#!/bin/bash # Filename: terminalserver-config # Purpose: configuration program for grml-terminalserver # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Gebetsroither # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ ### ### __INCLUDES ### . /etc/grml/sh-lib #. /etc/grml/sysexits-sh ### ### __VARIABLES ### verbose_=0 # this file holds all variable definitions SHARED_PROG_VARS_="/usr/share/grml-terminalserver/shared_prog_vars" isExistent $SHARED_PROG_VARS_ die . $SHARED_PROG_VARS_ # variables used in the config file for grml-terminalserver INTERFACE_="" IP_="" NETMASK_="" GW_="" NAMESERVERS_="" IPRANGE_FROM_="" IPRANGE_TO_="" NETWORK_="" OPTIONS_="" BOOT_ARGS_="" NAT_INTERFACE_="" ### ### __FUNCTIONS ### function printUsage { cat < $PROG_NAME__ is the config program for the terminalserver coming with grml. COMMANDS: help This help text interactive Interactive Configuration of the grml-terminalserver initrd Only create the initrd clean Remove all configfiles created during user configuration interactive mode OPTIONS: -v verbose (show what is going on, v++) -h this help text EOT } function writeConfig { local date_="" if [ -f $CONF_FILE_ ]; then mv -fb $CONF_FILE_ ${CONF_FILE_}-old fi date_=`date` cat < $CONF_FILE_ # GRML TERMINAL-SERVER CONFIG # created on "$date_" INTERFACE_="$INTERFACE_" IP_="$IP_" NETWORK_="$NETWORK_" NETMASK_="$NETMASK_" GW_="$GW_" NAMESERVERS_="$NAMESERVERS_" IPRANGE_FROM_="$IPRANGE_FROM_" IPRANGE_TO_="$IPRANGE_TO_" OPTIONS_="$OPTIONS_" BOOT_ARGS_="$BOOT_ARGS_" NAT_INTERFACE_="$NAT_INTERFACE_" EOT notice "config successfully safed to \"$CONF_FILE_\"" } # AUTOMATIC CONFIGURATION {{{ function checkParamArg { local param_name="$1" local arg="$2" #eval "echo $`echo $test`" echo $arg |grep "^[-|+]" &>/dev/null || return die "Argument from $param_name looks like another parameter \"$arg\"" 1 } function actionAutoconf { checkParamArg "-i" "$interface_" } # }}} # INITRD {{{ function actionMkInitrd { echo "Installing initrd $PATH_/minirt26.gz:" # until we have a stable file location API let's use # an according heuristic initrd_=initrd.img-"$(uname -r)" cp /boot/"$initrd_" "$PATH_"/minirt26.gz || die "Could not copy /boot/$initrd_" } # }}} # INTERACTIVE CONFIGURATION {{{ function actionInteractive { local i="" dprint "running in interactive mode" local card_title_="Choose network device connected to client network" local card_message_="Available network devices:" local iprange_title_="IP Address range for clients" local iprange_message_=" Please enter the desired IP-Range of addresses that should be allocated by clients, separated by a single space. Example: for addresses from to (and including) " local runconfig_title_="Networkcard config" local runconfig_message_="Would you like to configure your interfaces now?" # on which interfaces should we listen local netdevices_="$(grep -ve 'lo:' -ve 'Inter-|' -ve 'face |bytes' /proc/net/dev | awk -F: '{print $1}')" local device_list_="" for INTERFACE_ in $netdevices_; do device_list_="$device_list_ ${INTERFACE_} Networkcard_${INTERFACE_##eth}"; done echo -n "" >"$TMP_" $DIALOG_ --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$card_title_" --menu "$card_message_" \ 0 0 18 $device_list_ 2>"$TMP_" || warn "could not get network-interface" INTERFACE_="$(<$TMP_)" ; echo -n "" >"$TMP_" while true; do IP_=`netGetIp "$INTERFACE_" warn` NETMASK_=`netGetNetmask "$INTERFACE_" warn` netValidIp "$IP_" warn && break $DIALOG_ --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$runconfig_title_" --yesno "$runconfig_message_" 18 45 && \ netcardconfig || die "Could not