#!/bin/zsh # Filename: fex # Purpose: extract archives via smart frontend # Authors: grml-team ( grml.org), (c) Matthias Kopfermann, (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ zmodload zsh/files autoload -U colors && colors emulate zsh FILENAME=$0 ARGV=$1 alarmcol=$fg_bold[red] defcol=$fg[default]$bg[default] col1=$fg_bold[green] col2=$fg_bold[magenta] col3=$fg_bold[cyan] col4=$fg[cyan] usage() { print "Usage: $FILENAME file_to_extract" && exit ; } (( $ARGC != 1 )) && usage [[ $ARGV == "-h" || $ARGV == "--help" ]] && usage file=$1 FILEPRG=$( which file ) [[ $( tar --version 3>&1 ) != *(GNU|star)* ]] && echo "sorry, GNU tar or star is needed" && exit test -z $FILEPRG && echo $0 needs a program named file to detect the filetype && exit qprompt=" Really decompress $alarmcol${file}$defcol? Press y or Y for YES or any other key for NO $defcol " nothing_to_do=" ${col1}Okay, I will not uncompress the file $col2${file}$defcol as requested. " decision="read -q '?$qprompt'" local -A filetype; filetype=(\ bz2cpio "cpio archive *bzip2*" cpiogz "cpio archive *gzip*" tarbz2 "*tar archive*bzip2*" targz "*tar archive*gzip*" tarz "*POSIX tar archive \(compress\'d data 16 bits\)*" bz2 "*\(bzip2 compressed data*" tar "*tar*" gz "*gzip*" 7zip "*7-zip archive data*" arj "ARJ archive data*" zip "*Zip archive data*" Z "*compress'd data 16 bits*" deb "Debian binary package*" uu "*uuencoded*xxencoded*" lzo "lzop compressed data - *" cpio "cpio archive" rar "RAR archive data*" cab "CAB file" #rpm "$file: *RPM*" ) tarlist='/usr/bin/env tar -tvf' ; tarextract='/usr/bin/env tar -C $whereto -xvf' tarbz2list='/usr/bin/env tar -tvjf' ; tarbz2extract='/usr/bin/env tar -C ${whereto:-$PWD} -xvjf' targzlist='/usr/bin/env tar -tvzf' ; targzextract='/usr/bin/env tar -C $whereto -xvzf' gzlist='/usr/bin/env gzip -lv' ; gzextract='/usr/bin/env gzip -dc' tarzlist='/usr/bin/env tar -tvZf' ; tarzextract='/usr/bin/env tar -C $whereto -xvZf' tarcompresslist='/usr/bin/env tar -tvZf' ; tarcompressextract='/usr/bin/env tar -$ whereto -xvZf' #cpiobz2list='bzip2 -cd $file | cpio -ivt'; cpiobz2extract='bzip2 -cd $CWD/$file | cpio -idv' #cpiogzlist='gzip -cd $file | cpio -tv' #cpiogzextract='gzip -cd $file | cpio -ivd' cpiogz='/usr/bin/env star tzvf' ; cpiogzextract='/usr/bin/env star xzvf' _7ziplist='/usr/bin/env 7zr l' ; _7zipextract='/usr/bin/env 7zr e -o$whereto' arjlist='/usr/bin/env arj l' ; arjextract='/usr/bin/env arj e -e $CWD/$file' compresslist='/usr/bin/env uncompress -l' ; compressextract='/usr/bin/env uncompress -cv' lhalist='/usr/bin/env lha -l' ; lhaextract='/usr/bin/env lha -xw=$whereto' deblist='/usr/bin/env dpkg-deb -c' ; debextract='/usr/bin/env dpkg -X' lzolist='/usr/bin/env lzop -l' ; lzoextract='/usr/bin/env lzop -dN -p$whereto' cpiolist='/usr/bin/env cpio -t' ; cpioextract='/usr/bin/env cpio -idv' rarlist='/usr/bin/env unrar lb' ; rarextract='/usr/bin/env unrar e' cablist='/usr/bin/env cabextract -l' ; cabextract='/usr/bin/env cabextract -d $whereto' #rpmlist='/usr/bin/env rpm2cpio #rpmextract= ziplist='/usr/bin/env unzip -l' ; zipextract='/usr/bin/env unzip -d $whereto' # ------------------------------------------------- functions put_there() { vared -p " ${col2}Where should I extract to? ${col4}( Non existing directories will be created, completion works as do usual editing commands )$defcol " whereto && test -d $whereto \ || builtin mkdir -p $whereto } # -------------------------------------------end of functions (( ${+PAGER} )) || local PAGER=less if [[ -f $file ]] then filetest=$( $FILEPRG -bz $file ) echo "This is a $col2$filetest$defcol" sleep 1 whereto=$PWD case "$filetest" in ( ${~filetype[bz2cpio]} ) $=cpiobz2list |& $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && CWD=$PWD \ && ( cd $whereto && print "${col1}extracting to $whereto$defcol" && ${(e)=cpiobz2extract} ) \ || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[cpiogz]} ) ${(e)=cpiogzlist} | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && CWD=$PWD \ && ( cd $whereto && print "${col1}extracting to $whereto$defcol" && ${(e)=cpiogzextract} ) \ || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[tarbz2]} ) $=tarbz2list $file \ | $PAGER && eval $decision && put_there \ && ${(e)=tarbz2extract} $file \ || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[targz]} ) $=targzlist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && ${(e)=targzextract} $file \ || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[tarz]} ) $=tarzlist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && print "${col3}extracting to $whereto:$defcol" \ && ${(e)=tarzextract} $file \ || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[bz2]} ) bzip2 -tv $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && bzip2 -dc $file > $whereto/${file:t:r} \ && print "extracting to $whereto/${file:t:r}" || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[gz]} ) $=gziplist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && dest="$whereto/${file:t:r}" \ && gzip -dc $file > $dest && print "extracting to $dest" || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[tar]} ) $=tarlist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && ${(e)=tarextract} $file || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[7zip]} ) $=_7ziplist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && ${(e)=_7zipextract} $file || print $nothing_to_do ;; # -o cannot stand a space, attention! #ok ( ${~filetype[arj]} ) $=arjlist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && CWD=$PWD \ && ( cd $whereto && arj e -e $CWD/$file ) || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[zip]} ) ${=ziplist} $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && ${(e)=zipextract} $file || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[Z]} ) $=compresslist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && dest="$whereto/${file:t:r}" \ && ${(e)=compressextract} $file > $dest && print "extracting to $dest" || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[lha]} ) $=lhalist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && ${(e)=lhaextract} $file || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[rar]} ) $=rarlist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && CWD=$PWD \ && (cd $whereto && ${(e)=rarextract} $CWD/$file ) || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[lzo]} ) $=lzolist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && ${(e)=lzoextract} $file || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[cpio]} ) $=cpiolist < $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && CWD=$PWD \ && ( cd $whereto && ${(e)=cpioextract} < $CWD/$file ) || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[deb]} ) ${(e)=deblist} $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ && put_there \ && ${(e)=debextract} $file $whereto || print $nothing_to_do ;; #ok ( ${~filetype[uu]} ) put_there \ && CWD=$PWD \ && ( cd $whereto && uudecode $CWD/$file ) || print $nothing_to_do ;; ( ${~filetype[cab]} ) $=cablist $file | $PAGER && eval $decision \ put_there \ && ${(e)=cabextract} $file || print $nothing_to_do ;; #( ${~filetype[rpm]} ) # temp=$( dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=30 2>/dev/null | uuencode - | tr -d '[[:punct:]]' | sed '2!d' ) # temp=${(C)${${${(f)"$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=20 2>/dev/null | uuencode - 2>/dev/null)"}[2]}//[[:punct:]]}} # (cd $temp && rpm2cpio $file && CPIO=*.cpio && cpio -ivt < $CPIO )\ # put_there \ # # && ( cd $whereto && cpio -ivd < $temp/$file ) || print $nothing_to_do # rm -r $temp ;; ( * ) echo "${alarmcol}Error. Not the expected arguments or other problem!$defcol" echo "Usage: $0 file" ; exit 1 ;; esac else echo "'$file' is not a valid file" fi ## END OF FILE #################################################################