty ]; then # Blind option detected, start brltty now. # modprobe serial_core parport_serial generic_serial && echo "done" CMD=brltty BRLTYPE="" BRLDEV="" BRLTEXT="" if [ -n "$BRLTTY" ]; then # Extra options BRLTYPE="${BRLTTY%%,*}" R="${BRLTTY#*,}" if [ -n "$R" -a "$R" != "$BRLTTY" ]; then BRLTTY="$R" BRLDEV="${BRLTTY%%,*}" R="${BRLTTY#*,}" if [ -n "$R" -a "$R" != "$BRLTTY" ]; then BRLTTY="$R" BRLTEXT="${BRLTTY%%,*}" R="${BRLTTY#*,}" fi fi fi [ -n "$BRLTYPE" ] && CMD="$CMD -b $BRLTYPE" [ -n "$BRLDEV" ] && CMD="$CMD -d $BRLDEV" [ -n "$BRLTEXT" ] && CMD="$CMD -t $BRLTEXT" einfo "Starting braille-display manager." # ( exec $CMD & ) ( sh -c "$CMD" & ) sleep 2 && BLINDSOUND="yes" eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ Interactive configuration config_interactive(){ ewarn "config_interactive is deprecated nowadays." ewarn "Please set CONFIG_INTERACTIVE='no' in /etc/grml/autoconfig" ; eend 0 } # }}} # {{{ AGP config_agp(){ if checkbootparam 'forceagp' ; then # Probe for AGP. Hope this can fail safely stringinfile "AGP" "/proc/pci" 2>>$DEBUG && { modprobe agpgart || modprobe agpgart agp_try_unsupported=1; } >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && einfo "AGP bridge detected." ; eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ automount(er) config_automounter(){ if checkbootparam 'automounter' ; then RUNLEVEL="$(runlevel)" AUTOMOUNTER="" [ -x /etc/init.d/autofs ] && [ "$RUNLEVEL" != "N 1" ] && [ "$RUNLEVEL" != "N S" ] && AUTOMOUNTER="yes" addautomount(){ # /dev/ice options d="${1##*/}" if [ -n "$AUTOMOUNTER" ]; then [ -d "/mnt/$d" -a ! -L "/mnt/$d" ] && rmdir /mnt/$d [ -d "/mnt/auto/$d" ] || mkdir -p "/mnt/auto/$d" [ -L "/mnt/$d" ] || ln -s "/mnt/auto/$d" "/mnt/$d" anew="$d -fstype=auto,$2 :$i" stringinfile "$anew" "/etc/auto.mnt" || echo "$anew" >> /etc/auto.mnt AUTOMOUNTS="$AUTOMOUNTS $d" new="$1 /mnt/auto/$d auto users,noauto,exec,$2 0 0" else [ -d /mnt/$d ] && mkdir -p /mnt/$d new="$1 /mnt/$d auto users,noauto,exec,$2 0 0" fi stringinfile "$new" "/etc/fstab" || echo "$new" >> /etc/fstab } AUTOMOUNTS="floppy cdrom" # Add new devices to /etc/fstab and /etc/auto.mnt for i in /dev/cdrom?*; do if [ -L $i ]; then addautomount "$i" "ro" fi done fi if [ -n "$AUTOMOUNTER" ]; then # Check for floppy dir, reinstall with automounter [ -d /mnt/floppy -a ! -L /mnt/floppy ] && rmdir /mnt/floppy [ -d /mnt/auto/floppy ] || mkdir -p /mnt/auto/floppy [ -L /mnt/floppy ] || ln -s /mnt/auto/floppy /mnt/floppy [ -d /mnt/cdrom -a ! -L /mnt/cdrom ] && rmdir /mnt/cdrom [ -d /mnt/auto/cdrom ] || mkdir -p /mnt/auto/cdrom [ -L /mnt/cdrom ] || ln -s /mnt/auto/cdrom /mnt/cdrom rm -f /etc/fstab.new # Replace paths from bootfloppy sed 's|/mnt/cdrom|/mnt/auto/cdrom|g;s|/mnt/floppy|/mnt/auto/floppy|g' /etc/fstab > /etc/fstab.new mv -f /etc/fstab.new /etc/fstab # Start automounter now einfo "Starting automounter for ${AUTOMOUNTS}." /etc/init.d/autofs start >>$DEBUG ; eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ Collect partitions from /proc/partitions first for enabling DMA check_partitions(){ partitions="" IDEDISKS="" while read major minor blocks partition relax; do partition="${partition##*/}" [ -z "$partition" -o ! -e "/dev/$partition" ] && continue case "$partition" in hd?) IDEDISKS="$IDEDISKS $partition";; # IDE Harddisk, entire disk sd?) ;; # SCSI Harddisk, entire disk # [hs]d*) partitions="$partitions /dev/$partition";; # IDE or SCSI disk partition [hs]d*|ub*) partitions="$partitions /dev/$partition";; # IDE, USB or SCSI disk partition esac done </dev/null 2>&1 # avoid output "check_partitions:3: read-only file system" # }}} # {{{ Enable DMA for all IDE drives now if not disabled # Notice: Already done by linuxrc, but make sure it's done also on harddisk-installed systems config_dma(){ if checkbootparam 'nodma'; then ewarn "Skipping DMA accelleration as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else for d in $(cd /proc/ide 2>>$DEBUG && echo hd[a-z]); do if test -d /proc/ide/$d; then if egrep -q 'using_dma[ \t]+0' /proc/ide/$d/settings 2>>$DEBUG; then MODEL="$(cat /proc/ide/$d/model 2>>$DEBUG)" test -z "$MODEL" && MODEL="[GENERIC IDE DEVICE]" einfo "Enabling DMA acceleration for: ${WHITE}$d ${YELLOW}[${MODEL}]${NORMAL}" echo "using_dma:1" >/proc/ide/$d/settings eend 0 fi fi done fi } # }}} # {{{ Start creating /etc/fstab with HD partitions and USB SCSI devices now config_fstab(){ NOSWAP="yes" # we do not use swap by default! if checkbootparam 'swap' || checkbootparam 'anyswap' ; then NOSWAP='' checkbootparam 'anyswap' && export ANYSWAP='yes' || export ANYSWAP="" fi if checkbootparam 'nofstab' || checkbootparam 'forensic' ; then ewarn "Skipping /etc/fstab creation as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else einfo "Scanning for harddisk partitions and creating /etc/fstab. (Disable this via boot option: nofstab)" iszsh && setopt nonomatch if [ -x /usr/sbin/rebuildfstab ] ; then config_userfstab || fstabuser=grml /usr/sbin/rebuildfstab -r -u $fstabuser -g $fstabuser ; eend $? else ewarn "Command rebuildfstab not found. Install package grml-rebuildfstab." ; eend 1 fi fi # checkbootparam nofstab/forensic # Scan for swap, config, homedir - but only in live-mode if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then [ -z "$NOSWAP" ] && einfo "Searching for swap partition(s) as requested." GRML_IMG="" GRML_SWP="" HOMEDIR="$(getbootparam 'home')" if [ -n "$partitions" ]; then while read p m f relax; do case "$p" in *fd0*|*proc*|*sys*|*\#*) continue;; esac partoptions="users,exec" fnew="" # it's a swap