#!/bin/bash # Filename: ${GRML_FAI_CONFIG}/config/scripts/GRMLBASE/15-initsetup # Purpose: configure init system for the live-system # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2 or any later version. ################################################################################ set -u set -e . "$GRML_LIVE_CONFIG" systemd_setup() { fcopy -M -i -B -v -r /etc/systemd echo "Enabling user '$USERNAME' for autologin" sed -i "s/\$USERNAME/$USERNAME/" "$target"/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty*.service.d/override.conf # workaround for #992847 to workaround /lib/systemd -> /usr/lib/systemd transition $ROOTCMD rm -f /etc/systemd/system/syslog.service $ROOTCMD systemctl preset-all $ROOTCMD systemctl set-default grml-boot.target } systemd_setup ## END OF FILE ################################################################# # vim:ft=sh expandtab ai tw=80 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=2