## labels # generic ones label pnet menu label Enable Predictable ^Network Interface Names kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 nomce text help Boot Grml with Predictable Network Interface Names. endtext label ssh menu label Enable ^SSH (with random password) kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 nomce net.ifnames=0 ssh text help Boot Grml and automatically start SSH Server. The password for user 'grml' and 'root' will be set to a random password, unless you add an option to the ssh argument in the command line (for example: ssh=secret). endtext label grml2ram menu label Load Grml to ^RAM kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 nomce net.ifnames=0 toram=%SQUASHFS_NAME% text help Load Grml into RAM. This allows you to remove the Grml media after Grml finished booting. Note: you should have enough RAM (>= size of ISO * 1.2) to be able to use this option. endtext label grmlmedium2ram menu label Load ^whole medium to RAM kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 nomce net.ifnames=0 toram text help Load whole medium into RAM. This allows you to remove the Grml media after Grml has finished booting, and also to access the rest of the media. Note: you should have enough RAM (>= size of ISO * 1.2) to be able to use this option. endtext label forensic menu label F^orensic Mode kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off nomce net.ifnames=0 vga=791 nofstab noraid nodmraid nolvm noautoconfig noswap raid=noautodetect read-only text help Boot Grml in forensic mode. This mode prevents touching any harddisks during hardware recognition and forces all blockdevices to read-only mode. endtext label persistence menu label ^Persistency mode kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 nomce net.ifnames=0 persistence text help Boot Grml and enable persistency feature to store system and settings on an external device with label persistence. endtext label lang-de menu label Load ^German Keyboard Layout kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 nomce net.ifnames=0 lang=de text help Boot Grml with German keyboard layout. endtext label %GRML_NAME%x menu label Graphical ^Mode kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 nomce net.ifnames=0 startx text help Boot Grml and automatically invoke grml-x to start X Window System. endtext label nofb menu label Dis^able Framebuffer kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=normal radeon.modeset=0 i915.modeset=0 nouveau.modeset=0 cirrus.modeset=0 mgag200.modeset=0 nomodeset nomce net.ifnames=0 text help Boot Grml without framebuffer. endtext label nokms menu label Disable Video ^Kernel Mode Setting kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off radeon.modeset=0 i915.modeset=0 nouveau.modeset=0 cirrus.modeset=0 mgag200.modeset=0 nomodeset nomce net.ifnames=0 vga=791 text help Boot Grml without Kernel Mode Setting for various video drivers. endtext label debug menu label ^Debug Mode kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=791 verbose debug=vc initcall nomce net.ifnames=0 systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=kmsg log_buf_len=1M text help Boot Grml in debug mode, which activates debug shells during bootup sequence. endtext label serial menu label Serial ^Console kernel /boot/%SHORT_NAME%/vmlinuz append initrd=/boot/%SHORT_NAME%/initrd.img boot=live live-media-path=/live/%GRML_NAME%/ bootid=%BOOTID% apm=power-off vga=normal video=vesafb:off nomce net.ifnames=0 console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200n8 text help Activate ttyS0 and start a getty. endtext # back to main menu label exit menu hide kernel isolinux.bin label back menu hide kernel isolinux.bin label quit menu hide kernel isolinux.bin menu end