== About == grub-loopback-iso is a GRUB 2 configuration hook to boot compatible ISOs stored on the host filesystem. The stanzas built utilize GRUB 2's loopback mount support to chain a /boot/grub/loopback.cfg file on an ISO. == Installation == Place compatible ISOs in a suitable location. By default, this is /boot/isos, but may be changed by editing /etc/default/grub-loopback-iso (for example, if the /boot partition is too small). However, keep in mind that the ISO's operating system may have restrictions on what type of partition the ISO may be placed on; it is the ISO's operating system (initrd most likely) which is responsible for finding the ISO by scanning partitions, so the partition and filesystem must be known to the ISO operating system. Then simply run "update-grub", and verify the correct stanzas have been created in /boot/grub/grub.cfg .