SW: Drop iputils-arping from GRML_FORENSIC (arping already present).
[grml-live-grml.git] / etc / grml / fai / config / package_config / GRML_FORENSIC
1 PACKAGES aptitude
3 # Created by people from http://www.forensic-geeks.org/
4 # and the grml-forensic team, see
5 # http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=grml-forensic
6 # http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=forensic
7 #
8 # Also see:
9 # http://forensics.alioth.debian.org/
10 # http://alioth.debian.org/projects/forensics
11 # http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianForensics
12 # http://wiki.debian.org/DebianForensics/TODO
13 # http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=forensics-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
15 # forensic [related] software:
16 acl
17 aesfix
18 aeskeyfind
19 afflib
20 autopsy
21 bkhive
22 chaosreader
23 chkrootkit
24 chntpw
25 clamav
26 clamav-base
27 clamav-freshclam
28 clamtk
29 cryptcat
30 dcfldd
31 dcraw
32 ddrescue
33 disktype
34 dnsutils
35 dsniff
36 ewf-tools
37 ext3grep
38 extract
39 fdupes
40 fdutils
41 foremost
42 galleta
43 gpart
44 gparted
45 gphoto2
46 grepmail
47 grokevt
48 guymager
49 hfsplus
50 hfsutils
51 hfsutils-tcltk
52 hping3
53 iputils-tracepath
54 jfsutils
55 kpartx
56 libewf1
57 libextractor-plugins
58 lshw
59 lsscsi
60 ltrace
61 magicrescue
62 mboxgrep
63 md5deep
64 memdump
65 mii-diag
66 missidentify
67 mscompress
68 myrescue
69 netdiscover
70 nmap
71 odt2txt
72 ophcrack
73 outguess
74 p7zip-full
75 parted
76 pasco
77 pipebench
78 rdd
79 readpst
80 recoverdm
81 reglookup
82 rifiuti
83 rifiuti2
84 rkhunter
85 safecopy
86 samdump2
87 scalpel
88 scrounge-ntfs
89 sdd
90 shed
91 sleuthkit
92 socat
93 ssdeep
94 tableau-parm
95 tcpdump
96 tcpflow
97 tcpreplay
98 tcptrace
99 tcptrack
100 tcpxtract
101 tct
102 testdisk
103 unhide
104 untex
105 vinetto
106 wipe
107 wireshark
108 wv
109 xmount
110 zfs-fuse
112 # system tools
113 acpi
114 bluez-utils
115 cpufrequtils
116 dc
117 dvd+rw-tools
118 os-prober
119 rpm
120 sdparm
121 sg3-utils
122 smbclient
123 whois
125 # services
126 apache2 apache2-utils
127 at
128 cups
129 cups-pdf
130 mysql-client
131 pppconfig
132 samba
133 sqlite3
134 uuid-runtime
136 # desktop tools/stuff
137 poppler-utils
138 rdesktop
139 time
140 w3m
141 wamerican
142 wvdial
144 # desktop
145 # lxde wicd
146 grml-x
148 # packages from grml:
149 3ware-cli-binary
150 aesutil
151 afflib
152 asleap
153 cmospwd
154 dd-rhelp
155 dupmerge
156 dupseek
157 ext3rminator
158 gatling
159 gifshuffle
160 grml-terminalserver
161 md5deep
162 nat-traverse
163 ncp
164 pspax
165 ptfinder
166 rainbowcrack
167 rootsh
168 smap
169 sudosh
170 zfs-fuse
171 zsh-lovers
173 # packages from debian:
174 4g8
175 ack-grep
176 acl
177 acpi-support
178 aespipe
179 afio
180 aircrack-ng
181 alien
182 alsa-base
183 alsa-oss
184 alsa-utils
185 aoetools
186 apache2
187 apache2-utils
188 apg
189 apt-transport-https
190 # apwal
191 arj
192 arping
193 arp-scan
194 arptables
195 arpwatch
196 array-info
197 arrayprobe
198 ascii
199 ascii2binary
200 asciidoc
201 at
202 attr
203 autoconf
204 automake
205 autopsy
206 autossh
207 bash
208 bash-static
209 bbe
210 bc
211 bcrypt
212 bfbtester
213 bind9-host
214 binutils
215 bittwist
216 bkhive
217 blktrace
218 bluez-hcidump
219 bonnie++
220 boxes
221 bridge-utils
222 bsdiff
223 bsd-mailx
224 bsdmainutils
225 bsdtar
226 bsign
227 btrfs-tools
228 btscanner
229 build-essential
230 busybox
231 bvi
232 bzip2
233 cabextract
234 ca-certificates
235 catdoc
236 cciss-vol-status
237 ccze
238 ccrypt
239 cdck
240 cdebootstrap
241 cdpr
242 cdrecord
243 chkrootkit
244 clamav
245 clamav-base
246 clamav-daemon
247 clamav-freshclam
248 clamav-testfiles
249 cloop-utils
250 comgt
251 concalc
252 connect-proxy
253 conntrack
254 console-common
255 console-data
256 console-terminus
257 console-tools
258 convmv
259 corkscrew
260 cpio
261 cpipe
262 cpp
263 cpuburn
264 cpufrequtils
265 cpuid
266 cpulimit
267 crack
268 cracklib-runtime
269 cramfsprogs
270 cron
271 cryptcat
272 cryptsetup
273 cuetools
274 cups
275 cups-client
276 cups-pdf
277 curl
278 curlftpfs
279 dares
280 dares-qt
281 davfs2
282 dcfldd
283 ddrescue
