FAQ: raise RAM requirements
[grml.org.git] / files / release-0.6 / dpkg_list
1 Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
2 | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
3 |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
4 ||/ Name                                         Version                                      Description
5 +++-============================================-============================================-========================================================================================================
6 ii  3ware-3dm2-old-binary                        3ware 3DM 2 Disk Management Utility (old)
7 ii  915resolution                                0.5-1                                        resolution modify tool for Intel graphic chipset
8 ii  9base                                        1-rc1-2                                      port of various original Plan9 tools for Unix
9 ii  9menu                                        1.8-1.1                                      Creates X menus from the shell
10 ii  a2ps                                         4.13b.dfsg.1-0.1                             GNU a2ps - 'Anything to PostScript' converter and pretty-printer
11 ii  abcde                                                                 A Better CD Encoder
12 ii  abook                                        0.5.4-3                                      text-based ncurses address book application
13 ii  abs-guide                                    3.7-1                                        The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
14 ii  acct                                         6.3.5-39                                     The GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting
15 ii  acl                                          2.2.34-1                                     Access control list utilities
16 ii  acpi                                         0.09-1                                       displays information on ACPI devices
17 ii  acpid                                        1.0.4-4                                      Utilities for using ACPI power management
18 ii  acpidump                                     20050926-1                                   utilities to dump system's ACPI tables to an ASCII file
19 ii  acpitool                                     0.4.0-1                                      a small, convenient command-line ACPI client
20 ii  acx100-2.6.15-grml                           20051202-1+grml.07                           ACX100/ACX111 wireless network drivers
21 ii  acx100-firmware                              1.9.8b+debian-1.unofficial.sarge.1           firmware for Texas Instruments ACX100/111-based wireless adapters
22 ii  adduser                                      3.80                                         Add and remove users and groups
23 ii  aespipe                                      2.3b-4                                       AES-encryption tool with loop-AES support
24 ii  aesutil                                      1.0.7-2                                      encrypt and decrypt data using the Rjiandel algorythm
25 ii  aewan                                        1.0.01-1                                     ASCII-art Editor Without A Name
26 ii  afio                                         2.5-3                                        archive file manipulation program
27 ii  aget                                         0.4-6                                        Multithreaded HTTP Download Accelerator
28 ii  agrep                                        4.17-2                                       text search tool with support for approximate patterns
29 ii  aide                                         0.10-11                                      Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
30 ii  aircrack                                     2.3-3                                        wireless WEP/WPA cracker
31 ii  airsnort                                     0.2.7e-1                                     WLAN sniffer
32 ii  alien                                        8.61                                         install non-native packages with dpkg
33 ii  alsa-base                                    1.0.10-3                                     ALSA driver configuration files
34 ii  alsa-oss                                     1.0.10-1                                     ALSA wrapper for OSS applications
35 ii  alsa-utils                                   1.0.10-1                                     ALSA utilities
36 ii  alsaplayer-alsa                              0.99.76-7                                    PCM player designed for ALSA (ALSA output module)
37 ii  alsaplayer-common                            0.99.76-7                                    PCM player designed for ALSA (common files)
38 ii  alsaplayer-gtk                               0.99.76-7                                    PCM player designed for ALSA (GTK version)
39 ii  alsaplayer-jack                              0.99.76-7                                    PCM player designed for ALSA (JACK output module)
40 ii  alsaplayer-oss                               0.99.76-7                                    PCM player designed for ALSA (OSS output module)
41 ii  amanda-client                                2.4.5p1-2                                    Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Client)
42 ii  amanda-common                                2.4.5p1-2                                    Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (Libs)
43 ii  amap                                         5.2-1                                        next generation scanning tool
44 ii  anacron                                      2.3-11                                       a cron-like program that doesn't go by time
45 ii  antiword                                     0.35-2sarge1                                 Converts MS Word files to text and ps
46 ii  antlr                                        2.7.5-8                                      language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
47 ii  aoetools                                     4-1                                          tools to assist in using ATA over Ethernet
48 ii  apache                                       1.3.34-2                                     versatile, high-performance HTTP server
49 ii  apache-common                                1.3.34-2                                     support files for all Apache webservers
50 ii  apache2-common                               2.0.55-4                                     next generation, scalable, extendable web server
51 ii  apache2-mpm-prefork                          2.0.55-4                                     traditional model for Apache2
52 ii  apache2-utils                                2.0.55-4                                     utility programs for webservers
53 ii  apachetoolbox                                1.5.72-2                                     easily compile Apache
54 ii  apachetop                                    0.12.5-7                                     Realtime Apache monitoring tool
55 ii  apcupsd                                      3.12.1-1                                     APC UPS Power Management
56 ii  apcupsd-cgi                                  3.12.1-1                                     Cgi for APC UPS Power Management
57 ii  apel                                         10.6+0.20050606-1                            portable library for emacsen
58 ii  apg                                          2.2.3-4                                      Automated Password Generator - Standalone version
59 ii  apmd                                         3.2.2-4                                      Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM)
60 ii  apt                                                                     Advanced front-end for dpkg
61 ii  apt-dpkg-ref                                 5                                            APT, Dpkg Quick Reference sheet
62 ii  apt-file                                     2.0.6                                        APT package searching utility -- command-line interface
63 ii  apt-listbugs                                 0.0.49                                       Lists critical bugs before each apt installation
64 ii  apt-listchanges                              2.59-0.2                                     Display change history from .deb archives
65 ii  apt-show-source                              0.10                                         Shows source-package information
66 ii  apt-show-versions                            0.09                                         lists available package versions with distribution
67 ii  apt-spy                                      3.1-14                                       writes a sources.list file based on bandwidth tests
68 ii  apt-src                                      0.25.1                                       manage Debian source packages
69 ii  apt-utils                                                               APT utility programs
70 ii  apt-zip                                      0.13.5                                       Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media
71 ii  aptconf                                      0.8-0.1                                      Debconf infrastructure for setting up apt sources
72 ii  apticron                                     1.1.13                                       cron-script to mail impending apt updates
73 ii  aptitude                                     0.4.1-1                                      terminal-based apt frontend
74 ii  aptsh                                        0.0.5                                        apt interactive shell
75 ii  ara                                          1.0.11+b1                                    CLI utility for searching the Debian package database
76 ii  archivemail                                  0.6.1-5                                      archive and compress your old email
77 ii  argus-client                                 2.0.6.fixes.1-2                              IP network transaction auditing tool
78 ii  arj                                          3.10.22-2                                    archiver for .arj files
79 ii  arping                                       2.01-3                                       sends IP and/or ARP pings (to the MAC address)
80 ii  arptables                                    0.0.3-1                                      ARP table administration
81 ii  arpwatch                                     2.1a13-2                                     Ethernet/FDDI station activity monitor
82 ii  artwiz-cursor                                1.3-2                                        artwiz futuristic mouse cursor for x11
83 ii  asciidoc                                     7.0.2-4                                      Highly configurable text format for writing documentation
84 ii  ash                                          0.5.3-1                                      Compatibility package for the Debian Almquist Shell
85 ii  asleap                                       1.4-1                                        recover weak LEAP password
86 ii  asn1c                                        0.9.16-1                                     ASN.1 compiler for C
87 ii  asr-manpages                                 1.3-6                                        alt.sysadmin.recovery manual pages
88 ii  astyle                                       1.15.3-5                                     Source code indenter for C++/C/Java/C# source code
89 ii  at                                           3.1.10                                       Delayed job execution and batch processing
90 ii  at76c503a-modules-2.6.15-grml                0.12.beta23+grml.07                          at76c503a driver for Linux 2.6.15-grml
91 ii  aterm                                        1.0.0-1                                      Afterstep XVT - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
92 ii  athcool                                      0.3.11-1                                     tool to enable powersaving mode for Athlon/Duron processors
93 ii  athena-jot                                   9.0-1                                        print out increasing, decreasing, random, or redundant data, one per line
94 ii  atitvout                                     0.4-3                                        ATI TV Out Support Program
95 ii  atmel-firmware                               1.3-2                                        Firmware for Atmel at76c50x wireless networking chips.
96 ii  atop                                         1.15-1                                       Monitor for system resources and process activity
97 ii  atsar                                        1.7-2                                        system activity reporter
98 ii  attacker                                     0.1-1                                        dictionary/brute-force attacker against WPA
99 ii  attr                                         2.4.25-1                                     Utilities for manipulating filesystem extended attributes
100 ii  aub                                          2.2                                          Assembles binary files from USENET
101 ii  auctex                                       11.55-3                                      An integrated environment for writing TeX/LaTeX documents
102 ii  aumix                                        2.8-17                                       Simple text-based mixer control program
103 ii  auto-apt                                     0.3.20                                       package search by file and on-demand package installation tool
104 ii  autoconf                                     2.59a-7                                      automatic configure script builder
105 ii  autofs                                       4.1.4-8                                      kernel-based automounter for Linux
106 ii  automake1.4                                  1.4-p6-9                                     A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles.
107 ii  automake1.6                                  1.6.3-12                                     A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles.
