#!/bin/zsh # Filename: autoconfig.functions # Purpose: basic system configuration and hardware setup for grml system # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ # {{{ path, variables, signals, umask, zsh export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" DEBUG="/dev/null" KERNEL="$(uname -r)" ARCH="$(uname -m)" umask 022 # old linuxrc version: [ -d /cdrom ] && export LIVECD_PATH=/cdrom # initramfs layout until around December 2012: [ -d /live/image ] && export LIVECD_PATH=/live/image # initramfs layout since around December 2012: [ -d /lib/live/mount/medium ] && export LIVECD_PATH=/lib/live/mount/medium # Ignore these signals in non-interactive mode: INT, TERM, SEGV [ -z "$PS1" ] && trap "" 2 3 11 if [ "$(cat /proc/1/comm 2>/dev/null)" = "systemd" ] ; then SYSTEMD=true else SYSTEMD=false fi service_wrapper() { if [ "$#" -lt 2 ] ; then echo "Usage: service_wrapper [background]" >&2 return 1 fi local service="$1" local action="$2" local background="$3" if $SYSTEMD ; then systemctl "$action" "$service" else if [ "${background:-}" = "background" ] ; then /etc/init.d/"$service" "$action" & else /etc/init.d/"$service" "$action" fi fi } # zsh stuff iszsh(){ if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # avoid 'no matches found: ...' iszsh && setopt no_nomatch # || echo "Warning: not running under zsh!" # }}} # {{{ Read in boot parameters if [ -z "$CMDLINE" ]; then # if CMDLINE was set from the outside, we're debugging. # otherwise, take CMDLINE from Kernel and config files. CMDLINE="$(cat /proc/cmdline)" [ -d ${LIVECD_PATH}/bootparams/ ] && CMDLINE="$CMDLINE $(cat ${LIVECD_PATH}/bootparams/* | tr '\n' ' ')" modprobe 9p 2>/dev/null || true if grep -q 9p /proc/filesystems ; then TAG="grml-parameters" if grep -q "$TAG" /sys/bus/virtio/devices/*/mount_tag 2>/dev/null ; then MOUNTDIR="$(mktemp -d)" mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,ro "$TAG" "$MOUNTDIR" CMDLINE="$CMDLINE $(cat "$MOUNTDIR"/* 2>/dev/null | tr '\n' ' ')" umount "$MOUNTDIR" rmdir "$MOUNTDIR" fi fi fi # }}} ### {{{ Utility Functions # Get a bootoption's parameter: read boot command line and either # echo last parameter's argument or return false. getbootparam(){ local line local ws ws=' ' line=" $CMDLINE " case "$line" in *[${ws}]"$1="*) result="${line##*[$ws]$1=}" result="${result%%[$ws]*}" echo "$result" return 0 ;; *) # no match? return 1 ;; esac } # Check boot commandline for specified option checkbootparam(){ [ -n "$1" ] || ( echo "Error: missing argument to checkbootparam()" ; return 1 ) local line local ws ws=' ' line=" $CMDLINE " case "$line" in *[${ws}]"$1"=*|*[${ws}]"$1"[${ws}]*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # Check if currently using a framebuffer hasfb() { [ -e /dev/fb0 ] && return 0 || return 1 } # Check wheter a configuration variable (like $CONFIG_TOHD) is # enabled or not checkvalue(){ case "$1" in [yY][eE][sS]) return 0 ;; # it's set to 'yes' [tT][rR][uU][eE]) return 0 ;; # it's set to 'true' *) return 1 ;; # default esac } # Are we using grml-small? checkgrmlsmall(){ grep -q small /etc/grml_version 2>>$DEBUG && return 0 || return 1 } # if no password is set return a random password set_passwd() { [ -n "$PASSWD" ] && return 0 if [ -x /usr/bin/apg ] ; then PASSWD="$(apg -M NL -a 0 -m 8 -x 12 -n 1)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/gpw ] ; then PASSWD="$(gpw 1)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/pwgen ] ; then PASSWD="$(pwgen -1 8)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/hexdump ] ; then PASSWD="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=14 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump | awk '{print $3 $4}')" elif [ -n "$RANDOM" ] ; then PASSWD="grml${RANDOM}" else PASSWD='' eerror "Empty passphrase and neither apg, gpw, pwgen, hexdump nor \$RANDOM available. Skipping." eend 1 return 1 fi } ### }}} # {{{ filesystems (proc, pts, sys) and fixes mount_proc(){ [ -f /proc/version ] || mount -t proc /proc /proc 2>/dev/null } mount_pts(){ grep -q "/dev/pts" /proc/mounts || mount -t devpts /dev/pts /dev/pts 2>/dev/null } mount_sys(){ [ -d /sys/devices ] || mount -t sysfs /sys /sys 2>/dev/null } # }}} # {{{ Check if we are running in live mode or from HD INSTALLED="" [ -e /etc/grml_cd ] || INSTALLED="yes" # }}} # {{{ provide information about virtual environments VIRTUAL=false # assume physical system by default KVM=false VIRTUALBOX=false VMWARE=false if vmware-detect &>/dev/null; then VIRTUAL=true; VMWARE=true; VIRTUAL_ENV='VMware' fi if virt-what 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'kvm' || \ [ "$(imvirt 2>/dev/null)" = "KVM" ] ; then VIRTUAL=true; KVM=true; VIRTUAL_ENV='KVM' fi if virt-what 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'virtualbox' || \ [ "$(imvirt 2>/dev/null)" = "VirtualBox" ] ; then VIRTUAL=true; VIRTUALBOX=true; VIRTUAL_ENV='VirtualBox' fi # }}} # {{{ source lsb-functions , color handling if checkbootparam 'nocolor'; then . /etc/grml/lsb-functions einfo "Disabling colors in bootsequence as requested on commandline." ; eend 0 else . /etc/grml/lsb-functions fi # }}} # {{{ log config_log(){ if checkbootparam 'log' || checkbootparam 'debug' ; then export DEBUG="/tmp/grml.log.`date +%Y%m%d`" touch $DEBUG einfo "Bootparameter log found. Log files: ${DEBUG} and /var/log/boot" eindent einfo "Starting bootlogd." # known to be *very* unreliable :( bootlogd -r -c >>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; eend $? eoutdent else DEBUG="/dev/null" fi } # }}} ### {{{ language configuration / localization config_language(){ einfo "Activating language settings:" eindent # people can specify $LANGUAGE and $CONSOLEFONT in a config file [ -r /etc/grml/autoconfig ] && . /etc/grml/autoconfig # check for bootoption which overrides config from /etc/grml/autoconfig BOOT_LANGUAGE="$(getbootparam 'lang' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$BOOT_LANGUAGE" ] && LANGUAGE="$BOOT_LANGUAGE" # set default to 'en' in live-cd mode iff $LANGUAGE is not set yet if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then [ -n "$LANGUAGE" ] || LANGUAGE='en' fi if [ -x /usr/sbin/grml-setlang ] ; then # if bootoption lang is used update /etc/default/locale accordingly if [ -n "$BOOT_LANGUAGE" ] ; then /usr/sbin/grml-setlang "$LANGUAGE" # otherwise default to lang=en else /usr/sbin/grml-setlang "en" fi fi if ! $SYSTEMD ; then # set console font if [ -z "$CONSOLEFONT" ] ; then if ! checkbootparam 'nodefaultfont' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; then if [ -r /usr/share/consolefonts/Uni3-Terminus16.psf.gz ] ; then CONSOLEFONT='Uni3-Terminus16' else ewarn "/usr/share/consolefonts/Uni3-Terminus16.psf.gz not available. Please upgrade package console-terminus." ; eend 1 fi if ! hasfb ; then CONSOLEFONT='Lat15-Terminus16' fi fi fi fi # not running systemd # export it now, so error messages get translated, too [ -r /etc/default/locale ] && . /etc/default/locale export LANG LANGUAGE if $SYSTEMD ; then local KEYBOARD KEYBOARD="$(getbootparam 'keyboard' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$KEYBOARD" ] || KEYBOARD="$LANGUAGE" # "symbols/en" doesn't exist, so rewrite to "us" [[ "$KEYBOARD" == 'en' ]] && KEYBOARD="us" if [ -r /etc/default/keyboard ] ; then sed -i "s/^XKBLAYOUT=.