Changelog for grml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Latest change: Sam Sep 01 10:12:06 CEST 2007 [mika] 20070518 ======== Release 1.0 - codename Meilenschwein (20070518) =============================================== Fixed several bugs and issues reported on New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * alignmargins: adjust the margins and the position of the printed contents on the paper * dirvish-setup: a simple script for setting up a basic configuration for the backup software dirvish * grml2ram: copy compressed GRML image to RAM when running grml already (based on contribution by Michael Schierl) * grml-quickconfig: get fast access to some basic grml-scripts (contributed by Michael Schierl) * grml-setservices interface for basic configuration of system startup/shutdown via /etc/runlevel.conf * google suggest - ask google for keyword suggestions * iso-term: wrapper script to run x-terminal-emulator in iso885915 mode New bootparameters/cheatcodes: * qemu: installs a default /etc/X11/xorg.conf (without having to run hardware detection) * debian2hd: install plain Debian via grml-debootstrap in automatic mode grml2hd (install grml to harddisk): * support for Grub (now there's a dialog for selection between lilo and grub as bootloader) * use of UUID and /dev/disk/by-uuid/ by default (provides stable booting devices, very important for installation on external usb/firewire devices for example) * use initrd/initramfs by default now grml-terminalserver (boot grml via network): * better module loading * switch from tftpd-hpa to atftpd (resulting in big speedup) grml-debootstrap (install plain Debian fast and easy): * support full automatic installation via debian2hd * use aptitude instead of apt-get in chroot-script * use of DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' to avoid unnecessary questions when installing * support Debian release with codename 'lenny' * support stages (improves cancel/resume of operations) * support setting of some important variables via cmdline * improved error handling Special new features: * updated to 7.2 / Xserver 1.3 * updated to libc6 2.5 * use of UTF-8 as default encoding * LaTeX: switch from tetex to texlive * grml-x: use of evdev (dropped options -nousb and -nops2, added -ps2 and -usb instead), improved error handling and execution * grml-autoconfig: dropped userspace/powernowd stuff in cpufrequeny scaling in favour of the ondemand-governor * integrated grml-quickconfig within zsh-login * got rid of grml-sysvinit, using plain sysvinit from Debian without any hacks now * support basic rescanning in live-cd initrd * the grml team manages all the Debian unique packages with mercurial using grml-mercurial-utils Kernel: Based on vanilla kernel including several patches (Speakup, Squashfs,...) and additional modules: acerhk, aufs, cowloop, drbd8, et131x, exmap, ipw3945, iscsitarget, ivtv, kqemu, madwifi, misdn, ndiswrapper, nozomi, openafs, pcan, qc-usb, r1000, realtime-lsm, rt2400, rt2500, rt2570, rt2x00, sdricoh_cs, sl-modem, snd-bt-sco, spca5xx, sysprof, tidev, tpm_emulator, truecrypt, unionfs Important Changes: * UTF-8: grml uses UTF8 as default encoding. You can deactivate UTF-8 environment via booting with bootoption lang=$LANG-iso. Some software is not yet UTF-8 aware (problem is located upstream, neither at Debian or grml itself). More information about UTF-8 at grml can be found at the utf8 webpage in the grml-wiki. * get_tw_cli / get_3ware: get_tw_cli has been renamed into get_3ware as we support 3DM2 as well now. * fluxbox: the keybindings have been restored to their original (fluxbox upstream) behaviour. Now Alt+F# switches between the desktops, Alt+Shift+F# sends an application to another desktop. If you want to get the old behaviour back you can use the zsh function fluxkey-change. Packages / Software Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20070517. Removed 90 packages [please notice that some of them are available under different names/in different packages]: *2.6.18-grml* lib* aircrack aptconf bacula-client classpath classpath-common classpath-gtkpeer convertfs cpp-3.3 ddd debpool debsig-verify doc-base emacspeak ethereal ethereal-common fsh gcc-2.95 gcc-3.3 gcc-3.3-base glibc-doc grml-btnet grml-kerneladdons-2.6.18 grml-sysvinit gs-gpl initrd-tools jamvm java-common kdoc kenny kwtools-bin kwtools-common kwtools-graphic kwtools-net kwtools-net-postfix kwtools-sys kwtools-sys-lvm kwtools-utils latex-ucs linux-wlan-ng linux-wlan-ng-firmware lout lout-common lufs-utils lvm-common lvm10 madwifi-doc misdn-utils mutt-ng muttprint nhfsstone nscd nxclient olsrd-gui olsrd-plugin opie-server policycoreutils postgresql-client-8.1 prosper python-clamav python-jaxml python-selinux python2.3 raccess samdump scapy securecgi simh synctree tclx8.3 tesseract-ocr tetex-base tetex-bin tetex-extra tethereal tftp-hpa tftpd-hpa tk-brief transset ufsutils unionfs-utils unzsplit valgrind vde wellenreiter wmi xcompmgr xen-tools xen-utils-common xlibmesa-gl zsplit Added 109 new packages (exluding lib* and *2.6.20-grml*): 4g8 advchk apwal arp-scan array-info ascii ascii2binary atftpd aufs-tools blktrace bluetooth-alsa cbm clive concalc cryopid csstidy ctioga cups-pdf dbus-x11 dnsproxy docbook2odf dpkg-ruby dvb-utils edbrowse espeak espeak-data fakechroot fatresize funionfs fusedav gaffitter gatling gcolor2 gems genisoimage grml-desktop grml-kerneladdons-2.6.20 grml-pylib hal-info icedax ii imsniff ion3-mod-xinerama keyutils kqemu-common kvm lckdo mcabber mtp-tools mtpaint ncc ncdu newsbeuter odt2txt olsrd-plugins ophcrack oss-compat pamusb-tools pdfcube perl-tk pnputils podget postgresql-client-8.2 powertop python-gobject python-pexpect python-scapy python-urwid rcov recordmydesktop samdump2 scalpel screenie scrot sigit smbnetfs speedometer sucrack texlive-base texlive-base-bin texlive-common texlive-doc-base texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-lang-german texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended thc-ipv6 treil tss tweak uncrustify urlscan vde2 vim-addon-manager vinetto xjed xserver-xorg-input-aiptek xserver-xorg-input-elo2300 xserver-xorg-input-elographics xserver-xorg-input-evtouch xserver-xorg-input-hyperpen xserver-xorg-input-joystick xserver-xorg-input-penmount xserver-xorg-input-void xserver-xorg-video-intel xsteg xwatchwin zfs-fuse zzuf If you find a problem with the