108 ii  automake1.7                                  1.7.9-7                                      A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
109 ii  automake1.8                                  1.8.5-3                                      A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
110 ii  automake1.9                                  1.9.6-1                                      A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
111 ii  autopsy                                      2.06-2                                       graphical interface to SleuthKit
112 ii  autossh                                      1.3-4                                        Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
113 ii  autotools-dev                                20050803.1                                   Update infrastructure for config.{guess,sub} files
114 ii  aview                                        1.3.0rc1-7                                   A high quality ASCII art image viewer and video player
115 ii  away                                         0.9.5-3                                      A terminal locking program
116 ii  awesfx                                       0.5.0b-2                                     utility programs for AWE32/64 and Emu10k1 driver
117 ii  axel                                         1.0b-1                                       A light download accelerator - Console version
118 ii  axp                                          0.2.1-1                                      command line tool and wrapper for tla
119 ii  backup-manager                               0.6-1                                        command-line backup tool
120 ii  backup2l                                     1.4                                          low-maintenance backup/restore tool for mountable media
121 ii  backuppc                                     2.1.2-3                                      high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs
122 ii  bacula-client                                1.36.3-2                                     Network backup, recovery and verification (Client meta-package)
123 ii  bacula-common                                1.36.3-2                                     Network backup, recovery and verification (Common Support files)
124 ii  bacula-console                               1.36.3-2                                     Network backup, recovery and verification (Mgmt. Console)
125 ii  bacula-fd                                    1.36.3-2                                     Network backup, recovery and verification (Filer daemon)
126 ii  bandwidthd-pgsql                             2.0.1+cvs20050208-3                          Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs
127 ii  base-files                                   3.1.9                                        Debian base system miscellaneous files
128 ii  base-passwd                                  3.5.11                                       Debian base system master password and group files
129 ii  base64                                       1.3-1                                        encode and decode base64 files
130 ii  bash                                         3.1-2                                        The GNU Bourne Again SHell
131 ii  bash-builtins                                3.1-2                                        Bash loadable builtins - headers & examples
132 ii  bash-doc                                     3.1-2                                        Documentation and examples for the The GNU Bourne Again SHell
133 ii  bash-minimal                                 3.1-2                                        The GNU Bourne Again SHell (minimal version)
134 ii  bash-static                                  3.1-2                                        The GNU Bourne Again SHell (static version)
135 ii  bastille                                     2.1.1-12                                     Security hardening tool
136 ii  bazaar                                       1.4.2-2                                      arch-based distributed revision control system
137 ii  bb                                           1.3rc1-7                                     ASCII-art demo based on AAlib
138 ii  bbe                                          0.1.8-1                                      sed-like editor for binary files
139 ii  bc                                           1.06-19                                      The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
140 ii  bchunk                                       1.2.0-1                                      CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
141 ii  bcm5700-module-2.6.15-grml                   8.2.18-1+grml.07                             bcm5700 ethernet driver for kernel 2.6.15-grml (binary module)
142 ii  bcrypt                                       1.1-2                                        Cross platform file encryption utility
143 ii  beep                                         1.2.2-16                                     advanced pc-speaker beeper
144 ii  bfa                                          0.2-1                                        Brain Fuck Assembler
145 ii  bfbtester                                    2.0.1-6                                      Brute Force Binary Tester
146 ii  biabam                                       0.9.7-3                                      bash attachment mailer
147 ii  bibcursed                                    2.0.0-3                                      An interactive program to edit BibTeX bibliographies
148 ii  biew                                         5.6.2-2                                      console hex viewer/editor with disassembler
149 ii  bin86                                        0.16.14-1.2                                  16-bit x86 assembler and loader
150 ii  binclock                                     1.5-2                                        binary clock for console with color support
151 ii  bind9                                        9.3.2-1                                      Internet Domain Name Server
152 ii  bind9-host                                   9.3.2-1                                      Version of 'host' bundled with BIND 9.X
153 ii  binfmt-support                               1.2.7                                        Support for extra binary formats
154 ii  binfmtc                                      0.10-1                                       Execute C program as script
155 ii  bing                                         1.1.3-1                                      Empirical stochastic bandwidth tester
156 ii  binstats                                     1.08-8                                       Statistics tool for installed programs
157 ii  binutils                                     2.16.1cvs20051214-1                          The GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
158 ii  bison                                        2.1-0.2                                      A parser generator that is compatible with YACC
159 ii  bitlbee                                      1.0.1-1                                      An IRC to other chat networks gateway
160 ii  bittornado                                   0.3.13-1                                     bittorrent client with enhanced curses interface
161 ii  bittorrent                                   3.4.2-6                                      Scatter-gather network file transfer
162 ii  bkhive                                       0.1-2                                        recover windows-syskey bootkey from system hive file
163 ii  bkp                                          0.6.0-1                                      Backup utilities
164 ii  bluez-firmware                               1.0-3                                        Firmware for Bluetooth devices
165 ii  bluez-hcidump                                1.28-1                                       Analyses Bluetooth HCI packets
166 ii  bluez-pin                                    0.30-1.grml                                  Bluetooth PIN helper with D-BUS support
167 ii  bluez-utils                                  2.24-1                                       Bluetooth tools and daemons
168 ii  bmon                                         2.0.1-3                                      portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
169 ii  bonnie++                                     1.03a                                        Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.
170 ii  bookmarkbridge                               0.72-8                                       tool to synchronize bookmarks between browsers
171 ii  bootchart                                    0.9-1                                        Boot process performance analyser
172 ii  boxes                                        1.0.1-4.1                                    Textmode box- and comment drawing filter.
173 ii  bridge-utils                                 1.0.6-1                                      Utilities for configuring the Linux ethernet bridge
174 ii  brltty                                       3.4.1-4                                      Access software for a blind person using a soft braille terminal
175 ii  bsdgames                                     2.17-5                                       a collection of classic textual unix games
176 ii  bsdiff                                       4.3-1                                        generate/apply a patch between two binary files
177 ii  bsdmainutils                                 6.1.3                                        collection of more utilities from FreeBSD
178 ii  bsdtar                                       1.02.036-1                                   tar(1) from FreeBSD, using libarchive
179 ii  bsdutils                                     2.12r-2                                      Basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
180 ii  bsign                                        0.4.5                                        Corruption & intrusion detection using embedded hashes
181 ii  buffer                                       1.19-7                                       Buffering/reblocking program for tape backups, printing, etc.
182 ii  build-essential                              11.1                                         informational list of build-essential packages
183 ii  burn                                         0.4.3-2                                      Command line Data-CD, Audio-CD, ISO-CD, Copy-CD writing tool
184 ii  busybox                                      1.01-4                                       Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems
185 ii  bvi                                          1.3.2-1                                      binary file editor
186 ii  bzip2                                        1.0.3-2                                      high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities
187 ii  bzr                                          0.6-2                                        bazaar-ng, the next-generation distributed version control system
188 ii  bzrtools                                     0.6.1-2                                      Collection of tools for bzr
189 ii  ca-certificates                              20050804                                     Common CA Certificates PEM files
190 ii  cabber                                       0.4.0-test5-2.1                              Easy and basic jabber console client
191 ii  cabextract                                   1.1-1                                        a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files
192 ii  caca-utils                                   0.9-5                                        text mode graphics utilities
193 ii  cadaver                                      0.22.2-1.1                                   command-line client for WebDAV server
194 ii  calcurse                                     1.1-1                                        text-based calendar
195 ii  calife                                       2.8.6-1                                      Provides super user privileges to specific users
196 ii  camgrab                                      0.1-2                                        A command line tool to download a single image from a webcam
197 ii  camserv                                      0.5.1-4                                      Stream live video out onto the web
198 ii  capiutils                                    3.8.2005-12-06-4                             Utilities for CAPI-capable ISDN cards
199 ii  catdoc                                       0.94.0-1                                     MS-Word to TeX or plain text converter
200 ii  catdvi                                       0.14-3                                       DVI to plain text translator
201 ii  cbrowser                                     0.8-1                                        a C/C++ source code indexing, querying and browsing tool
202 ii  ccache                                       2.4-4                                        Compiler results cacher, for fast recompiles
203 ii  ccal                                         3.5-7                                        Colorised calendar utility
204 ii  ccdv                                         0.1-2                                        Code Compiler Beautifier
205 ii  ccrypt                                       1.7-9                                        secure encryption and decryption of files and streams
206 ii  ccze                                         0.2.1-1.1                                    A robust, modular log coloriser
207 ii  cd-discid                                    0.9-1                                        CDDB DiscID utility
208 ii  cdbackup                                     0.7.0-1                                      CD-R(W) backup utility
209 ii  cdbs                                         0.4.32                                       common build system for Debian packages
210 ii  cdda2wav                                     2.01+01a03-5                                 Creates WAV files from audio CDs
211 ii  cddb                                         2.6-17                                       CD DataBase support tools
212 ii  cdebootstrap                                 0.3.9                                        Bootstrap a Debian system
213 ii  cdecl                                        2.5-8                                        Turn English phrases to C or C++ declarations
214 ii  cdparanoia                                   3a9.8-11                                     An audio extraction tool for sampling CDs.
