

All programs written for grml by the grml developers are released under the GNU General Public License. Debian packages of the grml software are available in the grml repository; sources are available at http://sources.grml.org/.

If not otherwise specified, the software packaged as grml and published in the form of ISO images falls under the GNU General Public License. Take a look at /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE/copyright for the specific license terms of each shipped package.

You can copy, modify, redistribute and even resell the CD without restrictions, as long as you license it to your customers under the same license. (Note: this is just a summary of the terms of the GPL; always read the full text of the license and preferably consult a lawyer if you have any doubt whether what you want to do is permitted by the GPL.)


Michael Prokop
Bienengasse 26/9
8020 Graz
Austria / Österreich
mika (at) grml.org