#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ grml2usb ~~~~~~~~ This script installs a grml system (either a running system or ISO[s]) to a USB device :copyright: (c) 2009 by Michael Prokop :license: GPL v2 or any later version :bugreports: http://grml.org/bugs/ """ from __future__ import with_statement from optparse import OptionParser from inspect import isroutine, isclass import datetime, logging, os, re, subprocess, sys, tempfile, time # global variables PROG_VERSION = "0.9.2(pre1)" MOUNTED = set() # register mountpoints TMPFILES = set() # register tmpfiles DATESTAMP = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple()) # unique identifier for syslinux.cfg # cmdline parsing USAGE = "Usage: %prog [options] <[ISO[s] | /live/image]> \n\ \n\ %prog installs a grml ISO to an USB device to be able to boot from it.\n\ Make sure you have at least one grml ISO or a running grml system (/live/image),\n\ syslinux (just run 'aptitude install syslinux' on Debian-based systems)\n\ and root access. Further information can be found in: man grml2usb" # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 parser = OptionParser(usage=USAGE) parser.add_option("--bootoptions", dest="bootoptions", action="store", type="string", help="use specified bootoptions as default") parser.add_option("--bootloader-only", dest="bootloaderonly", action="store_true", help="do not copy files but just install a bootloader") parser.add_option("--copy-only", dest="copyonly", action="store_true", help="copy files only but do not install bootloader") parser.add_option("--dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true", help="avoid executing commands") parser.add_option("--fat16", dest="fat16", action="store_true", help="format specified partition with FAT16") parser.add_option("--force", dest="force", action="store_true", help="force any actions requiring manual interaction") parser.add_option("--grub", dest="grub", action="store_true", help="install grub bootloader instead of syslinux [TODO]") parser.add_option("--initrd", dest="initrd", action="store", type="string", help="install specified initrd instead of the default [TODO]") parser.add_option("--kernel", dest="kernel", action="store", type="string", help="install specified kernel instead of the default [TODO]") parser.add_option("--lilo", dest="lilo", action="store", type="string", help="lilo executable to be used for installing MBR") parser.add_option("--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="do not output anything but just errors on console") parser.add_option("--skip-addons", dest="skipaddons", action="store_true", help="do not install /boot/addons/ files") parser.add_option("--skip-mbr", dest="skipmbr", action="store_true", help="do not install a master boot record (MBR) on the device") parser.add_option("--squashfs", dest="squashfs", action="store", type="string", help="install specified squashfs file instead of the default [TODO]") parser.add_option("--uninstall", dest="uninstall", action="store_true", help="remove grml ISO files from specified device [TODO]") parser.add_option("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="enable verbose mode") parser.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="version", action="store_true", help="display version and exit") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() class CriticalException(Exception): """Throw critical exception if the exact error is not known but fatal." @Exception: message""" pass def cleanup(): """Cleanup function to make sure there aren't any mounted devices left behind. """ logging.info("Cleaning up before exiting...") proc = subprocess.Popen(["sync"]) proc.wait() try: for device in MOUNTED: unmount(device, "") # ignore: RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration except RuntimeError: logging.debug('caught expection RuntimeError, ignoring') def register_tmpfile(path): """TODO """ TMPFILES.add(path) def unregister_tmpfile(path): """TODO """ if path in TMPFILES: TMPFILES.remove(path) def register_mountpoint(target): """TODO """ MOUNTED.add(target) def unregister_mountpoint(target): """TODO """ if target in MOUNTED: MOUNTED.remove(target) def get_function_name(obj): """Helper function for use in execute() to retrive name of a function @obj: the function object """ if not (isroutine(obj) or isclass(obj)): obj = type(obj) return obj.__module__ + '.' + obj.__name__ def execute(f, *exec_arguments): """Wrapper for executing a command. Either really executes the command (default) or when using --dry-run commandline option just displays what would be executed.""" # usage: execute(subprocess.Popen, (["ls", "-la"])) # TODO: doesn't work for proc = execute(subprocess.Popen...