215 ii  cdrbq                                        1.23-1                                       graphical cd burning frontend
216 ii  cdrdao                                       1.2.1-2                                      Disk-At-Once (DAO) recording of audio and data CD-Rs/CD-RWs
217 ii  cdrecord                                     2.01+01a03-5                                 command line CD writing tool
218 ii  cdrecord-prodvd-binary                       2.01.01-2all1                                command line CD/DVD writing tool
219 ii  cdtool                                       2.1.8-pre4-1                                 text-based audio CD player and CD-ROM control commands
220 ii  cdw                                          0.2.3-6                                      Tool for burning CD's - console version
221 ii  cdw-common                                   0.2.3-6                                      Tool for burning CD's - common files
222 ii  centericq                                    4.21.0-10                                    A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client
223 ii  centericq-common                             4.21.0-10                                    A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client (data files)
224 ii  cfengine2                                    2.1.18-1                                     Tool for configuring and maintaining network machines
225 ii  cfv                                          1.18-2                                       versatile file checksum creator and verifier
226 ii  cgdb                                         0.5.3-2                                      a curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
227 ii  check                                        0.9.3-2                                      unit test framework for C
228 ii  checkinstall                                 1.5.3-3                                      installation tracker
229 ii  cheops                                       0.61-12.1                                    Network swiss army knife
230 ii  chkrootkit                                   0.46a-2                                      Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system
231 ii  chntpw                                       0.99.2-4                                     NT SAM password recovery utility
232 ii  chrootuid                                    1.3-4                                        Run commands in restricted environments
233 ii  clamav                                       0.88-2                                       antivirus scanner for Unix
234 ii  clamav-base                                  0.88-2                                       base package for clamav, an anti-virus utility for Unix
235 ii  clamav-daemon                                0.88-2                                       antivirus scanner daemon
236 ii  clamav-freshclam                             0.88-2                                       downloads clamav virus databases from the Internet
237 ii  clamav-getfiles                              0.5-4                                        Update script for clamav
238 ii  clamav-testfiles                             0.88-2                                       use these files to test that your Antivirus program works
239 ii  clex                                         3.14-1                                       command line file manager which uses the ncurses library
240 ii  cloop-utils                                  2.02.1+eb.10                                 Tools for handling with cloop compressed volumes
241 ii  clvm                                         2.02.01-2                                    Cluster LVM Daemon for lvm2
242 ii  cmatrix                                      1.2a-2                                       Console Matrix simulates the display from "The Matrix"
243 ii  cmus                                         1.6.8-1                                      C* Music Player - ncurses based, small and fast
244 ii  codeville                                    0.1.13-1                                     a distributed version control system
245 ii  cogito                                       0.16.2-1                                     version control system
246 ii  colorgcc                                                               Colorizer for GCC warning/error messages
247 ii  compartment                                  1.1.0-2                                      Confine services in a limited environment
248 ii  configure-debian                             1.0.1                                        central configuration program for packages using debconf
249 ii  connect-proxy                                1.95-3                                       Establish TCP connection using SOCKS4/5 and HTTP tunnel
250 ii  console-common                               0.7.55                                       Basic infrastructure for text console configuration
251 ii  console-data                                 2002.12.04dbs-52.1                           Keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tools
252 ii  console-terminus                             4.16-2                                       Fixed-width fonts for fast reading on the Linux console
253 ii  console-tools                                0.2.3dbs-60                                  Linux console and font utilities
254 ii  conspy                                       1.3-1                                        Remote control of Linux virtual consoles
255 ii  convertfs                                    20050113-1                                   in-place filesystem conversion
256 ii  convmv                                       1.09-1                                       filename encoding conversion tool
257 ii  coreutils                                    5.93-5                                       The GNU core utilities
258 ii  corkscrew                                    2.0-5                                        tunnel TCP connections through HTTP proxies
259 ii  cowdancer                                    0.10                                         Copy-on-write directory tree utility.
260 ii  cowsay                                       3.03-8                                       A configurable talking cow
261 ii  cpio                                         2.6-10                                       GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files
262 ii  cpipe                                        3.0.0-2                                      counting pipe
263 ii  cplay                                        1.49-10                                      A front-end for various audio players
264 ii  cpm                                          0.20beta                                     This program is a ncurses based console tool to manage passwords
265 ii  cpp                                          4.0.2-2                                      The GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
266 ii  cpp-2.95                                     2.95.4-24                                    The GNU C preprocessor
267 ii  cpp-3.3                                      3.3.6-12                                     The GNU C preprocessor
268 ii  cpp-4.0                                      4.0.2-6                                      The GNU C preprocessor
269 ii  cproto                                       4.7e-1                                       Generate C function prototypes and convert function definitions
270 ii  cpu                                          1.4.3-8                                      a console based LDAP user management tool
271 ii  cpuburn                                      1.4-19                                       a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU
272 ii  cpuburn-in-binary                            1.0-1duo1                                    Stability Testing Tool for Overclockers
273 ii  cpudyn                                       1.0-2.grml                                   CPU dynamic frequency control for processors with scaling
274 ii  cpufrequtils                                 0.4-1                                        utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature
275 ii  crack                                        5.0a-8                                       Password guessing program
276 ii  crack-common                                 5.0a-8                                       Password guessing program
277 ii  cracklib-runtime                             2.7-18                                       runtime support for password checker library cracklib2
278 ii  cracklib2                                    2.7-18                                       pro-active password checker library
279 ii  cramfsprogs                                  1.1-6                                        Tools for CramFs (Compressed ROM File System)
280 ii  cron                                         3.0pl1-92                                    management of regular background processing
281 ii  cron-apt                                     0.4.3                                        automatic update of packages using apt-get
282 ii  crosshurd                                    1.7.22                                       Install a Debian system
283 ii  cryptcat                                     20031202-2                                   TCP/IP swiss army knife extended with twofish encryption
284 ii  cryptsetup-luks                              1.0.1-7                                      configures encrypted block devices
285 ii  cscope                                       15.5+cvs20050816-1                           Interactively examine a C program source
286 ii  csh                                          20050313-1                                   Shell with C-like syntax, standard login shell on BSD systems
287 ii  csync2                                       1.23-1                                       cluster synchronization tool
288 ii  ctapi-cyberjack                              2.0.9-2                                      REINER SCT cyberJack pinpad/e-com USB user space driver
289 ii  cthumb                                       4.2-3                                        A program to generate themable Web picture albums
290 ii  ctris                                        0.41-1                                       colorized, small and flexible Tetris(TM)-clone for the console
291 ii  ctrlproxy                                    2.6.2-1                                      An IRC proxy with multiserver support
292 ii  cu                                           1.07-17                                      call up another system
293 ii  cuetools                                     1.3-2                                        tools for manipulating CUE/TOC files
294 ii  cupsys                                       1.1.23-15                                    Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server
295 ii  cupsys-client                                1.1.23-15                                    Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - client programs (SysV)
296 ii  curl                                         7.15.1-1                                     Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or GOPHER server
297 ii  cvs                                          1.12.9-17                                    Concurrent Versions System
298 ii  cvs-buildpackage                             5.20                                         A set of Debian package scripts for CVS source trees.
299 ii  cvs2cl                                       2.58-1                                       CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script
300 ii  cvsdelta                                     1.7.0-1                                      Summarize differences in a CVS repository
301 ii  daemon                                       0.6.3-1                                      turns other processes into daemons
302 ii  dahb-txt                                     3.0.0-11                                     Debian GNU/Linux Anwenderhandbuch
303 ii  dante-client                                 1.1.18-2                                     SOCKS wrapper for users behind a firewall
304 ii  dar                                          2.2.4-2                                      Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files
305 ii  darcs                                        1.0.5-1                                      an advanced revision control system
306 ii  dares                                        0.6.5-2                                      rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs (ncurses-interface)
307 ii  dares-qt                                     0.6.5-2                                      rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs (Qt-interface)
308 ii  dash                                         0.5.3-2                                      The Debian Almquist Shell
309 ii  davfs2                                       0.2.7-1                                      mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
310 ii  db4.3-util                                   4.3.29-3                                     Berkeley v4.3 Database Utilities
311 ii  dbengine                                     1.1-17                                       A plug 'n play Web interface for mySQL and PostgreSQL
312 ii  dbishell                                     0.8.9-7                                      Interactive SQL shell with readline support
313 ii  dbs                                          0.36                                         Allows Debian source packages with multiple patches
314 ii  dbus                                         0.60-5                                       simple interprocess messaging system
315 ii  dc                                           1.06-19                                      The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
316 ii  dcfldd                                       1.2.4-1                                      enhanced dd with md5 checksums
317 ii  dchroot                                      0.12                                         Execute commands under different root filesystems
318 ii  dconf                                        0.5.0-2                                      collect system information
319 ii  dcraw                                        7.94-1                                       decode raw digital camera images
320 ii  dctrl-tools                                  2.8                                          Command-line tools to process Debian package information
321 ii  dd-rhelp                                     0.0.6-1                                      rescue hard disk helper
322 ii  ddclient                                     3.6.2-6                                      Update dynamic IP address at DynDNS.org
323 ii  ddd                                          3.3.11-1                                     The Data Display Debugger, a graphical debugger frontend
324 ii  ddrescue                                     1.11-1                                       copies data from one file or block device to another
325 ii  dds2tar                                      2.5.2-3                                      Tools for using DDS features of DAT drives with GNU tar
326 ii  debarchiver                                  0.5.4                                        Tool to handle debian package archives
327 ii  debconf                                      1.4.67                                       Debian configuration management system
328 ii  debconf-i18n                                 1.4.67                                       full internationalization support for debconf
329 ii  debconf-utils                                1.4.67                                       debconf utilities
330 ii  debfoster                                    2.5-5                                        Install only wanted Debian packages
331 ii  debhelper                                    5.0.15                                       helper programs for debian/rules
332 ii  debian-archive-keyring                       2006.01.10                                   GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
333 ii  debian-reference-common                      1.09-1                                       Debian system administration guide, common examples
334 ii  debian-reference-en                          1.09-1                                       Debian system administration guide, English original
335 ii  debianutils                                  2.15.2                                       Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
336 ii  debmake                                      3.8.2                                        helper package for debian/rules (deprecated)
337 ii  debmirror                                    20051209                                     Debian partial mirror script, with ftp and package pool support
338 ii  debootstrap                                  0.3.3                                        Bootstrap a basic Debian system
339 ii  deborphan                                    1.7.18                                       Find orphaned libraries
340 ii  debpool                                      0.2.2                                        pool-based Debian package archiver
341 ii  debsecan                                     0.4.0                                        Debian Security Analyzer
342 ii  debsig-verify                                0.7                                          Debian Package Signature Verification Tool
343 ii  debsigs                                      0.1.14                                       applies cryptographic signatures to Debian packages
344 ii  debsums                                      2.0.24                                       Verify installed package files against MD5 checksums.
