#!/bin/sh # Filename: get_3ware # Purpose: get 3ware RAID controller command line interface tool (tw_cli) # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop , Wolfram Schlich # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Sam Apr 14 10:59:02 CEST 2007 [mika] ################################################################################ # Notice: this file is based on: # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/www/www.gentoo.org/raw_cvs/gentoo-x86/sys-block/tw_cli/tw_cli-,v 1.1 2006/01/12 23:36:17 wschlich Exp $ ################################################################################ if [ -r /etc/grml/lsb-functions ] ; then . /etc/grml/lsb-functions else alias einfo="echo" fi PN="tw_cli" PV="9.4.1" MV="" case `uname -m` in x86_64) ARCH="x86_64" ;; i?86) ARCH="x86" ;; *) echo "Unsupported architecture, must be x86 or amd64 - sorry." exit 1 ;; esac MY_P="${PN}-linux-${ARCH}-${PV}" URL_BASE="http://www.3ware.com/download/Escalade7000Series/${PV}" CMDLINETOOL="${URL_BASE}/${PN}-linux-${ARCH}-${PV}.tgz" MANAGEMENTTOOL="http://www.3ware.com/download/Escalade7000Series/${MV}/3DM2-Linux-${MV}.tgz" AGREE1="http://www.3ware.com/support/windows_agree.asp?path=/download/Escalade7000Series/${PV}/${MY_P}.tgz" AGREE2="http://www.3ware.com/support/windows_agree.asp?path=/download/Escalade7000SSeries/${MV}/3DM2-Linux-${MV}.tgz" RELEASENOTES1="http://www.3ware.com/download/Escalade9650SE-Series/${PV}/${PV}_Release_Notes_Web.pdf" RELEASENOTES2="http://www.3ware.com/download/Escalade9650SE-Series/${MV}/${MV}_Release_Notes_Web.pdf" info() { einfo "get_3ware - get 3ware RAID controller command line interface tool (tw_cli)" einfo "===========================================================================" einfo "" } supportedcards() { einfo "This binary supports all current cards, including, but not limited to:" einfo "" einfo "PATA: 7210, 7410, 7450, 7810, 7850, 7000-2, 7500-4, 7500-8," einfo " 7500-12, 7006-2, 7506-4, 7506-4LP, 7506-8, 7506-12" einfo "" einfo "SATA: 8500-4, 8500-8, 8500-12, 8006-2, 8506-4, 8506-12," einfo " 8506-8MI, 8506-12MI, 9500S-4LP, 9500S-8, 9500S-12," einfo " 9500S-8MI, 9500S-12MI" einfo " 9500S-8MI, 9500S-12MI" einfo "" } pkg_nofetch() { einfo "Please agree to the license at URL" einfo "" einfo "\t${AGREE1}" einfo "\t${AGREE2}" einfo "" einfo "And then use the following URLs to download the tarballs:" einfo "" einfo "\t${CMDLINETOOL}" einfo "\t${MANAGEMENTTOOL}" einfo "" einfo "Release notes available at:" einfo "" einfo "\t${RELEASENOTES1}" einfo "\t${RELEASENOTES2}" einfo "" } info pkg_nofetch supportedcards # unp ${MY_P}.tgz ## END OF FILE #################################################################