release please check and report problems using information on 20061206 ======== Release 0.9 - Codename Dioptrienotto (20061206) ================================================ Fixed several bugs and issues reported on New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * getsf: download project from * grml-ap: set up your box as access point * grml-bridge: set up your box as bridge * grml-debootstrap: wrapper around debootstrap for installing plain Debian via grml * grml-router: set up your box as NAT-router * qma: fast manual access, speeds up access for reading manpages * random-hostname: print random hostname to stdout * reread_partition_table: re-read partition table of specific disk New bootparameters/cheatcodes (some selected ones): * dos: boot into FreeDOS 1.0 from the Balder project * noswraid: disable search for software RAID arrays * lang=$LANG-utf: unicode support, usage example: lang=de-utf8 grml2hd: * support customization of grml2hd through /etc/grml2hd/customization * allow installation of lilo into MBR of the first disk on the system. (Feature based on patch contributed by Alexander Bernauer.) * adjust /etc/default/rcS according to bootoption utc/gmt and /etc/localtime according to bootoption tz * integration of random-hostname Special new features: * updated to 7.1.1 * unicode support through bootoption lang=$LANG-utf8 * added FreeDOS 1.0 from the Balder project; boot into it using the bootoption 'dos' * new handling for added/removed devices: /etc/fstab is rebuild automatically if new block devices are added or removed; mounting usb devices is possible through /mnt/usb-sd* * grml-rebuildfstab (that's a shell command now as well, just run 'grml-rebuildfstab' to rebuild /etc/fstab) supports fs-LABELs and UUIDs; see 'man rebuildfstab' for details * split package grml-etc into grml-etc + grml-etc-core (the latter one provides the core configuration files for e.g. zsh, screen and vim) * bootoption 'grub' boots into The All In One Boot Floppy (which provides Grub), contributed by Michael Schierl Kernel: Based on vanilla kernel including several patches (Speakup, Squashfs,...) and additional modules: acerhk, acx100, adp94xx, arcmsr, bcm5700, cowloop, drbd8, et131x, exmap, ipw3945, ivtv, kqemu, kvm, linux-wlan-ng, madwifi, misdn, ndiswrapper, nozomi, openafs, pcan, qc-usb, r1000, realtime-lsm, rt2400, rt2500, rt2570, rt2x00, sl-modem, snd-bt-sco, spca5xx, sysprof, tidev, tpm_emulator, truecrypt, unionfs Important Changes: * swap partitions: by default grml does not automatically use swap partitions anymore. Run 'grml-swapon' when running grml or boot using 'grml swap' for enabling all detected and usable swap partitions. * software raid: starting with grml 0.9 booting the system searches for present software raid arrays. The configuration file /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf will be generated by default, to disable this feature use the bootopion noswraid. The arrays are not autoassembled by default. Either boot using the bootoption swraid or run 'Start mdadm-raid' when running grml already to assemble present software raid arrays. * zsh global aliases: the global aliases setup has been changed; now the global aliases (like: 'G' is same '|grep') are not enabled by default any more, instead a new setup named 'powerful abbreviation expansion' is available. Usage example: type 'N' and press ',.' to expand the 'N' into '&>/dev/null'. Take a look at the grml zsh refcard for more details. Removed 62 packages [please notice that some of them are available under different names/in different packages]: *2.6.17-grml* lib* apache2-common apt-index-watcher bluez-pin bookmarkbridge camgrab cdw cdw-common cthumb divine dnotify drbd0.7-utils duplicity euro-support-console euro-support-x firefox firefox-webdeveloper flashplugin-nonfree gcj-4.1-base gconf2-common giflib-bin giflib3g gnupg2 grml-kerneladdons grml-reportbug gtkrecover ipchains ipmasqadm ipw3945-ucode jaxml lout-doc lpr mime-codecs mozilla-mplayer mplayer-nogui mtop ndiswrapper-utils-1.7 ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 netkit-inetd open-iscsi pnpbios-tools ppmtofb python-gnupginterface python2.3-pymad python2.3-pyopenssl python2.3-pyparsing python2.3-twisted-bin python2.4-selinux python2.4-semanage scanerrlog stunnel tex-refs thc-ipv6 thc-pptp-bruter truecrypt turkey update x-window-system-core xfonts-100dpi-transcoded xfonts-75dpi-transcoded xfonts-konsole xlibs xorg Added 113 new packages (exluding lib* and *2.6.18-grml*): aamath ace-of-penguins afflib apache2.2-common apf-client apf-server aria2 asused automake avahi-daemon ccontrol cdrskin classpath-gtkpeer conntrack cupsys-bsd ddccontrol ddccontrol-db diakonos diction dov4l drbd8-utils dsbltesters dwm-tools dynafont dynamic-disk emacs emelfm firmware-ipw3945 firmware-qlogic glipper-nognome gpgv grml-debootstrap grml-etc-core grml-kerneladdons-2.6.18 grml-network guessnet histring hoz ht iceweasel ink inotail inotify-tools iwatch konwert konwert-filters latex-ucs mathomatic medusa misdn-utils molly-guard mpg123-alsa mplayer mplayer-skin-blue ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ne obexpushd openbsd-inetd pax-utils ptfinder pwman3 pxfw pydb python-crypto python-jaxml python-pymad python-pysqlite2 python-selinux python-semanage python-twisted-bin python2.5 python2.5-minimal qtparted rake rdoc rdoc1.8 reniced reportbug resolvconf retty ruby-prof sic smap ssdeep stealth stunnel4 synergy sysvinit-utils tesseract-ocr toilet toilet-fonts update-inetd upstreamdev videogen vim-python vim-ruby webcam-server wikipedia2text wodim xen-utils-common xmlindent xmms2 xmms2-client-cli xmms2-core xmms2-plugin-alsa xmms2-plugin-id3v2 xmms2-plugin-jack xmms2-plugin-mad xmms2-plugin-vorbis xsel xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse xserver-xorg-video-ivtv youtube-dl If you find a problem with the release please check and report problems using information on 20060813 ======== Release 0.8 - Codename Funkenzutzler (20060813) ================================================ Fixed several bugs and issues reported on New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * blacklist: blacklist module via module-init-tools (/etc/modprobe.d/grml) * unblacklist: remove blacklisted module from /etc/modprobe.d/grml * install-packages-useful: a script which installs useful software on your grml system. This script is similar