#!/bin/sh # Filename: grml-slrn # Purpose: configuration script for slrn # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. # Latest change: Mon Dez 18 00:31:53 CET 2006 [mika] ################################################################################ PATH=${PATH:-'/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'} PN=$(basename "$0") USER=$(grep \`whoami\` /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f5 | cut -d, -f1) HOST=$(hostname -f) [ -z "$EDITOR" ] && EDITOR='vim' [ -z "$NNTPSERVER" ] && NNTPSERVER="news.`hostname`" # some functions used in the interactive part testfiles() { [ -d $HOME/News ] || mkdir $HOME/News [ -f $HOME/.slrn_scoring ] || touch $HOME/.slrn_scoring } writeslrnrc() { cat > $SLRNRC << EOF % Filename: .slrnrc % Purpose: configuration for newsreader slrn, created by 'grml-slrn' % Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop % Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ % License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. % Latest change: Son Nov 28 22:38:30 CET 2004 [mika] %############################################################################### %############################################################################### % Ressources: % TFM: http://slrn.sourceforge.net/manual/slrn-manual.html % Andrew Preater's .slrnrc: http://www.preater.f9.co.uk/slrn/slrnrc.gz % Jurriaan's page: http://www.xs4all.nl/~thunder7/ % Emmanuele's page: http://digilander.libero.it/ebassi/slrn.html % Sven's site: http://www.guckes.net/slrn/ % tsca's s-lang macros: http://www.geocities.com/tsca.geo/slang.html % Tomasz Kłoczko's slrn-stuff: http://cvs.pld.org.pl/slrn-pl/ % Tomasz Kłoczko's macros: http://cvs.pld.org.pl/slrn-pl/macros % jbn's S-Lang code: http://forestfield.org/slrn/ % S-lang regexps: http://www.s-lang.org/doc/html/slang-18.html %############################################################################### % important variables - adjust them if necessary set username "$USERNAME_SLRN" set hostname "$HOSTNAME_SLRN" set realname "$REALNAME_SLRN" set organization "www.grml.org" % set replyto "devnull@grml.org" % set signature "signature_ng" % set signoff_string "-mika-" server "$NEWSSERVER" ".newsrc_$NEWSSERVER" % If a server requires authentication, add a nnrpaccess line for it. % If you leave username and/or password empty, slrn will prompt for it. % nnrpaccess "news.isp.tld" "username" "password" set write_newsrc_flags 0 set generate_message_id 0 set generate_date_header 1 set read_active 1 set editor_command "$EDITOR -f +%d '%s'" set mail_editor_command "mutt -H '%s'" set score_editor_command "$EDITOR '%s'" % $HOME/.slrn_scoring" set abort_unmodified_edits 1 set metamail_command "metamail" set non_Xbrowser "screen -t 'url' $BROWSER %s" set Xbrowser "screen -t 'url' $BROWSER %s" % Command to use for printing #ifdef UNIX set printer_name "muttprint" #elifdef WIN32 % set printer_name "MyPrinter" #endif set save_posts "News/My_Posts" set save_replies "News/My_Replies" set failed_posts_file "~/dead.letter" set scorefile "$HOME/.slrn_scoring" set decode_directory "News" set save_directory "News" set postpone_directory "News/postponed" set followup_string "* %r <%f> wrote:" set followup_strip_signature 0 ignore_quotes "^ *[a-zA-Z-]*>" "^ *[\]|)]" "^ *:[^-()^]" set reply_string "* %r <%f> [%n]: set cc_followup 1 set cc_post_string "[This message has also been posted to %n.]" header_display_format 0 "%F%-5S%-5l: [%20r] %t %70s %-12g[%10d]" header_display_format 1 "%F%G%-5l:[%12r]%t%s" header_display_format 2 "%F%-5l:%t%s" header_display_format 3 "%F%-5S%-5l:%t%50s %r" header_display_format 4 "%F%-5S [%10r]:%t%49s %-19g[%17d]" % How to display the groups index group_display_format 0 " %F%-5u %n%45g%d" group_display_format 1 " %F%-5u [%-6t] %n" group_display_format 2 " %F [%-5u|%-6t] %n%45g%d" group_display_format 3 " %F%-5u %n%50g%-8l-%h" set spoiler_display_mode 1 set use_mime 1 % set charset isolatin % set mime_charset "iso-8859-15" set sorting_method 5 set check_new_groups 1 % let slrn check for new newsgroups set unsubscribe_new_groups 1 % new groups are unsubscribed by default set beep 2 set new_subject_breaks_threads 0 % No, no! visible_headers "Subject:,From:,Organization:,Newsgroups:,Date:,Followup-To:,Mail-Copies-To:,Reply-To:,Message-ID:,Supersedes:,User-Agent,Approved,X-Mailer,X-Newsreader:,X-Posting-Agent:,X-Http-User-Agent:,X-,!X-Trace:,!X-Complaints-To:,!X-Face:,!X-MSMail-Priority:,!X-MimeOLE:,!X-Priority:,!X-Accept-Language:" set process_verbatim_marks 1 set simulate_graphic_chars 1 set display_cursor_bar 0 set scroll_by_page 0 set color_by_score 3 set highlight_unread_subjects 2 set highlight_urls 1 set confirm_actions 31 % 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 16 set warn_followup_to 2 set emphasized_text_mask 1 % message only set emphasized_text_mode 3 % Display text as text! set query_next_article 0 % Very annoying until I turned it off. set wrap_flags 7 % _Automatically_ wrap quoted material and body set wrap_method 2 EOF } lightcolors() { cat >> $SLRNRC << EOF % color setup color article "blue" "white" color author "red" "white" color boldtext "black" "white" color box "black" "white" color cursor "yellow" "red" color date "brightblue" "black" color description "black" "white" color error "red" "white" color frame "yellow" "blue" color