Drop package config GRML_FORENSIC as it is developed and maintained as part of Grml...
[grml-live-grml.git] / templates / boot / isolinux / f2
1 \19\fGrml - Linux for sysadmins and users of texttools                            \ f09F2\ f07
3 \ f09  Overview of bootsplashes on Grml (F1-F10)\ f07                                    
5   \ f09F1\ f07   main bootsplash                                                         
6   \ f09F2\ f07   this overview page                                                      
7   \ f09F3\ f07   main Grml bootoptions                                                   
8   \ f09F4\ f07   main cheatcodes for Grml [1/2]                                          
9   \ f09F5\ f07   main cheatcodes for Grml [2/2]                                          
10   \ f09F6\ f07   troubleshooting on Grml                                                 
11   \ f09F7\ f07   kernel cheatcodes                                                       
12   \ f09F8\ f07   Grml configuration options                                              
13   \ f09F9\ f07   grml2hd - automatic installation of Grml                                
14   \ f09F10\ f07  problems with Grml?           _                                         
15                  __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ | |  ___  _ __ __ _                        
16                 / _` | '__| '_ ` _ \| | / _ \| '__/ _` |                       
17                | (_| | |  | | | | | | || (_) | | | (_| |                       
18                 \__, |_|  |_| |_| |_|_(_)___/|_|  \__, |                       
19                 |___/                             |___/                        
21  Problems? Some more information is accessible via keys F3-F10.                
22  See F6 for troubleshooting information.   Timeout: 30 seconds                 
23 \ f1f