Development, Klagenfurter Linuxday 2005 and grml cd-cover From 7th till 9th of february the grml-develdays have taken place in Graz. The result of these days is an unofficial prerelease of the upcoming grml release 0.3 which will be presented on the linuxday klagenfurt (carinthia/austria) on 22nd of february. Michael Prokop will hold a workshop on grml at this event and the two other grml core developers will be there too. A sponsor provides us 50 CDs for free, if you attend the workshop you can get one prerelease for free. Notice: The grml-team is searching for a grml cd-cover for the upcoming release 0.3. Please send your submission till 28th of february via mail to mika (at) The winner gets one official grml t-shirt for free.