/* $MirOS: src/sys/arch/i386/stand/mbr/mbr.S,v 1.12 2009/01/31 23:39:55 tg Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2009 * Thorsten Glaser * * Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices * are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission * is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un- * limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify, * merge, give away, or sublicence. * * This work is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to * the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor * implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event * may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect, * direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out * of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such * damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out * of said person's immediate fault when using the work as intended. *- * Compile commands: * $ gcc -D_ASM_SOURCE -DBOOTMANAGER -D__BOOT_VER=\"0AA6\" -c mbr.S * $ ld -nostdlib -Ttext 0x0600 -N -Bstatic -e _start -o mbrmgr.elf mbr.o * $ objcopy -O binary mbrmgr.elf mbrmgr */ .intel_syntax noprefix .code16 .text .globl _start _start: xor eax,eax mov ss,ax mov sp,offset Lstack push eax popfd mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov si,offset Lbadr mov di,offset _start mov cx,0x0200 /* size of one sector */ push si /* load / return address */ push ax push offset Lmain rep movsb lret /* entry message */ Lemsg: .ascii "Mir-" .ascii __BOOT_VER #ifdef BOOTMANAGER /* Lem are patch points */ .ascii ": 0=" Lem00: .ascii "00 1=" Lem01: .ascii "00 2=" Lem02: .ascii "00 3=" Lem03: .ascii "00 4=hd0 5=fd0 Enter=default (timeout)\r\n" #endif .asciz ">" /* failure message */ Lfmsg: .asciz "bad magic\r\n" #if 1 /* okay boot message */ Lbmsg: .asciz " OK\r" #endif /* output NUL-terminated string from ds:si */ Lotxt0: mov ah,0x0E mov bx,7 int 0x10 Lotxt: lodsb or al,al jnz Lotxt0 ret Lmain: sti #ifdef BOOTMANAGER /* patch the partition type values into the message */ mov di,offset Lem00 mov al,ds:[Lptab + 0x04] call LpBY mov di,offset Lem01 mov al,ds:[Lptab + 0x14] call LpBY mov di,offset Lem02 mov al,ds:[Lptab + 0x24] call LpBY mov di,offset Lem03 mov al,ds:[Lptab + 0x34] call LpBY mov si,offset Lemsg call Lotxt #endif /* fake invalid partition entry for MBR/FDD boot */ mov di,offset Lptab + 0x40 xor eax,eax stosw inc ax stosw dec ax stosd stosd /* force bad magic if sector load fails */ mov ds:[Lbmag],al #ifdef BOOTMANAGER #if 0 /* see above, eax is already zero here */ xor ax,ax /* read CMOS clock ticks since midnight */ #endif int 0x1A /* 32-bit result in cx:dx */ mov di,cx /* save it in edi for later */ shl edi,16 mov di,dx add edi,183 /* 10 seconds, rounded up one tick */ Lptmo = . - 4 /* offset of the "183" above */ /* input loop with timeout */ Lwkey: mov ah,1 int 0x16 /* check if a key was pressed */ jnz Lgkey /* yeap */ /* delay loop */ xor ax,ax int 0x1A shl ecx,16 mov cx,dx or al,al /* past midnight? */ jz Lsday /* no */ add ecx,1573040 /* should be 1572480, but according to RBIL… */ Lsday: cmp ecx,edi /* time is over? */ mov al,13 ja Lfkey /* yep, fake a return keypress */ jmp Lwkey /* input loop without timeout */ Lgkey: mov ah,1 int 0x16 /* check if a key was pressed */ jz Lgkey mov ah,0 int 0x16 #endif /* BOOTMANAGER */ Lfkey: mov bx,offset Lptab mov dl,0x80 /* drive to load from */ #ifndef BOOTMANAGER jmp Lscan #else sub al,13 je Lscan /* CR / Return / Enter */ jb Lgkey /* invalid input */ sub al,('0' - 13) jb Lgkey /* invalid input */ cmp al,5 /* floppy */ ja Lgkey /* invalid input */ jb LdoHD /* hard disc */ mov dl,0 /* drive to load from */ dec ax /* 5 -> 4 */ #endif LdoHD: shl al,4 /* 0..4 where 4 is virtual partition */ add bl,al /* we boot this one */ jmp Lboot /* scan the partition table for an active partition */ Lscan: mov al,[dpart] /* try hard-coded by fdisk(8) 'fdef' first */ cmp al,3 jbe LdoHD Lspar: cmp byte ptr [bx],0x80 je Lboot /* found an active partition */ add bl,0x10 cmp bl,0xFE /* BX = 0x07FE = Lptab + 0x40 */ jb Lspar /* boot the virtual partition #4 (MBR) */ Lboot: /* try to boot, first LBA (we're on a HDD) then CHS */ mov [bx],dl /* drive (0x80 or 0x00) */ mov si,offset Lpblk /* LBA parameter block */ mov di,si mov ax,0x0010 stosw /* size of LBA parameter block */ mov al,1 stosw /* number of sectors to load */ pop ax push ax push bx stosw /* load address offset */ xor ax,ax stosw /* load address segment */ mov eax,[bx+8] stosd /* LBA offset of start sector (low 32 bit) */ xor ax,ax stosw /* high 32 bit */ stosw /* high 32 bit */ mov ah,0x42 /* LBA extended read */ call Lload /* try to boot that */ pop si /* edited partition table entry */ pop bx /* load offset (ES=CS=SS=DS=0000h) */ push bx push si mov ax,0x0201 /* CHS read 0x01 sectors */ mov cx,[si+2] /* cylinder; sector number */ mov dx,[si] /* head; drive number */ call Lload mov si,offset Lfmsg call Lotxt #if 0 Lfail: jmp Lfail #else xor ax,ax int 0x16 ljmp 0xF000,0xFFF0 #endif Lload: mov bp,4 /* number of tries */ Lldlp: pusha int 0x13 popa jc Lldre /* error, try again */ cmp word ptr ds:[Lbmag],0xAA55 jne Lldre /* bad magic, try again */ #if 0 mov ax,0x0E0D /* output a carriage return */ xor bx,bx int 0x10 #else mov si,offset Lbmsg call Lotxt #endif pop si /* Lload return address */ pop si /* partition table entry */ mov dl,[si] /* DS:SI point to partition table entry, DL is set */ cli /* be nice :) */ ret /* jump to 0000:7C00h */ Lldre: pusha xor ax,ax /* reset drive */ int 0x13 popa dec bp /* another try left? */ jnz Lldlp ret #ifdef BOOTMANAGER LpBY: mov ah,al shr al,4 and ah,0x0F add ax,0x3030 cmp al,0x39 jbe LpBY1 add al,7 LpBY1: cmp ah,0x39 jbe LpBY2 add ah,7 LpBY2: stosw ret #endif . = _start + 0x01B7 .globl dpart .size dpart,1 dpart: .byte 0xFF /* default partition [0..3] or none */ . = _start + 0x01B8 Lntid: .long 0 /* Microsoft® NT® volume identifier */ Lpad1: .byte 0, 0 . = _start + 0x01BE /* partition table */ Lptab: .long 0, 0, 0, 0 /* partition entry #0 */ .long 0, 0, 0, 0 /* partition entry #1 */ .long 0, 0, 0, 0 /* partition entry #2 */ /* partition entry #3 + pre-installation hint */ .word 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 . = _start + 0x01F8 .size Lhint,2 #ifdef BOOTMANAGER Lhint: .word (Lptmo - _start) #else Lhint: .word 0xFFFF #endif Lpad2: .word 0, 0 . = _start + 0x01FE Lpmag: .word 0xAA55 /* BIOS boot magic */ Lstack = 0x4000 Lpblk = 0x5000 Lbadr = 0x7C00 Lbmag = Lbadr + 0x01FE