partition? case "$f" in swap) eindent if [ -n "$NOSWAP" ]; then ewarn "Ignoring swap partition ${WHITE}$p${NORMAL}. (Force usage via boot option 'swap', or execute grml-swapon)" eend 0 else case "$(dd if=$p bs=1 count=6 skip=4086 2>/dev/null)" in S1SUSP|S2SUSP|pmdisk|[zZ]*) if [ -n "$ANYSWAP" ] ; then einfo "Using swap partition ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL} [bootoption anyswap found]." swapon $p 2>>$DEBUG ; eend $? else ewarn "Suspend signature on ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL} found, not using as swap. (Force usage via boot option: anyswap)" fi ;; *) if [[ "$p" == LABEL* ]] ; then p=$(blkid -t $p | awk -F: '{print $1}') fi if grep -q $p /proc/swaps ; then ewarn "Not using swap partition ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL} as it is already in use." ; eend 0 else if [ -b "$p" ] ; then einfo "Using swap partition ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL}." swapon $p 2>>$DEBUG ; eend $? else ewarn "$p is not a valid block device - not using it therefore." ; eend 0 fi fi ;; esac # dd-check fi # -n "$NOSWAP eoutdent continue ;; esac # it's a swap partition? # mount read-only MOUNTOPTS="ro" case "$f" in vfat|msdos|ntfs) MOUNTOPTS="$MOUNTOPTS,uid=${fstabuser},gid=${fstabuser}" ;; ext2|ext3|reiserfs|jfs|reiser4|xfs) MOUNTOPTS="$MOUNTOPTS,noatime" ;; *) continue ;; # *) NONEFOUND='1'; continue ;; esac # use a swapfile if [ -z "$NOSWAP" ] ; then mount -o "$MOUNTOPTS" -t $f $p $m 2>>$DEBUG && MOUNTED=1 || continue # Activate swapfile, if exists SWAPFILE="$(/bin/ls -1d $m/[Gg][Rr][Mm][Ll].[Ss][Ww][Pp] 2>/dev/null)" fi if [ -z "$NOSWAP" -a -n "$SWAPFILE" -a -f "$SWAPFILE" ]; then mount -o remount,rw $m && MOUNTED=1 if swapon "$SWAPFILE" 2>>$DEBUG ; then eindent einfo "Using GRML swapfile ${WHITE}${SWAPFILE}${NORMAL}." eoutdent fnew="$SWAPFILE swap swap defaults 0 0" stringinfile "$fnew" "/etc/fstab" || echo "$fnew" >> /etc/fstab GRML_SWP="$GRML_SWP $SWAPFILE" eend 0 fi mount -o remount,ro $m 2>>$DEBUG && MOUNTED=1 fi # use a image as home IMAGE="$(/bin/ls -1d $m/[Gg][Rr][Mm][Ll].[Ii][Mm][Gg] 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$GRML_IMG" -a -n "$IMAGE" -a -f "$IMAGE" ]; then if [ -n "$HOMEDIR" ]; then if [ "$HOMEDIR" != "scan" -a "$HOMEDIR" != "$IMAGE" -a "$HOMEDIR" != "${IMAGE%/*.*}" ]; then continue fi fi if type -a grml-image >/dev/null 2>&1 && grml-image "$IMAGE" /dev/console 2>&1; then GRML_IMG="$IMAGE" mount -o remount,ro $m 2>>$DEBUG && MOUNTED=1 fi fi eend 0 # Umount, if not in use [ -n "$MOUNTED" ] && umount -r $m 2>/dev/null done <>$DEBUG 2>&1 ( pump -i $DEVICE >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && echo finished_running_pump > /etc/network/status/$DEVICE ) & trap "" 2 3 11 sleep 1 eend 0 done if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ] ; then ewarn 'If you want to disable automatic DHCP requests set CONFIG_DHCP=no in /etc/grml/autoconfig.' eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ helper functions findfile(){ FOUND="" # search all partitions for a file in the root directory for i in /mnt/[sh]d[a-z] /mnt/[sh]d[a-z][1-9] /mnt/[sh]d[a-z][1-9]?*; do # See if it's already mounted [ -f "$i/$1" ] && { echo "$i/$1"; return 0; } if [ -d "$i" ] && mount -r "$i" 2>>$DEBUG; then [ -f "$i/$1" ] && FOUND="$i/$1" umount -l "$i" 2>>$DEBUG [ -n "$FOUND" ] && { echo "$FOUND"; return 0; } fi done return 2 } fstype(){ case "$(file -s $1)" in *[Ff][Aa][Tt]*|*[Xx]86*) echo "vfat"; return 0;; *[Rr][Ee][Ii][Ss][Ee][Rr]*) echo "reiserfs"; return 0;; *[Xx][Ff][Ss]*) echo "xfs"; return 0;; *[Ee][Xx][Tt]3*) echo "ext3"; return 0;; *[Ee][Xx][Tt]2*) echo "ext2"; return 0;; *data*) echo "invalid"; return 0;; *) echo "auto"; return 0;; esac } # Try to mount this filesystem read-only, without or with encryption trymount(){ # Check if already mounted case "$(cat /proc/mounts)" in *\ $2\ *) return 0;; esac # Apparently, mount-aes DOES autodetect AES loopback files. [ -b "$1" ] && { mount -t auto -o ro "$1" "$2" 2>>$DEBUG; RC="$?"; } # We need to mount crypto-loop files with initial rw support [ -f "$1" ] && { mount -t auto -o loop,rw "$1" "$2" 2>>$DEBUG; RC="$?"; } # Mount succeeded? [ "$RC" = "0" ] && return 0 echo "" einfo "Filesystem not autodetected, trying to mount $1 with AES256 encryption." a="y" while [ "$a" != "n" -a "$a" != "N" ]; do # We need to mount crypto-loop files with initial rw support mount -t auto -o loop,rw,encryption=AES256 "$1" "$2" && return 0 echo -n "${RED}Mount failed, retry? [Y/n] ${NORMAL}" # Problem with ioctl() from getpasswd()? # read a read a done return 1 } # }}} # {{{ CPU-detection config_cpu(){ if checkbootparam 'nocpu'; then ewarn "Skipping CPU detection as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else # check module dependencies cpufreq_check() { if ! [ -e /lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq ] ; then if [ -e /lib64 ] ; then [ -e /lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel/arch/x86_64/kernel/cpufreq ] || return 1 else [ -e /lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq -o ! -e /lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel/drivers/cpufreq ] || return 1 fi fi } if [[ `grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo` -gt 1 ]] ; then einfo "Detecting CPU:" CPU=$(awk -F: '/^processor/{printf " Processor"$2" is"};/^model name/{printf $2};/^vendor_id/{printf vendor};/^cpu MHz/{printf " %dMHz",int($2)};/^cache size/{printf ","$2" Cache"};/^$/{print ""}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>>$DEBUG) echo $CPU | sed 