*/XKBLAYOUT=\"$KEYBOARD\"/" /etc/default/keyboard case "$KEYBOARD" in de|at) sed -i "s/^XKBVARIANT=.*/XKBVARIANT=\"nodeadkeys\"/" /etc/default/keyboard ;; esac fi service_wrapper console-setup restart >>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; eend $? else # not running systemd, keeing for backwards compatibility: # configure keyboard layout, read in already set values first: [ -r /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] && . /etc/sysconfig/keyboard # now allow keyboard override by boot commandline for later use: KKEYBOARD="$(getbootparam 'keyboard' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$KKEYBOARD" ] && KEYTABLE="$KKEYBOARD" # notce: de/at is a bad choice, so take de-latin1-nodeadkeys instead: [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'de' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'at' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys # modify /etc/sysconfig/keyboard only in live-cd mode: if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then local LANGUAGE="$BOOT_LANGUAGE" . /etc/grml/language-functions # allow setting xkeyboard explicitly different than console keyboard KXKEYBOARD="$(getbootparam 'xkeyboard' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$KXKEYBOARD" ]; then XKEYBOARD="$KXKEYBOARD" KDEKEYBOARD="$KXKEYBOARD" elif [ -n "$KKEYBOARD" ]; then XKEYBOARD="$KKEYBOARD" KDEKEYBOARD="$KKEYBOARD" fi # duplicate of previous code to make sure /etc/grml/language-functions # does not overwrite our values.... # now allow keyboard override by boot commandline for later use: KKEYBOARD="$(getbootparam 'keyboard' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$KKEYBOARD" ] && KEYTABLE="$KKEYBOARD" # notce: de/at is a bad choice, so take de-latin1-nodeadkeys instead: [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'de' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys [[ "$KKEYBOARD" == 'at' ]] && KEYTABLE=de-latin1-nodeadkeys # write keyboard related variables to file for later use [ -d /etc/sysconfig ] || mkdir /etc/sysconfig if ! [ -e /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] ; then echo "KEYTABLE=\"$KEYTABLE\"" > /etc/sysconfig/keyboard echo "XKEYBOARD=\"$XKEYBOARD\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/keyboard echo "KDEKEYBOARD=\"$KDEKEYBOARD\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/keyboard echo "KDEKEYBOARDS=\"$KDEKEYBOARDS\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/keyboard fi fi [ -r /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] && . /etc/sysconfig/keyboard fi if ! $SYSTEMD ; then # we have to set up all consoles, therefore loop it over all ttys: NUM_CONSOLES=$(fgconsole --next-available 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$NUM_CONSOLES" ] ; then NUM_CONSOLES=$(expr ${NUM_CONSOLES} - 1) [ ${NUM_CONSOLES} -eq 1 ] && NUM_CONSOLES=6 fi CUR_CONSOLE=$(fgconsole 2>/dev/null) if [ -x "$(which setfont)" ] ; then use_setfont=true elif [ -x "$(which consolechars)" ] ; then use_consolechars=true else eerror "Neither setfont nor consolechars tool present, can not set font." eend 1 return 1 fi if [ -n "$CHARMAP" ] ; then einfo "Setting font to ${CHARMAP}" RC=0 for vc in $(seq 0 ${NUM_CONSOLES}) ; do if $use_setfont ; then setfont -C /dev/tty${vc} $CHARMAP ; RC=$? elif $use_consolechars ; then consolechars --tty=/dev/tty${vc} -m ${CHARMAP} ; RC=$? fi done if [ -n "$CUR_CONSOLE" ] ; then [ "$CUR_CONSOLE" != "serial" ] && chvt $CUR_CONSOLE fi eend $RC fi if checkbootparam 'noconsolefont' ; then ewarn "Skipping setting console font as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if [ -n "$CONSOLEFONT" ] ; then einfo "Setting font to ${CONSOLEFONT}" RC=0 for vc in $(seq 0 ${NUM_CONSOLES}) ; do if $use_setfont ; then setfont -C /dev/tty${vc} ${CONSOLEFONT} ; RC=$? elif $use_consolechars ; then consolechars --tty=/dev/tty${vc} -f ${CONSOLEFONT} ; RC=$? fi done if [ -n "$CUR_CONSOLE" ] ; then [ "$CUR_CONSOLE" != "serial" ] && chvt $CUR_CONSOLE fi eend $RC fi fi # Set default keyboard before interactive setup if [ -n "$KEYTABLE" ] ; then einfo "Running loadkeys for ${WHITE}${KEYTABLE}${NORMAL} in background" loadkeys -q $KEYTABLE & eend $? fi # activate unicode console if running within utf8 environment if [ -r /etc/default/locale ] ; then if grep -q "LANG=.*UTF" /etc/default/locale ; then einfo "Setting up unicode environment." unicode_start ; eend $? fi fi fi # not running systemd eoutdent } # }}} # {{{ Set hostname config_hostname(){ if ! checkbootparam 'hostname' ; then return 0 fi HOSTNAME="$(getbootparam 'hostname' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$HOSTNAME" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/random-hostname ] ; then einfo "Generating random hostname as no hostname was specified." HOSTNAME="$(/usr/bin/random-hostname)" eend $? fi einfo "Setting hostname to $HOSTNAME as requested." grml-hostname $HOSTNAME >>$DEBUG eend $? } # }}} # fstabuser (needed when running from harddisk with username != grml {{{ config_userfstab(){ # force load of build-in and local config [ -r /etc/grml/autoconfig ] && . /etc/grml/autoconfig [ -r /etc/grml/autoconfig ] && . /etc/grml/autoconfig.local # 1st. try configured fstab user if [ -n "$CONFIG_FSTAB_USER" ] ; then fstabuser=$(getent passwd $CONFIG_FSTAB_USER | cut -d: -f1) fi # 2nd. use standard user id [ -n "$fstabuser" ] || fstabuser=$(getent passwd 1000 | cut -d: -f1) # 3rd. use standard user name [ -n "$fstabuser" ] || fstabuser=$(getent passwd grml | cut -d: -f1) # if not yet set fall back to 'root' user, avoid bad /etc/fstab [ -n "$fstabuser" ] || fstabuser='root' } # }}} # local_user (needed when running with username != grml {{{ config_userlocal() { # force load of build-in and local config [ -r /etc/grml/autoconfig ] && . /etc/grml/autoconfig [ -r /etc/grml/autoconfig ] && . /etc/grml/autoconfig.local # 1st. try id of primary user localuser=$(getent passwd 1000 | cut -d: -f1) # 2nd. use name standard user [ -n "$localuser" ] || localuser=$(getent passwd grml | cut -d: -f1) } # }}} # {{{ Set clock (Local time is more often used than GMT, so it is default) config_time(){ # don't touch the files if running from harddisk: if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then # The default hardware clock timezone is stated as representing local time. UTC="--localtime" if [ -f /etc/default/rcS ] ; then grep -q "^UTC=" /etc/default/rcS || echo "UTC=no" >> /etc/default/rcS checkbootparam 'utc' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s|^UTC=.