--- Log opened Sat Sep 10 14:31:07 2005 16:03 @caphuso> ok... 16:03 @caphuso> so, let's start with clarifying a few things 16:04 @caphuso> zsh is a unix shell, hopefully known to anybody in here 16:04 @caphuso> from the bourne shell family 16:05 @caphuso> it has dozens of nifty features, making it an excellent shell for both interactive use and scripting 16:05 @caphuso> some of those features will be covered in this talk 16:05 @caphuso> which is basically all it is about 16:06 @caphuso> so... let's start with why you would want to use zsh 16:06 @caphuso> there are a few catches... you probably don't want to use zsh if all you do is really simple stuff in your shell, e.g. because you're a gnome/kde/xfce user 16:07 @caphuso> you also don't want to use zsh if you are afraid of complex programs 16:07 @caphuso> and zsh is _very_ complex 16:07 @caphuso> and a third reason to not use zsh is that you're working in a unicode environment, for which there is no support yet 16:07 @caphuso> big drawback 16:08 @caphuso> Nei: that's not using, that's pretending to use :) 16:08 @caphuso> right now development is happening to add unicode support, but the current state is that it's incomplete and very buggy, so you need to wait a few months 16:09 @caphuso> now the reasons why you would want to use zsh 16:09 @caphuso> it offers almost anything you expect from a shell, but has tons of improvements 16:10 @caphuso> the first of those improvements that made me go "wow! wanna have!" is that it has sane wordsplitting (by default) 16:10 @caphuso> that means that a variable FOO="hello bar" will, when you use it like $FOO not be split into two words 16:11 @caphuso> in bash etc. you almost always need to use double quotes, zsh makes that unnecessary 16:11 @caphuso> next: prompts 16:12 @caphuso> most shells have prompts, which are more or less customizable, but zsh is better :) 16:12 @caphuso> you have the regular $prompt (the one to the left), $rprompt (at the right side of the command line) 16:13 @caphuso> that's standard stuff though 16:13 @caphuso> you might know PROMPT_COMMAND from bash 16:13 @caphuso> zsh has two functions, precmd and preexec, which do basically the same, but run before a prompt is displayed and between you hitting enter and executing the command line 16:14 @caphuso> the latter allows you e.g. to set the xterm title to the name of the program you just started, very cool 16:14 @caphuso> and you can do even scarier things: http://apheriodic.net/phil/prompt/ 16:14 @caphuso> (it's lengthy, you probably want to read it later) 16:15 @caphuso> another standard feature: aliases 16:15 @caphuso> sorry, http://aperiodic.net/phil/prompt/ 16:16 @caphuso> i did say i didn't beta test this stuff :-) 16:17 @caphuso> back to aliases... zsh has sh style aliases, so they are limited. OTOH, you don't have to deal with the csh silliness of undebuggable !!!!!!! 16:17 @caphuso> but it has two major achievements over e.g. bash: alias -g and alias -s 16:18 @caphuso> alias -g is used to define global aliases, which means that those aliases are expanded everywhere on the command line, not just at the beginning 16:18 @caphuso> example: alias -g L='| less'; grep -r foo . L 16:19 @caphuso> the grep command will get expanded to "grep -r foo . | less", which saves a lot of typing 16:19 @caphuso> BUT global aliases are dangerous 16:19 @caphuso> it can happen that something gets expanded that really shouldn't 16:19 @caphuso> so be careful, e.g. by sticking to only very few, or by using "safe" names 16:20 @caphuso> alias -s defines suffix aliases 16:20 @caphuso> example: alias -s pdf=xpdf 16:21 @caphuso> if you now "execute" a single file name ending in .pdf (e.g. foo.pdf), the command line will get rewritten to xpdf foo.pdf 16:22 @caphuso> one limitation: won't work for stuff like "alias -s tar.gz="tar tzf" 16:22 @caphuso> the dot in tar.gz confuses it :-( 16:22 @caphuso> dp___: yes 16:23 @caphuso> i've mentioned that csh style aliases aren't supported 16:23 @caphuso> that's ok, because functions are a much nicer way of doing their work 16:23 @caphuso> functions in zsh work basically the same as in any