grml-etc (0.8-11) unstable; urgency=low Notice: the files in /etc/zsh/, /etc/grml/, /etc/apt/, /etc/vim/, /etc/grml_*, /etc/network/, /etc/skel/.vim/, /etc/vim/vimrc, /etc/skel/.zsh/ and /etc/skel/.zshrc have been moved to the package named grml-etc-core. The package grml-etc-core is meant for installation on plain Debian (stable/testing/unstable) systems. You don't have to do anything at all, grml-etc depends on package grml-etc-core so it will be installed automatically right now. If you notice any problems with the move please report it! -- Michael Prokop Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:43:22 +0200