to Ubuntu's EasyUbuntu and EasyBreezy * grml-policy-rc.d: a wrapper script for invoke-rc.d to avoid automatical startup of init scripts via invoke-rc.d; take a look at 'man grml-policy-rc.d' for more details * listen for incoming messages on a specific port and print them via osd_cat; run 'grml-tips osd' for more details (thanks to Ulrich Dangel, Alexander Bernauer and Rico Schickel) * myip: return IP address of running system on stdout * grml-tpm: set up a system for use with TPM * grml-resolution: change X resolution via a simple menu frontend (script based on work by Florian Keller) * grml-hostname: set hostname of system New bootparameters/cheatcodes (some selected ones): * splash: text based bootsplash (based on contribution by Florian Keller) * noblank: disable console blanking grml2hd: * partition selector (just invoke grml2hd without any further options) * added support for setting hostname via grml-hostname * grml-setlang: set language system-wide on grml system. Set $LANG, $LC_ALL, $COUNTRY,... in /etc/default/locale (formerly known as /etc/environment) * grml-setkeyboard: set keyboard layout system-wide on grml system via /etc/sysconfig/keyboard (Notice: Does not affect the currently used keyboard layout, use grml-lang instead to temporarly change settings) * reworked grml2hd-utils:,-improved-grml2hd.html Special new features: * updated to 7.0 * using Lat15-Terminus16 as default console font (disable via bootoption 'nodefaultfont') * text based bootsplash (see bootoption 'splash'), based on contribution by Florian Keller * switched from kaffe to jikes and jamvm * added window managers fvwm-crystal and dwm * added support for UMTS vodafone cards (austrian providers like A1, T-Mobile and 3 work out-of-the-box) - see 'grml-tips umts' * added /etc/rc{0..6}.d/ /etc/rcS.d directories with important_notice to inform users about file-rc * /etc/init.d/boolocal.{pre,middle,post}: add your own commands/stuff to bootup sequence, see "man grml-autoconfig" for more details * setup of files in /boot/grub/ to be able to install grub; provide sample menu.lst for use with grml2hd - see 'grml-tips grub' * run 'zsh-help' for some hints regarding zsh Kernel: Based on vanilla kernel including several patches (Reiser4, Speakup, Squashfs,...) and additional modules: acerhk, acx100, adp94xx, bcm5700, cowloop, dazuko, drbd0.7, et131x, exmap, ipw3945, ivtv0.7, kqemu, linux-wlan-ng, lufs, madwifi, ndiswrapper, nozomi, openafs, pcan, pwc, qc-usb, realtime-lsm, rt2x00, rt2400, rt2500, rt2570, sl-modem, snd-bt-sco, spca5xx, sysprof, thinkpad, tidev, truecrypt, vaiostat, zd1211 Important Changes: * The software RAID devices like /dev/md0 aren't created by default anymore. See /etc/udev/mdadm.rules and for the reason. If you need /dev/md*-devices just run the following command (you will find this tip in 'grml-tips mdadm' as well): # cd /dev && MAKEDEV md * There might be problems running DRI with current Check whether DRI/3d-support works for you via running: % glxinfo | grep direct direct rendering: Yes If it does not return 'Yes' the following command might solve your problem: # apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri/experimental libgl1-mesa-glx/experimental Updates: * Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20060811. * Removed 114 packages. * Added 117 new packages (exluding lib*, xserver-xorg-* and *2.6.17-grml*): 3ware-3dm2-binary 3ware-cli-binary acpi-support aircrack-ng ajaxterm btscanner cdck cdpr cedet-common classpath classpath-common cmospwd cpp-4.1 cpuid cpulimit crywrap cupsys-common curlftpfs debdelta debian-goodies dwm eieio emcast facter freeglut3 fusesmb fvwm fvwm-crystal-minimal g++-4.1 gcc-4.1 gconf2-common grep-dctrl grml-policyrcd habak id3 ipmitool ipw-firmware ipw3945-ucode ipw3945d jamvm jikes lame latexmk linuxlogo lspowertweak madwifi-doc magicrescue mesa-utils mktemp modconf mp3val mrb mrxvt mrxvt-common mysql-client-5.0 ndisc6 ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.1 ndiswrapper-utils-1.7 ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 nethogs ntfs-3g num-utils open-iscsi p3nfs pcopy pekwm pktstat policyrcd-script-zg2 powertweak-gtk powertweakd prism54-firmware pymacs python-celementtree python-central python-elementtree python-minimal python-mode python-support remind snmp sudoku syrep tdb-dev tetrinet-client thc-ipv6 tinysnmp-tools tpm-tools trayer trousers tshark twolame txt2pdbdoc tzdata unclutter unionfs-tools uswsusp vbindiff vobcopy vsftpd weechat weechat-scripts wikipediafs wireshark wireshark-common wyrd xbitmaps xclip xcursor-themes xfonts-biznet-100dpi xfonts-biznet-75dpi xfonts-biznet-base xfonts-encodings xfonts-utils xkb-data xorg xutils-dev If you find a problem with the release please check and report problems using information on 20060410 ======== Release 0.7 - Codename Bootenschnitzl (20060410) ================================================ Fixed several bugs, including: #19 grml-0.6: gkrellmd and battery status [wishlist] #20 grml-0.6: GRMLCFG does not work with floppy disk #21 hgrep: hgrep returns always success and issues reported on Several improved, updated and extended configuration files. New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * bt-audio script to connect bluetooth headset to computer * get_tw_cli get 3ware RAID controller command line interface tool (tw_cli) * event-viewer program to see all fork/exec/exit/uid/gid events on a running system using the new netlink/fork connector interface from linux >=2.6.15 New bootparameters/cheatcodes (some selected ones): * vmware disable usb/firewire detection during bootprocess, load some SCSI-modules instead Special new features: * /bin/sh now points to /bin/bash; reason: Debian does not support zsh as /bin/sh, zsh is used as interactive shell anyway of course * reworked zsh completion (no error correction on rm and mv commands) * grub can be called from bootmenu (in isolinux) through running 'grub' now; thanks a lot to Rafael Steiner! * reworked 'swspeak' bootoption: sound output during startup, start software synthesizer when booting finishe via running 'swspeak' * rebuildfstab (generate /etc/fstab): - partitions have new mount-options: 'noauto,nouser,dev,suid,exec' - improved partition detection (e.g. reiser4 is detected now) Kernel: * Based on vanilla kernel including several patches (Reiser4, Speakup, Squashfs,...) and additional modules: acerhk, acx100, at76c503a, bcm5700, cowloop, dazuko, drbd0.7, eagle-usb, et131x, exmap, ivtv, kqemu, linux-wlan-ng, lufs, madwifi, madwifi-ng, ndiswrapper, nozomi, openafs, pcan, pwc, qc-usb, realtime-lsm, rt2400, rt2500, sdhci, sl-modem, snd-bt-sco, spca5xx, sysprof, thinkpad, tidev, truecrypt, vaiostat, zd1211 Notice: madwifi-ng is available in /usr/src as debian package but not pre-installed because of conflicts with madwifi. Some more modules (for example fglrx and nvidia) are not pre-installed but available through the grml-repository. See for more details regarding the grml-kernel. Updates: * Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20060402 plus some minor updates until 200604XX. * Updated memtest to Memtest86+ V1.65. * Updated putty-collection to latest version. * grml2hd (install grml to harddisk): - check for given mbr option and prompt for activating it if not set - changed initrd/initramfs generator from yaird to initramfs: now booting via firewire is also possible - added resume, brltty, speakup_synth and swspeak to list of grml2hd-bootparams so it's easier to use out of the box - changed logic in grml2hd dialog for package removal: now select packages which should be kept -> See for more details. Removed 34 packages [please notice that some of them are available under different names/in different packages]: *2.6.15-grml* lib* bzrtools cryptsetup-luks fam fonts-ttf-decoratives gkrellm-common grml-fixes ivtv0.4-utils jikes jikes-kaffe ldaptor-common mirror mozilla-firefox-adblock multiseat munin mysql-server mysql-server-4.1 pdns-backend-mysql pgpool php5 php5-mysql php5-pgsql php5-sqlite pmx postfix-mysql postfix-pgsql postfix-policyd postgresql-8.1 postgresql-contrib-8.1 preview-latex python2.3-subversion schroot sqlrelay-mysql tpb wacom-tools Added 48 new packages (exluding lib* and *2.6.16-grml*): 3270-common apt-index-watcher array-util arrayprobe bar bcrelay brltty-flite btsco bwm-ng c3270 cryptsetup cvsconnect cw cwcp dbconfig-common devio ecj-bootstrap fontconfig-config gamin gcc-4.1-base gcj-4.1-base gcom gij-4.0 glimpse i855crt ivtv-utils lanmap latex-mk linux-wlan-ng-firmware lomoco moreutils mpt-status nbsmtp o3read openipmi p7zip pfqueue postgresql-client-common python-subversion python2.4-selinux python2.4-semanage qpxtool rkhunter tcptraceroute tct truecrypt unixcw user-setup If you find a problem with the release please check and report problems using information on 20060122 ======== Release 0.6 - Codename Winterschlapfn (20060122) ================================================ Fixed several bugs, including issues reported on Several improved, updated and extended configuration files. New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * bt-hid connect bluetooth mouse * ip-screen print ip address of configured network interfaces. Integrated into status line of GNU screen. * XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86AudioMute and XF86AudioRaiseVolume: scripts for handling audio volume * wm-ng wrapper script for use with grml-x - provides an easy to use desktop, runs fluxbox with gkrellm and idesk, use via 'grml-x wm-ng' Tip: press Ctrl-Alt-d to switch X resolution to 1024x768 * noprompt wrapper script to avoid prompting when rebooting/ halting system. Use e.g. via 'noprompt reboot' New bootparameters/cheatcodes (some selected ones): * hostname=... set hostname to specified value (default: grml) * distcc=$NETWORK,$INTERFACE - activate distcc-daemon, usage example: distcc=,eth0 activates distccd listening on ip address of eth0 providing access for network * 915resolution=${MODE},${XRESO},${YRESO} start resolution modify tool for Intel graphic chipset, usage example: 915resolution=4d,1400,1050 * swspeak get software synthesizer support through speakup's sftsyn, speech-dispatcher and speechd-up * debnet search through local partitions for file /etc/network/interfaces, copy /etc/network to running system and restart networking then * forensic boot without any filesystem access to hard disks so forensic investigations can be made * blacklist=module deactivate loading of a specific module. Configured via /etc/modprobe.d/grml. Usage example: blacklist=snd_ens1371 Special new features: * grml-tips: run 'grml-tips $KEYWORD' to get hints for $KEYWORD * udev fully replaces hotplug-light and discover * pcmcia­utils replace pcmcia-cs Notice: some kernel drivers (like for example PCMCIA WLAN cards) are not autoloaded by default. Run 'hwinfo --netcard' to figure out which module has to be loaded. * AFS-client support * don't use /proc/bus/usb by default anymore * improved synaptics touchpad recognition * w3m not starting automatically (get it through running 'grml-info'), tty1 is not reset on startup (see bootmessages instead) Kernel: * Based on vanilla kernel 2.6.15 including several patches (Reiser4, Speakup, Squashfs,...) and additional modules: acerhk, acx100, at76c503a, bcm5700, drbd0.7, cowloop, dazuko, eagle-usb, hostap, ieee80211, ipw2100, ipw2200, ivtv0.4, kqemu, linux-wlan-ng, lufs, madwifi, ndiswrapper, openafs, pcan, pwc, qc-usb, realtime-lsm, rt2400, rt2500, sl-modem, snd-bt-sco, spca5xx, sysprof, thinkpad, tidev, vaiostat, zd1211 Notice: madwifi-ng is available in /usr/src as debian package but not pre-installed because of conflicts with madwifi. Some more modules (for example fglrx and nvidia) are not pre-installed but available through the grml-repository. See for more details regarding the grml-kernel. Updates: * Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20060115 plus some minor updates until 20060121. * Updated memtest to Memtest86+ V1.65. * Updated putty-collection to latest version. (winscp has been removed) * grml2hd: - initrd support (installation onto SCSI/USB-devices supported) - support for installation on software RAID1 (see 'man grml2hd') - remote, automatic installation via network with grml-terminalserver -> See for more details. Removed 112 packages [please notice that some of them are available under different names/in different packages]: *2.6.13-grml* lib* 3270-common 855resolution aalib-bin aalib1 acovea alsaplayer apt-move arpd base-config bash3 bluez-pcmcia-support cgvg checkmem chgrep cvsd db4.2-util dbus-1 dbus-glib-1 debsync diffmon esh fdisk-udeb fenris ffmpeg fprobe-ng ftape-util ftpd gdk-imlib1 genliloconf grepmap ha-prosper hotplug-light ifp-line imlib-progs ion2 ion3-mod-ionflux ipautofw