other sh like shell, with only few improvements 16:24 @caphuso> one borrowed from ksh is that they can be made autoloadable 16:24 @caphuso> to reduce memory usage 16:24 @caphuso> you can define functions by simply putting their body into a file named like the function 16:25 @caphuso> that allows you to have a function work as a script 16:25 @caphuso> functions are pretty boring, so we get to the next feature: history 16:26 @caphuso> that is, remembering what commands you ran for later reuse 16:26 @caphuso> handling of that is horribly adjustable to your exact needs, with various options 16:27 @caphuso> zsh's history mechanism also allow you to use the csh style bang history expansion (stuff like !-2:t and so) 16:27 @caphuso> pretty cool if you can get used to it 16:27 @caphuso> a unique feature of zsh is that you can have multiple histories 16:28 @caphuso> fc -p/fc -a/fc -P dealwith the "history stack" 16:29 @caphuso> "fc -p" will clear out the current history and start remembering a new one, until you run fc -P, which will restore the old history 16:30 @caphuso> i use that to "bind" certain histories to specific directories 16:30 @caphuso> e.g. my ~/.seti directory, in which everything seti@home related is stored, has its own history, which gets automatically loaded when i cd into it 16:31 @caphuso> also useful for source trees in which you often do the same commands like "cvs update", ... 16:32 @caphuso> big topic: parameter expansion 16:32 @caphuso> that's basically just $FOO or ${FOO%bar} 16:33 @caphuso> florolf: fc -p fileinwhichthehistoryyouwanttouseisstoredin 16:33 @caphuso> it's also the most frightening part of zsh 16:34 @caphuso> and it makes people who think that perl looks like line noise vomit 16:35 @caphuso> i'll show a few examples later 16:35 @caphuso> next big thing is pattern matching 16:35 @caphuso> this includes globbing (*.txt etc.) and comparisions [[ $foo == * ]] 16:35 @caphuso> extremely sophisticated in zsh 16:36 @caphuso> again, some interesting examples later 16:36 @caphuso> documentation is also a very good reason to use zsh 16:36 @caphuso> it is by far the best documented shell around 16:37 @caphuso> you have a huge reference manual (as man pages, texinfo, HTML, pdf, ...) 16:37 @caphuso> $ man zshall 2> /dev/null | wc 19882 132867 1035768 16:37 @caphuso> oops, should be two lines 16:37 @caphuso> Nei: i do! 16:38 @caphuso> this reference manual is very complete and well written, but terse 16:38 @caphuso> so we also got the user-friendly user guide 16:39 @caphuso> you can get it from zsh.sunsite.dk 16:39 @caphuso> if you want to get the most out of zsh, then a printout of it will be your best friend in the next few weeks 16:39 @caphuso> it's slightly outdated, but not much, and misses a few things 16:39 @caphuso> but still incredibly cool 16:40 @caphuso> if you got money to spend, then you might buy "from bash to z shell", which is a real book. i haven't read it myself, so i can't say how good it is 16:41 @caphuso> now completion 16:41 @caphuso> this is where zsh excells at, because really absolutely nothing comes even close 16:41 @caphuso> if you ever thought that bash or tcsh would do a good job, be surprised 16:42 @caphuso> the zsh completion system is better in any respect 16:42 @caphuso> Nei: huh? 16:42 @caphuso> it's highly configurable without forcing you to rewrite functions 16:43 @caphuso> Nei: indeed, fish sucks. it's not really programmable completion what it offers 16:44 @caphuso> it's basically all built in 16:44 @caphuso> i'll point out some impressive examples later 16:44 @caphuso> next topic: zle 16:44 @caphuso> zle is the line editor zsh uses (what readline is for bash) 16:45 @caphuso> i.e. the thing that let's you have a way to delete words, move around lines, copy, paste, ... 