#!/bin/bash # Filename: run-welcome # Purpose: customized zsh login welcome screen for use at grml # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ . /etc/grml/sh-lib [ -r /etc/grml_version ] && GRMLVERSION=$(cat /etc/grml_version) || GRMLVERSION='(no version information available)' PATH=$HOME/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/games:/home/grml/bin CMDLINE=$(cat /proc/cmdline) [ -n "$distri" ] || distri="grml" # Activate unicode console if running within utf8 environment # Dirty hack to fix unicode issue on amd64... # unicode_start during bootprocess just does not work reliable :( NUM_CONSOLES=12 if [ -r /etc/default/locale ] ; then if grep -q "LANG=.*UTF" /etc/default/locale ; then for vc in `seq 1 ${NUM_CONSOLES}` ; do echo -n -e '\033%G' > /dev/tty${vc} done kbd_mode -u dumpkeys | loadkeys --unicode > /dev/null fi fi # welcome beep case "$CMDLINE" in *\ nobeep*) ;; *) (for f in 1000 2000 1500 1750; do beep -f $f -l 150; done) & ;; esac case "$CMDLINE" in # allow customized startup via bootoption startup: *startup=*) script="$(getBootParam startup)" if [ -x $(which $script) ] ; then $script fi ;; # do nothing if booting with bootoption noquick: *\ noquick*) ;; *) # by default run grml-quickconfig, but only if running as root if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ] ; then which grml-quickconfig &>/dev/null && grml-quickconfig fi esac # just print out an empty line if bootoption "nowelcome" is present if grep -q nowelcome /proc/cmdline 2>/dev/null ; then echo # ... otherwise allow customized release information elif [ -r /etc/release_info ] ; then cat /etc/release_info else # ... or finally fall back to grml's default # display version information depending on the version: if grep -q -- '-rc[0-9]' /etc/grml_version 2>/dev/null ; then echo echo echo 'NOTICE: This is a release candidate version!' echo 'Please notice that this is not yet a stable release.' echo 'See http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=release_candidate for known issues.' echo 'Please report any bugs you notice: bugs@grml.org' echo fi if grep -q 'grml-live-autobuild' /etc/grml_version 2>/dev/null ; then echo echo echo 'NOTICE: This is a daily snapshot version!' echo 'Please notice that this is not yet a stable release.' echo 'See http://daily.grml.org/ for more details.' echo 'Please report any bugs you notice: daily@grml.org' echo fi echo " Welcome to ${GRMLVERSION}! New to ${distri}? Want to read some documentation? Start via running 'grml-info'. Get tips and hints via 'grml-tips \$KEYWORD'. New to zsh? Run 'zsh-help'. Switch to other consoles via alt-F keys. Happy hacking! http://grml.org/ " fi exec /bin/zsh -l ## END OF FILE #################################################################