() -> any ideas? if options.dryrun: # pylint: disable-msg=W0141 logging.debug('dry-run only: %s(%s)' % (get_function_name(f), ', '.join(map(repr, exec_arguments)))) else: # pylint: disable-msg=W0142 return f(*exec_arguments) def is_exe(fpath): """Check whether a given file can be executed @fpath: full path to file @return:""" return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) def which(program): """Check whether a given program is available in PATH @program: name of executable""" fpath = os.path.split(program)[0] if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None def search_file(filename, search_path='/bin' + os.pathsep + '/usr/bin'): """Given a search path, find file @filename: name of file to search for @search_path: path where searching for the specified filename""" file_found = 0 paths = search_path.split(os.pathsep) current_dir = '' # make pylint happy :) for path in paths: # pylint: disable-msg=W0612 for current_dir, directories, files in os.walk(path): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_dir, filename)): file_found = 1 break if file_found: return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, filename)) else: return None def check_uid_root(): """Check for root permissions""" if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("Error: please run this script with uid 0 (root).") def mkfs_fat16(device): """Format specified device with VFAT/FAT16 filesystem. @device: partition that should be formated""" # syslinux -d boot/isolinux /dev/sdb1 logging.info("Formating partition with fat16 filesystem") logging.debug("mkfs.vfat -F 16 %s" % device) proc = subprocess.Popen(["mkfs.vfat", "-F", "16", device]) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception("error executing mkfs.vfat") def generate_grub_config(grml_flavour): """Generate grub configuration for use via menu.lst @grml_flavour: name of grml flavour the configuration should be generated for""" # TODO # * what about systems using grub2 without having grub1 available? # * support grub2? return("""\ # misc options: timeout 30 # color red/blue green/black splashimage=/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz foreground = 000000 background = FFCC33 # define entries: title %(grml_flavour)s - Default boot (using 1024x768 framebuffer) kernel /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 apm=power-off lang=us vga=791 quiet boot=live nomce module=%(grml_flavour)s initrd /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz # TODO: extend configuration :) """ % {'grml_flavour': grml_flavour} ) def generate_isolinux_splash(grml_flavour): """Generate bootsplash for isolinux/syslinux @grml_flavour: name of grml flavour the configuration should be generated for""" # TODO: adjust last bootsplash line (the one following the "Some information and boot ...") grml_name = grml_flavour return("""\ 17 /boot/syslinux/logo.16 Some information and boot options available via keys F2 - F10. http://grml.org/ %(grml_name)s """ % {'grml_name': grml_name} ) def generate_main_syslinux_config(grml_flavour, bootoptions): """Generate main configuration for use in syslinux.cfg @grml_flavour: name of grml flavour the configuration should be generated for @bootoptions: bootoptions that should be used as a default""" local_datestamp = DATESTAMP return("""\ ## main syslinux configuration - generated by grml2usb [main config generated at: %(local_datestamp)s] # use this to control the bootup via a serial port # SERIAL 0 9600 DEFAULT grml TIMEOUT 300 PROMPT 1 DISPLAY /boot/syslinux/boot.msg F1 /boot/syslinux/boot.msg F2 /boot/syslinux/f2 F3 /boot/syslinux/f3 F4 /boot/syslinux/f4 F5 /boot/syslinux/f5 F6 /boot/syslinux/f6 F7 /boot/syslinux/f7 F8 /boot/syslinux/f8 F9 /boot/syslinux/f9 F10 /boot/syslinux/f10 ## end of main configuration ## global configuration # the default option (using %(grml_flavour)s) LABEL grml KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s %(bootoptions)s # memtest LABEL memtest KERNEL /boot/addons/memtest # grub LABEL grub MENU LABEL grub KERNEL /boot/addons/memdisk APPEND initrd=/boot/addons/allinone.img # dos LABEL dos MENU LABEL dos KERNEL /boot/addons/memdisk APPEND initrd=/boot/addons/balder10.imz ## end of global configuration """ % {'grml_flavour': grml_flavour, 'local_datestamp': local_datestamp, 'bootoptions': bootoptions} ) def generate_flavour_specific_syslinux_config(grml_flavour, bootoptions): """Generate flavour specific configuration for use in syslinux.cfg @grml_flavour: name of grml flavour the configuration should be generated for @bootoptions: bootoptions that should be used as a default""" local_datestamp = DATESTAMP return("""\ # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s %(bootoptions)s # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s2ram KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s toram=%(grml_flavour)s %(bootoptions)s # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s-debug KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s debug boot=live initcall_debug%(bootoptions)s # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s-x KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s startx=wm-ng %(bootoptions)s # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s-nofb KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s vga=normal video=ofonly %(bootoptions)s # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s-failsafe KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s vga=normal lang=us boot=live noautoconfig atapicd noacpi acpi=off nomodules nofirewire noudev nousb nohotplug noapm nopcmcia maxcpus=1 noscsi noagp nodma ide=nodma noswap nofstab nosound nogpm nosyslog nodhcp nocpu nodisc nomodem xmodule=vesa noraid nolvm %(bootoptions)s # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s-forensic KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s nofstab noraid nolvm noautoconfig noswap raid=noautodetect %(bootoptions)s # flavour specific configuration for %(grml_flavour)s [grml2usb for %(grml_flavour)s: %(local_datestamp)s] LABEL %(grml_flavour)s-serial KERNEL /boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/linux26 APPEND initrd=/boot/release/%(grml_flavour)s/initrd.gz apm=power-off boot=live nomce quiet module=%(grml_flavour)s vga=normal video=vesafb:off console=tty1 console=ttyS0,9600n8 %(bootoptions)s """ % {'grml_flavour': grml_flavour, 'local_datestamp': local_datestamp, 'bootoptions': bootoptions} ) def install_grub(device): """Install grub on specified device. @device: partition where grub should be installed to""" if options.dryrun: logging.info("Would execute grub-install %s now.", device) else: logging.critical("TODO: sorry - grub-install %s not implemented yet" % device) def install_syslinux(device): """Install syslinux on specified device. @device: partition where syslinux should be installed to""" if options.dryrun: logging.info("Would install syslinux as bootloader on %s", device) return 0 # syslinux -d boot/isolinux /dev/sdb1 logging.info("Installing syslinux as bootloader") logging.debug("syslinux -d boot/syslinux %s" % device) proc = subprocess.Popen(["syslinux", "-d", "boot/syslinux", device]) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception("error executing syslinux") def install_bootloader(device): """Install bootloader on specified device. @device: partition where bootloader should be installed to""" # Install bootloader on the device (/dev/sda), # not on the partition itself (/dev/sda1)? #if partition[-1:].isdigit(): # device = re.match(r'(.*?)\d*$', partition).group(1) #else: # device = partition if options.grub: install_grub(device) else: install_syslinux(device) def install_lilo_mbr(lilo, device): """TODO""" # to support -A for extended partitions: logging.info("Installing MBR") logging.debug("%s -S /dev/null -M %s ext" % (lilo, device)) proc = subprocess.Popen([lilo, "-S", "/dev/null", "-M", device, "ext"]) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception("error executing lilo") # activate partition: logging.debug("%s -S /dev/null -A %s 1" % (lilo, device)) proc = subprocess.Popen([lilo, "-S", "/dev/null", "-A", device, "1"]) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception("error executing lilo") def install_syslinux_mbr(device): """TODO""" # lilo's mbr is broken, use the one from syslinux instead: if not os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin"): raise Exception("/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin can not be read") logging.debug("cat /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin > %s" % device) try: # TODO -> use Popen instead? retcode = subprocess.call("cat /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin > "+ device, shell=True) if retcode < 0: logging.critical("Error copying MBR to device (%s)" % retcode) except OSError, error: logging.critical("Execution failed:", error) def install_mbr(device): """Install a default master boot record on given device @device: device where MBR should be installed to""" if not is_writeable(device): raise IOError("device not writeable for user") # try to use system's lilo if which("lilo"): lilo = which("lilo") else: # otherwise fall back to our static version from platform import architecture if architecture()[0] == '64bit': lilo = '/usr/share/grml2usb/lilo/lilo.static.amd64' else: lilo = '/usr/share/grml2usb/lilo/lilo.static.i386' # finally prefer a specified lilo executable if options.lilo: lilo = options.lilo if not is_exe(lilo): raise Exception("lilo executable can not be execute") if options.dryrun: logging.info("Would install MBR running lilo and using syslinux.") return 0 install_lilo_mbr(lilo, device) install_syslinux_mbr(device) def is_writeable(device): """Check if the device is writeable for the current user @device: partition where bootloader should