16:46 @caphuso> it's good enough that you can play tetris with it! 16:46 @caphuso> this obviously involves several features, including the ability to use multiple lines for your command 16:47 @caphuso> it's also extensible by simply writing shell functions 16:47 @caphuso> so you can implement everything you need 16:47 @caphuso> there will be some examples later on 16:47 @caphuso> just one more feature: dynamically loadable modules 16:47 @caphuso> (assuming your OS supports those) 16:48 @caphuso> there are a couple of modules that extend zsh's features 16:48 @caphuso> the line editor for example is such a module 16:48 @caphuso> there are also modules for ftp or tcp networking 16:49 @caphuso> a math module to do stuff like print $(( sin(5) )) 16:49 @caphuso> oh, yes, zsh does floating point math! 16:49 @caphuso> no more kludging with bc 16:50 @caphuso> ok, this first quick overview is done, from now on i'll touch a couple of features more detailed 16:50 @caphuso> any questions so far? 16:51 @caphuso> ok... i'll paste a small ~/.zshrc, that's just enough to get you started 16:51 @caphuso> zmodload zsh/complist 16:51 @caphuso> autoload compinit && compinit 16:51 @caphuso> HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history 16:51 @caphuso> SAVEHIST=1000 16:51 @caphuso> HISTSIZE=1000 16:51 @caphuso> setopt APPEND_HISTORY 16:51 @caphuso> setopt nobeep 16:51 @caphuso> prompt="%# " 16:51 @caphuso> rpompt=" %~" 16:51 @caphuso> nothing fancy in there, just setting up of the history and loading of the completion system 16:52 @caphuso> cow: printf 16:52 @caphuso> e1f`: thanks 16:52 @caphuso> RPROMPT=" %~" 16:53 @caphuso> ok, globbing 16:53 @caphuso> zsh's globbing makes find(1) useless for most jobs 16:54 @caphuso> e.g. you can do stuff like *(.) to match only regular files or *(/) to match only directories 16:55 @caphuso> Stara: one moment 16:56 @caphuso> 16:56 @caphuso> theclaw: because rprompt is wrong, needs to be upper case 16:57 @caphuso> theclaw: hysterical reasons? 16:57 @caphuso> dunno 16:57 @caphuso> back on topic: it can also match files larger or smaller than a certain size, older or newer than {a,m,c}time, files being block devices etc. 16:58 @caphuso> those can be combined with and, or and inverted 16:58 @caphuso> there's a way to deal with symlinks (reference or not) 16:58 @caphuso> permissions can also be matched 16:58 @caphuso> *(f:a+x,o+w:) 16:59 @caphuso> the most impressive thing is the e glob qualifier (this is what those things are called) 16:59 @caphuso> *(e:'file $REPLY | grep -q JPEG':) 16:59 @caphuso> this one will match all files of which file says that they are JPEGs 17:00 @caphuso> i had to use that one to dig through a browser cache, where all files were named 234346 or 456745234 17:00 @caphuso> glob qualifiers aren't the only thing zsh adds 17:01 @caphuso> it does all the regular stuff, like foo? or *bar* 17:01 @caphuso> [a-z] 17:01 @caphuso> but also things like (foo|bar|baz) 17:02 @caphuso> or foo*~*bar* to match everything that starts with foo but doesn't contain bar 17:02 @caphuso> it can recurse down directory trees with ** 17:03 @caphuso> "print -l /**/*" will list _any_ file or directory on your system 17:03 @caphuso> be careful when using that one with external commands, you run very quickly into ARG_MAX problems 17:03 @caphuso> florolf: no, to any subdirectory 17:04 @caphuso> no matter how deep into the tree they are 17:04 @caphuso> well, compare "print /**" with "print /**/*" 17:04 @caphuso> you'll see the difference in a few minutes >:-) 17:05 @caphuso> globbing is just a special use of the more general pattern matching 17:05 @caphuso> the other use is in comparisons and replacements 17:06 @caphuso> in those the glob qualifiers are obviously useless (a number that's -eq'ed doesn't have permissions or a file size) 17:07 @caphuso> but it has a need for other things, most of which are well known from regular expressions 17:07 @caphuso> theclaw: (e:'file $REPLY | grep -q JPEG':) is the glob qualifier 17:07 @caphuso> $REPLY is a special parameter that contains the name of the file being matched 17:08 @caphuso> back on topic: e.g. (#s) or (#e) for what ^ and $ are in regexps 17:09 @caphuso> beginning of line/end of line 17:09 @caphuso> (#b) or (#m) to enable backreferences 17:09 @caphuso> (#i) to match case insensitive 17:10 @caphuso> and... *tadaa* (#a) to match approximately 17:10 @caphuso> (the latter isn't typically available in regular expressions) 17:11 @caphuso> approximate