Update /dev and /dev/pts mount from --bind to proper fs type
[grml-debootstrap.git] / packer / debian64.json
1 {
2   "variables": {
3     "grml_type": "grml64-full",
4     "grml_version": "2014.11",
5     "grml_iso_checksum": "120bfa48b096691797a73fa2f464c7c71fac1587",
6     "debian_version": "jessie",
7     "grml_debootstrap_version": "latest",
8     "grml_debootstrap_local_path": "doesnotexist"
9   },
11   "builders": [
12   {
13     "type": "virtualbox-iso",
14     "vm_name": "{{ user `grml_type` }}_{{ user `grml_version` }}",
15     "guest_os_type": "Debian_64",
16     "hard_drive_interface": "sata",
17     "iso_url": "http://download.grml.org/{{ user `grml_type` }}_{{ user `grml_version` }}.iso",
18     "iso_checksum": "{{ user `grml_iso_checksum` }}",
19     "iso_checksum_type": "sha1",
20     "ssh_wait_timeout": "20m",
21     "ssh_username": "root",
22     "ssh_password": "grml",
23     "output_directory": "{{ user `grml_type` }}_output",
24     "headless": false,
25     "boot_wait": "5s",
26     "boot_command": [
27       "<tab> ssh=grml <enter>"
28     ],
29     "shutdown_command": "shutdown -h now"
30   }
31   ],
32     "provisioners": [
33     {
34       "type": "file",
35       "source": "fake-uname.so",
36       "destination": "/tmp/fake-uname.so"
37     },
38     {
39       "type": "file",
40       "source": "debian64.bats",
41       "destination": "/tmp/debian64.bats"
42     },
43     {
44       "type": "shell",
45       "inline": "mkdir -vp /tmp/grml-debootstrap/"
46     },
47     {
48       "type": "file",
49       "source": "{{ user `grml_debootstrap_local_path` }}/",
50       "destination": "/tmp/grml-debootstrap/"
51     },
52     {
53       "type": "shell",
54       "environment_vars": [
55         "GRML_DEBOOTSTRAP_VERSION={{ user `grml_debootstrap_version` }}",
56         "DEBIAN_VERSION={{ user `debian_version` }}"
57       ],
58       "scripts": [
59         "debian64_provision.sh"
60         ]
61     }
62   ],
63     "post-processors": [
64     {
65       "type": "vagrant",
66       "compression_level": 5,
67       "override": {
68         "virtualbox": {
69           "output": "debian64_{{ user `debian_version` }}.box"
70         }
71       }
72     }
73   ]
74 }