*$|UTC=yes|" /etc/default/rcS checkbootparam 'gmt' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s|^UTC=.*$|UTC=yes|" /etc/default/rcS checkbootparam 'localtime' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s|^UTC=.*$|UTC=no|" /etc/default/rcS grep -q -i "^UTC=yes" /etc/default/rcS && UTC="-u" # recent initscripts package versions don't ship /etc/default/rcS anymore, instead rely on /etc/adjtime elif [ -f /etc/adjtime ] ; then checkbootparam 'utc' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s/^LOCAL/UTC/" /etc/adjtime checkbootparam 'gmt' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s/^LOCAL/UTC/" /etc/adjtime checkbootparam 'localtime' >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && sed -i "s/^UTC$/LOCAL/" /etc/adjtime grep -q "^UTC$" /etc/adjtime && UTC="-u" fi # hwclock uses the TZ variable KTZ="$(getbootparam 'tz' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -z "$KTZ" ] && [ -r /etc/timezone ] && KTZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) if [ ! -f "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$KTZ" ] ; then ewarn "Warning: unknown timezone $KTZ" ; eend 1 KTZ="UTC" ewarn "Falling back to timezone $KTZ" ; eend 0 fi if ! [ -r /dev/rtc ] ; then ewarn "Warning: realtime clock not available, trying to execute hwclock anyway." ; eend 0 fi ERROR=$(TZ="$KTZ" hwclock $UTC -s 2>&1 | head -1) ; RC=$? if [ -n "$ERROR" ] ; then eindent ERROR=$(TZ="$KTZ" hwclock $UTC -s --directisa 2>&1 | head -1) if [ -n "$ERROR" ] ; then eerror "Problem running hwclock: $ERROR" ; eend 1 fi eoutdent fi fi } # }}} # {{{ print kernel info config_kernel(){ if $VIRTUAL && [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ] ; then einfo "Running Linux Kernel $KERNEL inside $VIRTUAL_ENV" ; eend 0 else einfo "Running Linux Kernel $KERNEL" ; eend 0 fi if [ -r /proc/cpuinfo ] ; then if egrep -q '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo ; then eindent einfo 'CPU(s) featuring virtualization technology detected' ; eend 0 eoutdent fi fi if [ -d /proc/xen ] ; then eindent einfo 'Running kernel featuring support for Xen detected' ; eend 0 eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ secure boot config_secureboot(){ # systemd does this for us, but if we are not running under systemd then mokutil # doesn't work as needed as it relies on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars (while # /sys/firmware/efi/vars would exist) if ! $SYSTEMD ; then if modprobe efivars &>/dev/null ; then mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars fi fi if [ -x /usr/bin/mokutil ] ; then local secstate=$(mokutil --sb-state 2>/dev/null) # "SecureBoot enabled" if [ -n "$secstate" ] ; then einfo "SecureBoot is enabled" ; eend 0 else einfo "SecureBoot not detected" ; eend 0 fi else if modprobe efivars &>/dev/null ; then if od -An -t u1 /sys/firmware/efi/vars/SecureBoot-*/data 2>/dev/null | grep -q 1 ; then einfo "SecureBoot is enabled" ; eend 0 else einfo "SecureBoot not detected" ; eend 0 fi fi fi } # }}} # {{{ timezone config_timezone(){ # don't touch the files if running from harddisk: if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then KTZ="$(getbootparam 'tz' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$KTZ" ] ; then if [ ! -f "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$KTZ" ] then ewarn "Warning: unknown timezone $KTZ"; eend 0 else einfo "Setting timezone." # update debconf area=$(echo $KTZ | cut -d '/' -f1) zone=$(echo $KTZ | cut -d '/' -f2) echo "tzdata tzdata/Areas select $area" | debconf-set-selections echo "tzdata tzdata/Zones/$area select $zone" | debconf-set-selections # update files echo $KTZ > /etc/timezone rm -f /etc/localtime cp "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$KTZ" /etc/localtime ; eend $? fi fi fi } # }}} # activate serial console {{{ config_console(){ if checkbootparam 'console'; then # this hack is no longer necessary with systemd if $SYSTEMD ; then return fi local line local ws ws=' ' einfo "Bootoption for serial console detected:" line="$CMDLINE x " this="" line="${line#*[$ws]}" local telinitq="" while [ -n "$line" ]; do case "$this" in console=*) local serial="$this" local device="${this%%,*}" local device="${device##*=}" if echo $serial | grep -q ttyS ; then local option="${serial##*,}" # default (works for kvm & CO): local speed="115200,57600,38400,19200,9600,4800,2400,1200"; # ... unless overriden by command line: case "$option" in 115200*) speed=115200 ;; 57600*) speed=57600 ;; 38400*) speed=38400 ;; 19200*) speed=19200 ;; 9600*) speed=9600 ;; 4800*) speed=4800 ;; 2400*) speed=2400 ;; 1200*) speed=1200 ;; esac eindent einfo "Activating console login on device ${device} with speed ${speed}." local number="${device#ttyS}" sed -i "/^T$number:/d;/^#grmlserial#/iT$number:23:respawn:/bin/bash -c \"/sbin/getty -L $device -l /usr/share/grml-scripts/run-welcome $speed vt100 || sleep 30\"" /etc/inittab eend $? telinitq="1" eoutdent fi ;; esac this="${line%%[$ws]*}" line="${line#*[$ws]}" done if [ -n "$telinitq" ]; then /sbin/telinit q fi eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ CD Checker config_testcd(){ if checkbootparam 'testcd' ; then einfo "Checking CD data integrity as requested by '${WHITE}testcd${NORMAL}' boot option." eindent local ERROR=true local FOUND_FILE=false local logfile='/tmp/md5sum.log' rm -f "$logfile" for md5 in $(find "${LIVECD_PATH}" -name md5sums) ; do einfo "Checking files against $md5, this may take a while..." FOUND_FILE=true OLD_PWD=$(pwd) cd $(dirname "$md5") md5sum -c $(basename "$md5") |& tee -a "${logfile}" if [ $pipestatus[1] -eq 0 ] ; then ERROR=false fi cd "${OLD_PWD}" done if ! $FOUND_FILE ; then eerror 'Error: Could not find md5sum file' ; eend 1 return fi if ! $ERROR ; then einfo "Everything looks OK" ; eend 0 else eerror 'Checksum failed for theses files:' ; eend 1 egrep -v '(^md5sum:|OK$)' "${logfile}" eerror 'Data on the medium is possibly incomplete/damaged or RAM of your system is broken.' ; eend 1 einfon "Hit return to continue, or press the power button to shut down system." read a fi eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ blacklist specific module [ used in /etc/init.d/udev ] config_blacklist(){ if checkbootparam 'blacklist' ; then if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]; then einfo "Bootoption blacklist found." BLACK="$(getbootparam 'blacklist' 2>>$DEBUG)" BLACKLIST_FILE='/etc/modprobe.d/grml.conf' if [ -n "$BLACK" ] ; then for module in $(echo ${BLACK//,/ }) ; do einfo "Blacklisting module ${module} via ${BLACKLIST_FILE}." echo "# begin entry generated by config_blacklist