matching means that certain errors are ignored, e.g. "(#a1)foo*" would still match the string "ofobar" 17:12 @caphuso> there's quite a bit more on this topic, and explaining it in detail would take a few hours 17:12 @caphuso> (the topic == pattern matching) 17:12 @caphuso> i suggest strongly that you read the appropriate chapter in the user guide 17:13 @caphuso> if you want to look at some real life example, look for the compaudit function 17:13 @caphuso> one example of mine: 17:14 @caphuso> setopt functionargzero 17:14 @caphuso> readme liesmich () { less -- (#ia3)${~0}*(OL[1,3]) } 17:14 @caphuso> touch LiesMich README readme.txt Read_ME.doc lies-mich 17:14 @caphuso> readme; liesmich 17:14 @caphuso> first line sets the functionargzero option, which does nothing but setting $0 inside a function to the name of the function 17:14 @caphuso> normally it'd be /bin/zsh or something like that 17:15 @caphuso> the next line defines _two_ functions (readme and liesmich), that are the same 17:15 @caphuso> (liesmich is german and means readme) 17:16 @caphuso> the line noise after -- is a typical zsh glob 17:16 @caphuso> it consists of three parts ${~0}, (#ia3) and (OL[1,3]) 17:17 @caphuso> the first is a simple parameter expansion of $0, but turned into something eligable for pattern matching 17:17 @caphuso> this means that the names of the two functions will be used to match files 17:17 @caphuso> the (#ia3) makes the whole thing 1) case insensitive and 2) allows up to 3 mistakes 17:18 @caphuso> the (OL[1,3]) at the end sorts the resulting list by size (biggest first) and uses only the first three files 17:18 @caphuso> the mere * in there does what it always does, it matches anything 17:19 @caphuso> the touch command creates 4 empty files 17:19 @caphuso> and running the two functions in the last line results in less displaying first README, Read_ME.doc and readme.txt, then LIESMICH and lies-mich 17:21 @caphuso> in lesser shells you'd need three times as much code, and probably several external programs 17:21 @caphuso> questions? 17:22 @caphuso> now the real horror: parameter expansion 17:22 @caphuso> things like this: 17:22 @caphuso> for a in **/*(.); mv $a ${a:h}/${${a:t}//(#m)((#s)?|(_| )?)/${(U)MATCH}} 17:22 @caphuso> or this: 17:22 @caphuso> function foo () { print -l ${(q)${${(f)"$(<$1)"}:#(#s)[[:space:]]#\#*}%%[[:space:]]##\#* } 17:22 @caphuso> } 17:22 @caphuso> parameter expansion in zsh can be nested 17:23 @caphuso> if you want to remove foo at the beginning and bar at the end of a parameter, you'd normally do tmp=${FOO%bar}; FOO=${tmp#foo} 17:24 @caphuso> in zsh you can use ${${FOO%bar}#tmp} 17:24 @caphuso> err, ${${FOO%bar}#foo} 17:24 @caphuso> and those things can grow really big 17:24 @caphuso> especially when you start using arrays or associative arrays (hashes in perl lingo) 17:26 @caphuso> _the_ killer example is _pids 17:26 @caphuso> it's a function of the completion system that completes PIDs 17:26 @caphuso> you need several hours with the reference manual, the user guide and 2l coffee 17:26 @caphuso> maybe even more 17:27 @caphuso> the sad thing is, anything i'd try to teach you about parameter expansion would be wasted 17:27 @caphuso> so, for the beginning, stick to the standard stuff 17:27 @caphuso> work your way up from there, while reading the user guide 17:28 @caphuso> ZHOST=localhost 17:28 @caphuso> ZPORT=1234 17:28 @caphuso> ZHOME=/tmp 17:28 @caphuso> ZDATA="this is a stupid example" 17:28 @caphuso> : ${(AA)zopt:=${(z)${(ps:=:)${(f)$( this is just one small example, showing that all this insanity can be used for good reasons 17:29 @caphuso> the first 4 lines are the content of a simple config file 17:29 @caphuso> and the line starting with : reads that file in and creates an associative array $zopt with the keys ZHOST, ZPORT, ZHOME and ZDATA 17:30 @caphuso> the values of those keys are simply the things behind the = 17:30 @caphuso> doing it the old fashioned way would be more cumbersome 17:31 @caphuso> but here we simply read in the whole file with $( split on newlines and create an array with ${(f)...} 17:31 @caphuso> split on = with ${(ps:=:)...