# Filename: /etc/grml/autoconfig.small # Purpose: configuration for grml-autoconfig on grml-small-system # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Sam Sep 23 20:06:34 CEST 2006 [mika] ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Notice: you can configure grml-autoconfig via adjusting the following values. # Set them to 'yes' to activate them. But please notice that some options # require an additional bootparam ("cheatcode") anyway, some options just # de-/activate a check! # # If you want to deactivate an option just set it to 'no'. # # Take a look at the script 'grml-autoconfig' as well! ################################################################################ ## These are the options you might want to adjust: ############################# # configure language - set keyboard layout # notice: overwriting this variable is still possible through # bootparameter lang=... # See http://grml.org/faq/#language for more information. # default: us # LANGUAGE='de' # console font # default: Lat15-Terminus16 # CONSOLEFONT='iso15graf-16' # display information on running kernel CONFIG_KERNEL='yes' # check for network devices and run dhclient CONFIG_DHCP='yes' # check for frequency-scalable CPU and activate cpydyn/powernowd CONFIG_CPU='no' # create /etc/fstab (this also de-/activates swap-partition) CONFIG_FSTAB='yes' # load ACPI/APM modules CONFIG_ACPI_APM='yes' # Enable DMA for all IDE drives - already done in initrd # but make sure it's done also on harddisk-installed systems CONFIG_DMA='yes' # set audio volumes CONFIG_MIXER='no' # start syslog-ng CONFIG_SYSLOG='yes' # start gpm CONFIG_GPM='yes' ################################################################################ # Notice! Do not touch the following options except you really know # what you are doing! CONFIG_915RESOLUTION='no' # run 915resolution with specified options for adjusting resolution CONFIG_AGP='yes' # check for bootparam forceagp CONFIG_AUTOMOUNTER='no' # activate automounter CONFIG_AUTOMOUNT='yes' # automounting of device labeled GRMLCFG CONFIG_BLANKING='yes' # check for bootoption noblank to disable console blanking CONFIG_BLINDSOUND='yes' # play 'beep' and play welcome message CONFIG_BLIND='yes' # check for blind option or brltty CONFIG_CDROM_PERM='yes' # for burning on IDE-CD-Roms, k3b (and others) check for special permissions CONFIG_CDROM_SCRIPTS='yes' # run scripts from /cdrom/scripts CONFIG_CONSOLE='yes' # activate mgetty when using console=... as bootparam CONFIG_CREATE_MNT_DIRS='no' # create /mnt-directories CONFIG_DEBNET='yes' # search for /etc/network/interfaces on partitions and set up network afterwards CONFIG_DEBUG='yes' # activate start of shells during startup at several stages CONFIG_DISCOVER='no' # use discover for hardware detection CONFIG_DISTCC='no' # activate and setup distcc through bootparam distcc=$NETWORK,$INTERFACE CONFIG_EXTRACT='yes' # specify which (only in combination with bootparam myconfig/netconfig useful) CONFIG_FAST='yes' # skip startup of w3m on tty1 CONFIG_FIREWIRE_DEV='no' # bugfix for kernel >=2.6.11 - create some firewire-devices CONFIG_FIX_PASSWD='yes' # fix unionfs-problem with passwd CONFIG_FIX_UNIONFS='yes' # fix/workaround for unionfs CONFIG_USERFSTAB='yes' # check for username of uid 1000 CONFIG_FWTIMEOUT='yes' # set timeout for firmware loading CONFIG_GRML2HD='yes' # check for 'grml2hd' bootoption CONFIG_HOMEDIR='yes' # check for persistent homedir option CONFIG_HOSTNAME='yes' # set hostname to 'grml' on systems running from CD CONFIG_HOTPLUG_MAIN='no' # start hotplug system [should be handled by udev now] CONFIG_HOTPLUG_AGENT='no' # deactivate specific hotplug agent(s) via bootparam CONFIG_HOTPLUG_BLACKLIST='no' # check for blacklist bootparam CONFIG_HWINFO='no' # run hwinfo for module-detection (requires bootparam 'hwinfo'!) CONFIG_INTERACTIVE='yes' # check for expert-mode as bootparam CONFIG_LANGUAGE='yes' # allow language specification via commandline CONFIG_LD_MOD='yes' # run ldconfig and depmod on systems running from harddisk; remove /etc/grml.first.boot for forcing CONFIG_LOCAL_NET='yes' # bring up loopback interface CONFIG_LOG='yes' # DEBUG=/dev/null or logfile int /tmp/... CONFIG_MODEM='yes' # check for AC'97 Modem Controller modem CONFIG_MODULES='yes' # load modules specified in /etc/grml/modules CONFIG_MOUSE='yes' # show mouse information (expert-mode) CONFIG_MYCONFIG='yes' # check if we want the config floppy CONFIG_NETCONFIG='yes' # download configuration archive provided by bootoption netconfig=... CONFIG_NETIPV6='yes' # check for bootparam ipv6 CONFIG_PASSWD='yes' # set password via bootparam passwd CONFIG_PCMCIA='no' # check for pcmcia and start cardmgr CONFIG_SERVICES='yes' # check for services to run, provided via bootparam CONFIG_SETKEYCODES='yes' # run setkeycodes when bootoption setkeycodes found CONFIG_SMALL='yes' # use a less "bloat" /etc/inittab for small computer with less RAM CONFIG_SPLASH='no' # bootsplash CONFIG_SSH='yes' # check for bootparam ssh CONFIG_SWSPEAK='no' # run software synthesizer via speakup CONFIG_TESTCD='yes' # CD checker CONFIG_TIME='yes' # set clock, check for bootparam utc/gmt [only in live-mode] CONFIG_TIMEZONE='yes' # get bootparam 'tz' and set it as /etc/localtime [only in live-mode] CONFIG_VMWARE='no' # vmware specific stuff (use xorg.conf.vmware) CONFIG_WELCOME='yes' # play welcome sound (audio) CONFIG_WONDERSHAPER='yes' # start wondershaper with options provided via bootparam CONFIG_XSTARTUP='no' # start X window system via grml-x ## END OF FILE #################################################################