irda-common irda-tools isapnptools kwtools-net-firewall kwtools-utils-pim ledit leo lsh lspowertweak lua50-doc madwifi mdnsresponder mozilla-firefox-webdeveloper msort-gui mush nparted ntop ocaml-base-nox onak osh p3nfs parted-bf pcmcia-cs pcopy pdfscreen pekwmdev plan pmp-common pmtools-acpi polipo postgresql-8.0 postgresql-client-8.0 postgresql-contrib-8.0 powertweak powertweak-extra powertweak-gtk powertweakd pppdcapiplugin print-utils-pfeifle prozilla python2.3-ixplib raidtools2 rt2400-base rt2500-base sasl-bin satan sh-lib shaper shfs-utils siege-ssl slang1 slang1a-utf8 slpim smbconf-pfeifle-nonfree speedtouch srg statslog systraq sysutils tetex-doc tunnelv udev-klibc wavtools x-window-system x3270 xdm xext xfonts-x3270-misc xkeyval xorg-driver-synaptics xpdf-i xserver-common-v3 xviddetect zsh-beta zsh30 Added 99 new packages (exluding lib* and *2.6.15-grml*): 9base acpidump athena-jot bbe bzrtools cdrbq cmus conspy cpuburn-in-binary cu dares dares-qt db4.3-util dbus dd-rhelp debian-archive-keyring debsecan evilwm evms-bootdebug fcrackzip fglrx-control firefox firefox-webdeveloper flac123 fluxconf fprobe ftpbackup gcj-4.0-base gddrescue git-core gkrellm-volume gkrellshoot gmrun grml-btnet grml-mercurial-utils grml-shlib grml-tips idesk ifenslave-2.6 ifplugd ihu irda-utils irssi krb5-config krb5-user loop-aes-utils memtester migrationtools mklibs-copy mysql-server-4.1 netdiscover nvidia-xconfig obexftp openafs-client openafs-krb5 orange os-prober parted pcmciautils pekwmsvn postgresql-8.1 postgresql-client-8.1 postgresql-contrib-8.1 preload procinfo proftpd proftpd-common python2.4 python2.4-celementtree python2.4-elementtree python2.4-minimal root-tail rox-filer secure-delete securecgi sl-modem-daemon speech-dispatcher speechd-el speechd-up ssmping sysprof tex-common tlswrap tofrodos transset ufsutils unzsplit uruk vblade vim-gui-common vim-runtime webcheck weechat-plugins xcompmgr xen-tools xfree86-driver-synaptics xtrace xwit zsplit If you find a problem with the release please check and report problems using information on 20051024 ======== Release 0.5 - Codename Tokolytika ================================= Fixed several bugs, including: #16 in "man grml-scripts" the program grml-init is mentioned twice #17 grml-docs: Spelling error of "resources" on the grml startpage #18 grml-0.4: booting with 'testcd' complains about 'files not found' New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * save-config save configuration in bzip2 compressed tar archive * restore-config restore configuration * noeject avoid ejecting of CD-ROM and prompting for it. Use it via 'noeject ' (where is either reboot or halt) * service wrapper script for /etc/init.d/-scripts, use it e.g. via 'service postfix start' * grml2usb create bootable usb-stick (using a grml-iso like grml-small) New bootparameters/cheatcodes (some selected ones): * serial - activate serial console (tty1+ttyS0 and start mgetty) * hd - boot from (local) primary harddisk * bootchart - run performance analysis and visualization of bootprocess, see /var/log/bootchart.tgz and bootchart-view; take a look at for further information * startx[=windowmanager] - start X window system instead of consoles, if no option is given then fluxbox will be taken as default, you can specify any other window manager available on grml as parameter. For example use 'startx=wmii' to start X window system with wmii (through running 'grml-x wmii') * grml2hd - automatic installation running grml2hd, requires additional bootparameters, see bootsplash F9 for more details, usage example: grml2hd partition=/dev/hda1 mbr=/dev/hda filesystem=ext3 user=mika -> this will install grml to present partition /dev/hda1 using ext3 filesystem, adding user mika and installing lilo to MBR of /dev/hda; passwords of user root and user are 'grml' * netconfig=server.tld/config.tbz - download configuration archive and extract it This bootparameter is part of the new config framework: Special new features: * full automatic installation to harddisk via bootparameter grml2hd possible * framework grml-autoconfig: configure hardware-detection via configuration file /etc/grml/autoconfig or its interface script namend 'grml-autoconfig' - especially useful on harddisk installations * configuration-framework: new bootparameters and scripts (save-config and restore-config), see and 'man save-config' for more details) * integration of hotplug-light: speeds up booting * got rid of all knoppix packages: this means you get a clean Debian unstable system with some additional packages available through the grml repository on All packages which are responsible for the core of the grml system and provided by the grml team are namend 'grml-*'. Kernel: * Based on vanilla kernel including several patches (MPPC/MPPE, Reiser4, Speakup, Squashfs,...) and additional modules: acx100, at76c503a, bcm4400, bcm5700, drbd0.7, eagle-usb, fuse, hostap, ieee80211, ipw2100, ipw2200, ivtv0.4, kqemu, linux-wlan-ng, lufs, madwifi, ndiswrapper, openafs, pcan, pwc, qc-usb, realtime-lsm, rt2400, rt2500, shfs, spca5xx, thinkpad, tidev, vaiostat, zd1211 Some more modules (for example fglrx and nvidia) are not pre-installed but available through the grml-repository. * We decided to deactivate SMP-support because we noticed troubles on some laptops (causing kerneloops, problems with booting and ACPI). * We decided to compile the kernel with gcc4 and with optimation for 586 for improving performance. * We are packaging udev on our own to provide perfect integration with the kernel shipped with grml. We are syncing packages with upstream and the debian version. Works together with hotplug-light and upcoming versions of udev will deprecate hotplug* completely. See for more details regarding the grml-kernel. Updates: * Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20051016 plus important updates (priority >low) until 20051023. * Updated memtest to Memtest86+ V1.55. * Updated windows-binaries (putty-collection/winscp) to latest version. * grml2hd: - full automatic (non-interactive) installation - support for reiser4 (still experimental, problems with lilo) - support for new grml-autoconfig framework - improved error handling -> See for more details. Removed 231 packages [please notice that some of them are available under different names/in different packages]: *2.6.11-grml* lib* apt-proxy aspell aspell-bin aspell-de