# Filename: /etc/grml/autoconfig # Purpose: global configuration for grml-autoconfig # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Notice: Please do not edit this file! Use grml-autoconfig or # /etc/grml/autoconfig.local instead! ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Notice: you can configure grml-autoconfig via adjusting the following values. # Set them to 'yes' to activate them and to 'no' to deactivate them. # But please notice that some options might require an additional bootparam # ("cheatcode") anyway, some options just de-/activate a check! # # Take a look at the script 'grml-autoconfig' as well! ################################################################################ ## These are the options you might want to adjust: ############################# # set console font, default: Lat15-Terminus16 # CONSOLEFONT='iso15graf-16' # check for frequency-scalable CPU and activate cpydyn/powernowd (default: yes) CONFIG_CPU='yes' # create/regenerate /etc/fstab using [grml-]rebuildfstab? CONFIG_FSTAB='yes' # define uid for rebuildfstab used in /etc/fstab (default: grml): CONFIG_FSTAB_USER='grml' # define guid for rebuildfstab used in /etc/fstab (default: users): CONFIG_FSTAB_GROUP='users' # load ACPI modules (default: yes) CONFIG_ACPI='yes' # start syslog-ng (default: yes) CONFIG_SYSLOG='yes' # start gpm (default: yes) CONFIG_GPM='yes' ################################################################################ # Notice! Do not touch the following options except you really know # what you are doing! CONFIG_AUTOMOUNT='yes' # automounting of device labeled GRMLCFG CONFIG_BLANKING='yes' # check for bootoption noblank to disable console blanking CONFIG_CONFIG='yes' # do we want config unpacking to work? CONFIG_CONSOLE='yes' # activate mgetty when using console=... as bootparam CONFIG_BRLTTY='yes' # automatically start brltty if a brltty option is specified in /proc/cmdline CONFIG_DEBOOTSTRAP='yes' # support automatic installation of Debian via grml-deboostrap CONFIG_DEBNET='yes' # search for /etc/network/interfaces on partitions and set up network afterwards CONFIG_DEBS='yes' # check for bootoption debs for installing .debs CONFIG_DISPLAY_SSH_FINGERPRINTS='yes' # display SSH server key fingerprints CONFIG_DISTRI='yes' # support some customization via bootoption distri CONFIG_DMRAID='yes' # support for dmraid CONFIG_EASTEREGG='yes' # easteregg CONFIG_EXTRACT='yes' # specify which (only in combination with bootparam myconfig/netconfig useful) CONFIG_FINDDCSDIR='yes' # search for a debs, config, scripts directory CONFIG_HOMEDIR='yes' # check for persistent homedir option CONFIG_HOSTNAME='yes' # set hostname to 'grml' on systems running from CD CONFIG_KERNEL='yes' # display information on running kernel CONFIG_LANGUAGE='yes' # allow language specification via commandline CONFIG_LOG='yes' # DEBUG=/dev/null or logfile int /tmp/... CONFIG_LVM='yes' # logical volume setup CONFIG_MIXER='yes' # set audio volumes [only in live-cd mode relevant, except for bootoption nosound] CONFIG_MYCONFIG='yes' # check if we want the GRMLCFG device CONFIG_MYPATH='yes' # provide setting additional paths via bootoption mypath CONFIG_NETCONFIG='yes' # download configuration archive provided by bootoption netconfig=... CONFIG_NETSCRIPT='yes' # download and run script/executable provided by bootoption netscript=... CONFIG_PARTCONF='yes' # do we want partconf to work? CONFIG_PASSWD='yes' # set password via bootparam passwd CONFIG_SCRIPTS='yes' # execute scripts from the scripts option CONFIG_SECUREBOOT='yes' # display information about secure boot CONFIG_SERVICES='yes' # check for services to run, provided via bootparam CONFIG_SSH='yes' # check for bootparam ssh CONFIG_SWRAID='yes' # check for software raid devices [only in live-mode] CONFIG_TESTCD='yes' # CD checker CONFIG_TIME='yes' # set clock, check for bootparam utc/gmt [only in live-mode] CONFIG_TIMEZONE='yes' # get bootparam 'tz' and set it as /etc/localtime [only in live-mode] CONFIG_VIRTUALBOX_SHARED_FOLDERS='yes' # set up shared folders in VirtualBox environment CONFIG_VIRTUALBOX_SETUP='yes' # set up VirtuaBox service (iff present) CONFIG_VNC='yes' # check for bootparam vnc CONFIG_XSTARTUP='yes' # start X window system via grml-x [only in live-mode] # config for local configuration file CONFIG_AUTOCONFIG_LOCAL='/etc/grml/autoconfig.local' [ -r ${CONFIG_AUTOCONFIG_LOCAL} ] && . ${CONFIG_AUTOCONFIG_LOCAL} ## END OF FILE #################################################################