of grml-autoconfig" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" echo "blacklist $module" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" echo "alias $module off" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" echo "# end entry generated by config_blacklist of grml-autoconfig" >> "$BLACKLIST_FILE" ; eend $? done else eerror "No given module for blacklist found. Blacklisting will not work therefore." fi else ewarn "Backlisting via bootoption is not intended for use on harddisk installations." ; eend 1 eindent einfo "Please blacklist the module(s) manually using the 'blacklist' script." eoutdent fi fi } # }}} # {{{ ACPI config_acpi(){ if $SYSTEMD ; then echo "systemd detected, no acpi(d) stuff needed." >>"$DEBUG" return fi if checkbootparam 'noacpi'; then ewarn "ACPI: Not loading modules as requested by boot option \"noacpi\"." ; eend 0 elif checkbootparam 'nogrmlacpi' ; then ewarn "ACPI: Not loading modules as requested by boot option \"nogrmlacpi\"." ; eend 0 elif [ ! -d /proc/acpi ] ; then ewarn "ACPI: Kernel support not present." ; eend 0 else einfo "ACPI: Loading modules (disable with boot option noacpi / nogrmlacpi): " eindent found="" for a in /lib/modules/$KERNEL/kernel/drivers/acpi/*; do basename="${a##*/}" basename="${basename%%.*}" case "$basename" in *_acpi) egrep -qi "${basename%%_acpi}" /proc/acpi/dsdt 2>>$DEBUG || continue ;; esac modprobe $basename >>$DEBUG 2>&1 && found="yes" local BASE="$BASE $basename" done if [ -n "$found" ] ; then einfo "$BASE" ; eend 0 else ewarn "(none)" ; eend 1 fi if ! pgrep acpid >/dev/null ; then einfo "Starting acpi daemon." service_wrapper acpid.socket start >>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; eend $? service_wrapper acpid start >>$DEBUG 2>&1 ; eend $? else ewarn "acpi daemon already running." eend 0 fi eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ Start brltty config_brltty() { if checkbootparam 'brltty' ; then einfo "Starting brltty service as requested on boot commandline." service_wrapper brltty start ; eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ Start creating /etc/fstab with HD partitions and USB SCSI devices now config_fstab(){ NOSWAP="yes" # we do not use swap by default! if checkbootparam 'swap' || checkbootparam 'anyswap' ; then NOSWAP='' checkbootparam 'anyswap' && export ANYSWAP='yes' || export ANYSWAP="" fi # Scan for swap, config, homedir - but only in live-mode if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then [ -z "$NOSWAP" ] && einfo "Searching for swap partition(s) as requested." GRML_IMG="" GRML_SWP="" HOMEDIR="$(getbootparam 'home')" if [ -n "$partitions" ]; then while read p m f relax; do case "$p" in *fd0*|*proc*|*sys*|*\#*) continue;; esac partoptions="users,exec" fnew="" # it's a swap partition? case "$f" in swap) eindent if [ -n "$NOSWAP" ]; then ewarn "Ignoring swap partition ${WHITE}$p${NORMAL}. (Force usage via boot option 'swap', or execute grml-swapon)" eend 0 else case "$(dd if=$p bs=1 count=6 skip=4086 2>/dev/null)" in S1SUSP|S2SUSP|pmdisk|[zZ]*) if [ -n "$ANYSWAP" ] ; then einfo "Using swap partition ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL} [bootoption anyswap found]." swapon $p 2>>$DEBUG ; eend $? else ewarn "Suspend signature on ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL} found, not using as swap. (Force usage via boot option: anyswap)" fi ;; *) if [[ "$p" == LABEL* ]] ; then p=$(blkid -t $p | awk -F: '{print $1}') fi if grep -q $p /proc/swaps ; then ewarn "Not using swap partition ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL} as it is already in use." ; eend 0 else if [ -b "$p" ] ; then einfo "Using swap partition ${WHITE}${p}${NORMAL}." swapon $p 2>>$DEBUG ; eend $? else ewarn "$p is not a valid block device - not using it therefore." ; eend 0 fi fi ;; esac # dd-check fi # -n "$NOSWAP eoutdent continue ;; esac # it's a swap partition? # mount read-only MOUNTOPTS="ro" case "$f" in vfat|msdos|ntfs) MOUNTOPTS="$MOUNTOPTS,uid=${fstabuser},gid=${fstabuser}" ;; ext2|ext3|reiserfs|jfs|reiser4|xfs) MOUNTOPTS="$MOUNTOPTS,noatime" ;; *) continue ;; # *) NONEFOUND='1'; continue ;; esac # use a swapfile if [ -z "$NOSWAP" ] ; then mount -o "$MOUNTOPTS" -t $f $p $m 2>>$DEBUG && MOUNTED=1 || continue # Activate swapfile, if exists SWAPFILE="$(/bin/ls -1d $m/[Gg][Rr][Mm][Ll].[Ss][Ww][Pp] 2>/dev/null)" fi if [ -z "$NOSWAP" -a -n "$SWAPFILE" -a -f "$SWAPFILE" ]; then mount -o remount,rw $m && MOUNTED=1 if swapon "$SWAPFILE" 2>>$DEBUG ; then eindent einfo "Using GRML swapfile ${WHITE}${SWAPFILE}${NORMAL}." eoutdent fnew="$SWAPFILE swap swap defaults 0 0" grep -q "$fnew" "/etc/fstab" || echo "$fnew" >> /etc/fstab GRML_SWP="$GRML_SWP $SWAPFILE" eend 0 fi mount -o remount,ro $m 2>>$DEBUG && MOUNTED=1 fi # use a image as home IMAGE="$(/bin/ls -1d $m/[Gg][Rr][Mm][Ll].[Ii][Mm][Gg] 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$GRML_IMG" -a -n "$IMAGE" -a -f "$IMAGE" ]; then if [ -n "$HOMEDIR" ]; then if [ "$HOMEDIR" != "scan" -a "$HOMEDIR" != "$IMAGE" -a "$HOMEDIR" != "${IMAGE%/*.*}" ]; then continue fi fi if type -a grml-image >/dev/null 2>&1 && grml-image "$IMAGE" /dev/console 2>&1; then GRML_IMG="$IMAGE" mount -o remount,ro $m 2>>$DEBUG && MOUNTED=1 fi fi eend 0 # Umount, if not in use [ -n "$MOUNTED" ] && umount -r $m 2>/dev/null done <>$DEBUG) echo $CPU | sed 's/ \{1,\}/ /g' eend 0 else einfo "Found CPU: `awk -F: '/^processor/{printf " Processor"$2" is"};/^model name/{printf $2};/^vendor_id/{printf vendor};/^cpu MHz/{printf " %dMHz",int($2)};/^cache size/{printf ","$2" Cache"};/^$/{print ""}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>>$DEBUG` " ; eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ autostart of ssh config_ssh(){ if checkbootparam 'ssh' ; then local PASSWD PASSWD="$(getbootparam 'ssh' 2>>$DEBUG)" config_userlocal einfo "Bootoption ssh found, trying to set password for root and user $localuser" [ -z "$localuser" ] && eend 1 eindent if [ -z "$PASSWD" ] ; then set_passwd && ewarn "No given password for found. Using random password: $PASSWD" && eend 0 fi eoutdent if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] ; then chpass_options="" if chpasswd --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- '-m,' ; then chpass_options="-m" fi echo "$localuser:$PASSWD" | chpasswd $chpass_options echo "root:$PASSWD" | chpasswd $chpass_options eindent ewarn "Warning: please change the password for root and user $localuser as soon as possible!" eoutdent fi einfo "Starting secure shell server in background for root and user $localuser" service_wrapper haveged start >>$DEBUG 2>>$DEBUG service_wrapper rmnologin start >>$DEBUG 2>>$DEBUG service_wrapper ssh start background >>$DEBUG 2>>$DEBUG eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ display hostkeys of