aspell-en bashburn bass beecrypt2 binutils-dev blt busybox-cvs-static clusterssh comerr-dev ctetris ddcxinfo-knoppix debian-goodies devfsd dhcp-client dlocate dosemu dosemu-freedos ettercap foomatic-bin foomatic-db foomatic-db-engine foomatic-db-hpijs foomatic-filters freenx g++-3.3 gksu gpsdrive grep-dctrl grml-kudzu grml-xf86config gtk-engines-qtpixmap hotplug hotplug-utils html-format hwsetup imlib1 ipw2100-nonfree isdn-config jablicator kbdconfig kwtools-sys-raid latex2html ldaptor-utils libapache-mod-php4 loop-aes-utils lufs modconf mouseconfig myspell-de-at myspell-de-de myspell-en-us normalize nxagent nxlibs nxproxy nxviewer ocaml-base pciutils-dev perl-tk pgmonitor php4 php4-common php4-mysql php4-pgsql php4-sqlite postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib prism54 prism54-nonfree python-bsddb3 python-dev python-foomatic python-ldaptor python-psyco python-pyparsing python-pyrex python-tk python-twisted python2.3-dev python2.3-ldaptor python2.3-psyco python2.3-pyrex python2.3-tk python2.3-twisted qt3-dev-tools quagga render-dev rubybook s10sh scanmodem selinux-utils sl-modem-daemon slang1-utf8-dev smbconf-pfeifle spl squashfs-tools sysv-rc timidity trans-de-en translate usbmount util-vserver vserver-debiantools wordtrans-data x-dev xlibmesa-gl-dev xlibmesa-glu xlibmesa-glu-dev xlibs-static-dev xorg-common xprt xprt-common xserver-3dlabs xserver-8514 xserver-agx xserver-i128 xserver-mach32 xserver-mach64 xserver-mach8 xserver-p9000 xserver-s3 xserver-s3v xserver-svga xserver-vga16 xserver-w32 zlib1g-dev zsh-beta-doc zsh30-doc zsh30-static Added 262 new packages (exluding lib* and *2.6.13-grml*): 3ware-3dm2-old-binary 915resolution acovea acpitool acx100-firmware alsa-oss antlr aptsh asn1c bandwidthd-pgsql binfmt-support binfmtc bootchart bsdiff bsdtar busybox calcurse cdecl cdrecord-prodvd-binary clex codeville connect-proxy cowdancer cpm cpp-4.0 cracklib-runtime crosshurd csync2 ctapi-cyberjack ctris dconf dcraw dctrl-tools ddclient debsigs debtags dhcp3-client di dirvish distcc dnotify docbook-to-man doxygen dput drbd0.7-utils drbdlinks duplicity dupmerge durep dvdisaster electric-fence equivs ettercap-gtk exiv2 fail2ban farpd fastjar fblogo file-rc fish fl-cow flawfinder fnfx-client fnfxd fsh ftpcopy fxload g++-4.0 gcc-4.0 gcc-4.0-base gdk-imlib11 gifshuffle gitweb gjdoc gkermit grabc graphviz grml grml-autoconfig grml-crypt grml-firefox grml-fixes grml-hwinfo grml-kerneladdons grml-laptop grml-saveconfig grml-splash grml-terminalserver-data grml-vpn grml-x grml2hd-utils grml2usb gtkrecover harden-remoteaudit heirloom-sh hotkey-setup hotkeys hotplug-light httperf i8kutils icmp-mtu icmp-quench icmp-reset im-switch imapcopy imwheel inadyn input-utils installation-report ipkungfu ipw2100-firmware ipw2200-firmware ivtv0.4-utils java-common jikes jikes-kaffe jwm kaffe kaffe-common kaffe-pthreads ketchup kexec-tools ksh kwtools-net-firewall kwtools-utils-pim lcdtest ldapscripts leo lft libapache2-mod-php5 libsafe linux-sound-base lltag localepurge loco lsdvd lua50 lua50-doc luasocket lufs-utils lwatch madison-lite mercurial mgetty minised mkcue mksh mozilla-firefox-adblock mozilla-firefox-webdeveloper mozilla-imagezoom msort msort-gui multi-aterm munin mwcollect mysql-client-4.1 nat-traverse ncp normalize-audio nufw olsrd-gui olsrd-plugin openssh-client openssh-server orpheus pads pbzip2 pconf-detect pcopy php5 php5-common php5-mysql php5-pgsql php5-sqlite piuparts pmtools-acpi pnpbios-tools podracer postfix-policyd postgresql-8.0 postgresql-client-8.0 postgresql-common postgresql-contrib-8.0 powertweak powertweak-extra powertweak-gtk privoxy proxsmtp python-clamav python-gnupginterface python2.3-apt python2.3-eyed3 python2.3-zopeinterface qc-usb-utils readline-common readpst rhapsody rt2400-base rt2400-utility rt2500-base rt2500-utility rtorrent sbm scanlogd scavr schroot scmxx sdparm sendemail shish sjog slsh spicctrl splint squashfs srcinst ssh-askpass svn-ssh-wrappers tailor tart tcng tcpxtract thinkpad-base tor toshset toshutils tpb tpctl ttf-dejavu tthsum turkey unace uni2ascii unionfs-utils unison2.9.1 unrar-free vde vifm vkeybd vncommand vncserver vorbisgain wcalc webcpp weechat-common weechat-curses windowlab x11-common x11vnc x2x xautomation xcb xmon xprint xprint-common xtla xtrlock xvkbd xvncviewer yaird ysm zd1211-firmware 20050515 ======== Release 0.4 - Codename Eierspass. Fixed several bugs, including: #13 starting hotplug fails without error message #14 grml-0.3: pekwm will not start #15 grml-0.3: wrong vermagic for quickcam.ko Improved hardware detection. Several improved, updated and extended configuration files. New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * grml-network: frontend for several network setup scripts * grml-hwinfo: collect hardware information * grml-vpnc-tugraz: connect to WLAN of TU Graz * xsay: text-to-speech system (e.g. run 'grml-x wmi', select some text via mouse and press 'ctrl-alt-v' New bootparameters/cheatcodes: * grml small - disable some consoles when booting (saves a little bit of RAM) * nofb - disable framebuffer * floppy - boot from floppy disk * hd - boot from (local) primary harddisk Special new features: * server including new grml-x system ('grml-x') * unionfs-integration: full write support on CD; now it is possible to run, configure and install software without any workarounds * new init-system: switched from "colors" to lsb-function-style * iptstate running on tty10 * vesafb-tng: advanced framebuffer technology. Notice: use kerneloption video= instead of vga=! * udev integration: just run 'mount /mnt/external1' to mount your USB-Stick (assuming /dev/sda1 as corresponding partition) * grml-terminalserver: boot grml via network (either via PXE or floppy disk), see for more details. Kernel: * Based on vanilla kernel including several patches (MPPC/MPPE, Reiser4, Speakup, Squashfs,...) and additional modules: acx100, at76c503a, bcm4400, bcm5700, eagle-usb, hostap, ipw2100, ipw2200, loop-aes, loop-aes-ciphers, madwifi, ndiswrapper, qc-usb-modules, realtime-lsm, shfs, sl-modem, unionfs * Instead of compiling Kernel for 386 we decided to compile for systems running 468 or above. See for more details. Updates: * Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20050508. * Updated memtest to Memtest86+ V1.55. * Updated windows-binaries (putty-collection/winscp) to latest version. * grml2hd: - added