# attention you have to really know what you are doing # this options are for debugging purpuose only (to test # grml-terminalserver on plain debian sid) or to run the # grml-terminalserver on a grml hd install. # # this is a shellscript fragment and will be sourced from both # grml-terminalserver AND grml-terminalserver-config # this is the path where the grml image/cdrom is placed (mounted) # default: /run/live/medium #MOUNT_POINT_="" # path + name of the memtest image # default: /run/live/medium/boot/addons/memtest #MEMTEST_IMAGE_="" # path to pxelinux boot message # default: /run/live/medium/boot/isolinux/boot.msg #PXE_BOOT_MSG_="" # path to pxelinux boot logo # default: /run/live/medium/boot/isolinux/logo.16 #PXE_BOOT_LOGO_="" # should the terminalserver activate snat for the clients to his default gateway? # default: true #IPTABLES_SNAT_=""