SSH server config_display_ssh_fingerprints() { if ! ls /etc/ssh/ssh_host_\*_key >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then return 0 # no SSH host keys present fi einfo "SSH key fingerprints:" for file in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key ; do einfon ssh-keygen -l -f $file done | column -t eend $? } # }}} # {{{ autostart of x11vnc config_vnc(){ if checkbootparam 'vnc' ; then config_userlocal VNC_PASSWD='' VNC_PASSWD="$(getbootparam 'vnc' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Bootoption vnc found, trying to set password for user $localuser." eindent if [ -z "$VNC_PASSWD" ] ; then if [ -x /usr/bin/apg ] ; then VNC_PASSWD="$(apg -M NL -a 0 -m 8 -x 12 -n 1)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/gpw ] ; then VNC_PASSWD="$(gpw 1)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/pwgen ] ; then VNC_PASSWD="$(pwgen -1 8)" elif [ -x /usr/bin/hexdump ] ; then VNC_PASSWD="$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=14 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump | awk '{print $3 $4}')" elif [ -n "$RANDOM" ] ; then VNC_PASSWD="${localuser}${RANDOM}" else VNC_PASSWD='' eerror "Empty passphrase and neither pwgen nor hexdump nor \$RANDOM found. Skipping." eend 1 fi if [ -n "$VNC_PASSWD" ] ; then ewarn "No given password for vnc found. Using random password: $VNC_PASSWD" ; eend 0 fi fi eoutdent # finally check if we have a password we can use: if [ -n "$VNC_PASSWD" ] ; then VNCDIR="/home/${localuser}/.vnc" [ -d "$VNCDIR" ] || mkdir "$VNCDIR" if [ ! -x /usr/bin/x11vnc ] ; then eerror "Error: x11vnc not found - can not set up vnc. Please make sure to install the x11vnc package." eend 1 else /usr/bin/x11vnc -storepasswd "$VNC_PASSWD" "$VNCDIR"/passwd ; eend $? /bin/chown -R "$localuser": "$VNCDIR" fi fi if checkbootparam 'vnc_connect' ; then VNC_CONNECT='' VNC_CONNECT="$(getbootparam 'vnc_connect' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Bootoption vnc_connect found, will start vnc with connect to $VNC_CONNECT." #store the options in a file VNCDIR="/home/${localuser}/.vnc" [ -d "$VNCDIR" ] || mkdir "$VNCDIR" echo " --connect $VNC_CONNECT " >> $VNCDIR/options fi fi } # }}} # {{{ set password for root and default user config_passwd(){ if checkbootparam 'passwd' >>$DEBUG 2>&1; then local PASSWD PASSWD="$(getbootparam 'passwd' 2>>$DEBUG)" config_userlocal einfo "Bootoption passwd found, trying to set password for root and user $localuser" [ -z "$localuser" ] && eend 1 eindent if [ -z "$PASSWD" ] ; then set_passwd && ewarn "No given password for found. Using random password: $PASSWD" && eend 0 fi eoutdent if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] ; then chpass_options="" if chpasswd --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- '-m,' ; then chpass_options="-m" fi echo "$localuser:$PASSWD" | chpasswd $chpass_options echo "root:$PASSWD" | chpasswd $chpass_options eindent ewarn "Warning: please change the password for root and user $localuser as soon as possible!" eoutdent fi fi if checkbootparam 'encpasswd' >>$DEBUG 2>&1; then local PASSWD PASSWD="$(getbootparam 'encpasswd' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$PASSWD" ] ; then eerror "No hashed password found, can not set password." eend 1 return fi config_userlocal einfo "Bootoption encpasswd found, trying to set hashed password for root and user $localuser" [ -z "$localuser" ] && eend 1 if [ -n "$PASSWD" ] ; then chpass_options="-e" echo "$localuser:$PASSWD" | chpasswd $chpass_options echo "root:$PASSWD" | chpasswd $chpass_options eindent ewarn "Warning: please change the password for root and user $localuser as soon as possible!" eoutdent fi fi } # }}} # {{{ Sound config_mixer () { if ! [ -x /usr/bin/amixer ] ; then logger -t grml-autoconfig "amixer binary not available" return fi if ! [ -r /proc/asound/cards ] ; then ewarn "No soundcard present, skipping mixer settings therefore." eend 0 return fi for card in $(cat /proc/asound/cards| grep -e '^\s*[0-9]' | awk '{print $1}') ; do einfo "Configuring soundcard \"$(awk -F\[ '/^ *'$card' \[/{ FS=" "; $0=$2; print $1}' < /proc/asound/cards)\"" eindent if checkbootparam 'vol' ; then VOL="$(getbootparam 'vol' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$VOL" ] ; then eerror "Bootoption vol found but no volume level/parameter given. Using defaults (75%)." VOL='75' eend 1 fi else VOL='75' fi if checkbootparam 'nosound' ; then einfo "Muting sound devices on request." ERROR=$(amixer -q set Master mute) RC=$? if [ -n "$ERROR" ] ; then eindent eerror "Problem muting sound devices: $ERROR" eoutdent fi eend $RC elif [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then einfo "Setting mixer volumes to level ${WHITE}${VOL}${NORMAL}." if checkbootparam 'micvol' ; then MICVOL="$(getbootparam 'micvol' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Setting microphone to ${WHITE}${MICVOL}${NORMAL}." else MICVOL=0 fi CONTROLS=$(amixer -c $card scontrols | awk -F"Simple mixer control " '{print $2}') IFSOLD=${IFS:-} IFS=$'\n' for CONTROL in ${=CONTROLS} ; do # such devices can not be controlled with amixer ... unmute [[ "$CONTROL" == *Console* ]] && continue if ! echo "${CONTROL}" | grep -q -i "mic" ; then if amixer -c $card sget "${CONTROL}" | grep -q 'Capabilities:.*pswitch' ; then amixer -c $card -q set "${CONTROL}" unmute fi if amixer -c $card sget "${CONTROL}" | grep -q -P 'Capabilities:.*(pvolume| volume)' ; then amixer -c $card -q set "${CONTROL}" "${VOL}"% fi fi if [ ${MICVOL} -ne 0 ] ; then if amixer -c $card sget "${CONTROL}" | grep -q 'Capabilities:.*cswitch' ; then amixer -c $card -q set "${CONTROL}" unmute fi if amixer -c $card sget "${CONTROL}" | grep -q 'Capabilities:.*cvolume' ; then amixer -c $card -q set "${CONTROL}" $MICVOL% fi eend $? fi done IFS=$IFSOLD fi # checkbootparam 'nosound' eoutdent done } # }}} # {{{ syslog service config_syslog(){ if checkbootparam 'nosyslog'; then ewarn "Not starting syslog daemon as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else einfo "Starting rsyslog in background." service_wrapper rsyslog start >>$DEBUG eend 0 fi } # }}} # {{{ gpm config_gpm(){ if checkbootparam 'nogpm'; then ewarn "Not starting GPM as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if ! [ -r /dev/input/mice ] ; then eerror "No mouse found - not starting GPM." ; eend 1 else einfo "Starting gpm in background." service_wrapper gpm start background >>$DEBUG eend 0 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ services config_services(){ if checkbootparam 'services' ; then SERVICE="$(getbootparam 'services' 2>>$DEBUG)" SERVICELIST=$(echo "$SERVICE" | sed 's/,/\\n/g') SERVICENL=$(echo "$SERVICE" | sed 's/,/ /g') for service in $(echo -e $SERVICELIST) ; do # support running (custom) init scripts in non-blocking mode # if