dialog-frontend - select username for harddisk-installation - choose filesystem (available: ext2/3, XFS, JFS, reiserfs) Removed 46 packages. Added 192 new packages (exluding lib[...]): 855resolution 9menu acct acx100-2.6.11-grml alsaplayer-jack aoetools apachetop apcupsd-cgi apticron asciidoc asleap at76c503a-modules-2.6.11-grml attacker aub backuppc bashburn bcm4400-module-2.6.11-grml bcm5700-module-2.6.11-grml beecrypt2 bfbtester bkhive bkp bmon bookmarkbridge bzr camgrab ccache ccdv cdbs cdebootstrap chgrep cogito cpufrequtils cuetools davfs2 dds2tar debsync detox dh-kpatches dietlibc dietlibc-dev disktype dumputils dupseek dvi2tty eagle-usb-modules-2.6.11-grml elizatalk encfs enscribe ext3rminator fondu fprobe-ng fprobe-ulog ftester gateguardian gnupg-agent gnupg2 gpgsm grepmap grml-terminalserver gtkam hal hasciicam hgrep hostap-modules-2.6.11-grml hotswap-text icecast2 ices2 icheck ifrename initramfs-tools ion3-mod-ionflux ion3-scripts ipautofw ipmasqadm ipw2100-modules-2.6.11-grml ipw2200-modules-2.6.11-grml ipython-common kernel-doc-2.6.11-grml kernel-headers-2.6.11-grml kernel-image-2.6.11-grml klibc-utils laptop-detect latex-beamer latex-xcolor lib[...] lkl loop-aes-2.6.11-grml loop-aes-ciphers-2.6.11-grml lsb-base lshw-common lsscsi m17n-db madwifi-module-2.6.11-grml madwifi-tools maildirsync mcelog mdetect mp3info multipath-tools multiseat muscletools ncmpc ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.11-grml netwag netwox nutcpc nxviewer olsrd ooo2dbk opensc opie-client opie-server osiris par2 pcscd pdfscreen pdns-recursor pdns-server pekwmdev pgf pinentry-curses procmeter3 prosilla pterm python2.3-elementtree python2.3-ipython python2.3-pymad qc-usb-modules-2.6.11-grml qjackctl qprof radeontool realtime-lsm-module-2.6.11-grml reprepro rootsh rubilicious rxvt-unicode s10sh saidar samdump scsi-idle sdate selinux-utils sfind sformat sh-lib shadowfs shfs-module-2.6.11-grml sip-tester sl-modem-modules-2.6.11-grml smake spl sqlite srg sshfs starttls statgrab stress super synctree syslinux telak udev-klibc unicode unionfs-modules-2.6.11-grml unrtf update-apt usbmount w9wm wacom-tools wdiff wiggle wmaloader wwwconfig-common x-window-system x-window-system-core xcardii xdebconfigurator xdesktopwaves xdm xkeyval xnee xorg-common xorg-driver-synaptics xprt xprt-common xresprobe xrsh xserver-xorg xsltproc xvfb yersinia zeroconf 20050304 ======== Release 0.3 - Codename Hustenstopper. New grml-scripts (some selected ones): * grml-muttng: shellscript for configuring mailclient muttng (fork of mutt) via dialog * grml-lock: shellscript for locking consoles * grml-pptp-inode: connect via pptp to inode ( * grml-pptp-xdsl-students: set up XDSL@students internet connection at provider INODE in austria New bootparameters/cheatcodes: * wondershaper= set up basic traffic shaping; use it via wondershaper=device,download,upload example: wondershaper=eth0,500,100 * services= start service(s) which have an init-script in /etc/init.d/; example: services=postfix,mysql * welcome welcome message via soundoutput * nocolor disable colorized output while booting * log log error messages while booting to /tmp/grml.log.* and start bootlogd (tip: use in combination with nocolor) * debug get shell(s) during process of booting Special new features: * use of udev (Linux configurable dynamic device naming support) * multitail running on tty12 * grml-templates: this package includes several templates for use with LaTeX, C, C++, Qt, tpp, Makefile,... * showing cpu-status ("$CUR / $MAX frequency") inside GNU screen Updates: * Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20050303. * Updated bootparameter 'memtest' to Memtest86+ V1.50. * Updated windows-binaries (putty-collection/winscp) to latest version. * grml2hd: /GRML is now removed on the hd-install to satisfy FHS. Several other improvements. Removed 95 packages. Added 191 new packages: acx100-2.6.9-grml amap apache2-utils apel ash astyle autofs base64 bazaar bfa bluez-pcmcia-support cabber cadaver capiutils cgdb check cplay cproto cryptsetup-luks ctetris ctrlproxy cvsdelta darcs dbishell dbs ddrescue debpool deletemail dmraid dnstracer dstat eagle-usb-data eagle-usb-modules-2.6.9-grml eagle-usb-utils edictionary eflite elscreen emacspeak erc ffmpeg filetraq flite fonty foremost fortunes-debian-hints fragroute freesweep getmail4 gkrellm-reminder gkrellmd gkrellmitime gkrellmwireless gkrellweather grml-templates harden-tools hnb htcheck idn ifmetric ifp-line initscripts ipac-ng iprelay ipython jablicator jhead jigl lacheck ldaptor-common leave libacme-bleach-perl libacme-eyedrops-perl libacme-smirch-perl libbio2jack0 libdb4.3 libdevmapper1.01 libesmtp5 libflac6 libflite1 libhal0 liblingua-en-inflect-perl liblog-agent-perl libnfsidmap1 libpalm-perl libpam-mount libparted1.6-12 libpth2 librsync1 libterm-readline-perl-perl libwvstreams4.0-base libwvstreams4.0-extras libxml-parser-ruby1.8 libxml-writer-perl libxplc0.3.10 libzzip-0-12 lighttpd links2 lm-sensors lmbench lout lout-common lout-doc lpr lshw mdnsresponder mime-codecs moc mount mozilla-mplayer mp3c mpc musepack-decoder musepack-encoder musepack-replaygain mutt-ng nbtscan netmask nmapfe nttcp packit pconsole pdfjam pekwm-dev pisg pmp-common polipo portsentry proxycheck pscan ptunnel python-ldaptor python-profiler python-pyparsing python-pyrex python2.3-crypto python2.3-ixplib python2.3-profiler python2.3-pyopenssl python2.3-pyrex pytris quilt ras rats rc rdiff rdiff-backup read-edid recoverjpeg replicator rpl rsnapshot salvage-ntfs sc schedtool schedutils scons scrounge-ntfs sensord sg3-utils shmux shunit slat sleepenh sn statslog sudosh systraq sysv-rc tclx8.3 textdraw thc-pptp-bruter tiger tk-brief torsmo trickle udev udpcast udptunnel units upgrade-oldest vbetool vera vlock vrms wajig wakeonlan wamerican-small wmii xnest xprobe xtermcontrol 20050110 ======== Release 0.2 - Codename Satura. Fixed bugs: #10: Please remove CD, close cdrom missing on reboot/halt #11: grml-0.1: starting xserver fails with '(EE) No core pointer device specified' #12: grml-0.1: WLAN Problem: Linksys WPC11 doesn't work New grml-scripts: * grml-mutt: shellscript for configuring mailclient mutt via dialog * grml-slrn: shellscript for configuring newsreader slrn via dialog * grml-postfix: shellscript for configuring postfix using TLS * grml-nessus: shellscript for preparing grml-system for use with nessus[d] New kernel: * 