345 ii  debtags                                      1.5.2+b2                                     Enables support for package tags
346 ii  ded                                          20050124-1                                   curses based file and directory browser
347 ii  defoma                                       0.11.8-0.1                                   Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration framework
348 ii  defrag                                       0.73pjm1-7                                   ext2, minix and xiafs filesystem defragmenter
349 ii  deletemail                                   0.4-1                                        non-interactive tool for removing mail on IMAP mailboxes
350 ii  detachtty                                    9                                            Attach/detach from interactive processes across the network
351 ii  detox                                        1.1.1-1                                      clean up filenames
352 ii  devscripts                                   2.9.10                                       Scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier
353 ii  devtodo                                      0.1.19-1                                     hierarchical, prioritised todo list manager
354 ii  dh-kpatches                                  0.99.36                                      Debhelper script to help packaging kernel patches
355 ii  dh-make                                      0.40                                         tool that converts source archives into Debian package source
356 ii  dh-make-perl                                 0.20                                         Create debian packages from perl modules
357 ii  dhcp3-client                                 3.0.3-6                                      DHCP Client
358 ii  dhcp3-common                                 3.0.3-6                                      Common files used by all the dhcp3* packages
359 ii  dhcp3-server                                 3.0.3-6                                      DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment
360 ii  dhcpdump                                     1.6-1                                        Parse DHCP packets from tcpdump
361 ii  dhcping                                      1.2-2                                        DHCP Daemon Ping Program
362 ii  di                                           4.4.dfsg.1-1                                 advanced df like disk information utility
363 ii  dialog                                       1.0-20060101-1                               Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
364 ii  dict                                         1.10.2-3                                     Dictionary Client
365 ii  dictionaries-common                          0.63.2                                       Common utilities for spelling dictionary tools
366 ii  dietlibc                                     0.29-8                                       diet libc shared libraries - a libc optimized for small size
367 ii  dietlibc-dev                                 0.29-8                                       diet libc - a libc optimized for small size
368 ii  diff                                         2.8.1-11                                     File comparison utilities
369 ii  diffstat                                     1.41-1                                       produces graph of changes introduced by a diff file
370 ii  dillo                                        0.8.5-4                                      Small and fast web browser
371 ii  ding                                         1.4-3                                        Graphical dictionary lookup program for Unix (Tk)
372 ii  dir2ogg                                      0.9.2-0.0                                    converts mp3, m4a, and wav files into ogg-vorbis format
373 ii  dirdiff                                      2.1-1                                        Display and merge changes between two directory trees.
374 ii  directvnc                                    0.7.5-7.1                                    VNC client using the framebuffer as display
375 ii  dired                                        4.06-1                                       file directory editor
376 ii  dirmngr                                      0.9.3-2                                      server for managing certificate revocation lists
377 ii  dirvish                                      1.2-1                                        Filesystem based backup system using rsync
378 ii  discover                                     2.0.7-2.1                                    hardware identification system
379 ii  discover-data                                2.2005.02.13-1                               Data lists for Discover hardware detection system
380 ii  disktype                                     8-1                                          detection of content format of a disk or disk image
381 ii  distcc                                       2.18.3-3                                     Simple distributed compiler client and server
382 ii  distmp3                                      0.1.9.ds1-4                                  A Perl client and daemon for distributed audio encoding
383 ii  divine                                       0.8-3                                        Automatic IP configuration detection for laptops
384 ii  dlint                                        1.4.0-4                                      Checks dns zone information using nameserver lookups
385 ii  dmidecode                                    2.7-2                                        Dump Desktop Management Interface data
386 ii  dmraid                                       0.9.9+1.0.0.rc9-2+b1                         Device-Mapper Software RAID support tool
387 ii  dmsetup                                      1.02.02-1                                    The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
388 ii  dnotify                                      0.18.0-1                                     Execute a command when the contents of a directory change
389 ii  dnsdoctor                                    1.0.0-2                                      DNS (Domain Name System) checking tool
390 ii  dnsmasq                                      2.25-1                                       A small caching DNS proxy and DHCP server
391 ii  dnstracer                                    1.8-1                                        Trace DNS queries to the source
392 ii  dnsutils                                     9.3.2-1                                      Clients provided with BIND
393 ii  doc-base                                     0.7.18-0.1                                   utilities to manage online documentation
394 ii  docbook                                      4.3-1.1                                      standard SGML representation system for technical documents
395 ii  docbook-dsssl                                1.79-3                                       modular DocBook DSSSL stylesheets, for print and HTML
396 ii  docbook-to-man                               2.0.0-20                                     converter from DocBook SGML into roff man macros
397 ii  dog                                          1.7-4                                        Enhanced replacement for cat
398 ii  doscan                                       0.3.1-2                                      port scanner for discovering services on large networks
399 ii  dosfstools                                   2.11-2.1                                     Utilities to create and check MS-DOS FAT filesystems
400 ii  doxygen                                      1.4.6-1                                      Documentation system for C, C++ and IDL
401 ii  dpatch                                       2.0.16                                       patch maintenance system for Debian source packages
402 ii  dpkg                                                                   package maintenance system for Debian
403 ii  dpkg-awk                                                             Gawk script to parse /var/lib/dpkg/{status,available} and Packages
404 ii  dpkg-dev                                                               package building tools for Debian
405 ii  dpkg-ftp                                     1.6.11                                       Ftp method for dselect
406 ii  dpkg-multicd                                 0.19                                         Installation methods for multiple binary CDs
407 ii  dpkg-repack                                  1.22                                         puts an unpacked .deb file back together
408 ii  dpkg-sig                                     0.12                                         create and verify signatures on .deb-files
409 ii  dput                                                                    Debian package upload tool
410 ii  drbd0.7-module-2.6.15-grml                   0.7.15-1+grml.07                             RAID 1 over tcp/ip for Linux kernel module
411 ii  drbd0.7-utils                                0.7.15-1                                     RAID 1 over tcp/ip for Linux utilities
412 ii  drbdlinks                                    1.04-2                                       Manages symlinks into a shared DRBD partition
413 ii  driftnet                                     0.1.6-4                                      Picks out and displays images from network traffic
414 ii  dropbear                                     0.47-1                                       lightweight SSH2 server and client
415 ii  dselect                                                                user tool to manage Debian packages
416 ii  dsh                                          0.25.6-1                                     dancer's shell, or distributed shell
417 ii  dsniff                                       2.4b1-13                                     Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities
418 ii  dstat                                        0.6.1-1                                      versatile resource statistics tool
419 ii  dtach                                        0.7-1                                        emulates the detach feature of screen
420 ii  dump                                         0.4b41-2                                     4.4bsd dump and restore for ext2 filesystems
421 ii  dumputils                                    0.4-6                                        simple configuration and dump recovery utilities for LKCD
422 ii  duplicity                                    0.4.1-8                                      encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup
423 ii  dupload                                                                  utility to upload Debian packages
424 ii  dupmerge                                     1.6-1                                        reclaim disk space by linking identical files together
425 ii  dupseek                                      1.3-1                                        interactive perl program to find and remove duplicate files
426 ii  durep                                        0.8.1-6                                      create disk usage reports
427 ii  dvd+rw-tools                                                       DVD+-RW/R tools
428 ii  dvdbackup                                    0.1.1-4                                      tool to rip DVD's from the command line
429 ii  dvdisaster                                   0.64.2-1                                     data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media
430 ii  dvdrtools                                    0.2.1-1                                      DVD writing program
431 ii  dvgrab                                       1.8-3                                        grab digital video data via IEEE1394 links
432 ii  dvi2tty                                      5.3.1-3                                      Previewing dvi-files on text-only devices
433 ii  dvipng                                       1.5-2.1                                      convert PNG graphics from DVI files
434 ii  dviutils                                     2.19-12                                      Some DVI utilities
435 ii  e2fslibs                                     1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.31-1                   ext2 filesystem libraries
436 ii  e2fsprogs                                    1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.31-1                   ext2 file system utilities and libraries
437 ii  e2tools                                      0.0.16-4                                     utilities for manipulating files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem
438 ii  e2undel                                      0.8-7                                        Undelete utility for the ext2 file system