they contain the keyword "DO_NO_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND". if grep -q 'DO_NO_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND' "/etc/init.d/${service}" 2>>$DEBUG ; then einfo "Starting service ${service}." service_wrapper "${service}" start >>$DEBUG else einfo "Starting service ${service} in background." service_wrapper "${service}" start background >>$DEBUG fi done eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ remote files get_remote_file() { [ "$#" -eq 2 ] || ( echo "Error: wrong parameter for get_remote_file()" ; return 1 ) SOURCE=$(eval echo "$1") TARGET="$2" getconfig() { wget --timeout=10 --dns-timeout=10 --connect-timeout=10 --tries=1 \ --read-timeout=10 ${SOURCE} -O ${TARGET} && return 0 || return 1 } einfo "Trying to get ${WHITE}${TARGET}${NORMAL}" if checkbootparam 'getfile.retries' ; then local counter="$(getbootparam 'getfile.retries' 2>>$DEBUG)" else local counter=10 fi while ! getconfig && [[ "$counter" != 0 ]] ; do echo -n "Sleeping for 1 second and trying to get config again... " counter=$(( counter-1 )) echo "$counter tries left" ; sleep 1 done if [ -s "$TARGET" ] ; then einfo "Downloading was successfull." ; eend 0 einfo "md5sum of ${WHITE}${TARGET}${NORMAL}: " md5sum ${TARGET} ; eend 0 return 0; else einfo "Sorry, could not fetch ${SOURCE}" ; eend 1 return 1; fi } # }}} # {{{ config files config_netconfig(){ if checkbootparam 'netconfig' ; then CONFIG="$(getbootparam 'netconfig' 2>>$DEBUG)" CONFIGFILE='/tmp/netconfig.grml' if get_remote_file ${CONFIG} ${CONFIGFILE} ; then cd / && einfo "Unpacking ${WHITE}${CONFIGFILE}${NORMAL}:" && /usr/bin/unp $CONFIGFILE $EXTRACTOPTIONS ; eend $? fi fi } # }}} # {{{ remote scripts config_netscript() { if checkbootparam 'netscript' ; then CONFIG="$(getbootparam 'netscript' 2>>$DEBUG)" SCRIPTFILE='/tmp/netscript.grml' if get_remote_file ${CONFIG} ${SCRIPTFILE} ; then chmod +x ${SCRIPTFILE} einfo "Running ${WHITE}${SCRIPTFILE}${NORMAL}:" && NETSCRIPT=${CONFIG} ${SCRIPTFILE} ; eend $? fi fi } # }}} # {{{ start X window system via grml-x config_x_startup(){ # make sure we start X only if startx is used *before* a nostartx option # so it's possible to disable automatic X startup using nostart if checkbootparam 'startx' && ! echo "$CMDLINE" | grep -q 'startx.*nostartx' ; then if [ -x "$(which X)" ] ; then if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then WINDOWMANAGER="$(getbootparam 'startx' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$WINDOWMANAGER" ] ; then einfo "No window manager specified. Using default one." && eend 0 else einfo "Window manager ${WHITE}${WINDOWMANAGER}${NORMAL} found as bootoption." && eend 0 fi einfo "Setting up and invoking grml-x ${WINDOWMANAGER}. Just exit X windows system to get full featured consoles." config_userlocal if $SYSTEMD ; then if [ -n "$WINDOWMANAGER" ] ; then mkdir -p /var/run/grml-x/ echo "$WINDOWMANAGER" > /var/run/grml-x/window-manager fi chvt 7 return fi cat>|/etc/init.d/startx</dev/tty6 2>\&1 /dev/tty6 2>&1 < /dev/tty6' >> /etc/inittab fi /sbin/telinit q ; eend $? if grep -q '^allowed_users=' /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config ; then sed -i 's/^allowed_users=.*/allowed_users=anybody/' /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config else echo 'allowed_users=anybody' >> /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config fi else eerror "We are not running in live mode - startx will not work, skipping it." eerror " -> Please use something like xdm, gdm or kdm for starting X on a harddisk system!" ; eend 1 fi else eerror "/usr/bin/X is not present on this grml flavour." eerror " -> Boot parameter startx does not work therefore." ; eend 1 fi fi } # }}} # {{{ configuration framework config_extract(){ if checkbootparam 'extract' ; then EXTRACT="$(getbootparam 'extract' 2>>$DEBUG)" EXTRACTOPTIONS="-- -x $EXTRACT" fi } config_finddcsdir() { # - If no GRMLCFG partition is found and noautoconfig is _not_ given # on the command line, nothing is changed and the dcs files are # searched within the .iso, $dcs-dir is set to the root directory # within the .iso # - If a GRMLCFG partition is found, $dcs-dir is set to the root of # the GRMLCFG partition unless noautoconfig is set. If noautoconfig is # set, $dcs-dir is set to the root directory within the .iso. # - If myconfig=foo is set on the command line, $dcs-dir is set to # foo, even if a GRMLCFG partition is present. DCSDIR="" DCSMP="/mnt/grml" # autoconfig, see issue673 GRMLCFG="$(getbootparam 'autoconfig' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$GRMLCFG" ] || GRMLCFG="GRMLCFG" if checkbootparam 'noautoconfig' ; then DCSDIR="${LIVECD_PATH}" # set default so it works for "scripts" boot option as expected ewarn "Skipping running automount of device(s) labeled $GRMLCFG as requested." ; eend 0 else if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ] ; then if checkbootparam 'myconfig' ; then DCSDEVICE="$(getbootparam 'myconfig' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$DCSDEVICE" ]; then eerror "Error: No device for bootoption myconfig provided." ; eend 1 fi # [ -z "$DCSDEVICE" ] elif checkvalue $CONFIG_MYCONFIG; then # checkbootparam myconfig einfo "Searching for device(s) labeled with $GRMLCFG. (Disable this via boot option: noautoconfig)" ; eend 0 eindent DCSDEVICE=$(blkid -t LABEL=$GRMLCFG | head -1 | awk -F: '{print $1}') modprobe 9p 2>/dev/null || true if [ -z "$DCSDEVICE" ] && grep -q 9p /proc/filesystems ; then if grep -q "$GRMLCFG" /sys/bus/virtio/devices/*/mount_tag 2>/dev/null ; then einfo "Found 9p-virtio fs with mount_tag $GRMLCFG" DCSDEVICE="$GRMLCFG" MOUNTOPTIONS="ro,trans=virtio" DCSFS="9p" fi fi if [ -n "$DCSDEVICE" ]; then DCSMP="/mnt/grmlcfg" fi eoutdent fi # if not specified/present then assume default: if [ -z "$DCSDEVICE" ]; then DCSDIR="${LIVECD_PATH}" else eindent einfo "debs, config, scripts are read from $DCSDEVICE." ; eend 0 DCSDIR="$(< /proc/mounts awk -v DCSDEV=$DCSDEVICE '{if ($1 == DCSDEV) { print $2 }}')" if [ -n "$DCSDIR" ]; then ewarn "$DCSDEVICE already mounted on $DCSDIR"; eend 0 else [ -d $DCSMP ] || mkdir $DCSMP umount $DCSMP >>$DEBUG 2>&1 # make sure it is not mounted mount -o ${MOUNTOPTIONS:-ro} -t ${DCSFS:-auto} $DCSDEVICE $DCSMP ; RC="$?" if [[ $RC == 0 ]]; then einfo "Successfully mounted $DCSDEVICE to $DCSMP (readonly)." ; eend 0 else eerror "Error: mounting $DCSDEVICE to $DCSMP (readonly) failed." ; eend 1 fi DCSDIR="$DCSMP" fi eoutdent fi fi fi if [ -n "$DCSDIR" -a "$DCSDIR" != "${LIVECD_PATH}" ] ; then einfo "Debs, config, scripts (if present) will be read from $DCSDIR." ; eend 0 elif checkbootparam 'debs' || checkbootparam 'config' || checkbootparam 'scripts'; then einfo "Debs, config, scripts will be read from the live image directly." ; eend 0 fi } config_partconf() { if checkbootparam 'partconf' ; then MOUNTDEVICE="$(getbootparam 'partconf' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -n "$MOUNTDEVICE" ]; then [ -d /mnt/grml ] || mkdir /mnt/grml mount -o ro -t auto $MOUNTDEVICE /mnt/grml ; RC="$?" if [[ $RC == 0 ]]; then einfo "Successfully mounted $MOUNTDEVICE to /mnt/grml (readonly)." ; eend 0 einfo "Copying files from $MOUNTDEVICE over grml system." for file in `cat /etc/grml/partconf` ; do [ -d /mnt/grml/$file ] && cp -a /mnt/grml/${file}* ${file} && echo "copied: $file" [ -f /mnt/grml/$file ] && cp -a /mnt/grml/${file} ${file} && echo "copied: $file" done && eend 0 else einfo "Could not mount $MOUNTDEVICE to /mnt/grml - sorry." ; eend 1 fi # mount $MOUNTDEVICE grep -q '/mnt/grml' /proc/mounts && umount /mnt/grml else einfo "Sorry, no device for bootoption partconf provided. Skipping." ; eend 1 fi # [ -n "$MOUNTDEVICE" ] fi } # }}} # {{{ /cdrom/.