2.6.9-grml: vanilla kernel (from including several patches more information available on New bootparameters/cheatcodes: * ssh: use via ssh=password (adjust password), this will set the password for user grml and autostart a ssh-server. Notice that the provided password can be read from /proc/cmdline -> change the password as soon as possible! * passwd: use via passwd=password, this will set the password for user grml so login via getty * many other bootparameters related to hardware detection, see file grml-cheatcodes for details. Special new features: * CPU-detection on startup and start of cpudyn/powernowd depending on CPU-type. * htop running on tty11 * improved zsh configuration (prompt, completion,...). * zsh-lovers (see 'man zsh-lovers') updated and available in PDF-, PS- and HTML-format. * grml2hd: install grml to harddisc. Notice: First release, please use with caution. Updates: * Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20050109. * Updated bootparameter 'memtest' to Memtest86+ V1.40. * Added new/updated tools to windows-directory (/GRML/windows): pageant, plink, pscp, psftp, putty, puttygen and winscp371. Removed 149 packages. Added 455 new packages: abcde acpid aesutil aewan aircrack alsa-base alsa-utils alsaplayer-alsa apachetoolbox apcupsd apt-dpkg-ref ara argus-client arpd arping arptables asr-manpages at76c503a-modules-2.6.9-grml athcool aumix autossh awesfx axp backup2l bash3 bass bchunk bcm4400-module-2.6.9-grml bcm5700-module-2.6.9-grml bcrypt biabam biew bitlbee bittornado blktool bluez-firmware bluez-hcidump busybox-cvs-static calife camserv captive captive-lufs cbrowser ccrypt cd-discid cdtool cdw cdw-common cfv clamav-daemon clamav-getfiles clamav-testfiles cloop-src clvm cowsay cscope cvs-buildpackage cvsd dar dbengine dcfldd debmake debmirror devtodo dir2ogg directvnc dired discover discover-data distmp3 dmidecode dnsmasq docbook docbook-dsssl dpkg-sig dpkg-www driftnet dropbear dtach dvdbackup dvdrtools dviutils dwww ebtables eciadsl elmo elvis-common ex exuberant-ctags faad feh fenris festival festlex-cmu festlex-poslex festvox-kallpc16k filepp firehol flashplugin-nonfree fnord fprobe freenx freeradius freeradius-ldap ftp-upload funny-manpages fuse-utils geresh getmail gfs-tools giblib1 giftcurs gmailfs gnome-mime-data gnuhtml2latex gnutls-bin gpm gpsdrive grml-ddcxinfo grml-kudzu grml-kudzu-dev grml-rebuildfstab grml-scanpartitions grml-sectools grml-sndconfig grml-sysvinit grml-usleep grml2hd ha-prosper hfsutils hibernate hostap-modules-2.6.9-grml hping3 httpf httping hwdata hydra id3v2 ifupdown-scripts-zg2 ike-scan imapfilter imediff2 indent info2www iozone3 iperf iptstate ipvsadm ipw2100-modules-2.6.9-grml ipw2200-modules-2.6.9-grml isync jail jigit joystick juke keepalived kernel-headers-2.6.9-grml kernel-image-2.6.9-grml kernel-source-2.6.9-grml knockd knocker kwtools-net-postfix kwtools-sys-raid labrea laptop-mode-tools latextug lbxproxy ldap-utils liba52-0.7.4 libapache-mod-chroot libarch-perl libarchive-tar-perl libavcodeccvs libbonobo2-0 libbonobo2-common libcap2 libcapi20-2 libcarp-clan-perl libcflexplugin libcompfaceg1 libcompress-zlib-perl libconvert-asn1-perl libcrypt-smbhash-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libdaemon0 libdar2 libdb3-util libdbd-pg-perl libdigest-md4-perl libdiscover2 libdlm0 libdns16 libdv2 libestools1.2c102 libevms-2.5 libfaac0 libg2c0 libgcrypt11-dev libglade0 libgnomevfs2-0 libgnomevfs2-common libgnutls11-dev libgpgme11 libgpmg1 libgtk-perl libhowl0 libhtml-lint-perl libidn11-dev libio-socket-ssl-perl libio-string-perl libio-zlib-perl libiodbc2 liblockfile-simple-perl libmail-mbox-messageparser-perl libmailtools-perl libmcrypt4 libmhash2 libmp4-0 libnet-ldap-perl libopenct0 libopensc1 libosp4 libostyle1 libpam-chroot libpam-devperm libpam-dotfile libpam-krb5 libpam-ldap libpam-musclecard libpam-mysql libpam-opensc libpam-pgsql libpam-pwgen libpam-radius-auth libpam-smbpass libpam-ssh libpam-tmpdir libpcsclite1 libpg-perl libpq3 libqt3-mt-dev libreadline5 libreadline5-dev libruby librudiments0c102 libsasl-modules-plain libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules libsasl7 libscam1 libselinux1 libsensors3 libsepol1 libsnmp4.2 libsqlite3-0 libsvncpp0 libswig1.3.22 libwraster3 libxft-dev libxml1 libxosd2 libxslt1.1 libzvbi0 lintian linux-kernel-headers-grml listadmin lsh lufs m-tx macchanger mailcheck manpages-posix manpages-posix-dev maradns markdown mbmon mboxcheck md5deep mixmaster mod-chroot-common monit moosic mp3gain mp3splt mp3wrap mplayer-nogui mtop mtr-tiny multitail multitee musixtex muttprofile myspell-en-us naim ncftp2 ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.9-grml ndiswrapper-utils netdiag netperf netstat-nat newsflash normalize nsd nstx ntop nullidentd numlockx nxlibs ocaml-base offlineimap oinkmaster openjade osdsh p3nfs p3scan paketto par patcher pax paxctl pbuilder pdmenu pdns-backend-ldap pdns-backend-mysql pdns-backend-pgsql pdns-backend-pipe pdns-backend-sqlite pekwm pgmonitor pgpool php4-pgsql php4-sqlite pia playmp3list plptools pmount pmx policycoreutils pop3browser pork postfix-ldap postfix-mysql postfix-pcre postfix-pgsql postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib pperl pptpd printconf proxychains proxymngr pspax pstack python-bsddb3 python-foomatic python-fuse python-glade-1.2 python-gtk-1.2 python-libgmail python2.3-bsddb3 python2.3-fuse qc-usb-modules-2.6.9-grml quagga queue quota raccess rainbowcrack randomize-lines realpath realtime-lsm realtime-lsm-module-2.6.9-grml redir renameutils rinetd rman rng-tools ruby1.8-examples sasl-bin scantv sdd secvpn sgmltools-lite shfs-module-2.6.9-grml shorewall simh sl-modem-daemon sl-modem-modules-2.6.9-grml slapd sloccount slpim slrnface smbc smbldap-tools snarf snort snort-common snort-rules-default snowdrop socat sqlite3 sqlrelay sqlrelay-mysql sqlrelay-postgresql sqlrelay-sqlite squashfs-tools star stegdetect steghide swish++ tagtool tcc tcl8.3 tcpreen tcputils tex-refs texify texpower tn5250 tpconfig translate tspc tth tunnelv vfu vim-latexsuite vim-vimoutliner vnstat vrfy w3m-el waproamd webcam webcamd weblint-perl wellenreiter weplab wmctrl wmi2 workbone wpasupplicant wput xautolock xawtv xawtv-plugins xfaces xfonts-bolkhov-cp1251-75dpi xfonts-intl-european xfree86-driver-synaptics xfwp xmlstarlet xmove xosd-bin yacpi yasr zsync 20041022 ======== Initial Release 0.1 - Codename OS04.