439 ii  e3                                           2.61-2                                       A very small editor
440 ii  eagle-usb-data                               2.1.1-2                                      Data for Eagle USB ADSL modems
441 ii  eagle-usb-modules-2.6.15-grml                2.1.1-2+grml.07                              EAGLE-USB binary kernel module for Linux 2.6.15-grml
442 ii  eagle-usb-utils                              2.1.1-2                                      Userspace tools for Eagle USB ADSL modems
443 ii  ebtables                                     2.0.6-3                                      Ethernet bridge frame table administration
444 ii  eciadsl                                      0.11-3                                       userspace driver for the Globespan-based USB ADSL modems
445 ii  ed                                           0.2-20                                       The classic unix line editor
446 ii  edictionary                                  2.0-2                                        your personal command line dictionary
447 ii  eflite                                       0.3.8-1                                      Festival-Lite based emacspeak speech server
448 ii  eject                                        2.1.4-1                                      ejects CDs and operates CD-Changers under Linux
449 ii  electric-fence                                                          A malloc(3) debugger
450 ii  elfsh                                        0.51b3-2.1                                   The ELF shell
451 ii  elinks                                       0.10.6-1                                     advanced text-mode WWW browser
452 ii  elizatalk                                    0.4-1                                        simple autoresponder
453 ii  elmo                                         1.3.0-1                                      text-based mail-reader supporting SMTP and POP3
454 ii  elscreen                                     1.3.3-1                                      Screen for Emacsen
455 ii  elvis                                        2.2.0-5                                      powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (with X11 support)
456 ii  elvis-common                                 2.2.0-5                                      common files for elvis, elvis-console and elvis-tools
457 ii  emacs21                                      21.4a-3                                      The GNU Emacs editor
458 ii  emacs21-bin-common                           21.4a-3                                      The GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture dependent files
459 ii  emacs21-common                               21.4a-3                                      The GNU Emacs editor's shared, architecture independent infrastructure
460 ii  emacsen-common                               1.4.17                                       Common facilities for all emacsen
461 ii  emacspeak                                    17.0-1.2                                     speech output interface to Emacs
462 ii  emuga                                        0.1.1                                        extended modelling of group access
463 ii  encfs                                        1.2.5-1-1                                    encrypted virtual filesystem
464 ii  enscribe                                     0.0.4-2.1                                    convert images into sounds
465 ii  enscript                                     1.6.4-7                                      Converts ASCII text to Postscript, HTML, RTF or Pretty-Print
466 ii  equivs                                       2.0.6-0.1                                    Circumvent Debian package dependencies
467 ii  erc                                          5.0.4-2                                      an Emacs IRC client
468 ii  es                                           0.90beta1-10.1                               An extensible shell based on `rc'
469 ii  esound-common                                0.2.36-3                                     Enlightened Sound Daemon - Common files
470 ii  eterm                                        0.9.2-8.1                                    Enlightened Terminal Emulator
471 ii  ethereal                                     0.10.13-1.1                                  network traffic analyzer
472 ii  ethereal-common                              0.10.13-1.1                                  network traffic analyser (common files)
473 ii  etherwake                                    1.09-1                                       A little tool to send magic Wake-on-LAN packets
474 ii  ethstatus                                    0.4.2-2                                      Console-based ethernet statistics monitor
475 ii  ethtool                                      3-1                                          Display or change ethernet card settings
476 ii  etpan-ng                                     0.6.1-4                                      console mail user agent based on libEtPan!
477 ii  ettercap-common                              0.7.3-1+b1                                   Common support files and plugins for ettercap
478 ii  ettercap-gtk                                 0.7.3-1+b1                                   Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN
479 ii  euro-support                                 1.33                                         Help setting up euro character support in your Debian system
480 ii  euro-support-console                         1.33                                         Help setting up euro character support in the system console
481 ii  euro-support-x                               1.33                                         Help setting up euro character support in the X environment
482 ii  evilwm                                       0.99.18-1                                    a minimalist window manager for X11
483 ii  evms                                         2.5.4-4                                      Enterprise Volume Management System (core)
484 ii  evms-bootdebug                               2.5.4-4                                      Enterprise Volume Management System (boot-time debugger)
485 ii  evms-cli                                     2.5.4-4                                      Enterprise Volume Management System (CLI)
486 ii  evms-ncurses                                 2.5.4-4                                      Enterprise Volume Management System (ncurses UI)
487 ii  ex                                           050325-1                                     The Traditional Vi
488 ii  exiftran                                     2.01-1.3                                     transform digital camera jpeg images
489 ii  exiv2                                        0.7-9.1                                      EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation tool
490 ii  expect                                       5.42.1-1.2                                   A program that "talks" to other programs
491 ii  ext2resize                                   1.1.19-3                                     an ext2 filesystem resizer
492 ii  ext3rminator                                 0.2.99+0.3.0pre2-1                           recover deleted files from an ext3 filesystem
493 ii  exuberant-ctags                              5.5.4-1                                      build tag file indexes of source code definitions
494 ii  faad                                         2.0.0-0.7                                    freeware Advanced Audio Decoder player
495 ii  fail2ban                                     0.6.0-3                                      bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors
496 ii  fake                                         1.1.10-1                                     IP address takeover tool
497 ii  fakeroot                                     1.5.6                                        Gives a fake root environment
498 ii  fam                                          2.7.0-8                                      File Alteration Monitor
499 ii  farpd                                        0.2-7                                        Fake ARP user space daemon
500 ii  fastjar                                      4.0.2-6                                      Jar creation utility
501 ii  fbgetty                                      0.1.698-7                                    A console getty with and without frame buffer capability
502 ii  fbgrab                                       1.0.0-3                                      Framebuffer grabber
503 ii  fbi                                          2.01-1.4                                     Linux frame buffer image viewer
504 ii  fblogo                                       0.5.1-2                                      Converts images to framebuffer-logo header file
505 ii  fbset                                        2.1-18                                       framebuffer device maintenance program
506 ii  fcheck                                       2.7.59-7                                     IDS filesystem baseline integrity checker
507 ii  fcrackzip                                    0.3-2                                        password cracker for zip archives
508 ii  fdflush                                                                  Flush out-of-date disk buffers
509 ii  fdupes                                       1.40-4                                       Identifies duplicate files within given directories
510 ii  fdutils                                      5.5-20050303-2                               Linux floppy utilities
511 ii  feh                                          1.3.4-2                                      imlib2 based image viewer
512 ii  fetchmail                                    6.3.1-4                                      SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
513 ii  fftw2                                        2.1.3-16.2                                   Library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
514 ii  fgetty                                       0.6-3                                        very small, efficient, console-only getty and login
515 ii  fglrx-control                                8.20.8-1.1                                   Control panel for the ATI graphics accelerators
516 ii  figfonts                                     2.2.1-1.1                                    User contributed fonts for figlet
517 ii  figlet                                       2.2.1-4                                      Frank, Ian & Glenn's Letters
518 ii  file                                         4.15-2                                       Determines file type using "magic" numbers
519 ii  file-rc                                      0.8.7                                        Alternative boot mechanism using a single configuration file
520 ii  filepp                                       1.7.1-7                                      A generic perl-based file pre-processor
521 ii  filetraq                                     0.2-11                                       Small utility to keep track of changes in config files
522 ii  fileutils                                    5.93-5                                       The GNU file management utilities (transitional package)
523 ii  findimagedupes                               0.1.3-7                                      Finds visually similar or duplicate images
524 ii  findutils                                    4.2.27-1                                     utilities for finding files--find, xargs, and locate
525 ii  finger                                       0.17-9                                       user information lookup program
526 ii  firefox                                      1.5.dfsg-4                                   lightweight web browser based on Mozilla
527 ii  firefox-webdeveloper                         0.9.4-2                                      web developer extension for the Firefox web browser
528 ii  firehol                                      1.231-4                                      An easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall
529 ii  fish                                         1.20.0-1                                     a friendly interactive shell
530 ii  fl-cow                                       0.6-1                                        copy-on-write utility
531 ii  flac123                                      0.0.9-2                                      command-line flac player
532 ii  flashplugin-nonfree                          7.0.61-1                                     Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer
533 ii  flawfinder                                   1.26-2                                       examines source code and looks for security weaknesses
534 ii  flex                                         2.5.31-36                                    A fast lexical analyzer generator.