*-options config_debs(){ if checkbootparam 'debs' ; then iszsh && setopt localoptions shwordsplit DEBS="$(getbootparam 'debs' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$DEBS" ] ; then DEBS="*.deb" fi if ! echo $DEBS | grep -q '/'; then # backwards compatibility: if no path is given get debs from debs/ DEBS="debs/$DEBS" fi einfo "Trying to install Debian package(s) ${DEBS}" DEBS="$(eval echo ${DCSDIR}/$DEBS)" dpkg -i $DEBS ; eend $? fi } config_scripts(){ if checkbootparam 'scripts' || [ "$DCSMP" = "/mnt/grmlcfg" ]; then SCRIPTS="$(getbootparam 'scripts' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -d ${DCSDIR}/scripts ] && [ -z "$SCRIPTS" ]; then SCRIPTS="$(cd ${DCSDIR}/scripts; /bin/ls -1d [Gg][Rr][Mm][Ll].[Ss][Hh] 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if ! echo $SCRIPTS | grep -q '/'; then # backwards compatibility: if no path is given get scripts from scripts/ SCRIPTS="scripts/$SCRIPTS" fi if [ -n "$SCRIPTS" ]; then SCRIPTS="${DCSDIR}/$SCRIPTS" if [ "$DCSMP" = "/mnt/grmlcfg" ]; then einfo "Trying to execute ${SCRIPTS}" sh -c $SCRIPTS eend $? elif [ -d "$SCRIPTS" ]; then einfo "Bootparameter scripts found. Trying to execute from directory ${SCRIPTS}:" run-parts --regex '.*' $SCRIPTS eend $? else einfo "Bootparameter scripts found. Trying to execute ${SCRIPTS}:" sh -c $SCRIPTS eend $? fi fi fi } config_config(){ if checkbootparam 'config' || [ "$DCSMP" = "/mnt/grmlcfg" ]; then CONFIG="$(getbootparam 'config' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -z "$CONFIG" ]; then CONFIG="$(cd ${DCSDIR}; ls -1d [Cc][Oo][Nn][Ff][Ii][Gg].[Tt][Bb][Zz] 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if [ -n "$CONFIG" ]; then if [ -d "${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" ] ; then einfo "Taking configuration from directory ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" cp -a ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}/* / elif [ -f "${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" ]; then einfo "Extracting configuration from file ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG}" cd / unp ${DCSDIR}/${CONFIG} $EXTRACTOPTIONS ; eend $? else ewarn "Sorry, could not find configuration file or directory ${DCSDIR}/${FILENAME}." ; eend 1 fi fi fi } # }}} # {{{ confing_umount_dcsdir config_umount_dcsdir(){ # umount $DCSMP if it was mounted by finddcsdir grep -q "$DCSMP" /proc/mounts && umount "$DCSMP" } # }}} # {{{ mypath config_mypath(){ if checkbootparam 'mypath' ; then MY_PATH="$(getbootparam 'mypath' 2>>$DEBUG)" einfo "Bootparameter mypath found, adding ${MY_PATH} to /etc/grml/my_path" touch /etc/grml/my_path chmod 644 /etc/grml/my_path # make sure the directories exist: eindent for i in $(echo $MY_PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g') ; do if ! [ -d "$i" ] ; then einfo "Creating directory $i" mkdir -p "$i" ; eend $? fi done grep -q "${MY_PATH}" /etc/grml/my_path || echo "${MY_PATH}" >> /etc/grml/my_path ; eend $? eoutdent fi } # }}} # {{{ SW-RAID config_swraid(){ [ -n "$INSTALLED" ] && return 0 if checkbootparam 'noraid' || checkbootparam 'noswraid' || \ checkbootparam 'raid=noautodetect' ; then ewarn "Skipping SW-RAID code as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else [ -e /proc/mdstat ] || modprobe md_mod if ! [ -x /sbin/mdadm ] ; then eerror "mdadm not available, can not execute it." ; eend 1 else # if ! egrep -qv '^(MAILADDR.*|#.*|)$' /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf 2>>$DEBUG ; then # find out whether we have a valid configuration file already if ! grep -q ARRAY /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf 2>>$DEBUG ; then einfo "Creating /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf for use with mdadm." [ -r /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ] && mv /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf.old MDADM_MAILADDR__='root' /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ; eend $? else ewarn "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf looks like a configured mdadm setup, will not touch it." ; eend 0 fi if ! checkbootparam 'swraid' ; then eindent if $SYSTEMD ; then einfo "Just run 'mdadm --assemble --scan' to assemble md arrays or boot using 'swraid' as bootoption for autostart." else einfo "Just run 'Start mdadm-raid' to assemble md arrays or boot using 'swraid' as bootoption for autostart." fi eoutdent else einfo "Bootoption swraid found. Searching for software RAID arrays:" eindent IFSOLD=${IFS:-} IFS=$'\n' for line in $(mdadm --assemble --scan 2>&1) ; do case $line in *'No arrays found'*) ewarn "$line" ; eend 0 ;; *) einfo "$line" ; eend 0 ;; esac done IFS=$IFSOLD eoutdent if [ -r /proc/mdstat ] ; then eindent MDSTAT=$(grep '^md[0-9]' /proc/mdstat) if [ -z "$MDSTAT" ] ; then ewarn "No active arrays found" ; eend 0 else IFSOLD=${IFS:-} IFS=$'\n' for line in $(grep '^md[0-9]' /proc/mdstat) ; do einfo "active arrays: $line" ; eend 0 done IFS=$IFSOLD fi eoutdent fi # /proc/mdstat fi # bootoption swraid fi # is /sbin/mdadm executable? fi # check for bootoptions } # }}} # {{{ dmraid config_dmraid(){ [ -n "$INSTALLED" ] && return 0 if checkbootparam 'nodmraid' ; then ewarn "Skipping dmraid code as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 return 0 fi if ! [ -x /sbin/dmraid ] ; then eerror "dmraid not available, can not execute it." ; eend 1 return fi dmraid_wrapper() { # usage: dmraid_wrapper [ -n "$1" ] || return 1 IFSOLD=${IFS:-} IFS=$'\n' eindent for line in $(dmraid $1 ; echo errcode:$?); do case $line in *'no block devices found'*) einfo "No block devices found" ; eend 0 break ;; *'no raid disks'*) einfo "No active dmraid devices found" ; eend 0 break ;; errcode:0) eend 0; ;; errcode:1) eend 1 ;; *) einfo "$line" ;; esac done eoutdent IFS=$IFSOLD } if checkbootparam 'dmraid' ; then local ACTION="$(getbootparam 'dmraid' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ "$ACTION" = "off" ] ; then # Deactivates all active software RAID sets: einfo "Deactivating present dmraid sets (as requested via dmraid=off):" dmraid_wrapper -an else # Activate all software RAID sets discovered: einfo "Activating present dmraid sets (as requested via dmraid):" dmraid_wrapper -ay fi return fi # by default (no special bootoptions) discover all software RAID devices: einfo "Searching for any present dmraid sets:" dmraid_wrapper -r } # }}} # {{{ LVM (Logical Volumes) config_lvm(){ [ -n "$INSTALLED" ] && return 0 if checkbootparam 'nolvm' ; then ewarn "Skipping LVM code as requested on boot commandline." ; eend 0 else if ! [ -x /sbin/lvm ] ; then eerror "LVM not available, can not execute it." ; eend 1 else if lvdisplay 2>&1 | grep -v 'No volume groups found' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then einfo "You seem to have logical volumes (LVM) on your system." eindent if $SYSTEMD ; then einfo "Just run 'Start lvm2-pvscan@name' to activate LV or VG 'name' or boot using 'lvm' as bootoption for autostart." else einfo "Just run 'Start lvm2' to activate them or boot using 'lvm' as bootoption for autostart." fi eend 0 if checkbootparam 'lvm' ; then einfo "Bootoption LVM found. Searching for logical volumes and enabling them:" if $SYSTEMD ; then service_wrapper lvm2-lvmetad start vgchange -ay eend $? else service_wrapper lvm2 start ; eend $? fi fi eoutdent fi fi # check for lvm binary fi # check for bootoption nolvm } # }}} # {{{ debnet: setup network based on an existing one found on a partition config_debnet(){ if checkbootparam 'debnet' ; then einfo "Bootoption 'debnet' found. Searching for Debian network configuration: " /usr/sbin/debnet fi } # }}} # {{{ disable console blanking config_blanking(){ if checkbootparam 'noblank' ; then einfo "Bootoption noblank found. Disabling monitor blanking." setterm -blank 0 ; eend $? fi } # }}} # {{{ debootstrap: automatic installation config_debootstrap(){ if checkbootparam "BOOT_IMAGE=debian2hd" || checkbootparam "debian2hd" ; then einfo "Bootoption debian2hd found. Setting up environment for automatic installation via grml-debootstrap." ; eend 0 if ! [ -x /usr/sbin/grml-debootstrap ] ; then eindent eerror "Bootoption debian2hd found, but grml-debootstrap is not available." ; eend 1 eoutdent exit 1 fi if checkbootparam 'target' ; then TARGET='' TARGET="$(getbootparam 'target' 2>>$DEBUG)" # notice: the following checks whether the given partition is available, if not the skip # execution of grml-debootstrap as it might result in data loss... if ! [ -r "$TARGET" ] ; then eerror "Target $TARGET does not exist. Skipping execution of grml-debootstrap therefore." ; eend 1 fi else eindent eerror "No bootoption named target found, can not continue execution of grml-debootstrap." ; eend 1 eoutdent exit 1 fi if checkbootparam 'grub' ; then GRUB='' GRUB="$(getbootparam 'grub' 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if checkbootparam 'groot' ; then GROOT='' GROOT="$(getbootparam 'groot' 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if checkbootparam 'release' ; then RELEASE='' RELEASE="$(getbootparam 'release' 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if checkbootparam 'mirror' ; then MIRROR='' MIRROR="$(getbootparam 'mirror' 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if checkbootparam 'boot_append' ; then BOOT_APPEND='' BOOT_APPEND="$(getbootparam 'boot_append' 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if checkbootparam 'password' ; then PASSWORD='' PASSWORD="$(getbootparam 'password' 2>>$DEBUG)" fi # now check which options are available if [ -n "TARGET" ] ; then TARGETCMD="--target $TARGET" else TARGETCMD='' eindent eerror "Target not set via bootoption. Skipping execution of grml-debootstrap therefore."; eend 1 eoutdent exit 1 fi [ -n "$GRUB" ] && GRUBCMD="--grub $GRUB" || GRUBCMD='' [ -n "$GROOT" ] && GROOTCMD="--groot $GROOT" || GROOTCMD='' [ -n "$RELEASE" ] && RELEASECMD="--release $RELEASE" || RELEASECMD='' [ -n "$MIRROR" ] && MIRRORCMD="--mirror $MIRROR" || MIRRORCMD='' [ -n "$PASSWORD" ] && PASSWORDCMD="--password $PASSWORD" || PASSWORDCMD='' [ -n "$BOOT_APPEND" ] && BOOT_APPEND="--boot_append $BOOT_APPEND" || BOOT_APPEND='' # and finally write script and execute it cat>|/usr/bin/grml-debootstrap_noninteractive</dev/null ; then ewarn "vboxsf driver not present, not setting up VirtualBox Shared Folders." eend 0 elif ! [ -x /usr/sbin/VBoxService ] ; then ewarn "virtualbox-guest-utils not installed, not setting up VirtualBox Shared Folders." eend 0 else eindent einfo "Loading vboxsf driver." lsmod | grep -q vboxsf || modprobe vboxsf eend $? einfo "Adjusting /dev/vboxguest." chown root:vboxsf /dev/vboxguest chmod 660 /dev/vboxguest eend $? config_userfstab einfo "Adding $fstabuser to group vboxsf." adduser grml vboxsf &>/dev/null eend $? einfo "Starting VBoxService." VBoxService >/dev/null eend $? local vbautomation='automation' if checkbootparam 'vbautomation'; then vbautomation="$(getbootparam 'vbautomation' 2>>$DEBUG)" fi if ! VBoxControl sharedfolder list | egrep -q "^[0-9]+ - ${vbautomation}$" ; then ewarn "No automount shared folder '$vbautomation' available" eend 0 else einfo "Found automount shared folder '$vbautomation'" eend 0 local distri="$(getbootparam 'distri' 2>>$DEBUG)" [ -n "$distri" ] || distri='grml' local vbox_auto_sf="/media/sf_${vbautomation}" sleep 1 # ugly but necessary counter=10 eindent while ! [ -d "${vbox_auto_sf}" ] && [[ "$counter" != 0 ]]; do einfo "Waiting another second to retry access to ${vbox_auto_sf}" sleep 1 counter=$(( counter-1 )) eend 0 done eoutdent if ! [ -d "${vbox_auto_sf}" ] ; then eerror "Giving up trying to access folder ${vbox_auto_sf} which doesn't seem to exist" eend 1 else einfo "Found shared folders automation directory $vbox_auto_sf" eend 0 eindent if checkbootparam 'novbautomation' ; then einfo "Bootoption novbautomation found. Disabling automation script execution." eend 0 else if ! [ -x "${vbox_auto_sf}/${distri}" ] ; then ewarn "Couldn't find an automation script named ${vbox_auto_sf}/${distri}" eend 1 else einfo "Executing '${vbox_auto_sf}/${distri}' now:" "${vbox_auto_sf}/${distri}" eend $? fi fi eoutdent fi fi eoutdent fi fi } # }}} # {{{ Support customization config_distri(){ if checkbootparam 'distri'; then DISTRI="$(getbootparam 'distri' 2>>$DEBUG)" if [ -r "${LIVECD_PATH}"/desktop/"$DISTRI".jpg ] ; then # make sure the desktop.jpg file is not a symlink, so copying does not file then [ -L /usr/share/grml/desktop.jpg ] && rm /usr/share/grml/desktop.jpg cp "${LIVECD_PATH}"/desktop/"$DISTRI".jpg /usr/share/grml/desktop.jpg fi fi } # }}} ## END OF FILE ################################################################# # vim:foldmethod=marker expandtab ai ft=zsh shiftwidth=2