# Filename: /etc/debootstrap/config # Purpose: configuration file for grml-debootstrap # Authors: grml-team (grml.org), (c) Michael Prokop # Bug-Reports: see http://grml.org/bugs/ # License: This file is licensed under the GPL v2. ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Important: you definitely have to adjust the following variables! ################################################################################ ## The most important question: target of the new Debian system ## Where should Debian be installed to? # # Usually you want to use a partition. If you specify a string *without* /dev/ # in the beginning, grml-debootstrap assumes you want to install Debian into a # directory. If so then MKFS, TUNE2FS, GRUB and FSCK won't apply, no matter of # the configuration variables. Make sure the TARGET-directory is on a partition # with present dev and exec mount options. # # usage examples: # TARGET='/dev/hda1' # TARGET='/mnt/grml' TARGET='' ## Do you want to install grub? Just specify the device you'd like to use. ## Example: Specify /dev/sda to install into MBR (master boot record) of ## /dev/sda. If you do not set the variable grub will not be installed. ## Please note that grub can NOT be installed into a partition (like /dev/sda2) ## but in the master boot record only (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb,...). # Usage example: # GRUB='/dev/sda' GRUB='' # specifiy additional bootparameters for usage in grub # e.g. "pci=nomsi" BOOT_APPEND='' ################################################################################ # Now the variables you might want to adjust, but need not to... # set mirror where debootstrap and chrootscript should download # packages from; if empty an existing # /etc/debootstrap/etc/apt/sources.list is used instead # MIRROR='ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian' MIRROR='http://cdn.debian.net/debian' # specify directory of loopback mounted Debian-ISO so you don't # have to download all the core packages via network but can # use an available Debian-ISO instead # ISO='file:/mnt/iso/debian/' # If /etc/apt/sources.list should NOT be build on the fly, this # options allows providing a separate apt file via # /etc/debootstrap/etc/apt/sources.list # KEEP_SRC_LIST='yes' # add Grml repository to /etc/apt/sources.list # if empty then the repository won't be added # GRMLREPOS='yes' # install packages from grml-pool? requires activated $GRMLREPOS from above # if empty nothing will be added (notice: in testing phase) # GRMLPACKAGES='grml-etc-core' # release (which Debian version should be installed) # supported values: lenny (old-stable), squeeze (stable), # wheezy (testing), sid (unstable) RELEASE='squeeze' # define components that should be used within sources.list # default: # COMPONENTS='main contrib non-free' # architecture # if unset the default of the running system (see 'dpkg --print-architecture') will be taken # notice: installing an amd64 system requires a 64bit kernel # do not forget to adjust $KERNEL for selected architecture as well # ARCH='amd64' # hostname of new system HOSTNAME='grml' # kernel version which should be installed # do not forget to adjust according to architecture, for example # use 2.6-686 for i386 and 2.6-amd64 for amd64 # KERNEL='2.6-686' # set password of user root without prompting, please use with caution # only, because you usually don't want to share your password(s) ;-) # ROOTPASSWORD='' # name of debootstrap executable # supported values: debootstrap cdebootstrap DEBOOTSTRAP='debootstrap' # check signature of release file per default # set to any other value then yes to disable signature checks. SECURE='yes' # To pass extra parameters to the debootstrap command. This feature allows # grml-debootstrap to pass extra parameters, e.g., --include=, --exclude=, # --components=, etc to debootstrap. E.g., # DEBOOTSTRAP_OPT='--include=debconf-utils,locales,pciutils --exclude=nano,tasksel,tasksel-data,iptables' # Which debconf-frontend should be used? DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' # execute aptitude/apt-get with any special options? # DPKG_OPTIONS='-o APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated=true -o aptitude::Cmdline::ignore-trust-violations=yes' # The single steps/stages of grml-deboostrap are stored inside /var/cache/grml-debootstrap # by default. Use another directory instead? # STAGES='/var/cache/grml-debootstrap' # install packages defined in /etc/debootstrap/packages? PACKAGES='yes' # pre-seed packages using /etc/debootstrap/debconf-selections (if exist)? DEBCONF='yes' # execute scripts from /etc/debootstrap/chroot-scripts/ inside the chroot? CHROOT_SCRIPTS='yes' # # execute scripts from /etc/debootstrap/pre-scripts/ before setting up chroot? PRE_SCRIPTS='yes' # execute scripts from /etc/debootstrap/scripts/ after setting up chroot? SCRIPTS='yes' # install extra packages (.deb) from /etc/debootstrap/extrapackages/? EXTRAPACKAGES='yes' # place of config files for debootstrap CONFFILES='/etc/debootstrap' # mount point where chroot actions should take place # MNTPOINT='/mnt/debootstrap' # executable which should be run on $TARGET # unset it if you do not want to use it MKFS='mkfs.ext3' # deactivate automatic filesystem check on $TARGET? # unset it if you do not want to use it TUNE2FS='tune2fs -c0 -i0' # check filesystem when chroot stuff finished? # FSCK='yes' # which tool should be used for fsck? if unset the tool will be guessed based on $MKFS # FSCKTOOL='' # which packages do you want do dpkg-reconfigure? # RECONFIGURE='locales console-data' RECONFIGURE='console-data' # use /etc/debootstrap/locale.gen for configuration of locales? LOCALES='yes' # use /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE for /etc/localtime TIMEZONE='Europe/Vienna' # remove apt cache in chroot after installation of packages finished? RM_APTCACHE='yes' # generate initrd via update-initramfs? INITRD='yes' # this file contains information that has been caught during # installation and will be displayed at the end of the installation INSTALL_NOTES='/etc/debootstrap/install_notes' ## END OF FILE #################################################################