#!/usr/bin/env bash # Filename: grml2iso # Purpose: create a multiboot grml ISO using grml2usb # Authors: Michael Prokop , # Thorsten Glaser # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2 or any later version. ################################################################################ # TODO: # * support setting grml2usb options ################################################################################ # define function getfilesize before "set -e" {{{ if stat --help >/dev/null 2>&1; then getfilesize='stat -c %s' # GNU stat else getfilesize='stat -f %z' # BSD stat fi # }}} # adjust variables if necessary through environment {{{ # path to the grml2usb script you'd like to use [ -n "$GRML2USB" ] || GRML2USB='grml2usb' # work directory for creating the filesystem [ -n "$WRKDIR" ] || WRKDIR='/tmp/grml2iso.tmp' # }}} # helper stuff {{{ set -e usage() { echo >&2 "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] -o target.iso source1.iso [source2.iso ...]" echo >&2 " Options: -b Boot Params Additional boot parameters passed to grml2usb -c Directory Copy files from directory to generated iso -f Force overwrite of existing target.iso -r BootParam Remove specified boot params. Could be specfied multiple times. " [ -n "$1" ] && exit $1 || exit 1 } # }}} # command line handling {{{ [[ $# -gt 2 ]] || usage 1 ISOFILE='' DIR='' ADD_OPTS='' FORCE='' typeset -a REMOVE_OPTS while getopts fb:c:o:r: name; do case $name in o) ISOFILE="$OPTARG";; b) ADD_OPTS="--bootoption="$OPTARG"";; c) DIR="$OPTARG";; f) FORCE='true';; r) REMOVE_OPTS+=(--remove-bootoption="$OPTARG");; ?) usage 2;; esac done # make sure -o is specified [ -n "$ISOFILE" ] || usage 1 # we don't to override any files by accident if [ -e "$ISOFILE" -a ! -n "$FORCE" ]; then echo "Error: target file $ISOFILE exists already." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -z "$DIR" -a ! -d "$DIR" ] ; then echo "Error: specified parameter for -c is not a directory" >&2 exit 1 fi shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # }}} # we need root permissions for executing grml2usb {{{ if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then echo >&2 "Error: please run $0 as root." exit 1 fi # }}} # variables {{{ ORIG_DIR="$(pwd)" # note: grub-pc_1.96+20090603-1 seems to be b0rken GRUB_VERSION="grub-pc_1.96+20080724-16" # normalise path case $ISOFILE in /*) ;; *) ISOFILE=$ORIG_DIR/$ISOFILE ;; esac # }}} # create necessary stuff under WRKDIR {{{ [ -d "$WRKDIR" ] && WRKDIR_EXISTED='true' || WRKDIR_EXISTED='false' rm -rf "$WRKDIR/cddir" "$WRKDIR/grub_tmp" mkdir -p "$WRKDIR/cddir" # }}}} # execute grml2usb with all ISOs you'd like to install {{{ $GRML2USB "${REMOVE_OPTS[@]}" ${ADD_OPTS:+"$ADD_OPTS"} "$@" "$WRKDIR/cddir" # }}} # move syslinux to isolinux {{{ mv "$WRKDIR"/cddir/boot/syslinux "$WRKDIR"/cddir/boot/isolinux cd "$WRKDIR/cddir" echo "menu label ^Isolinux prompt" > boot/isolinux/promptname.cfg echo "include hd.cfg" >> boot/isolinux/grmlmain.cfg # }}} # copy specified directory to cd {{{ if [ -n "$DIR" ] ; then echo >&2 "Copying ${DIR} to generated iso" rsync -a ${DIR}/ . fi # }}} # generate the CD/DVD ISO {{{ mkisofs -V 'grml-multiboot' -l -r -J -no-pad \ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \ -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat \ -o "$ISOFILE" . # }}} # pad the output ISO to multiples of 256 KiB for partition table support {{{ siz=$($getfilesize "$ISOFILE") cyls=$(echo "$siz / 512 / 32 / 16 + 1" | bc) # C=$cyls H=16 S=32 ofs=$(echo "$cyls * 16 * 32 * 512 - 1" | bc) # padding offset (size - 1) dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=1 seek=$ofs of="$ISOFILE" 2>/dev/null # }}} # cleanup {{{ cd "$ORIG_DIR" sync rm -rf "$WRKDIR/cddir" "$WRKDIR/grub_tmp" [[ $WRKDIR_EXISTED = 'false' ]] && rmdir "$WRKDIR" echo "Generated $ISOFILE" # }}} ## EOF ######################################################################### # vim:foldmethod=marker ts=2 ft=sh ai expandtab tw=80 sw=3