284 dds2tar
285 debootstrap
286 detox
287 devio
288 dhcp3-client
289 dhcp3-server
290 dhcpdump
291 dhcping
292 di
293 dialog
294 dictionaries-common
295 disktype
296 dlint
297 dmraid
298 dmsetup
299 dns2tcp
300 dnstracer
301 dnsutils
302 doscan
303 dosfstools
304 drbd8-utils
305 driftnet
306 dsbltesters
307 dsniff
308 dstat
309 dtach
310 dump
311 durep
312 dvdbackup
313 dvdisaster
314 dvd+rw-tools
315 dwdiff
316 e2fsprogs
317 e2tools
318 e2undel
319 ebtables
320 ecryptfs-utils
321 ed
322 encfs
323 epdfview
324 etherwake
325 ethstatus
326 ethtool
327 ettercap-gtk
328 evms
329 evms-bootdebug
330 evms-cli
331 evms-ncurses
332 exifprobe
333 exiv2
334 expect
335 ext3grep
336 fai-client
337 fai-server
338 fake
339 fakeroot
340 faketime
341 farpd
342 fatattr
343 fatresize
344 fatsort
345 fbgrab
346 fcrackzip
347 fdupes
348 fdutils
349 febootstrap
350 file
351 findutils
352 flashrom
353 flawfinder
354 foremost
355 fping
356 ftp
357 fusedav
358 fuseiso
359 fusesmb
360 fuse-utils
361 fwlogwatch
362 g++
363 gcc
364 gdb
365 gddrescue
366 geeqie
367 ghostscript
368 git-core
369 git-email
370 glark
371 gnupg
372 gnupg2
373 gnutls-bin
374 gpart
375 gparted
376 gpgv
377 gphoto2
378 gptsync
379 grepmail
380 gsm-utils
381 gtkam
382 gv
383 gzrt
384 hddtemp
385 hexedit
386 hfsplus
387 hfsprogs
388 hfsutils
389 hibernate
390 hostapd
391 hostap-utils
392 hotkey-setup
393 hping3
394 ht
395 htop
396 i2c-tools
397 iceweasel
398 icmpush
399 idesk
400 ifenslave-2.6
401 ifmetric
402 ifstat
403 iftop
404 ifupdown
405 ifupdown-extra
406 imagemagick
407 imsniff
408 info
409 inotail
410 inoticoming
411 inotify-tools
412 iotop
413 iperf
414 ipmitool
415 iproute
416 ipsec-tools
417 iptables
418 iptraf
419 iptstate
420 iputils-ping
421 iputils-tracepath
422 ipv6calc
423 ipython
424 irb
425 irda-utils
426 irqbalance
427 irssi
428 iscsitarget
429 itop
430 iwatch
431 jhead
432 john
433 kexec-tools
434 keychain
435 keyutils
436 kismet
437 kpartx
438 kvm
439 latencytop
440 lcrack
441 ldapscripts
442 ldap-utils
443 ldapvi
444 locales
446 notification-daemon
448 openvas-client
449 openvas-plugins-base
450 openvas-plugins-dfsg
451 openvas-server
453 stressapptest
455 vim
457 # TODO
458 # * pdftk
459 # * vncviewer? (tsclient)
460 # * ispell + wordlists (wenglish | wordlist)
462 # Packages which aren't (official) available (yet):
463 # air            =>
464 # bios-memimage  => #495422 (WIP, was rejected once)
465 # bmap           =>
466 # carvefs        =>
467 # dc3dd          => #468958
468 # e2recover      =>
469 # fatback        => #512483 (WIP, was rejected once)
470 # ftimes         => #468940
471 # libcarvpath    =>
472 # libguytools    => #479016
473 # pyflag         =>
474 # recoverphotos  =>
475 # regviewer      =>
476 # revit          => #469067
477 # sha15deep      =>
479 ## x86/32bit (class I386) specific packages {{{
480 PACKAGES aptitude I386
482 ## general:
483 grml
485 ## current kernel version 2.6.31-grml:
486 aufs-modules-2.6.31-grml
487 drbd8-2.6.31-grml
488 iscsitarget-module-2.6.31-grml
489 kqemu-modules-2.6.31-grml
490 linux-doc-2.6.31-grml
491 linux-headers-2.6.31-grml
492 linux-image-2.6.31-grml
493 loop-aes-modules-2.6.31-grml
494 ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.31-grml
495 openafs-modules-2.6.31-grml
496 sl-modem-modules-2.6.31-grml
497 speakup-modules-2.6.31-grml
498 sysprof-module-2.6.31-grml
499 tp-smapi-modules-2.6.31-grml
500 virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-2.6.31-grml virtualbox-ose-guest-utils virtualbox-ose-guest-x11
501 xtables-addons-modules-2.6.31-grml
502 ## }}}
504 ## amd64 specific packages {{{
505 PACKAGES aptitude AMD64
507 ## general:
508 grml64
510 ## current kernel version 2.6.31-grml64:
511 aufs-modules-2.6.31-grml64
512 drbd8-2.6.31-grml64
513 iscsitarget-module-2.6.31-grml64
514 kqemu-modules-2.6.31-grml64
515 linux-doc-2.6.31-grml64
516 linux-headers-2.6.31-grml64
517 linux-image-2.6.31-grml64
518 loop-aes-modules-2.6.31-grml64
519 ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.31-grml64
520 openafs-modules-2.6.31-grml64
521 speakup-modules-2.6.31-grml64
522 sysprof-module-2.6.31-grml64
523 xtables-addons-modules-2.6.31-grml64
524 ## }}}