be installed to""" if not device: return False #raise Exception("no device for checking write permissions") if not os.path.exists(device): return False return os.access(device, os.W_OK) and os.access(device, os.R_OK) def mount(source, target, mount_options): """Mount specified source on given target @source: name of device/ISO that should be mounted @target: directory where the ISO should be mounted to @options: mount specific options""" # notice: options.dryrun does not work here, as we have to # locate files and identify the grml flavour logging.debug("mount %s %s %s" % (mount_options, source, target)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["mount"] + list(mount_options) + [source, target]) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise CriticalException("Error executing mount") else: logging.debug("register_mountpoint(%s)" % target) register_mountpoint(target) def unmount(target, unmount_options): """Unmount specified target @target: target where something is mounted on and which should be unmounted @options: options for umount command""" # make sure we unmount only already mounted targets target_unmount = False mounts = open('/proc/mounts').readlines() mountstring = re.compile(".*%s.*" % re.escape(target)) for line in mounts: if re.match(mountstring, line): target_unmount = True if not target_unmount: logging.debug("%s not mounted anymore" % target) else: logging.debug("umount %s %s" % (list(unmount_options), target)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["umount"] + list(unmount_options) + [target]) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Error executing umount") else: logging.debug("unregister_mountpoint(%s)" % target) unregister_mountpoint(target) def check_for_usbdevice(device): """Check whether the specified device is a removable USB device @device: device name, like /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda """ usbdevice = re.match(r'/dev/(.*?)\d*$', device).group(1) usbdevice = os.path.realpath('/sys/class/block/' + usbdevice + '/removable') if os.path.isfile(usbdevice): is_usb = open(usbdevice).readline() if is_usb == "1": return 0 else: return 1 def check_for_fat(partition): """Check whether specified partition is a valid VFAT/FAT16 filesystem @partition: device name of partition""" try: udev_info = subprocess.Popen(["/lib/udev/vol_id", "-t", partition], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) filesystem = udev_info.communicate()[0].rstrip() if udev_info.returncode == 2: raise CriticalException("Failed to read device %s" "(wrong UID/permissions or device not present?)" % partition) if filesystem != "vfat": raise CriticalException("Device %s does not contain a FAT16 partition." % partition) except OSError: raise CriticalException("Sorry, /lib/udev/vol_id not available.") def mkdir(directory): """Simple wrapper around os.makedirs to get shell mkdir -p behaviour""" # just silently pass as it's just fine it the directory exists if not os.path.isdir(directory): try: os.makedirs(directory) # pylint: disable-msg=W0704 except OSError: pass def copy_system_files(grml_flavour, iso_mount, target): """TODO""" squashfs = search_file(grml_flavour + '.squashfs', iso_mount) if squashfs is None: logging.critical("Fatal: squashfs file not found") else: squashfs_target = target + '/live/' execute(mkdir, squashfs_target) # use install(1) for now to make sure we can write the files afterwards as normal user as well logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (squashfs, target + '/live/' + grml_flavour + '.squashfs')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", squashfs, squashfs_target + grml_flavour + ".squashfs"]) proc.wait() filesystem_module = search_file('filesystem.module', iso_mount) if filesystem_module is None: logging.critical("Fatal: filesystem.module not found") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (filesystem_module, squashfs_target + grml_flavour + '.module')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", filesystem_module, squashfs_target + grml_flavour + '.module']) proc.wait() release_target = target + '/boot/release/' + grml_flavour execute(mkdir, release_target) kernel = search_file('linux26', iso_mount) if kernel is None: logging.critical("Fatal kernel not found") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (kernel, release_target + '/linux26')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", kernel, release_target + '/linux26']) proc.wait() initrd = search_file('initrd.gz', iso_mount) if initrd is None: logging.critical("Fatal: initrd not found") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (initrd, release_target + '/initrd.gz')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", initrd, release_target + '/initrd.gz']) proc.wait() def copy_grml_files(iso_mount, target): """TODO""" grml_target = target + '/grml/' execute(mkdir, grml_target) for myfile in 'grml-cheatcodes.txt', 'grml-version', 'LICENSE.txt', 'md5sums', 'README.txt': grml_file = search_file(myfile, iso_mount) if grml_file is None: logging.warn("Warning: myfile %s could not be found - can not install it", myfile) else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (grml_file, grml_target + grml_file)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", grml_file, grml_target + myfile]) proc.wait() grml_web_target = grml_target + '/web/' execute(mkdir, grml_web_target) for myfile in 'index.html', 'style.css': grml_file = search_file(myfile, iso_mount) if grml_file is None: logging.warn("Warning: myfile %s could not be found - can not install it") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (grml_file, grml_web_target + grml_file)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", grml_file, grml_web_target + myfile]) proc.wait() grml_webimg_target = grml_web_target + '/images/' execute(mkdir, grml_webimg_target) for myfile in 'button.png', 'favicon.png', 'linux.jpg', 'logo.png': grml_file = search_file(myfile, iso_mount) if grml_file is None: logging.warn("Warning: myfile %s could not be found - can not install it") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (grml_file, grml_webimg_target + grml_file)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", grml_file, grml_webimg_target + myfile]) proc.wait() def copy_addons(iso_mount, target): """TODO""" addons = target + '/boot/addons/' execute(mkdir, addons) # grub all-in-one image allinoneimg = search_file('allinone.img', iso_mount) if allinoneimg is None: logging.warn("Warning: allinone.img not found - can not install it") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (allinoneimg, addons + '/allinone.img')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", allinoneimg, addons + 'allinone.img']) proc.wait() # freedos image balderimg = search_file('balder10.imz', iso_mount) if balderimg is None: logging.warn("Warning: balder10.imz not found - can not install it") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (balderimg, addons + '/balder10.imz')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", balderimg, addons + 'balder10.imz']) proc.wait() # memdisk image memdiskimg = search_file('memdisk', iso_mount) if memdiskimg is None: logging.warn("Warning: memdisk not found - can not install it") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (memdiskimg, addons + '/memdisk')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", memdiskimg, addons + 'memdisk']) proc.wait() # memtest86+ image memtestimg = search_file('memtest', iso_mount) if memtestimg is None: logging.warn("Warning: memtest not found - can not install it") else: logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (memtestimg, addons + '/memtest')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", memtestimg, addons + 'memtest']) proc.wait() def copy_bootloader_files(iso_mount, target): """"TODO""" syslinux_target = target + '/boot/syslinux/' execute(mkdir, syslinux_target) logo = search_file('logo.16', iso_mount) logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (logo, syslinux_target + 'logo.16')) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", logo, syslinux_target + 'logo.16']) proc.wait() for ffile in 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'f10': bootsplash = search_file(ffile, iso_mount) logging.debug("cp %s %s" % (bootsplash, syslinux_target + ffile)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", bootsplash, syslinux_target + ffile]) proc.wait() grub_target = target + '/boot/grub/' execute(mkdir, grub_target) if not os.path.isfile("/usr/share/grml2usb/grub/splash.xpm.gz"): logging.critical("Error: /usr/share/grml2usb/grub/splash.xpm.gz can not be read.") raise else: logging.debug("cp /usr/share/grml2usb/grub/splash.xpm.gz %s" % grub_target + 'splash.xpm.gz') proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", '/usr/share/grml2usb/grub/splash.xpm.gz', grub_target + 'splash.xpm.gz']) proc.wait() if not os.path.isfile("/usr/share/grml2usb/grub/stage2_eltorito"): logging.critical("Error: /usr/share/grml2usb/grub/stage2_eltorito can not be read.") raise else: logging.debug("cp /usr/share/grml2usb/grub/stage2_eltorito to %s" % grub_target + 'stage2_eltorito') proc = subprocess.Popen(["install", "--mode=664", '/usr/share/grml2usb/grub/stage2_eltorito', grub_target + 'stage2_eltorito']) proc.wait() def install_iso_files(grml_flavour, iso_mount, target): """Copy files from ISO on given target""" # TODO # * make sure grml_flavour, iso_mount, target are set when the function is called, otherwise raise exception # * provide alternative search_file() if file information is stored in a config.ini file? # * catch "install: .. No space left on device" & CO # * abstract copy logic