from_myself "brightred" "black" color group "blue" "white" color grouplens_display "yellow" "red" color header_name "green" "white" color header_number "green" "white" color headers "blue" "white" color high_score "brightred" "white" color italicstext "magenta" "white" color menu "yellow" "red" color menu_press "blue" "yellow" color message "black" "white" color neg_score "magenta" "white" color normal "black" "white" color pgpsignature "brown" "white" color pos_score "blue" "white" color quotes "red" "white" color quotes1 "magenta" "white" color quotes2 "brown" "white" color quotes3 "red" "white" color quotes4 "brown" "white" color quotes5 "blue" "white" color quotes6 "black" "white" color quotes7 "brown" "white" color response_char "green" "white" color selection "yellow" "white" color signature "black" "white" color status "yellow" "red" color subject "black" "white" color thread_number "blue" "white" color tilde "green" "white" color tree "red" "white" color underlinetext "cyan" "white" color verbatim "red" "white" % This color object is only used when highlight_unread_subjects is set to 2 % (see the reference manual for details) color unread_subject "red" "white" mono unread_subject "bold" % These attributes are for terminals that cannot display color: mono article "none" mono author "none" mono boldtext "bold" mono cursor "bold" "reverse" mono date "none" mono description "none" mono error "blink" "bold" mono frame "reverse" mono from_myself "bold" mono group "bold" mono grouplens_display "none" mono header_number "none" mono headers "bold" mono high_score "bold" mono italicstext "bold" mono menu "reverse" mono menu_press "none" mono normal "none" mono pgpsignature "none" mono quotes "underline" mono quotes1 "underline" mono quotes2 "underline" mono quotes3 "underline" mono quotes4 "underline" mono quotes5 "underline" mono quotes6 "underline" mono quotes7 "underline" mono response_char "bold" mono selection "bold" mono signature "none" mono status "reverse" mono subject "none" mono thread_number "bold" mono tree "bold" mono underlinetext "underline" mono url "bold" mono verbatim "none" EOF } # FIXME TODO darkcolors() { cat >> $SLRNRC << EOF % dark color setup % .... EOF } infoscreen() { dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --msgbox "Thanks for using $PN! More information on slrn: Manual: man 1 slrn Webpages: www.slrn.org www.michael-prokop.at/slrn/ ####################################################### Report bugs, send wishes and feedback to the grml team: http://www.grml.org/ - contact (at) grml.org " 20 65 } # interactive part dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --msgbox "Welcome to $PN! This script will create a simple base configuration for the newsreader slrn. Report bugs, send wishes and feedback to the grml team: http://www.grml.org/ - contact (at) grml.org " 13 65 GETREALNAME_SLRN=$(dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --inputbox "Your real name (eg 'John GRML User'):" 0 65 "$USER" ) || exit 0 REALNAME_SLRN=${GETREALNAME_SLRN%/*} GETMAILADDR=$(dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --inputbox "Your main mail address (eg 'joedoe@grml.org'):" 0 65 `whoami`@$HOST ) || exit 0 MAILADDR=${GETMAILADDR} USERNAME_SLRN=$(echo "$MAILADDR" | sed "s/@.*//") HOSTNAME_SLRN=$(echo "$MAILADDR" | sed "s/.*@//") GETNEWSSERVER=$(dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --inputbox "What's the newsserver you want to use? (eg 'news."$HOSTNAME_SLRN"'):" 8 65 "$HOST" ) || exit 0 NEWSSERVER=${GETNEWSSERVER} GETCOLOR=$(dialog --stdout --title "$PN" \ --radiolist "Which color setup do you want to use?" 10 65 2 \ dark "dark color setup (default)" on \ light "light color setup" off) retval=$? case $retval in 0) COLOR=$GETCOLOR ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac writecolors() { if [ "$COLOR" == 'light' ] ; then lightcolors fi if [ "$COLOR" == 'dark' ] ; then darkcolors fi } GETSLRNRC=$(dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --inputbox "Choose a filename for this configuration:" 0 65 "$HOME/.slrnrc") || exit 0 SLRNRC=${GETSLRNRC} WRITESLRNRC=$(dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --yesno "Write $SLRNRC?" 5 65) retval=$? case $retval in 0) if [ -f "$SLRNRC" ] ; then dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --yesno "$SLRNRC exists. Overwrite?" 5 65 retval=$? case $retval in 0) writeslrnrc && writecolors && \ dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --msgbox "Writing $SLRNRC was successful." 7 65 || \ dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --msgbox "Error $?: writing $SLRNRC failed." 7 65 ;; # *) exit 1 ;; esac else writeslrnrc && writecolors && \ dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --msgbox "Writing $SLRNRC was successfull." 7 65 || \ dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --msgbox "Error $?: writing $SLRNRC failed." 7 65 fi ;; # *) exit 1 ;; esac infoscreen ASKRUN=$(dialog --stdout --title "$PN" --yesno "Run slrn now?" 0 0) retval=$? case $retval in 0) slrn -create -h $NEWSSERVER -f $HOME/.newsrc_$NEWSSERVER -i $SLRNRC && \ echo "" echo "Start slrn with taken settings via: $ slrn -h $NEWSSERVER -f $HOME/.newsrc_$NEWSSERVER -i $SLRNRC Thanks for using $PN and have fun with slrn!" ;; esac ## END OF FILE #################################################################