535 ii  flexbackup                                   1.2.1-2                                      Flexible backup tool for small to medium sized installations
536 ii  flite                                        1.2-release-2.2                              A small run-time speech synthesis engine
537 ii  fluxbox                                      0.9.14-1                                     Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager
538 ii  fluxconf                                     0.9.8-2                                      FluxBox configuration utility
539 ii  fnfx-client                                  0.3-7                                        Client for customize fnfxd hot-keys
540 ii  fnfxd                                        0.3-7                                        ACPI and hotkey daemon for Toshiba laptops
541 ii  fnord                                        1.10-2                                       yet another small httpd
542 ii  fondu                                        0.0.20050825-1                               convert between Mac and UNIX font formats
543 ii  fontconfig                                   2.3.2-1.1                                    generic font configuration library
544 ii  fonts-ttf-decoratives                        1.3-1                                        Distributable True Type fonts collection
545 ii  fonts-ttf-west-european                      1.3-9                                        free True Type Fonts (west eruopean charset)
546 ii  fonty                                        1.0-23                                       Fonts on Linux console
547 ii  foremost                                     0.69-1                                       a forensics application to recover data
548 ii  fortune-mod                                  1.99.1-3                                     provides fortune cookies on demand
549 ii  fortunes-debian-hints                        1.7                                          Debian Hints for fortune
550 ii  fortunes-min                                 1.99.1-3                                     Data files containing fortune cookies
551 ii  fping                                        2.4b2-to-ipv6-13                             sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
552 ii  fprobe                                       1.1-4                                        export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector
553 ii  fprobe-ulog                                  1.1-3                                        export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector (ULOG version)
554 ii  fragroute                                    1.2-7                                        Test a NIDS by attempting to evade using fragmented packets
555 ii  freeradius                                   1.1.0-1                                      a high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server
556 ii  freeradius-ldap                              1.1.0-1                                      LDAP module for FreeRADIUS server
557 ii  freesweep                                    0.88-4.1                                     a text-based minesweeper
558 ii  fsh                                          1.2-6                                        Fast remote command execution over rsh/ssh/lsh
559 ii  ftester                                      0.9-1                                        firewall tester for testing firewalls and IDS
560 ii  ftp                                          0.17-16                                      The FTP client
561 ii  ftp-upload                                   1.4                                          put files with FTP from a script
562 ii  ftpbackup                                    2.1-1                                        backup to/restore from ftp server
563 ii  ftpcopy                                      0.6.7-1                                      FTP clients collection
564 ii  ftpwatch                                     1.19                                         Notifies you of changes on remote ftp servers
565 ii  fttools                                      1.2-15                                       FreeType font utilities
566 ii  funny-manpages                               1.3-5                                        more funny manpages
567 ii  fuse-utils                                   2.4.1-0.1                                    Filesystem in USErspace (utilities)
568 ii  fwlogwatch                                   1.0-6                                        Firewall log analyzer
569 ii  fxload                                       0.0.20020411-1                               Firmware download to EZ-USB devices
570 ii  g++                                          4.0.2-2                                      The GNU C++ compiler
571 ii  g++-4.0                                      4.0.2-6                                      The GNU C++ compiler
572 ii  gateguardian                                 0.9.6-1                                      library to avoid common security problems in C/C++
573 ii  gawk                                         3.1.5-1                                      GNU awk, a pattern scanning and processing language
574 ii  gcal                                         3.01.1-5.1                                   Prints calendars
575 ii  gcc                                          4.0.2-2                                      The GNU C compiler
576 ii  gcc-2.95                                     2.95.4-24                                    The GNU C compiler
577 ii  gcc-3.3                                      3.3.6-12                                     The GNU C compiler
578 ii  gcc-3.3-base                                 3.3.6-12                                     The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
579 ii  gcc-4.0                                      4.0.2-6                                      The GNU C compiler
580 ii  gcc-4.0-base                                 4.0.2-6                                      The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
581 ii  gcj-4.0-base                                 4.0.2-6                                      The GNU Compiler Collection (gcj base package)
582 ii  gdb                                          6.4-1                                        The GNU Debugger
583 ii  gddrescue                                    1.1-1                                        is the GNU data recovery tool Ddrescue
584 ii  gdk-imlib11                                  1.9.14-28                                    imaging library for use with gtk
585 ii  genders                                      1.3-4-1                                      cluster configuration managment database tools
586 ii  geresh                                       0.6.3-3                                      A simple multilingual text editor with utf-8 & bidi support
587 ii  getmail4                                     4.4.3-1                                      mail retriever with support for POP3, IMAP4 and SDPS
588 ii  gettext                                      0.14.5-2                                     GNU Internationalization utilities
589 ii  gettext-base                                 0.14.5-2                                     GNU Internationalization utilities for the base system
590 ii  gettext-el                                   0.14.5-2                                     Emacs po-mode for editing .po files
591 ii  gfs-tools                                    0.trunk20050206-1                            Global File System
592 ii  gftp-common                                  2.0.18-11                                    shared files for other gFTP packages
593 ii  gftp-text                                    2.0.18-11                                    colored FTP client using GLib
594 ii  giblib1                                      1.2.4-2                                      wrapper library for imlib2, and other stuff
595 ii  gif2png                                      2.5.1-1                                      GIF -> PNG conversions
596 ii  giflib-bin                                   3.0-12                                       programs to convert GIF images
597 ii  giflib3g                                     3.0-12                                       shared library for GIF images (runtime lib)
598 ii  gifshuffle                                   2.0-1                                        GIF colourmap steganography program
599 ii  giftcurs                                     0.6.2-4                                      text-based interface to the giFT file-sharing system
600 ii  giftrans                                     1.12.2-11                                    Convert any GIF file into a GIF89a
601 ii  git-core                                     1.1.3-1                                      content addressable filesystem
602 ii  gitweb                                       220-2                                        web-based cogito/git version control system browser
603 ii  gjdoc                                        0.7.7-1                                      documentation generation framework for java source files
604 ii  gkermit                                      1.0-4                                        A serial and network communications package
605 ii  gkrellm                                      2.2.7-5                                      multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [client]
606 ii  gkrellm-common                               2.2.7-5                                      multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [common files]
607 ii  gkrellm-reminder                             2.0.0-1                                      useful reminder plugin for gkrellm
608 ii  gkrellm-volume                               2.1.13-1                                     A mixer plugin for GKrellM
609 ii  gkrellm-x86info                              0.0.2-7                                      gkrellm plugin displaying the current processor speed
610 ii  gkrellmd                                     2.2.7-5                                      multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [daemon]
611 ii  gkrellmitime                                 1.0.1-2                                      Internet time plugin for gkrellm
612 ii  gkrellmwireless                              2.0.3-1                                      802.11 wireless link monitor plugin for GKrellM
613 ii  gkrellshoot                                  0.4.3-2                                      Plugin for gkrellm to lock the screen and make screenshots
614 ii  gkrellweather                                2.0.7-1                                      A weather monitor plugin for GKrellM
615 ii  glark                                        1.7.5-1                                      pattern matching tool similar to grep
616 ii  glibc-doc                                    2.3.5-11                                     GNU C Library: Documentation
617 ii  gmailfs                                      0.6-2                                        Use your GMail account as a filesystem
618 ii  gmrun                                        0.9.1-1                                      Featureful CLI-like GTK+ application launcher
619 ii  gnuhtml2latex                                0.3-1                                        A Perl script that converts html files to latex
620 ii  gnupg                                        1.4.2-2                                      GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
621 ii  gnupg-agent                                  1.9.19-2                                     GNU privacy guard - password agent
622 ii  gnupg2                                       1.9.19-2                                     GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
623 ii  gnuplot                                      4.0.0-2.1                                    A command-line driven interactive plotting program
624 ii  gnuplot-nox                                  4.0.0-2.1                                    A command-line driven interactive plotting program
625 ii  gnuplot-x11                                  4.0.0-2.1                                    X11-terminal driver for gnuplot
626 ii  gnus                                         5.10.6-1.NO.20051213-1                       A versatile News and mailing list reader for Emacsen.