to make the code shorter and get rid of spaghettis ;) if options.dryrun: logging.info("Would copy files to %s", iso_mount) return 0 elif not options.bootloaderonly: logging.info("Copying files. This might take a while....") copy_system_files(grml_flavour, iso_mount, target) copy_grml_files(iso_mount, target) if not options.skipaddons: copy_addons(iso_mount, target) if not options.copyonly: copy_bootloader_files(iso_mount, target) if not options.dryrun: handle_bootloader_config(grml_flavour, target) # FIXME # make sure we sync filesystems before returning proc = subprocess.Popen(["sync"]) proc.wait() def uninstall_files(device): """Get rid of all grml files on specified device @device: partition where grml2usb files should be removed from""" # TODO logging.critical("TODO: uninstalling files from %s not yet implement, sorry." % device) def identify_grml_flavour(mountpath): """Get name of grml flavour @mountpath: path where the grml ISO is mounted to @return: name of grml-flavour""" version_file = search_file('grml-version', mountpath) if version_file == "": logging.critical("Error: could not find grml-version file.") raise try: tmpfile = open(version_file, 'r') grml_info = tmpfile.readline() grml_flavour = re.match(r'[\w-]*', grml_info).group() except TypeError: raise except: logging.critical("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise return grml_flavour def handle_bootloader_config(grml_flavour, target): """TODO""" logging.debug("Generating grub configuration") #with open("...", "w") as f: #f.write("bla bla bal") grub_target = target + '/boot/grub/' # should be present via copy_bootloader_files(), but make sure it exists: execute(mkdir, grub_target) grub_config_file = open(grub_target + 'menu.lst', 'w') grub_config_file.write(generate_grub_config(grml_flavour)) grub_config_file.close() logging.info("Generating syslinux configuration") syslinux_target = target + '/boot/syslinux/' # should be present via copy_bootloader_files(), but make sure it exits: execute(mkdir, syslinux_target) syslinux_cfg = syslinux_target + 'syslinux.cfg' # install main configuration only *once*, no matter how many ISOs we have: if os.path.isfile(syslinux_cfg): string = open(syslinux_cfg).readline() main_identifier = re.compile(".*main config generated at: %s.*" % re.escape(str(DATESTAMP))) if not re.match(main_identifier, string): syslinux_config_file = open(syslinux_cfg, 'w') logging.info("Notice: grml flavour %s is being installed as the default booting system." % grml_flavour) syslinux_config_file.write(generate_main_syslinux_config(grml_flavour, options.bootoptions)) syslinux_config_file.close() else: syslinux_config_file = open(syslinux_cfg, 'w') syslinux_config_file.write(generate_main_syslinux_config(grml_flavour, options.bootoptions)) syslinux_config_file.close() # install flavour specific configuration only *once* as well # kind of ugly - I'm pretty sure this could be smoother... flavour_config = True if os.path.isfile(syslinux_cfg): string = open(syslinux_cfg).readlines() logging.info("Notice: you can boot flavour %s using '%s' on the commandline." % (grml_flavour, grml_flavour)) flavour = re.compile("grml2usb for %s: %s" % (re.escape(grml_flavour), re.escape(str(DATESTAMP)))) for line in string: if flavour.match(line): flavour_config = False if flavour_config: syslinux_config_file = open(syslinux_cfg, 'a') syslinux_config_file.write(generate_flavour_specific_syslinux_config(grml_flavour, options.bootoptions)) syslinux_config_file.close( ) logging.debug("Generating isolinux/syslinux splash %s" % syslinux_target + 'boot.msg') isolinux_splash = open(syslinux_target + 'boot.msg', 'w') isolinux_splash.write(generate_isolinux_splash(grml_flavour)) isolinux_splash.close( ) def handle_iso(iso, device): """Main logic for mounting ISOs and copying files. @iso: full path to the ISO that should be installed to the specified device @device: partition where the specified ISO should be installed to""" logging.info("Using ISO %s" % iso) if os.path.isdir(iso): logging.critical("TODO: /live/image handling not yet implemented - sorry") # TODO sys.exit(1) iso_mountpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp() register_tmpfile(iso_mountpoint) remove_iso_mountpoint = True if not os.path.isfile(iso): logging.critical("Fatal: specified ISO %s could not be read" % iso) cleanup() sys.exit(1) try: mount(iso, iso_mountpoint, ["-o", "loop", "-t", "iso9660"]) except CriticalException, error: logging.critical("Fatal: %s" % error) sys.exit(1) if os.path.isdir(device): logging.info("Specified target is a directory, not mounting therefor.") device_mountpoint = device remove_device_mountpoint = False # skip_mbr = True else: device_mountpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp() register_tmpfile(device_mountpoint) remove_device_mountpoint = True try: mount(device, device_mountpoint, "") except CriticalException, error: logging.critical("Fatal: %s" % error) cleanup() try: grml_flavour = identify_grml_flavour(iso_mountpoint) logging.info("Identified grml flavour \"%s\"." % grml_flavour) install_iso_files(grml_flavour, iso_mountpoint, device_mountpoint) except TypeError: logging.critical("Fatal: a critical error happend during execution (not a grml ISO?), giving up") sys.exit(1) finally: if os.path.isdir(iso_mountpoint) and remove_iso_mountpoint: unmount(iso_mountpoint, "") os.rmdir(iso_mountpoint) unregister_tmpfile(iso_mountpoint) if remove_device_mountpoint: unmount(device_mountpoint, "") if os.path.isdir(device_mountpoint): os.rmdir(device_mountpoint) unregister_tmpfile(device_mountpoint) def handle_mbr(device): """TODO""" # install MBR # if not options.mbr: # logging.info("You are NOT using the --mbr option. Consider using it if your device does not boot.") # else: # make sure we install MBR on /dev/sdX and not /dev/sdX# # make sure we have syslinux available # if options.mbr: if not options.skipmbr: if not which("syslinux") and not options.copyonly and not options.dryrun: logging.critical('Sorry, syslinux not available. Exiting.') logging.critical('Please install syslinux or consider using the --grub option.') sys.exit(1) if not options.skipmbr: if device[-1:].isdigit(): mbr_device = re.match(r'(.*?)\d*$', device).group(1) try: install_mbr(mbr_device) except IOError, error: logging.critical("Execution failed: %s", error) sys.exit(1) except Exception, error: logging.critical("Execution failed: %s", error) sys.exit(1) def handle_vfat(device): """TODO""" # make sure we have mkfs.vfat available if options.fat16 and not options.force: if not which("mkfs.vfat") and not options.copyonly and not options.dryrun: logging.critical('Sorry, mkfs.vfat not available. Exiting.') logging.critical('Please make sure to install dosfstools.') sys.exit(1) # make sure the user is aware of what he is doing f = raw_input("Are you sure you want to format the device with a fat16 filesystem? y/N ") if f == "y" or f == "Y": logging.info("Note: you can skip this question using the option --force") mkfs_fat16(device) else: sys.exit(1) # check for vfat filesystem if device is not None and not os.path.isdir(device): try: check_for_fat(device) except CriticalException, error: logging.critical("Execution failed: %s", error) sys.exit(1) if not check_for_usbdevice(device): print "Warning: the specified device %s does not look like a removable usb device." % device f = raw_input("Do you really want to continue? y/N ") if f == "y" or f == "Y": pass else: sys.exit(1) def handle_compat_warning(device): """TODO""" # make sure we can replace old grml2usb script and warn user when using old way of life: if device.startswith("/mnt/external") or device.startswith("/mnt/usb") and not options.force: print "Warning: the semantics of grml2usb has changed." print "Instead of using grml2usb /path/to/iso %s you might" % device print "want to use grml2usb /path/to/iso /dev/... instead." print "Please check out the grml2usb manpage for details." f = raw_input("Do you really want to continue? y/N ") if f == "y" or f == "Y": pass else: sys.exit(1) def handle_logging(): """TODO""" if options.verbose: FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=FORMAT) elif options.quiet: FORMAT = "Critial: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL, format=FORMAT) else: FORMAT = "Info: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT) def handle_bootloader(device): """TODO""" # Install bootloader only if not using the --copy-only option if options.copyonly: logging.info("Not installing bootloader and its files as requested via option copyonly.") else: install_bootloader(device) def main(): """Main function [make pylint happy :)]""" if options.version: print os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + " " + PROG_VERSION sys.exit(0) if len(args) < 2: parser.error("invalid usage") # log handling handle_logging() # make sure we have the appropriate permissions check_uid_root() if options.dryrun: logging.info("Running in simulate mode as requested via option dry-run.") # specified arguments device = args[len(args) - 1] isos = args[0:len(args) - 1] # provide upgrade path handle_compat_warning(device) # check for vfat partition handle_vfat(device) # main operation (like installing files) for iso in isos: handle_iso(iso, device) # install mbr handle_mbr(device) handle_bootloader(device) # finally be politely :) logging.info("Finished execution of grml2usb (%s). Have fun with your grml system." % PROG_VERSION) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info("Received KeyboardInterrupt") cleanup() ## END OF FILE ################################################################# # vim:foldmethod=indent expandtab ai ft=python tw=120 fileencoding=utf-8