get interface" $? done IPRANGE_FROM_=`execute "ipcalc -nb $IP_/$NETMASK_" warn |awk '/HostMin/{print $2}'` # if we have x.x.x.1 as starting range address provide # x.x.x.10 instead so we avoid possible conflicts with # default gateway if echo $IPFROM | grep -c '\.1$' ; then IPFROM="${IPFROM%%\.1}.10" fi IPRANGE_TO_=`execute "ipcalc -nb $IP_/$NETMASK_" warn |awk '/HostMax/{print $2}'` NETWORK_=`execute "ipcalc -nb $IP_/$NETMASK_" warn |awk '/Network:/{print $2}'` NETWORK_=${NETWORK_%/*} local iprange_="" while [ -z "$IPRANGE_FROM_" -o -z "$IPRANGE_TO_" -o -z "$iprange_" ]; do iprange_="$IPRANGE_FROM_ $IPRANGE_TO_" echo -n "" >"$TMP_" $DIALOG_ --clear --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$iprange_title_ ($INTERFACE_=$IP_/$NETMASK_)" \ --inputbox "$iprange_message_" 18 75 "$iprange_" 2>"$TMP_" || die "problems getting network range" $? iprange_="$(<$TMP_)" IPRANGE_FROM_="${iprange_%% *}" IPRANGE_TO_="${iprange_##* }" for i in "$IPRANGE_FROM_" "$IPRANGE_TO_"; do netValidIp "$i" warn || iprange_="" done done NAMESERVERS_=`netGetNameservers warn` GW_=`netGetDefaultGateway warn` GW_DEV_=`/sbin/ip route get "$GW_" | awk '{ print $3; exit; }'` if [ "$GW_DEV_" != "$INTERFACE_" ] && [ "$GW_DEV_" != "" ]; then # GW_DEV_ of server is not the same device as the one serviced by dhcpd # so it doesn't make sense to provide the GW_ address to the clients local do_nat_="YES" local do_nat_title_="Network Address Translation" local do_nat_message_=" Do you want to set up NAT so that clients booting from this grml-terminalserver can use this machine also as gateway to the internet?" $DIALOG_ --clear --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$do_nat_title_" --yesno "$do_nat_message_" 15 75 || \ do_nat_="NO" if [ "$do_nat_" = "YES" ]; then # user wants NAT, we give the clients the server address as # gateway as well GW_="$IP_" NAT_INTERFACE_="$GW_DEV_" else # no NAT, no sensible gateway GW_="" NAT_INTERFACE_="" fi fi # get options #local OPT_IPTABLES_="yes" #local OPT_SSH_="yes" #local OPT_DISTCC_="yes" #local OPT_SQUID_="" local OPTIONS_TITLE_="Options" local OPTIONS_MESSAGE_="Please give the appropriate options you want the clients to use: grml2hd - Make a non-interactive remote installation " # local OPTIONS_MESSAGE_="Please give the appropriate options you want the clients to use: # #iptables - Only the server should be able to access the clients #ssh - A ssh-key will be created on the server and distributed to the clients #distcc - You want to use the clients as compile-farm (ssh options recommned) # #" local OPT_IPTABLES_DESC_="Start iptables on the clients" local OPT_SSH_DESC_="Start ssh on the clients" local OPT_DISTCC_DESC_="Start distcc on the clients" local OPT_GRML2HD_DESC_="Remote install grml on the network clients" # dialog options (enable if implemented) #iptables "$OPT_IPTABLES_DESC_" off \ #ssh "$OPT_SSH_DESC_" off \ #distcc "$OPT_DISTCC_DESC_" off \ echo -n "" >"$TMP_" $DIALOG_ --clear --separate-output --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$OPTIONS_TITLE_" --checklist "$OPTIONS_MESSAGE_" 25 80 10 \ grml2hd "$OPT_GRML2HD_DESC_" off \ 2>$TMP_ || die "could not get terminalserver options" $? while read tmp_option_; do OPTIONS_="$OPTIONS_ $tmp_option_" done <$TMP_ # parse options for i in $OPTIONS_; do case "$i" in grml2hd) optGrml2Hd || return 1 ;; esac done echo -n "" >"$TMP_" local OPTIONS_BOOTARG_MESSAGE_="Here you can add additional boot arguments for the clients seperated by spaces: Quite usefull examples: ssh= - Start ssh server and set password of user grml to pw services=<1,2,3> - Execute /etc/init.d/{1,2,3} start console=ttyS0,9600n8 - Initialise serial console startx - Boot into X " $DIALOG_ --clear --no-collapse --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$OPTIONS_TITLE_" --inputbox "$OPTIONS_BOOTARG_MESSAGE_" 0 0\ 2>$TMP_ || die "problems getting additional boot arguments" BOOT_ARGS_="$BOOT_ARGS_ $(<$TMP_)" writeConfig actionMkInitrd notice "GRML terminalserver successfully configured" } # }}} # OPTIONS GETTING DIALOG {{{ function optGrml2Hd { local GRML2HD_TITLE_='Grml2hd options dialog' local tmp_='' local options_='BOOT_IMAGE=grml2hd' # get partition to install grml2hd on OPTIONS_PARTITION_MSG_='Please specify the target partition where to install grml' PARTITION_TITLE_='Partition selection' echo -n "" >"$TMP_" $DIALOG_ --clear --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$PARTITION_TITLE_" --inputbox \ "$OPTIONS_PARTITION_MSG_" 0 75 '/dev/hda1' 2>$TMP_ || die "problems getting partition" tmp_="partition=$(<$TMP_)" options_="$options_ $tmp_" # get filesystem type OPTION_FS_TYPE_='Please specify the filesystem type' FS_TITLE_='Filesystem selection' echo -n "" >"$TMP_" $DIALOG_ --clear --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$FS_TITLE_" --inputbox \ "$OPTION_FS_TYPE_" 0 75 'ext3' 2>$TMP_ || die "problems getting filesystem type" tmp_="filesystem=$(<$TMP_)" options_="$options_ $tmp_" # get where to save mbr OPTION_MBR_='Please specify the location where to save the mbr' MBR_TITLE_='Select location of mbr' echo -n "" >"$TMP_" $DIALOG_ --clear --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$MBR_TITLE_" --inputbox \ "$OPTION_MBR_" 0 75 '/dev/hda' 2>$TMP_ || die "problems getting location where to write mbr" tmp_="mbr=$(<$TMP_)" options_="$options_ $tmp_" # get first user OPTION_USER_='Who should be the first user on the system' USER_TITLE_='User selection' echo -n "" >"$TMP_" $DIALOG_ --clear --backtitle "$BACK_TITLE_" --title "$USER_TITLE_" --inputbox \ "$OPTION_USER_" 0 75 'grml' 2>$TMP_ || die "problems getting first user of system" tmp_="user=$(<$TMP_)" options_="$options_ $tmp_" BOOT_ARGS_="$options_" } #}}} function removeTmpFiles { execute "rm -f $TMP_" warn } function actionClean { for i in dhcpd.conf minirt26.gz; do execute "rm -f $PATH_/$i*" done for i in $CARDS_DETECTED_BY_DISCOVER $CONF_FILE_; do execute "rm -f $i" done } ### ### __MAIN ### while getopts "i:hv" opt; do case "$opt" in i) interface_=$OPTARG ;; h) printUsage; exit ;; v) let verbose_=$verbose_+1 ;; ?) printUsage; exit 64 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # set ARGV to the first not parsed commandline parameter setVerbose $verbose_ case "$1" in help) printUsage; exit 0 ;; esac checkRoot die 'You have to be root to use this program' disableSyslog execute "mkdir -p $PATH_" die TMP_=`mktemp -t grml-terminalserver-config.XXXXXX` || die "Could not create tmpfile" $? setExitFunction 'removeTmpFiles' . $DEFAULT_CONFIG_ . $CONFIG_ # used config vars: # MODULES_PATH_ # MODULES_PATH_ROOT_DIFF_ # KERNEL_VERSION_ # ORIGINAL_INITRD_ if [[ $MODULES_PATH_ == "" || $KERNEL_VERSION_ == "" || $ORIGINAL_INITRD_ == "" ]]; then warn "MODULES_PATH_=\"$MODULES_PATH_\" \ KERNEL_VERSION_=\"$KERNEL_VERSION_\" \ ORIGINAL_INITRD_=\"$ORIGINAL_INITRD_\"" die "False configuration, please update $CONFIG_" fi case "$1" in interactive) actionInteractive ;; initrd) actionMkInitrd ;; clean) actionClean ;; *) actionInteractive ;; esac removeTmpFiles # END OF FILE ################################################################################ # vim:foldmethod=marker tabstop=2 expandtab shiftwidth=2