# $Id: fai.conf 4294 2007-06-10 11:06:11Z lange $ # /etc/fai/fai.conf -- configuration for FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) # Access to Debian mirror via NFS mounted directory # If FAI_DEBMIRROR is defined, install clients mount it to $MNTPOINT #FAI_DEBMIRROR=yournfs debianmirror:/path/to/debianmirror # LOGUSER: an account on the install server which saves all log-files # and which can change the kernel that is booted via network. # Configure .rhosts for this account and PAM, so that root can log in # from all install clients without password. This account should have # write permissions for /srv/tftp/fai. For example, you can use write # permissions for the group linuxadm. chgrp linuxadm /srv/tftp/fai;chmod # g+w /srv/tftp/fai. If the variable is undefined, this feature is disabled. # Define it, to enable it, eg. LOGUSER=fai LOGUSER= # set protocol type for saving logs. Values: ssh, rsh, ftp FAI_LOGPROTO=ssh # how to access the fai config space # default if undefined here: nfs://`hostname`/$FAI_CONFIGDIR # supported URL-types: nfs, file, cvs, cvs+ssh, svn+file, svn+http,... #FAI_CONFIG_SRC=nfs://yourservername$FAI_CONFIGDIR FAI_CONFIG_SRC=file:///etc/grml/fai/config # the following variables are read only for most users # mount point where the mirror will be mounted MNTPOINT=/media/mirror # the local configuration directory on the install client #FAI=/var/lib/fai/config #FAI=/etc/grml/fai/config # errors greater STOP_ON_ERROR will cause fai to stop the installation # default: 700 #STOP_ON_ERROR=300