#!/bin/bash # Simple script to download a Grml ISO image to use with grml-rescueboot # Needs the Debian keyring, gpgv + wget # Licensed under GPL v2+ set -eu -o pipefail # defaults isotype=full bitwidth=auto force=0 retrieved_iso=0 declare -A bin_to_pkg=( [update-grub]=grub-pc [wget]=wget [gpgv]=gpgv ) declare -a missing_packages=() for binary in "${!bin_to_pkg[@]}" ; do if ! which "${binary}" &>/dev/null ; then echo "ERROR: Binary $binary not found." >&2 missing_packages+=( ${bin_to_pkg[$binary]} ) fi done if ! [ -r /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg ] ; then echo "ERROR: File /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg not found." >&2 missing_packages+=( debian-keyring ) fi if [ ${#missing_packages[@]} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "TIP: Try running \`apt install ${missing_packages[*]}\` to fix this." >&2 exit 1 fi usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") [-f] [-a <32|64|96>] [-t ]" } while getopts ":a::t::f:h" opt ; do case ${opt} in a) if [ "${OPTARG}" = 32 ] || [ "${OPTARG}" = 64 ] || [ "${OPTARG}" = 96 ] ; then bitwidth="$OPTARG" else echo "ERROR: Invalid value '${OPTARG}'. Supported values: 32, 64, 96" >&2 usage >&2 ; exit 1 fi ;; t) if [ "${OPTARG}" = "full" ] || [ "${OPTARG}" = "small" ] ; then isotype="${OPTARG}" else echo "ERROR: Invalid value '${OPTARG}'. Supported values: small, full" >&2 usage >&2 ; exit 1 fi ;; f) force=1 ;; h) usage ; exit 0 ;; \?) echo "ERROR: Invalid Option: -${OPTARG}" >&2 usage >&2 ; exit 1 ;; :) echo "ERROR: Option -${OPTARG} requires an argument." >&2 ;; esac done if [ "${bitwidth}" = auto ] ; then arch="$(uname -m)" case ${arch} in i?86) bitwidth=32 ;; x86_64) bitwidth=64 ;; *) echo "ERROR: Unknown architecture '${arch}', please specify -a flag." >&2 usage >&2 exit 1 ;; esac fi echo "Finding out latest ISO image..." date=$(wget --quiet -O- http://download.grml.org/ | sed --regex -n 's/.*grml[0-9]{2}-(full|small)_([0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2})\.iso.*/\2/p' | sort | tail -1) if [ -z "${date}" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Could not find out latest ISO." >&2 exit 1 fi output_directory="/boot/grml" mkdir -p "${output_directory}" diskfree=$(df --output=avail /boot/grml | tail -1) if [ -z "${diskfree}" ] ; then echo "ERROR: couldn't calculate free disk space in /boot." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "${isotype}" = "full" ] && [ "${diskfree}" -lt 1048576 ] ; then if [ "${force}" = "1" ] ; then echo "WARN: There might not be enough free disk space in /boot, continuing anyway as requested via -f." else echo "ERROR: there doesn't seem to be enough free disk space in /boot." >&2 echo "Note: >=1GB for grml-full recommended (use -f to force download anyway)." exit 1 fi elif [ "${isotype}" = "small" ] && [ "${diskfree}" -lt 524288 ] ; then if [ "${force}" = "1" ] ; then echo "WARN: There might not be enough free disk space in /boot, continuing anyway as requested via -f." else echo "ERROR: there doesn't seem to be enough free disk space in /boot." >&2 echo "Note: >=512MB for grml-small recommended (use -f to force download anyway)." exit 1 fi fi isoname="grml${bitwidth}-${isotype}_${date}.iso" if [ "${force}" = "1" ] || ! [ -f "${output_directory}/${isoname}" ] ; then echo "Downloading Grml ISO to '${output_directory}/${isoname}'." wget -O "${output_directory}/${isoname}" "http://download.grml.org/${isoname}" retrieved_iso=1 elif [ -f "${output_directory}/${isoname}" ] ; then echo "Found local ${output_directory}/${isoname}, skipping download (use -f to force download)." fi if [ "${retrieved_iso}" = "1" ] ; then sig="$(mktemp)" echo "Verifying ISO..." wget --quiet -O "${sig}" "http://download.grml.org/${isoname}.asc" if ! gpgv --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg "${sig}" "${output_directory}/${isoname}" ; then echo "ERROR: ISO file will be left in '${output_directory}/${isoname}.untrusted'." >&2 mv "${output_directory}/${isoname}" "${output_directory}/${isoname}.untrusted" rm "${sig}" exit 1 fi rm "${sig}" echo "ISO file is OK." fi echo "Invoking 'update-grub' now." update-grub echo "Successfully finished grml-rescueboot integration."