} 17:32 @caphuso> so we have an array with the elements ZHOST, localhost, ZPORT, 1234, ZHOME, /tmp, ... 17:32 @caphuso> and then we put that into an associative array with ${(AA)zopt:=...} 17:33 @caphuso> Nei: no, start reading from the inner to the outer, not from the right to the left 17:34 @caphuso> third big topic: ZLE 17:34 @caphuso> micikas: #emacs on the 24th 17:35 @caphuso> i already mentioned the multi line editing support 17:35 @caphuso> this means you get a real multi line buffer, just like you'd do in a text editor 17:35 @caphuso> it's also saved and restored in multiple lines when using the history 17:36 @caphuso> this is quite convenient, because your throw away shell scripts can grow 17:36 @caphuso> (because of the increased legibility) 17:37 @caphuso> tcsh users will know run-help 17:38 @caphuso> hitting "ESC, h" (or meta-h) will fire up the man page of whatever command you have on the command line, let you read it, then go back and continue editing where you left of 17:39 @caphuso> push-line is a more general solution for that kind of problem: it simply pushes the current line on the stack, type in another command line, execute that, then turb back to where you left of 17:39 @caphuso> bound to ctrl-q by default 17:40 @caphuso> so, but some basics first 17:40 @caphuso> the two commands with which you deal with zle are bindkey and zle 17:40 @caphuso> bindkey is used to handle keymaps 17:41 @caphuso> emacs users will know the concept of keymaps 17:41 @caphuso> basically just tables containing key-function pairs 17:41 @caphuso> one of those keymaps zsh uses is the emacs keymap, it contains the standard emacs like stuff 17:42 @caphuso> ctrl-a == beginning-of-line, "ESC, f" == forward-word 17:42 @caphuso> viins is the keymap for the vi insert mode, vicmd the one for the command mode 17:42 @caphuso> you can switch between emacs and vi with bindkey -e and bindkey -v 17:43 @caphuso> you are free to bind any key to any function, in any table 17:43 @caphuso> so you can add emacs bindings to vi, and run the vi functions in emacs mode 17:43 @caphuso> btw, what i named "functions" are called "editing widgets" 17:44 @caphuso> Nei: oh, yes, i've changed that 17:44 * caphuso lost track of default zsh settings years ago 17:44 @caphuso> some of those widgets are built into zle 17:45 @caphuso> some others are provided by those loadable modules mentioned earlier 17:45 @caphuso> the most interesting ones though are those written as shell functions 17:46 @caphuso> a simple example: run-with-sudo () { LBUFFER="sudo $LBUFFER" } 17:46 @caphuso> zle -N run-with-sudo 17:46 @caphuso> bindkey '^X^E' run-with-sudo 17:47 @caphuso> $LBUFFER is one of the zle special parameters, it contains the part of the command line left to the cursor 17:47 @caphuso> it simply gets "sudo " prepended to it 17:48 @caphuso> zle -N ... makes zle aware that run-with-sudo is from now on a bindable widget 17:48 @caphuso> and the bindkey command binds it to ctrl-x ctrl-e 17:48 @caphuso> now you can type at any moment C-x C-e and you'll have your current command line with sudo at the beginning 17:48 @caphuso> if you like me forget that way too often, you'll love this 17:49 * caphuso can't count how often he saw E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) 17:49 @caphuso> of course, those shell functions can grow to any degree of "complicatedness" you like 17:50 @caphuso> there's a few interesting ones in the zsh distribution, look for smart-insert-last-word or the *-word-match family 17:50 @caphuso> also a whole chapter in the user guide 17:51 @caphuso> ok... now the very last topic: completion 17:51 @caphuso> probably the one most interesting to all of you, because it's the one you can start using without actually knowing anything ;-) 17:51 @caphuso> simply hitting your tab key in random places is sufficient 17:52 @caphuso> the completion system is loaded with "autoload compinstall && compinstall" 17:52 @caphuso> after that, you're ready to go 17:53 @caphuso> until you find that some things don't behave like you want them to 17:53 @caphuso> that's why you get the chance of tweaking and