# use this to control the bootup via a serial port # SERIAL 0 9600 DEFAULT grml APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce # DEFAULT menu.c32 TIMEOUT 300 # ONTIMEOUT chain.32 hd0 0 PROMPT 1 DISPLAY boot.msg F1 boot.msg F2 f2 F3 f3 F4 f4 F5 f5 F6 f6 F7 f7 F8 f8 F9 f9 F10 f10 # LABEL menu # MENU HIDE # KERNEL menu.c32 MENU TITLE grml 1.0 - Boot Menu LABEL grml MENU LABEL grml - Standard Bootup MENU DEFAULT KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce # APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL live MENU LABEL live MENU DEFAULT KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL old MENU LABEL old KERNEL linux26 APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt26.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=grml LABEL splash MENU LABEL grml - Bootsplash KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live splash nomce LABEL grml2hd MENU LABEL grml2hd KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL debug MENU LABEL debug KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML verbose debug=vc debug initrd=initrd.gz boot=live initcall_debug nomce LABEL bootchart MENU LABEL bootchart KERNEL linux26 APPEND init=/sbin/bootchartd lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL vmware MENU LABEL vmware KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off nousb nousb2 nofirewire vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL qemu MENU LABEL qemu KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off nousb nousb2 nofirewire vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce qemu LABEL grmlx MENU LABEL grmlx KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off startx=wm-ng vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL initng MENU LABEL initng KERNEL linux26 APPEND init=/sbin/initng lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL nofb MENU LABEL grml without framebuffer KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=normal video=ofonly live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL expert MENU LABEL expert KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML verbose initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL linux26 MENU LABEL linux26 KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL memtest MENU LABEL memtest KERNEL memtest APPEND BOOT_IMAGE=memtest LABEL fb1280x1024 MENU LABEL fb1280x1024 KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=794 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL fb1024x768 MENU LABEL fb1024x768 KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL fb800x600 MENU LABEL fb800x600 KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=788 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL mika MENU LABEL mika KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce gmt tz=Europe/Vienna LABEL jimmy MENU LABEL jimmy KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us vga=791 live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live scandelay=3 nomce gmt tz=Europe/Vienna LABEL failsafe MENU LABEL failsafe KERNEL linux26 APPEND vga=normal video=ofonly noautoconfig lang=us atapicd noacpi nomodules acpi=off noagent nousb nohotplug noacpi noapm nopcmcia nosmp noscsi noagp nodma ide=nodma noswap nofstab nosound nogpm nosyslog nodhcp nocpu nodisc nomodem xmodule=vesa noautoconfig live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live LABEL failsafe2 MENU LABEL failsafe2 KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us atapicd nosound noacpi noautoconfig acpi=off noscsi nodma ide=nodma noapm nousb nopcmcia nofirewire noagp nomce nodhcp xmodule=vesa live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live LABEL forensic MENU LABEL forensic KERNEL linux26 APPEND vga=791 lang=us nofstab noraid noautoconfig noswap raid=noautodetect live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live LABEL m23 MENU LABEL m23 KERNEL m23 APPEND devfs=nomount load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 ramdisk_size=25000 initrd=m23rt.gz root=/dev/ram0 rw LABEL grub MENU LABEL grub KERNEL memdisk APPEND initrd=allinone.img LABEL dos MENU LABEL dos KERNEL memdisk APPEND initrd=balder10.imz LABEL serial MENU LABEL serial KERNEL linux26 APPEND lang=us apm=power-off vga=normal video=vesafb:off live-media-path=/GRML quiet initrd=initrd.gz boot=live nomce LABEL userdef MENU LABEL User defined MENU HIDE KERNEL linux26 APPEND 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