's/ \{1,\}/ /g' eend 0 else einfo "Detecting CPU: `awk -F: '/^processor/{printf " Processor"$2" is"};/^model name/{printf $2};/^vendor_id/{printf vendor};/^cpu MHz/{printf " %dMHz",int($2)};/^cache size/{printf ","$2" Cache"};/^$/{print ""}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>>$DEBUG` " ; eend 0 fi # Disclaimer: sorry for the tons of if/then/else... but this makes sure we use: # * it only if we have the according kernel modules available # * cpufreq only on laptops (check via /usr/sbin/laptop-detect) and not inside Virtual Box # * current version of /etc/init.d/loadcpufreq from Debian (to stay in sync) # -> parse output of the initscript and output it according to our look'n'feel # * our own cpufreq-detect.sh if /etc/init.d/loadcpufreq isn't present if ! cpufreq_check ; then ewarn "Skipping cpufreq setup as module dependencies are not fulfilled." ; eend 1 else if /usr/sbin/laptop-detect 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ; then # Virtual Box supports ACPI and laptop-detect returns with '0', so check for it: if [ -r /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info ] ; then if grep -q 'OEM info: innotek' /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info ; then einfo 'Virtual Box detected, skipping cpufreq setup.' ; eend 0 return 0 fi fi einfo "Detected Laptop - trying to use cpu frequency scaling:" eindent if [ -x /etc/init.d/loadcpufreq ] ; then SKIP_CPU_GOVERNOR='' LOADCPUFREQ=$(mktemp) /etc/init.d/loadcpufreq start >"$LOADCPUFREQ" 2>&1 ; RC=$? if grep -q FATAL "$LOADCPUFREQ" ; then eindent SKIP_CPU_GOVERNOR=1 oldIFS="$IFS" IFS=" " for line in $(grep FATAL "$LOADCPUFREQ" | sed 's/.*FATAL: //; s/ (.*)//') ; do eerror "$line" ; eend $RC done IFS="$oldIFS" eoutdent elif grep -q done "$LOADCPUFREQ" ; then MODULE=$(grep done "$LOADCPUFREQ" | sed 's/.*done (\(.*\))./\1/') if [ -n "$MODULE" -a "$MODULE" != none ]; then einfo "Loading cpufreq kernel module $MODULE" ; eend 0 else ewarn "Could not find an appropriate kernel module for cpu frequency scaling." ; eend 1 fi fi rm -f $LOADCPUFREQ elif [ -r /usr/bin/cpufreq-detect.sh ] ; then . /usr/bin/cpufreq-detect.sh if [ -n "$MODULE" -a "$MODULE" != none ]; then einfo "Loading modules ${MODULE}" modprobe "$MODULE" 1>>$DEBUG || modprobe "$MODULE_FALLBACK" 1>>$DEBUG RC=$? if [[ $RC == 0 ]]; then eend 0 else SKIP_CPU_GOVERNOR=1 eend $1 fi else ewarn "Could not detect an appropriate CPU for use with cpu frequency scaling - skipping." && eend 1 fi # $MODULE fi # loadcpufreq if [ -z "$SKIP_CPU_GOVERNOR" ] ; then einfo "Loading cpufreq_ondemand, setting ondemand governor" if modprobe cpufreq_ondemand ; RC=$? ; then for file in $(find /sys/devices/system/cpu/ -name scaling_governor 2>/dev/null) ; do echo ondemand > $file done fi eend $RC fi # cpu-governor eoutdent fi # laptop-detect fi # cpufreq_check fi # checkbootparam nocpu } # }}} # {{{ autostart of ssh config_ssh(){ if checkbootparam 'ssh' ; then SSH_PASSWD='' SSH_PASSWD="$(getbootparam 'ssh' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Bootoption ssh found, trying to set password for user grml." eindent if [ -z "$SSH_PASSWD" ] ; then if [ -x /usr/bin/apg ] ; then SSH_PASSWD="$(apg -M NL -a 0 -m 8 -x 12 -n 1)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/gpw ] ; then SSH_PASSWD="$(gpw 1)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/pwgen ] ; then SSH_PASSWD="$(pwgen -1 8)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/hexdump ] ; then SSH_PASSWD="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=14 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump | awk '{print $3 $4}')" elif [ -n "$RANDOM" ] ; then SSH_PASSWD="grml${RANDOM}" else SSH_PASSWD='' eerror "Empty passphrase and neither pwgen nor hexdump nor \$RANDOM found. Skipping." eend 1 fi if [ -n "$SSH_PASSWD" ] ; then ewarn "No given password for ssh found. Using random password: $SSH_PASSWD" ; eend 0 fi fi eoutdent # finally check if we have a password we can use: if [ -n "$SSH_PASSWD" ] ; then # chpasswd sucks, seriously. if chpasswd --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- '-m,' ; then echo "grml:$SSH_PASSWD" | chpasswd -m else echo "grml:$SSH_PASSWD" | chpasswd fi fi einfo 'Starting secure shell server in background.' /etc/init.d/rmnologin start 1>>$DEBUG 2>>$DEBUG /etc/init.d/ssh start 1>>$DEBUG 2>>$DEBUG & eend $? eindent ewarn 'Warning: please change the password for user grml as soon as possible!' eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ set password for user grml config_passwd(){ if checkbootparam 'passwd' >>$DEBUG 2>&1; then einfo "Bootoption passwd found." PASSWD="$(getbootparam 'passwd' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] ; then echo "grml:$PASSWD" | chpasswd -m ; eend $? else eerror "No given password for ssh found. Autostart of SSH will not work." ; eend 1 fi eindent ewarn "Warning: please change the password for user grml set via bootparameter as soon as possible!" eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ Check for persistent homedir option and eventually mount /home from there, or use a loopback file. config_homedir(){ if checkbootparam 'home' ; then HOMEDIR="$(getbootparam 'home')" MYHOMEDEVICE="" MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT="" MYHOMEDIR="" if [ -n "$HOMEDIR" ]; then einfo "Bootoption home detected." && eend 0 case "$HOMEDIR" in /dev/*) MYHOMEDEVICE="${HOMEDIR##/dev/}" MYHOMEDEVICE="/dev/${MYHOMEDEVICE%%/*}" MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT="/mnt/${MYHOMEDEVICE##/dev/}" MYHOMEDIR="/mnt/${HOMEDIR##/dev/}" ;; /mnt/*) MYHOMEDEVICE="${HOMEDIR##/mnt/}" MYHOMEDEVICE="/dev/${MYHOMEDEVICE%%/*}" MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT="/mnt/${MYHOMEDEVICE##/dev/}" MYHOMEDIR="$HOMEDIR" ;; [Aa][Uu][Tt][Oo]|[Ss][Cc][Aa][Nn]|[Ff][Ii][Nn][Dd]) MYHOMEDIR="$(findfile grml.img)" MYHOMEDEVICE="${MYHOMEDIR##/mnt/}" MYHOMEDEVICE="/dev/${MYHOMEDEVICE%%/*}" MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT="/mnt/${MYHOMEDEVICE##/dev/}" ;; *) eerror "Invalid home= option '$HOMEDIR' specified (must start with /dev/ or /mnt/ or 'scan')." ; eend 1 eerror "Option ignored." ; eend 1 ;; esac fi # -n $HOMEDIR if [ -n "$MYHOMEDIR" ]; then if trymount "$MYHOMEDEVICE" "$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT"; then [ -f "$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT/grml.img" ] && MYHOMEDIR="$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT/grml.img" while read device mountpoint fs relax; do case "$mountpoint" in *$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT*) case "$fs" in *[Nn][Tt][Ff][Ss]*) umount "$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT"; eerror "Error: will not mount NTFS filesystem on $MYHOMEDEVICE read/write!" ; eend 1 break ;; *[Ff][Aa][Tt]*) # Note: This currently won't work with encrypted partitions umount "$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT"; mount -t vfat -o rw,uid=grml,gid=grml,umask=002 "$MYHOMEDEVICE" "$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT" if [ ! -f "$MYHOMEDIR" ]; then ewarn "WARNING: FAT32 is not a good filesystem option for /home/grml (missing socket/symlink support)." ewarn "WARNING: Better use an ext2 loopback file on this device, and boot with home=$MYHOMEDEVICE/grml.img." fi ;; esac if mount -o remount,rw "$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT"; then einfo "Mounting ${WHITE}$MYHOMEDIR${NORMAL} as ${WHITE}/home/grml${NORMAL}." if [ -f "$MYHOMEDIR" ]; then # It's a loopback file, mount it over the /home/grml directory trymount "$MYHOMEDIR" /home/grml RC="$?" [ "$RC" = "0" ] && ERROR="$(mount -o remount,rw /home/grml 2>&1)" RC="$?" else # Do a --bind mount ERROR="$(mount --bind "$MYHOMEDIR" /home/grml 2>&1)" RC="$?" fi # -f $MYHOMEDIR [ "$RC" = "0" ] && eend 0 || ( eerror "${ERROR}" ; eend 1 ) fi # mount -o remount,rw,... break ;; esac # case "$mountpoint" in *$MYHOMEMOUNTPOINT*) done </dev/null 2>>$DEBUG ; then amixer set Front unmute 1>/dev/null amixer set Front 0% 1>/dev/null fi fi ERROR=$(aumix -w 0 -v 0 -p 0 -m 0 2>&1) ; RC=$? if [ -n "$ERROR" ] ; then eindent eerror "Problem muting sound devices: $ERROR" eoutdent fi eend $RC elif [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then einfo "Setting mixer volumes to level ${WHITE}${VOL}${NORMAL}." # some IBM notebooks require the following stuff: if [ -x /usr/bin/amixer ] ; then if amixer get Front 1>/dev/null 2>>$DEBUG ; then amixer set Front unmute 1>/dev/null amixer set Front ${VOL}% 1>/dev/null fi fi # by default assume '0' as volume for microphone: if checkbootparam 'micvol' ; then MICVOL="$(getbootparam 'micvol' 2>>$DEBUG)" else MICVOL=0 fi # finally set the volumes: ERROR=$(aumix -w $VOL -v $VOL -p $VOL -m $MICVOL 2>&1) ; RC=$? if [ -n "$ERROR" ] ; then eindent eerror "Problem setting mixer volumes: $ERROR (no soundcard?)" eoutdent fi eend $RC fi fi } # }}} # {{{ modem detection config_modem(){ if checkbootparam 'nomodem'; then ewarn "Skipping check for AC97 modem controller as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if [ -x /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon ] ; then if lspci | grep Intel | grep -q "AC'97 Modem Controller" ; then einfo "AC97 modem controller detected. Start it running 'Start sl-modem-daemon'." eend 0 fi fi fi } # }}} # {{{ keyboard add-ons config_setkeycodes(){ if checkbootparam 'setkeycodes' ; then einfo "Setting keycodes as requested via bootparameter 'setkeycodes'." # MS MM keyboard add-on # fix setkeycodes e001 126 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e059 127 &>/dev/null # fn keys setkeycodes e03b 59 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e008 60 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e007 61 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e03e 62 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e03f 63 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e040 64 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e041 65 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e042 66 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e043 67 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e023 68 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e057 87 &>/dev/null setkeycodes e058 88 &>/dev/null # hp keycodes setkeycodes e00a 89 e008 90 &>/dev/null eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ wondershaper config_wondershaper(){ if checkbootparam 'wondershaper' ; then WONDER="$(getbootparam 'wondershaper' 2>>$DEBUG)" CMD=wondershaper DEVICE="" DOWNSTREAM="" UPSTREAM="" if [ -n "$WONDER" ]; then # Extra options DEVICE="${WONDER%%,*}" R="${WONDER#*,}" if [ -n "$R" -a "$R" != "$WONDER" ]; then WONDER="$R" DOWNSTREAM="${WONDER%%,*}" R="${WONDER#*,}" if [ -n "$R" -a "$R" != "$WONDER" ]; then WONDER="$R" UPSTREAM="${WONDER%%,*}" R="${WONDER#*,}" fi fi fi [ -n "$DEVICE" ] && CMD="$CMD $DEVICE" [ -n "$DOWNSTREAM" ] && CMD="$CMD $DOWNSTREAM" [ -n "$UPSTREAM" ] && CMD="$CMD $UPSTREAM" einfo "Starting wondershaper (${CMD}) in background." ( sh -c $CMD & ) && eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ syslog-ng config_syslog(){ if checkbootparam 'nosyslog'; then ewarn "Not starting syslog daemon as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else SYSLOGD='' [ -x /etc/init.d/syslog-ng ] && SYSLOGD='syslog-ng' [ -x /etc/init.d/rsyslog ] && SYSLOGD='rsyslog' [ -x /etc/init.d/dsyslog ] && SYSLOGD='dsyslog' [ -x /etc/init.d/sysklogd ] && SYSLOGD='sysklogd' [ -x /etc/init.d/inetutils-syslogd ] && SYSLOGD='inetutils-syslogd' if [ -z "$SYSLOGD" ] ; then eerror "No syslog daemon found." ; eend 1 else einfo "Starting $SYSLOGD in background." /etc/init.d/$SYSLOGD start 1>>$DEBUG & eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ gpm config_gpm(){ if checkbootparam 'nogpm'; then ewarn "Not starting GPM as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if ! [ -r /dev/input/mice ] ; then eerror "No mouse found - not starting GPM." ; eend 1 else einfo "Starting gpm in background." /etc/init.d/gpm start 1>>$DEBUG & # ( while [ ! -e /dev/psaux ]; do sleep 5; done; /etc/init.d/gpm start 1>>$DEBUG ) & eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ services config_services(){ if checkbootparam 'services' ; then SERVICE="$(getbootparam 'services' 2>>$DEBUG)" SERVICELIST=$(echo "$SERVICE" | sed 's/,/\\n/g') SERVICENL=$(echo "$SERVICE" | sed 's/,/ /g') einfo "Starting service(s) ${SERVICENL} in background." for service in $(echo -e $SERVICELIST) ; do /etc/init.d/${service} start 1>>$DEBUG & done [ "$?" == "0" ] ; eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ config files config_netconfig(){ if checkbootparam 'netconfig' ; then CONFIG="$(getbootparam 'netconfig' 2>>$DEBUG)" CONFIGFILE='/tmp/netconfig.grml' getconfig() { wget --timeout=10 --dns-timeout=10 --connect-timeout=10 \ --read-timeout=10 $CONFIG -O $CONFIGFILE && return 0 || return 1 } einfo "Trying to get ${WHITE}${CONFIG}${NORMAL}" counter=10 while ! getconfig && [[ "$counter" != 0 ]] ; do echo -n "Sleeping for 5 seconds and trying to get config again... " counter=$(( counter-1 )) echo "$counter tries left" ; sleep 1 done if [ -r "$CONFIGFILE" ] ; then einfo "Downloading was successfull." ; eend 0 einfo "md5sum of ${WHITE}${CONFIG}${NORMAL}: " md5sum $CONFIGFILE ; eend 0 cd / && einfo "Unpacking ${WHITE}${CONFIGFILE}${NORMAL}:" && /usr/bin/unp $CONFIGFILE $EXTRACTOPTIONS ; eend $? else einfo "Sorry, could not fetch $CONFIG" ; eend 1 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ blindsound config_blindsound(){ if checkbootparam 'blind' ; then beep flitewrapper "welcome to the gremel system" fi } # }}} # {{{ welcome sound config_welcome(){ if checkbootparam 'welcome' ; then flitewrapper "welcome to the gremel system" fi } # }}} # {{{ fix/workaround for unionfs fix_unionfs(){ if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then touch /var/cache/apt/*cache.bin fi } # }}} # {{{ create all /mnt-directories create_mnt_dirs(){ ewarn "create_mnt_dirs is deprecated as grml-rebuildfstab does all we need." ewarn "Please set CONFIG_CREATE_MNT_DIRS='no' in /etc/grml/autoconfig" ; eend 0 } # }}} # {{{ start X window system via grml-x config_x_startup(){ # make sure we start X only if startx is used *before* a nostartx option # so it's possible to disable automatic X startup using nostart if checkbootparam 'startx' && ! grep -q 'startx.*nostartx' "$CMDLINE" ; then if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/X ] ; then if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then WINDOWMANAGER="$(getbootparam 'startx' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$WINDOWMANAGER" ] ; then einfo "No window manager specified. Taking ${WHITE}wm-ng${NORMAL} as default." && eend 0 WINDOWMANAGER="wm-ng" else einfo "Window manager ${WHITE}${WINDOWMANAGER}${NORMAL} found as bootoption." && eend 0 fi einfo "Changing to runlevel 5 for starting grml-x ${WINDOWMANAGER}. Just exit X windows system to get full featured consoles." config_userfstab || fstabuser='grml' cat>|/etc/init.d/xstartup<>$DEBUG EOF chmod 755 /etc/init.d/xstartup # adjust inittab for xstartup if grep -q '^6:' /etc/inittab ; then sed -i 's|^6:.*|6:2345:respawn:/bin/zsh --login -c "/etc/init.d/xstartup ; /bin/zsh"|' /etc/inittab else # just append tty6 to inittab if no definition is present: echo '6:2345:respawn:/bin/zsh --login -c "/etc/init.d/xstartup ; /bin/zsh"' >> /etc/inittab fi /sbin/telinit q ; eend $? if grep -q '^allowed_users=' /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config ; then sed -i 's/^allowed_users=.*/allowed_users=anybody/' /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config else echo 'allowed_users=anybody' >> /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config fi else eerror "We are not running in live mode - startx will not work, skipping it." eerror " -> Please use something like xdm, gdm or kdm for starting X on a harddisk system!" ; eend 1 fi else eerror "/usr/X11R6/bin/X is not present on this grml flavour." eerror " -> Boot parameter startx does not work therefore." ; eend 1 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ configuration framework config_extract(){ if checkbootparam 'extract' ; then EXTRACT="$(getbootparam 'extract' 2>>$DEBUG)" EXTRACTOPTIONS="-- -x $EXTRACT" fi } config_finddcsdir() { # - If no GRMLCFG partition is found and noautoconfig is _not_ given # on the command line, nothing is changed and the dcs files are # searched within the .iso, $dcs-dir is set to the root directory # within the .iso # - If a GRMLCFG partition is found, $dcs-dir is set to the root of # the GRMLCFG partition unless noautoconfig is