customizing 17:53 @caphuso> in order to be able to do that, we need to learn about context 17:54 @caphuso> :completion:FUNCTION:COMPLETER:COMMAND-OR-MAGIC-CONTEXT:ARGUMENT:TAG 17:54 @caphuso> this is what a context looks like: 6 fields, seperated with : 17:54 @caphuso> the first field is simply "completion" 17:55 @caphuso> FUNCTION is of no interest, unless you get your hands really dirty 17:55 @caphuso> COMPLETER is the name of the shell function that creates matches at the moment of the context lookup. i'll explain those later 17:58 @caphuso> COMMAND-OR-MAGIC-CONTEXT is either the name of the command you are trying to complete for (e.g. in case of "make cle" it'd be make" or a magic context like -redirect- (after > or <) or -math- (when you're at a point of arithmetic expansion) 17:58 @caphuso> ARGUMENT is also less useful, unless you already know enough to be bored by me talking 17:59 @caphuso> and TAGS are basically short yet descriptive names of what exactly you are completion at the moment 17:59 @caphuso> e.g. in "make " the tag would be "targets", because you're trying to complete Makefile targets 18:00 @caphuso> "kill you can look them up with "ctrl-x, h" 18:01 @caphuso> so, some hands on examples: :completion:*:*:xpdf:*:* 18:01 @caphuso> this specifies: whenever we're completing for xpdf 18:01 @caphuso> :completion:*:approximate:rm:*:* 18:01 @caphuso> whenever we're completion after rm and are using the _approximate completer (description follows later) 18:02 @caphuso> more specific settings win over the general ones 18:02 @caphuso> :completion:*:*:*:*:processes 18:02 @caphuso> :completion:*:*:kill:*:processes 18:02 @caphuso> the first one says: whenever we complete the tag "processes" 18:03 @caphuso> the second: whenever we complete processes after kill 18:03 @caphuso> if i had two clashing settings for those two context, then after kill only the second one would be used 18:03 @caphuso> this is just common sense 18:03 @caphuso> the system would be useless if it worked otherwise :) 18:04 @caphuso> now how to use those contexts 18:04 @caphuso> setting and lookup of that stuff is done with the builtin zstyle 18:04 @caphuso> you can use that outside of the completion system to store and retrieve data too, some of the zle functions do that for example 18:05 @caphuso> we'll only deal with setting, not with retrieving 18:05 @caphuso> zstyle ':completion:*:*:(^rm):*:*' ignored-pattern '*.(o|~)' '#*#(D)' 18:06 @caphuso> he're we set the style 'ignored-pattern' (you can find a list and descriptions of styles in the manual) to '*.(o|~)' '#*#(D)' 18:06 @caphuso> when completing after anything except rm 18:06 @caphuso> ^rm means "don't match rm" 18:07 @caphuso> the two globs match *.o files (C programmers will know), *~ (backup files) and #*# files (emacs autosave files). the (D) qualifier turns on globbing of .* files 18:08 @caphuso> ignored-pattern means: when completion, then ignore everything that matches the value of this style 18:08 @caphuso> so, after any command that's not rm, we won't get those files offered as completions 18:09 @caphuso> this is just one simple example of how extensible the zsh completion system is configurable 18:09 @caphuso> there are a few dozen styles 18:10 @caphuso> you'll need to read the manual, i really don't wanna talk till tomorrow morning :-) 18:11 @caphuso> now the completers i wanted to explain quickly 18:11 @caphuso> a completer is simply a shell function that looks up the current context and creates a list of possible completions, offering those to the user 18:11 @caphuso> of course, nothing is that simple in zsh 18:11 @caphuso> the first completer available is "_complete" 18:12 @caphuso> it does basically what bash does 18:12 @caphuso> nothing fancy at all 18:12 @caphuso> just looking up stuff, then straight completion mozi -> mozilla 18:13 @caphuso> _expand is the first exception, because it doesn't really generate possible completions 18:13 @caphuso> it expands certain things on the command line, e.g. $PARAMETERS or $(print -c *) 18:13 @caphuso> $PATH would become /home/caphuso/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/game