#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2001 Anthony Towns # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. rm -rf /tmp/apt-release-check mkdir /tmp/apt-release-check || exit 1 cd /tmp/apt-release-check >OK >MISSING >NOCHECK >BAD arch=`dpkg --print-installation-architecture` am_root () { [ `id -u` -eq 0 ] } get_md5sumsize () { cat "$1" | awk '/^MD5Sum:/,/^SHA1:/' | MYARG="$2" perl -ne '@f = split /\s+/; if ($f[3] eq $ENV{"MYARG"}) { print "$f[1] $f[2]\n"; exit(0); }' } checkit () { local FILE="$1" local LOOKUP="$2" Y="`get_md5sumsize Release "$LOOKUP"`" Y="`echo "$Y" | sed 's/^ *//;s/ */ /g'`" if [ ! -e "/var/lib/apt/lists/$FILE" ]; then if [ "$Y" = "" ]; then # No file, but not needed anyway echo "OK" return fi echo "$FILE" >>MISSING echo "MISSING $Y" return fi if [ "$Y" = "" ]; then echo "$FILE" >>NOCHECK echo "NOCHECK" return fi X="`md5sum < /var/lib/apt/lists/$FILE | cut -d\ -f1` `wc -c < /var/lib/apt/lists/$FILE`" X="`echo "$X" | sed 's/^ *//;s/ */ /g'`" if [ "$X" != "$Y" ]; then echo "$FILE" >>BAD echo "BAD" return fi echo "$FILE" >>OK echo "OK" } echo echo "Checking sources in /etc/apt/sources.list:" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo (echo "You should take care to ensure that the distributions you're downloading" echo "are the ones you think you are downloading, and that they are as up to" echo "date as you would expect (testing and unstable should be no more than" echo "two or three days out of date, stable-updates no more than a few weeks" echo "or a month)." ) | fmt echo cat /etc/apt/sources.list | sed 's/^ *//' | grep '^[^#]' | while read ty url dist comps; do if [ "${url%%:*}" = "http" -o "${url%%:*}" = "ftp" ]; then baseurl="${url#*://}" else continue fi echo "Source: ${ty} ${url} ${dist} ${comps}" rm -f Release Release.gpg lynx -reload -dump "${url}/dists/${dist}/Release" >/dev/null 2>&1 wget -q -O Release "${url}/dists/${dist}/Release" if ! grep -q '^' Release; then echo " * NO TOP-LEVEL Release FILE" >Release else origline=`sed -n 's/^Origin: *//p' Release | head -1` lablline=`sed -n 's/^Label: *//p' Release | head -1` suitline=`sed -n 's/^Suite: *//p' Release | head -1` codeline=`sed -n 's/^Codename: *//p' Release | head -1` dateline=`grep "^Date:" Release | head -1` dscrline=`grep "^Description:" Release | head -1` echo " o Origin: $origline/$lablline" echo " o Suite: $suitline/$codeline" echo " o $dateline" echo " o $dscrline" if [ "${dist%%/*}" != "$suitline" -a "${dist%%/*}" != "$codeline" ]; then echo " * WARNING: asked for $dist, got $suitline/$codeline" fi lynx -reload -dump "${url}/dists/${dist}/Release.gpg" >/dev/null 2>&1 wget -q -O Release.gpg "${url}/dists/${dist}/Release.gpg" gpgv --status-fd 3 Release.gpg Release 3>&1 >/dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n "s/^\[GNUPG:\] //p" | (okay=0; err=""; while read gpgcode rest; do if [ "$gpgcode" = "GOODSIG" ]; then if [ "$err" != "" ]; then echo " * Signed by ${err# } key: ${rest#* }" else echo " o Signed by: ${rest#* }" okay=1 fi err="" elif [ "$gpgcode" = "BADSIG" ]; then echo " * BAD SIGNATURE BY: ${rest#* }" err="" elif [ "$gpgcode" = "ERRSIG" ]; then echo " * COULDN'T CHECK SIGNATURE BY KEYID: ${rest%% *}" err="" elif [ "$gpgcode" = "SIGREVOKED" ]; then err="$err REVOKED" elif [ "$gpgcode" = "SIGEXPIRED" ]; then err="$err EXPIRED" fi done if [ "$okay" != 1 ]; then echo " * NO VALID SIGNATURE" >Release fi) fi okaycomps="" for comp in $comps; do if [ "$ty" = "deb" ]; then X=$(checkit "`echo "${baseurl}/dists/${dist}/${comp}/binary-${arch}/Release" | sed 's,//*,_,g'`" "${comp}/binary-${arch}/Release") Y=$(checkit "`echo "${baseurl}/dists/${dist}/${comp}/binary-${arch}/Packages" | sed 's,//*,_,g'`" "${comp}/binary-${arch}/Packages") if [ "$X $Y" = "OK OK" ]; then okaycomps="$okaycomps $comp" else echo " * PROBLEMS WITH $comp ($X, $Y)" fi elif [ "$ty" = "deb-src" ]; then X=$(checkit "`echo "${baseurl}/dists/${dist}/${comp}/source/Release" | sed 's,//*,_,g'`" "${comp}/source/Release") Y=$(checkit "`echo "${baseurl}/dists/${dist}/${comp}/source/Sources" | sed 's,//*,_,g'`" "${comp}/source/Sources") if [ "$X $Y" = "OK OK" ]; then okaycomps="$okaycomps $comp" else echo " * PROBLEMS WITH component $comp ($X, $Y)" fi fi done [ "$okaycomps" = "" ] || echo " o Okay:$okaycomps" echo done echo "Results" echo "~~~~~~~" echo allokay=true cd /tmp/apt-release-check diff <(cat BAD MISSING NOCHECK OK | sort) <(cd /var/lib/apt/lists && find . -type f -maxdepth 1 | sed 's,^\./,,g' | grep '_' | sort) | sed -n 's/^> //p' >UNVALIDATED cd /tmp/apt-release-check if grep -q ^ UNVALIDATED; then allokay=false (echo "The following files in /var/lib/apt/lists have not been validated." echo "This could turn out to be a harmless indication that this script" echo "is buggy or out of date, or it could let trojaned packages get onto" echo "your system." ) | fmt echo sed 's/^/ /' < UNVALIDATED echo fi if grep -q ^ BAD; then allokay=false (echo "The contents of the following files in /var/lib/apt/lists does not" echo "match what was expected. This may mean these sources are out of date," echo "that the archive is having problems, or that someone is actively" echo "using your mirror to distribute trojans." if am_root; then echo "The files have been renamed to have the extension .FAILED and" echo "will be ignored by apt." cat BAD | while read a; do mv /var/lib/apt/lists/$a /var/lib/apt/lists/${a}.FAILED done fi) | fmt echo sed 's/^/ /' < BAD echo fi if grep -q ^ MISSING; then allokay=false (echo "The following files from /var/lib/apt/lists were missing. This" echo "may cause you to miss out on updates to some vulnerable packages." ) | fmt echo sed 's/^/ /' < MISSING echo fi if grep -q ^ NOCHECK; then allokay=false (echo "The contents of the following files in /var/lib/apt/lists could not" echo "be validated due to the lack of a signed Release file, or the lack" echo "of an appropriate entry in a signed Release file. This probably" echo "means that the maintainers of these sources are slack, but may mean" echo "these sources are being actively used to distribute trojans." if am_root; then echo "The files have been renamed to have the extension .FAILED and" echo "will be ignored by apt." cat NOCHECK | while read a; do mv /var/lib/apt/lists/$a /var/lib/apt/lists/${a}.FAILED done fi) | fmt echo sed 's/^/ /' < NOCHECK echo fi if $allokay; then echo 'Everything seems okay!' echo fi rm -rf /tmp/apt-release-check