set. If noautoconfig is # set, $dcs-dir is set to the root directory within the .iso. # - If myconfig=foo is set on the command line, $dcs-dir is set to # foo, even if a GRMLCFG partition is present. DCSDIR="" if checkbootparam 'noautoconfig' || checkbootparam 'forensic' ; then ewarn "Skipping running automount of device(s) labeled GRMLCFG as requested." ; eend 0 else if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then if checkbootparam 'myconfig' ; then DCSDEVICE="$(getbootparam 'myconfig' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$DCSDEVICE" ]; then einfo "No device for bootoption myconfig provided." ; eend 1 fi # [ -z "$DCSDEVICE" ] elif checkvalue $CONFIG_MYCONFIG; then # checkbootparam myconfig einfo "Searching for device(s) labeled with GRMLCFG. (Disable this via boot option: noautoconfig)" ; eend 0 eindent # We do need the following fix so floppy disk is available to blkid in any case :-/ if [ -r /dev/fd0 ] ; then einfo "Floppy device detected. Trying to access floppy disk." if timeout 4 dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/null bs=512 count=1 1>>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; then blkid /dev/fd0 1>>$DEBUG 2>&1 fi fi DCSDEVICE=$(blkid -t LABEL=GRMLCFG | head -1 | awk -F: '{print $1}') fi if [ -n "$DCSDEVICE" ]; then einfo "debs, config, scripts are read from $DCSDEVICE." ; eend 0 DCSDIR="$(< /proc/mounts awk -v DCSDEV=$DCSDEVICE '{if ($1 == DCSDEV) { print $2 }}')" if [ -n "$DCSDIR" ]; then einfo "$DCSDEVICE already mounted on $DCSDIR"; eend 0 else [ -d /mnt/grml ] || mkdir /mnt/grml umount /mnt/grml 1>>$DEBUG 2>&1 # make sure it is not mounted mount -o ro -t auto $DCSDEVICE /mnt/grml ; RC="$?" if [[ $RC == 0 ]]; then einfo "Successfully mounted $DCSDEVICE to /mnt/grml (readonly)." ; eend 0 eindent fi DCSDIR="/mnt/grml" fi fi fi fi if [ -n "$DCSDIR" ]; then einfo "Debs, config, scripts will be read from $DCSDIR." ; eend 0 else einfo "Debs, config, scripts will be read from the live image directly." ; eend 0 fi } config_partconf() { if checkbootparam 'partconf' ; then MOUNTDEVICE="$(getbootparam 'partconf' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$MOUNTDEVICE" ]; then [ -d /mnt/grml ] || mkdir /mnt/grml mount -o ro -t auto $MOUNTDEVICE /mnt/grml ; RC="$?" if [[ $RC == 0 ]]; then einfo "Successfully mounted $MOUNTDEVICE to /mnt/grml (readonly)." ; eend 0 einfo "Copying files from $MOUNTDEVICE over grml system." for file in `cat /etc/grml/partconf` ; do [ -d /mnt/grml/$file ] && cp -a /mnt/grml/${file}* ${file} && echo "copied: $file" [ -f /mnt/grml/$file ] && cp -a /mnt/grml/${file} ${file} && echo "copied: $file" done && eend 0 else einfo "Could not mount $MOUNTDEVICE to /mnt/grml - sorry." ; eend 1 fi # mount $MOUNTDEVICE grep -q '/mnt/grml' /proc/mounts && umount /mnt/grml else einfo "Sorry, no device for bootoption partconf provided. Skipping." ; eend 1 fi # [ -n "$MOUNTDEVICE" ] fi } # }}} # {{{ /cdrom/.*-options config_debs(){ if checkbootparam 'debs' ; then DEBS="$(getbootparam 'debs' 2>>$DEBUG)" if ! echo $DEBS | grep -q '/'; then # backwards compatibility: if no path is given get debs from debs/ DEBS="debs/$DEBS" fi einfo "Tring to install debian package(s) ${DEBS}" DEBS="$(eval echo ${DCSDIR}/$DEBS)" dpkg -i $DEBS ; eend $? fi } config_scripts(){ if checkbootparam 'scripts' ; then SCRIPTS="$(getbootparam 'scripts' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$SCRIPTS" ]; then SCRIPTS="$(cd ${DCSDIR}/scripts; /bin/ls -1d [Gg][Rr][Mm][Ll].[Ss][Hh] 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if ! echo $SCRIPTS | grep -q '/'; then # backwards compatibility: if no path is given get scripts from scripts/ SCRIPTS="scripts/$SCRIPTS" fi SCRIPTS="${DCSDIR}/$SCRIPTS" if [ -d "$SCRIPTS" ]; then einfo "Bootparameter scripts found. Trying to execute from directory ${SCRIPTS}:" run-parts $SCRIPTS else einfo "Bootparameter scripts found. Trying to execute ${SCRIPTS}:" sh -c $SCRIPTS fi fi } config_config(){ if checkbootparam 'config' ; then CONFIG="$(getbootparam 'config' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$CONFIG" ]; then CONFIG="$(cd ${DCSDIR}; ls -1d [Cc][Oo][Nn][Ff][Ii][Gg].[Tt][Bb][Zz] 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if [ -n "$CONFIG" ]; then if [ -d "${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" ] ; then einfo "Taking configuration from directory ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" cp -a ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}/* / elif [ -f "${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" ]; then einfo "Extracting configuration from file ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" cd / unp ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG} $EXTRACTOPTIONS ; eend $? else ewarn "Sorry, could not find configuration file or directory ${DCSDIR}/${FILENAME}." ; eend 1 fi fi fi # umount /mnt/grml if it was mounted by finddcsdir # this doesn't really belong here grep -q '/mnt/grml' /proc/mounts && umount /mnt/grml } # }}} # {{{ mypath config_mypath(){ if checkbootparam 'mypath' ; then MY_PATH="$(getbootparam 'mypath' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Bootparameter mypath found, adding ${MY_PATH} to /etc/grml/my_path" touch /etc/grml/my_path chmod 644 /etc/grml/my_path # make sure the directories exist: eindent for i in $(echo $MY_PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g') ; do if ! [ -d "$i" ] ; then einfo "Creating directory $i" mkdir -p "$i" ; eend $? fi done grep -q "${MY_PATH}" /etc/grml/my_path || echo "${MY_PATH}" >> /etc/grml/my_path ; eend $? eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ distcc config_distcc(){ if checkbootparam 'distcc' ; then OPTIONS="$(getbootparam 'distcc' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$OPTIONS" ]; then NET="" INTERFACE="" if [ -n "$OPTIONS" ]; then NET="${OPTIONS%%,*}" R="${OPTIONS#*,}" if [ -n "$R" -a "$R" != "$OPTIONS" ]; then OPTIONS="$R" INTERFACE="${OPTIONS%%,*}" R="${OPTIONS#*,}" fi fi fi CONFIG=/etc/default/distcc sed -i "s#^STARTDISTCC=.