s:/usr/lib/surfraw:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11 on the command line 18:14 @caphuso> _correct does what the name implies: it corrects typos 18:14 @caphuso> _approximate is _correct on crack 18:14 @caphuso> it not only corrects typoes, it also generates completions 18:15 @caphuso> given a directory ~/public_html, then _correct would do the right thing for "cd ~/pbulic_html", but not for "cd ~/pb" 18:16 @caphuso> there are a few more, but those are the most interesting ones 18:17 @caphuso> using completers is a matter of setting the style "completer" properly 18:17 @caphuso> zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete 18:18 @caphuso> (bash emulation again ;-) 18:18 @caphuso> zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _approximate 18:18 @caphuso> this means: first try _complete, if it can't generate any possible matches, then try _approximate 18:19 @caphuso> zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _correct _complete:-extended _complete:-substring 18:19 @caphuso> this means: first _complete, if it fails _correct, then _complete again, then _complete again 18:20 @caphuso> the trick is that by appending :-foo the completer will look up the context not under its regular name (_complete) but as (_complete-foo) 18:21 @caphuso> this allows to do the same completion with different settings because the context differ 18:21 @caphuso> zstyle ':completion:*:complete-extended:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' 'r:|[+._-]=*' 18:21 @caphuso> zstyle ':completion:*:complete-substring:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z} l:|=**' 18:22 @caphuso> we do that here... as COMPLETER field we have now not complete but complete-extended and complete-substring, and for both we set the style matcher-list to yet another kind of line noise 18:22 @caphuso> those matchers configure how zsh is doing comparison 18:22 @caphuso> s 18:22 @caphuso> the default way is to simply compare the string on the command line with all possible completions 18:23 @caphuso> foo with the possible completions of foobar, foobaz and moo_foo will offer the first two as possible completions 18:23 @caphuso> because only they match "foo*" 18:24 @caphuso> matching control can change that, make it ignore certain things 18:24 @caphuso> e.g. m:{a-z}={A-Z} tells it that lower case characters match upper case characters 18:24 @caphuso> echo $disp echo $DISPLAY 18:27 @caphuso> r:|[+._-]=* makes the characters +, ., _ and - special, so that "cd p_h -> cd public_html" or "rm x.txt -> rm xenomorph.txt" works 18:27 @caphuso> and the l:|=** does a simple substring match, so that "foo" will also match barfoobaz 18:28 @caphuso> now the whole list of completers in this last example explained slowly 18:29 @caphuso> when the user hits TAB, the _complete is tried. if it fails to generate any matches, the word on the command line is tried to be corrected. if this doesn't help, case-insensitive matching with a few special characters is tried, and if that fails too, substring matching 18:29 @caphuso> and as soon as one completer succeeds with creating at least one match, the whole thing stops 18:30 @caphuso> now you might wonder why to do that so complicated 18:30 @caphuso> easy: 1) the more possible matches you try to generate, the slower the whole thing becomes 18:31 @caphuso> _complete is noticably faster than _complete:-extended, and i've seen _approximate run for several minutes, due to a large directory 18:31 @caphuso> so you want to be careful 18:31 @caphuso> 2) the more matches you create, the longer the list of possible completion becomes 18:32 @caphuso> when _complete might only show 5 matches, _approximate can go up to 50 18:32 @caphuso> or more 18:33 @caphuso> this doesn't only take longer, it also makes it hard to handle 18:33 @caphuso> so, that's the reasoning behind 18:33 @caphuso> ok 18:34 @caphuso> AFAICT, that's it 18:34 @caphuso> i hope it's been interesting enough, and would glad to see a few more enthusiastic zsh users in #zsh in the next few weeks 18:34 @caphuso> any questions? --- Log closed Sat Sep 10 18:35:39 2005