627 ii  gnus-bonus-el                                26.4-1                                       Miscellaneous add-ons for Gnus
628 ii  gnutls-bin                                   1.2.9-2                                      the GNU TLS library - commandline utilities
629 ii  gocr                                         0.39-5                                       A command line OCR
630 ii  gpart                                        0.1h-4                                       Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions
631 ii  gpgsm                                        1.9.19-2                                     GNU privacy guard - S/MIME version
632 ii  gphoto2                                      2.1.6-2.1                                    The gphoto2 digital camera command-line client
633 ii  gpm                                          1.19.6-21                                    General Purpose Mouse Interface
634 ii  gq                                           1.0beta1-4                                   GTK-based LDAP client
635 ii  gqcam                                        0.9.1-3                                      GTK Webcam control
636 ii  gqview                                       2.0.1-1                                      A simple image viewer using GTK+
637 ii  grabc                                        1.1-1                                        identifies an onscreen colour using a crosshair cursor
638 ii  gramofile                                    1.6-7                                        Transfer sound from gramophone records to CD
639 ii  graphviz                                     2.2.1-1sarge1                                rich set of graph drawing tools
640 ii  grep                                         2.5.1.ds2-4                                  GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
641 ii  grepmail                                     5.3032-2                                     search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
642 ii  grml                                         0.6-2                                        dummy package for grml system
643 ii  grml-autoconfig                              0.3-4                                        main bootup process of a grml system
644 ii  grml-btnet                                   0.02                                         Programs to quickly build a bluetooth network
645 ii  grml-crypt                                   0.12                                         wrapper arround cryptsetup-luks
646 ii  grml-ddcxinfo                                0.1-1                                        Monitor/Graphics card DDC hardware detection
647 ii  grml-docs                                    0.6-3                                        documentation for grml (grml.org)
648 ii  grml-etc                                     0.6-2                                        ecetera files for the grml system
649 ii  grml-files                                   0.6-2                                        some misc files for grml
650 ii  grml-firefox                                 0.1-8                                        main bootup process of a grml system
651 ii  grml-fixes                                   0.1-12                                       fixes for the grml system
652 ii  grml-hwinfo                                  0.1-1                                        collect hardware information
653 ii  grml-kerneladdons                            2.6.15-grml-5                                additional kernel modules for the grml linux kernel
654 ii  grml-laptop                                  0.1-5                                        optimize system for specific laptops
655 ii  grml-mercurial-utils                         0.02                                         Some small scripts to work with mercurial
656 ii  grml-rebuildfstab                            0.1-5                                        fstab-rebuilder for grml
657 ii  grml-reportbug                               2.99.4-1                                     Reports bugs in the Grml distribution
658 ii  grml-saveconfig                              0.1-2                                        utilities and documentation for saving and restoring configuration
659 ii  grml-scanpartitions                          0.1-5                                        fstab-helper for grml
660 ii  grml-scripts                                 0.6-1                                        some small scripts which should make live easier
661 ii  grml-sectools                                0.1-9                                        collection of small in-/security tools
662 ii  grml-shlib                                   1.02.07                                      Generic shell library used in grml scripts
663 ii  grml-splash                                  0.2                                          user mode bootsplash suite for grml
664 ii  grml-sysvinit                                0.3                                          System-V like init for the grml system
665 ii  grml-templates                               0.1-2                                        templates for LaTeX, c, cpp, tpp and many more
666 ii  grml-terminalserver                          0.69                                         terminalserver for grml
667 ii  grml-terminalserver-data                     0.62                                         data for grml-terminalserver
668 ii  grml-tips                                    0.1-7                                        search for tips and hints via a keyword
669 ii  grml-usleep                                  0.1-1                                        sleeps for a number of microseconds, see man 3 usleep
670 ii  grml-vpn                                     0.13                                         program to establish encrypted communication channels in a network
671 ii  grml-x                                       0.2-13                                       wrapper for startx for running X Window System
672 ii  grml2hd                                      0.6.2                                        make a harddisk installation of grml
673 ii  grml2hd-utils                                0.1-12                                       utilities for a grml system on harddisk
674 ii  grml2usb                                     0.2-1                                        install grml-system to usb device
675 ii  groff                                                                GNU troff text-formatting system
676 ii  groff-base                                                           GNU troff text-formatting system (base system components)
677 ii  grub                                         0.97-4                                       GRand Unified Bootloader
678 ii  gs                                           8.15-4.1                                     Transitional package
679 ii  gs-common                                    0.3.9                                        Common files for different Ghostscript releases
680 ii  gs-esp                                       8.15.1.dfsg.1-1                              The Ghostscript PostScript interpreter - ESP version
681 ii  gs-gpl                                       8.15-4.1                                     The GPL Ghostscript PostScript interpreter
682 ii  gscanbus                                     0.7.1-5                                      scan IEEE1394 (firewire/i.link) bus
683 ii  gsfonts                                      8.14+v8.11+urw-0.2                           Fonts for the Ghostscript interpreter(s)
684 ii  gsfonts-x11                                  0.17                                         Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11
685 ii  gsm-utils                                    1.10-9                                       GSM mobile phone access applications
686 ii  gtkam                                        0.1.12-2.2                                   GTK+ application for digital still cameras
687 ii  gtkrecover                                   0.3-9                                        GUI for recover
688 ii  gv                                           3.6.1-12                                     PostScript and PDF viewer for X
689 ii  gzip                                         1.3.5-12                                     The GNU compression utility
690 ii  hal                                                                    Hardware Abstraction Layer
691 ii  harden-remoteaudit                           0.1.17                                       Audit your remote systems from this host
692 ii  harden-tools                                 0.1.17                                       Tools to enhance or analyze the security of the local system
693 ii  hasciicam                                    0.9.1-1.2                                    ascii for the masses
694 ii  hddtemp                                      0.3-beta14-6                                 Utility to monitor the temperature of your hard drive
695 ii  hdparm                                       6.3-3                                        tune hard disk parameters for high performance
696 ii  heirloom-sh                                  050706-1                                     Heirloom Bourne Shell - derived from OpenSolaris code
697 ii  hexedit                                      1.2.12-1                                     view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII
698 ii  hfsplus                                      1.0.4-10                                     tools to access HFS+ formatted volumes
699 ii  hfsutils                                     3.2.6-10                                     Tools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes
700 ii  hgrep                                        1.0-2                                        highlight output of grep
701 ii  hibernate                                    1.12-1                                       activates your computer's suspend functionality
702 ii  hicolor-icon-theme                           0.8-3                                        default fallback theme for FreeDesktop.org icon themes
703 ii  hnb                                          1.9.18-3                                     Hierarchical notebook
704 ii  honeyd                                       1.0a-rc2-2                                   Small daemon that creates virtual hosts simulating their services and behaviour
705 ii  hostap-modules-2.6.15-grml                   0.4.1-1+grml.07                              Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3 (kernel 2.6.15-grml)
706 ii  hostap-utils                                 0.4.0-1                                      Utility programs for Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3
707 ii  hostapd                                      0.4.5-2                                      user space IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator
708 ii  hostname                                     2.91                                         utility to set/show the host name or domain name
709 ii  hotkey-setup                                 0.1-12                                       auto-configures laptop hotkeys
710 ii  hotkeys                                                                  A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X
711 ii  hotswap-text                                 0.4.0-8+b1                                   (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware (command line tool)
712 ii  hpijs                                        2.1.7+0.9.7-4                                HP Linux Printing and Imaging - gs IJS driver (hpijs)
713 ii  hping2                                       2.rc3-4                                      Active Network Smashing Tool
714 ii  hping3                                       3.a2.ds1-2                                   Active Network Smashing Tool
715 ii  htcheck                                      1.2.3-2                                      Utility for checking web site for dead/external links
716 ii  html2text                                    1.3.2a-3                                     An advanced HTML to text converter
717 ii  htop                                         0.6-1                                        interactive processes viewer
718 ii  httperf                                      0.8-6                                        An HTTP server performance tester
719 ii  httpf                                        1.0.5-2                                      HTTP proxy that analyzes data streams
720 ii  httping                                      1.0.4-1                                      ping-like program for http-requests
721 ii  httptunnel                                   3.3-2                                        Tunnels a data stream in HTTP requests.
722 ii  hunt                                         1.5-4                                        Advanced packet sniffer and connection intrusion
723 ii  hwdata                                       0.172-1                                      hardware identification / configuration data
724 ii  hwinfo                                       11.25.2-2                                    Hardware identification system
725 ii  hwtools                                      0.8-6                                        collection of tools for low-level hardware management
726 ii  hydra                                        5.0-1                                        very fast network logon cracker
727 ii  i810switch                                   0.6.5-2                                      Enables/disables video output to CRT/LCD on i810 video hardware
728 ii  i8kutils                                     1.27                                         utilities for Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops
729 ii  ibod                                         1.5.0-4                                      ISDN MPPP bandwidth on demand daemon
730 ii  ibritish                                                              A British English dictionary for ispell
731 ii  icecast2                                     2.3.1-2                                      Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server
732 ii  ices2                                        2.0.1-4                                      Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 2
733 ii  icheck                                       0.9.7-4                                      C interface ABI/API checker
734 ii  icmp-mtu                                     0.1-1                                        reduce performance of an arbitrary TCP connection
735 ii  icmp-quench                                  0.1-1                                        reduce throughput of an arbitrary TCP connection
736 ii  icmp-reset                                   0.1-1                                        reset arbitrary TCP connections
737 ii  icmpush                                      2.2-6                                        ICMP packet builder
738 ii  id3v2                                        0.1.11-3                                     A command line id3v2 tag editor
739 ii  idesk                                        0.7.4-2                                      Display program shortcuts as icons on desktop the new release
740 ii  idn                                          0.5.18-1                                     Command line and emacs interface to GNU libidn
741 ii  idswakeup                                    1.0-3                                        A tool for testing network intrusion detection systems.
742 ii  ieee80211-modules-2.6.15-grml                1.1.6-2+grml.07                              ieee80211 network stack modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.15-grml).