*#STARTDISTCC=YES#" $CONFIG sed -i "s#^ALLOWEDNETS=.*#ALLOWEDNETS=$NET#" $CONFIG if [ -n "$INTERFACE" ] ; then IP=$(LANG=C ifconfig $INTERFACE | gawk -F: /"inet addr"/'{print $2}' | gawk '{print $1}') counter=10 while [ -z "$IP" ] && [[ "$counter" != 0 ]] ; do counter=$(( counter-1 )) ewarn "No ip address for $INTERFACE found. Sleeping for 3 seconds. $counter tries left." sleep 3 IP=$(LANG=C ifconfig $INTERFACE | gawk -F: /"inet addr"/'{print $2}' | gawk '{print $1}') done fi if [ -n "$IP" ] ; then sed -i "s#^LISTENER=.*#LISTENER=$IP#" $CONFIG einfo "Bootoption distcc found. Preparing setup for distcc daemon." eindent id distccd >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ ( einfo "Creating distcc user" ; \ adduser --quiet --system --ingroup nogroup --home / --no-create-home distccd ; eend $? ) einfo "Starting distcc for network ${NET}, listening on ${IP}." /etc/init.d/distcc start 1>/dev/null ; eend $? eoutdent else eerror "No ip address for $INTERFACE found. distcc can not be used without it." ; eend 1 fi fi if checkbootparam 'gcc'; then GCC="$(getbootparam 'gcc' 2>>$DEBUG)" eindent einfo "Pointing /usr/bin/gcc to /usr/bin/gcc-${GCC}." eoutdent rm -f /usr/bin/gcc ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-${GCC} /usr/bin/gcc ; eend $? fi if checkbootparam 'gpp'; then GPP="$(getbootparam 'gpp' 2>>$DEBUG)" eindent einfo "Pointing /usr/bin/g++ to /usr/bin/g++-${GPP}." if [ -x /usr/bin/g++-${GPP} ] ; then rm -f /usr/bin/g++ ln -s /usr/bin/g++-${GPP} /usr/bin/g++ ; eend $? fi einfo "Pointing /usr/bin/cpp to /usr/bin/cpp-${GPP}." if [ -x /usr/bin/cpp-${GPP} ] ; then rm -f /usr/bin/cpp ln -s /usr/bin/cpp-${GPP} /usr/bin/cpp ; eend $? fi eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ load modules # Notice: use it only on live-cd system, if running from harddisk please # add modules to /etc/modules and activate /etc/init.d/module-init-tools # in /etc/runlevel.conf config_modules(){ MODULES_FILE=/etc/grml/modules if checkbootparam 'nomodules' ; then ewarn "Skipping loading of modules defined in ${MODULES_FILE} as requested." ; eend 0 elif [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then if [ -r $MODULES_FILE ] ; then einfo "Loading modules specified in ${MODULES_FILE}:" eindent grep '^[^#]' $MODULES_FILE | \ while read module args; do [ "$module" ] || continue einfo "${module}" modprobe $module $args ; eend $? done eoutdent else ewarn "File $MODULES_FILE does not exist. Skipping loading of specific modules." ; eend 1 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ 915resolution config_915resolution(){ if checkbootparam '915resolution' ; then OPTIONS="$(getbootparam '915resolution' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -x /usr/sbin/915resolution ]; then CMD=915resolution MODE="" XRESO="" YRESO="" if [ -n "$OPTIONS" ]; then # Extra options MODE="${OPTIONS%%,*}" R="${OPTIONS#*,}" if [ -n "$R" -a "$R" != "$OPTIONS" ]; then OPTIONS="$R" XRESO="${OPTIONS%%,*}" R="${OPTIONS#*,}" if [ -n "$R" -a "$R" != "$OPTIONS" ]; then OPTIONS="$R" YRESO="${OPTIONS%%,*}" R="${OPTIONS#*,}" fi fi fi einfo "Running 915resolution with options ${MODE} ${XRESO} ${YRESO}." [ -n "$MODE" ] && [ -n "$XRESO" ] && [ -n "$YRESO" ] && ( sh -c "$CMD $MODE $XRESO $YRESO" & ) eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ SW-RAID config_swraid(){ if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then # notice: checkbootparam "forensic" is just for users who don't know how to really use the bootoption if checkbootparam 'noraid' || checkbootparam 'noswraid' -o \ checkbootparam 'forensic' || checkbootparam 'raid=noautodetect' ; then ewarn "Skipping SW-RAID code as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if ! [ -x /sbin/mdadm ] ; then eerror "mdadm not available, can not execute it." ; eend 1 else # if ! egrep -qv '^(MAILADDR.*|#.*|)$' /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf 2>>$DEBUG ; then # find out whether we have a valid configuration file already if ! grep -q ARRAY /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf 2>>$DEBUG ; then einfo "Creating /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf for use with mdadm." [ -r /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ] && mv /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf.old MDADM_MAILADDR__='root' /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ; eend $? else ewarn "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf looks like a configured mdadm setup, will not touch it." ; eend 0 fi if ! checkbootparam 'swraid' ; then eindent einfo "Just run 'Start mdadm-raid' to assemble md arrays or boot using 'swraid' as bootoption for autostart." eoutdent else einfo "Bootoption swraid found. Searching for software RAID arrays:" eindent IFSOLD=${IFS:-} IFS=' ' for line in $(mdadm --assemble --scan --auto=yes --symlink=no 2>&1) ; do case $line in *'No arrays found'*) ewarn "$line" ; eend 0 ;; *) einfo "$line" ; eend 0 ;; esac done IFS=$IFSOLD eoutdent if [ -r /proc/mdstat ] ; then eindent MDSTAT=$(grep '^md[0-9]' /proc/mdstat) if [ -z "$MDSTAT" ] ; then ewarn "No active arrays found" ; eend 0 else IFSOLD=${IFS:-} IFS=' ' for line in $(grep '^md[0-9]' /proc/mdstat) ; do einfo "active arrays: $line" ; eend 0 done IFS=$IFSOLD fi eoutdent fi # /proc/mdstat fi # bootoption swraid fi # is /sbin/mdadm executable? fi # check for bootoptions fi # run only in live-cd mode } # }}} # {{{ LVM (Logical Volumes) config_lvm(){ if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then # notice: checkbootparam "forensic" is just for users who don't know how to really use the bootoption if checkbootparam 'nolvm' ; then ewarn "Skipping LVM code as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else # Debian etch provides /etc/init.d/lvm only, newer suites provide /etc/init.d/lvm2 if ! [ -x /sbin/lvm -a -x /sbin/lvdisplay ] || ! [ -x /etc/init.d/lvm2 -o -x /etc/init.d/lvm ] ; then eerror "LVM not available, can not execute it." ; eend 1 else if lvdisplay 2>&1 | grep -v 'No volume groups found' 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ; then einfo "You seem to have logical volumes (LVM) on your system." eindent einfo "Just run 'Start lvm2' to activate them or boot using 'lvm' as bootoption for autostart." eend 0 if checkbootparam 'lvm' ; then einfo "Bootoption LVM found. Searching for logical volumes:" /etc/init.d/lvm2 start ; eend $? fi eoutdent fi fi # check for lvm binary fi # check for bootoption nolvm fi # run only in live-cd mode } # }}} # {{{ debnet: setup network based on an existing one found on a partition config_debnet(){ if checkbootparam 'debnet' ; then iszsh && setopt shwordsplit DEVICES="$(< /proc/partitions tail -n +3 | awk '{print "/dev/"$4}' | tr "\n" " ")" DEVICES="$DEVICES $(ls /dev/mapper/*)" FOUND_DEBNET="" einfo "Bootoption 'debnet' found. Searching for Debian network configuration: " eindent if ! mount | grep '/mnt ' 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ; then for i in $DEVICES; do if mount -o ro -t auto "$i" /mnt >/dev/null 2>&1; then einfo "Scanning on $i" if [ -f /mnt/etc/network/interfaces ]; then einfo "/etc/network/interfaces found on ${i}" ; eend 0 FOUND_DEBNET="$i" break fi umount /mnt fi done if [ -n "$FOUND_DEBNET" ]; then einfo "Stopping network." pump -k 1>/dev/null 2>&1 /etc/init.d/networking stop 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ; eend $? einfo "Copying Debian network configuration from $FOUND_DEBNET to running system." rm -rf /etc/network/run cp -a /mnt/etc/network /etc rm -rf /etc/network/run mkdir /etc/network/run umount /mnt ; eend $? einfo "Starting network." invoke-rc.d networking start ; eend $? else eerror "/etc/network/interfaces not found." ; eend 1 fi eoutdent else eerror "Error: /mnt already mounted." ; eend 1 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ check for broken ipw3945 driver which causes problems (especially on hd install) config_ipw3945() { if grep -q ipw3945 /proc/modules ; then if ! iwconfig 2>/dev/null| grep -qe 'IEEE 802' -qe 'unassociated' ; then ewarn "Broken ipw3945 network interface found, reloading module." rmmod ipw3945 modprobe ipw3945 eend $? fi fi } # }}} # {{{ disable console blanking config_blanking(){ if checkbootparam 'noblank' ; then einfo "Bootoption noblank found. Disabling monitor blanking." setterm -blank 0 ; eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ tohd= bootoption config_tohd() { if checkbootparam 'tohd' ; then local TARGET="$(getbootparam 'tohd' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$TARGET" ] ; then eerror "Error: tohd specified without any partition, can not continue." ; eend 1 eerror "Please use something like tohd=/dev/sda9." ; eend 1 return 1 fi if ! [ -b "$TARGET" ] ; then eerror "Error: $TARGET is not a valid block device, sorry." ; eend 1 return 1 fi if grep -q $TARGET /proc/mounts ; then eerror "$TARGET already mounted, skipping execution of tohd therefore." eend 1 return 1 fi local MOUNTDIR=$(mktemp -d) if mount -o rw "$TARGET" "$MOUNTDIR" ; then einfo "Copyring live system to $TARGET - this might take a while" rsync -a --progress /live/image/live $MOUNTDIR sync umount "$MOUNTDIR" eend $? einfo "Booting with \"grml bootfrom=$TARGET\" should work now." ; eend 0 else eerror "Error when trying to mount $TARGET, sorry."; eend 1 return 1 fi rmdir "$MOUNTDIR" fi } # }}} # {{{ grml2hd: automatic installation config_grml2hd(){ if stringinstring "BOOT_IMAGE=grml2hd " "$CMDLINE" ; then if checkbootparam 'user' ; then NEWUSER='' NEWUSER="$(getbootparam 'user' 2>>$DEBUG)" sed -i "s/^NEWUSER=.*/NEWUSER=$NEWUSER/" /etc/grml2hd/config || export GRML2HD_FAIL=1 fi if checkbootparam 'filesystem' ; then FILESYSTEM='' FILESYSTEM="$(getbootparam 'filesystem' 2>>$DEBUG)" sed -i "s/^FILESYSTEM=.*/FILESYSTEM=$FILESYSTEM/" /etc/grml2hd/config || export GRML2HD_FAIL=1 fi if checkbootparam 'partition' ; then PARTITION='' PARTITION="$(getbootparam 'partition' 2>>$DEBUG)" # notice: the following checks whether the given partition is available, if not the skip # execution of grml2hd as it might result in data loss... if [ -r $PARTITION ] ; then sed -i "s#^PARTITION=.*#PARTITION=$PARTITION#" /etc/grml2hd/config || export GRML2HD_FAIL=1 else ewarn "Partition $PARTITION does not exist. Skipping execution of grml2hd therefore." ; eend 1 fi fi if checkbootparam 'mbr' ; then BOOT_PARTITION='' BOOT_PARTITION="$(getbootparam 'mbr' 2>>$DEBUG)" sed -i "s#^BOOT_PARTITION=.*#BOOT_PARTITION=$BOOT_PARTITION#" /etc/grml2hd/config || export GRML2HD_FAIL=1 fi cat>|/usr/bin/grml2hd_noninteractive<|/usr/bin/grml-debootstrap_noninteractive<