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User specific settings are defined in \textbf{/etc/skel/.zshrc} (which can be found in \kbd{\~}/.zshrc of the user grml, as well). Please note that some functions/aliases are not active by default for user root (referred to as '... for user (grml)' below) for of security reasons. Simply run 'zshskel' (as root) to source /etc/skel/.zshrc. Some aliases/functions are not activated if the appropriate executable isn't present on your system, either. /etc/zsh/zshrc: this file can be adjusted according to your needs via a file named /etc/zsh/zshrc.local, which is not under the control of Debian package management. This, you need to place all your changes in the file /etc/zsh/zshrc.local. If you do not have write permission to /etc/zsh/zshrc, copy the file /etc/zsh/zshrc to \kbd{\~}/.zshrc.global and it will be sourced by \kbd{\~}/.zshrc. Put important commands which you need on a regular basis into a file named \textbf{\kbd{\~}/.important\_commands}. Note that /etc/skel/.zshrc itself is not sourced by zsh, but copied to the \$HOME-directory of your non-root user on user creation. To keep your \textbf{\kbd{\~}/.zshrc} in sync with upstream's development, just put your personal stuff into a file named \textbf{\kbd{\~}/.zshrc.local} and point your \kbd{\~}/.zshrc to /etc/skel/.zshrc by running 'ln -s /etc/skel/.zshrc \kbd{\~}/.zshrc'.} More information regarding configuration files and some environment variables to adjust runtime behaviour of grml's zsh can be accessed by running \textbf{zsh-help}. \subsection*{Using grml's zsh configuration on a non-grml system} You do not have to use grml/Debian to use grml's zsh configuration. Just retrieve and install the configuration files in your home directory. You can do this by running: \begin{tiny} \begin{verbatim} wget -O .zshrc http://git.grml.org/f/grml-etc-core/etc/skel/.zshrc wget -O .zshrc.global http://git.grml.org/f/grml-etc-core/etc/zsh/zshrc \end{verbatim} \end{tiny} \subsection*{Problems?} Please report any problems you encounter while using the grml zsh configuration to the grml team. The configuration has been tested on several Linux distributions (Debian, Gentoo, SuSE, etc) and non-Linux systems as well (FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX, etc), but there might be issues, anyway. \href{http://grml.org/bugs/}{Report them, please!} \subsection*{Settings} If not already defined, these variables are set to the following values: \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-variables@@ \commandlistend \commandlistbegin \command{umask @@INSERT-other-umask@@}{new files automatically get permissions \kbd{@@INSERT-other-umaskstr@@}} \command{umask @@INSERT-other-r_umask@@}{new files for root user \kbd{@@INSERT-other-r_umaskstr@@}} \commandlistend \subsection*{Key-bindings} Default keybinding mode is Emacs, i.e. you can use Emacs keybinds like \kbd{^A {\rm or} ^E} on the command line. However, you can switch to vi mode. \commandlistbegin \command{setopt emacs}{Switch to Emacs mode (default)} \command{setopt vi}{Switch to vi mode} \commandlistend \vspace{8pt} The following documents some important keybindings which are not defined in zsh's default configuration. Hint: press twice when completing a command you installed which is not yet known to zsh or run 'rehash' manually. \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-keybindings@@ \commandlistend \newpage \subsection*{Terminal Settings} There are 8 aliases designed to change the font size of terminal emulators (XTerm, Aterm, etc). They are: \kbd{hide}, \kbd{tiny}, \kbd{small}, \kbd{medium}, \kbd{default}, \kbd{large}, \kbd{huge}, \kbd{smartfont}, \kbd{semifont}. \subsection*{Hashes} Directory hashes are shortcuts for common directories. You can expand them by typing \kbd{\~{}hash}. Usage: 'cd \kbd{\~}doc' \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-hasheddirs@@ \commandlistend \subsection*{System-Wide Aliases} \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-aliases-system@@ \commandlistend \subsection*{Global Functions} \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-functions-system@@ @@INSERT-functions-services@@ \commandlistend \vspace{8pt} \subsection*{Debian commands} Please note: if not executed as root, these aliases try to run the command via sudo. \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-aliases-debian@@ @@INSERT-functions-debian@@ \commandlistend \subsection*{Aliases for user (grml)} \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-aliases-user@@ \commandlistend \subsection*{Abbreviation expansion for user (grml)} As of version 0.9, grml does not enable global aliases anymore. Instead, a feature similiar to vim's 'iab' was added. The default key-sequence to trigger the expansion is ',.'. Example: \commandlistbegin \kbd{co}\begin{Huge},.\end{Huge} \quad expands to: \kbd{./configure \&\& make \&\& sudo make install} \commandlistend The configuration of this feature and its implementation are described on the zsh wiki <\url{http://zshwiki.org/home/examples/zleiab}>. \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-abbrev@@ %\vspace{35pt} % temporary hack for alignment of columns/rows \commandlistend \vspace{12pt} Most of the normal aliases are also added to this database, so you may expand them like this as well. %\pagebreak \subsection*{Functions for user (grml)} \textbf{Searching} \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-functions-search@@ \commandlistend \vspace{12pt} \textbf{Shortcuts} \commandlistbegin @@INSERT-functions-shortcuts@@ \commandlistend %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Dieser Trenner muss eingefügt werden, wenn eine Tabelle zu lang ist % und daher nicht von LaTeX umbrochen wird. %\commandlistend % %\commandlistbegin %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% }}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Bibliographieverzeichnis {{{ %\newpage %\nocite{*} %\bibliographystyle{plaindin} %\bibliography{quellen} %%% }}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document} %%% vim:set ai tw=80 fdm=marker: EOF