743 ii  ifenslave-2.6                                1.1.0-6                                      Attach and detach slave interfaces to a bonding device
744 ii  ifmetric                                     0.3-1                                        Set routing metrics for a network interface
745 ii  ifplugd                                      0.26-2.1                                     A configuration daemon for ethernet devices
746 ii  ifrename                                     27+28pre13-1                                 Rename network interfaces based on various static criteria
747 ii  ifstat                                       1.1-5.0.1                                    InterFace STATistics Monitoring
748 ii  iftop                                        0.16-4                                       displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface
749 ii  ifupdown                                     0.6.7                                        high level tools to configure network interfaces
750 ii  ifupdown-scripts-zg2                         0.2-2                                        Zugschlus' interface scripts for ifupdown's manual method
751 ii  igal                                         1.4-14                                       online image gallery generator
752 ii  ihu                                          0.5.3-2                                      Qt VoIP softphone with an own, encrypted protocol
753 ii  iisemulator                                  0.95-2                                       Emulation for the IIS web server
754 ii  ike-scan                                     1.7-4                                        discover and fingerprint IKE hosts (IPsec VPN Servers)
755 ii  im-switch                                    1.3                                          Input method switch framework
756 ii  imagemagick                                                          Image manipulation programs
757 ii  imapcopy                                     1.01-1                                       IMAP backup, copy and migration tool
758 ii  imapfilter                                   1.1.1-1                                      filter mail in your IMAP account
759 ii  imediff2                                     1.1.0+20041113-1                             interactive full screen 2-way merge tool
760 ii  imlib-base                                   1.9.14-28                                    Common files needed by the Imlib/Gdk-Imlib packages
761 ii  imlib11                                      1.9.14-28                                    Imlib is an imaging library for X and X11
762 ii  imwheel                                      1.0.0pre12-5                                 program to support non-standard buttons on new mice
763 ii  inadyn                                       1.96-1                                       client to alleviate the requirements for an Internet name
764 ii  indent                                       2.2.9-7                                      C language source code formatting program
765 ii  info                                         4.8-4                                        Standalone GNU Info documentation browser
766 ii  info2www                                                              Read info files with a WWW browser
767 ii  ingerman                                     20030222-8                                   New German orthography dictionary for ispell
768 ii  initramfs-tools                              0.50c                                        tools for generating an initramfs
769 ii  initrd-tools                                 0.1.84                                       tools to create initrd image for prepackaged Linux kernel
770 ii  initscripts                                  2.86.ds1-6                                   Standard scripts needed for booting and shutting down
771 ii  input-utils                                  0.0.20050727-1                               utilities for the input layer of the Linux kernel
772 ii  installation-report                          2.10                                         system installation report
773 ii  installwatch                                 0.6.3-2                                      Track installation of local software
774 ii  intltool-debian                              0.34.1+20050828                              Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files
775 ii  ion3                                         20060107-1                                   keyboard-friendly window manager with tiled windows (devel)
776 ii  ion3-scripts                                 20060119-1                                   user-contributed add-ons to the Ion 3 window manager
777 ii  iozone3                                      257-1                                        Filesystem and Disk Benchmarking Tool
778 ii  ipac-ng                                      1.31-1                                       IP Accounting for iptables (kernel >=2.4)
779 ii  ipcalc                                       0.40-1                                       parameter calculator for IPv4 addresses
780 ii  ipchains                                     1.3.10-16                                    Network firewalling for Linux 2.2.x
781 ii  iperf                                        2.0.2-1                                      Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool
782 ii  ipgrab                                       0.9.9-1                                      Tcpdump-like utility that prints detailed header information
783 ii  ipkungfu                                     0.5.2-7                                      iptables-based Linux firewall
784 ii  ipmasqadm                                    0.4.2-2.1                                    Utility for configuring extra masquerading functionality
785 ii  ipppd                                        3.8.2005-12-06-4                             PPP daemon for syncPPP over ISDN
786 ii  iprelay                                      0.71-4                                       User-space bandwidth shaping TCP proxy daemon
787 ii  iproute                                      20041019-4.1                                 Professional tools to control the networking in Linux kernels
788 ii  ipsc                                         0.4.3-2                                      IP Subnet Calculator for console
789 ii  ipsec-tools                                  0.6.3-1                                      IPsec tools for Linux
790 ii  iptables                                     1.3.3-2                                      Linux kernel 2.4+ iptables administration tools
791 ii  iptraf                                       2.7.0-8                                      Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor
792 ii  iptstate                                     1.4-2                                        Top-like state for netfilter/iptables
793 ii  iputils-ping                                 20020927-3                                   Tools to test the reachability of network hosts
794 ii  iputils-tracepath                            20020927-3                                   Tools to trace the network path to a remote host
795 ii  ipv6calc                                     0.46-2                                       a small utility for manipulating IPv6 addresses.
796 ii  ipvsadm                                      1.24+1.21-1.1                                Linux Virtual Server support programs
797 ii  ipw2100-firmware                             1.3-1.unofficial.sarge.1                     Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Firmware
798 ii  ipw2100-modules-2.6.15-grml                  1.1.3-1+grml.07                              ipw2100 modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.15-grml).
799 ii  ipw2200-firmware                             2.2-1.unofficial.sarge.1                     Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 Firmware
800 ii  ipw2200-modules-2.6.15-grml                  1.0.8-1+grml.07                              ipw2200 modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.15-grml).
801 ii  ipx                                          2.2.6-3                                      utilities to configure the kernel ipx interface
802 ii  ipxripd                                      0.7-13.1                                     IPX RIP/SAP daemon
803 ii  ipython                                      0.6.15-1                                     enhanced interactive Python shell [dummy package]
804 ii  ipython-common                               0.6.15-1                                     enhanced interactive Python shell [common files]
805 ii  irb                                          1.8.2-1                                      Interactive Ruby (irb)
806 ii  irb1.8                                       1.8.4-1                                      Interactive Ruby (for Ruby 1.8)
807 ii  ircii                                        20051015-1                                   Internet Relay Chat client
808 ii  irda-utils                                   0.9.16-11                                    IrDA management and handling utilities
809 ii  irpas                                        0.10-4                                       Internetwork Routing Protocol Attack Suite
810 ii  irssi                                        0.8.10-1                                     terminal based IRC client
811 ii  irssi-scripts                                20050609                                     collection of scripts for irssi
812 ii  irssi-text                                   0.8.10-1                                     irssi dummy transition package
813 ii  isakmpd                                      20041012-1.grml                              The Internet Key Exchange protocol openbsd implementation
814 ii  isdnactivecards                              3.8.2005-12-06-4                             Support utilities for active ISDN cards.
815 ii  isdnutils-base                               3.8.2005-12-06-4                             ISDN utilities, the basic (minimal) set
816 ii  isdnutils-xtools                             3.8.2005-12-06-4                             ISDN utilities that use X
817 ii  isdnvboxclient                               3.8.2005-12-06-4                             ISDN answering machine, client
818 ii  isic                                         0.06-1                                       Test the integrity of an IP Stack with semi-random packets
819 ii  ispell                                                                International Ispell (an interactive spelling corrector)
820 ii  isync                                        0.9.2-4                                      Synchronize a local maildir with a remote IMAP4 mailbox
821 ii  ivtv0.4-modules-2.6.15-grml                  0.4.1-2+grml.07                              ivtv Linux kernel module (0.4 branch)
822 ii  ivtv0.4-utils                                0.4.1-2                                      utilities for use with the ivtv kernel driver
823 ii  jack                                         3.1.1-14                                     Rip and encode CDs with one command
824 ii  jackd                                        0.100.0-4                                    JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)
825 ii  jail                                         1.6-4                                        Just Another ICMP Logger
826 ii  jailer                                       0.4-8                                        Builds and maintains chrooted environments
827 ii  jailtool                                     1.1-3                                        Tool to build chroot-jails for daemons
828 ii  java-common                                  0.23                                         Base of all Java packages
829 ii  jaxml                                        3.01-1                                       Python module for generating XML documents
830 ii  jed                                          0.99.16-6                                    editor for programmers (textmode version)
831 ii  jed-common                                   0.99.16-6                                    byte compiled S-Lang runtime files for jed and xjed
832 ii  jed-extra                                    0.1.8                                        Collection of useful JED modes and utilities
833 ii  jfsutils                                     1.1.8-1                                      utilities for managing the JFS filesystem
834 ii  jhead                                        2.44-1                                       manipulate the non-image part of Exif compliant JPEG files
835 ii  jigit                                        1.15-2                                       tools for working with jigdo files
836 ii  jigl                                         2.0.1-1                                      Jason's Image Gallery - generate static html photo gallery
837 ii  jikes                                        1.22-3                                       Fast Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications
838 ii  jikes-kaffe                                  1.1.6-3                                      Wrapper for jikes using Kaffe classes
839 ii  jmon                                         0.3.1-7                                      distributed resource monitor
840 ii  joe                                          3.1-0.2                                      user friendly full screen text editor
841 ii  john                                         1.6-39                                       active password cracking tool
842 ii  joystick                                     20051019-1                                   Testing and calibration tools
843 ii  juke                                         0.7-3                                        A curses-based jukebox program
844 ii  jwm                                          0.23-3.1                                     Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus
845 ii  kaffe                                        1.1.6-3                                      A JVM to run Java bytecode
846 ii  kaffe-common                                 1.1.6-3                                      Files shared between all Kaffe VM versions
847 ii  kaffe-pthreads                               1.1.6-3                                      A POSIX threads enabled version of the Kaffe VM
848 ii  kbd-compat                                   0.2.3dbs-60                                  Wrappers around console-tools for backward compatibility with `kbd'
849 ii  kdoc                                         2.0a54-2                                     C++ and IDL Source Documentation System
850 ii  keepalived                                   1.1.11-3                                     Failover and monitoring daemon for LVS clusters
851 ii  kenny                                        1.7-3                                        convert files from and to KennySpeak
852 ii  kernel-package                               10.032                                       A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.
853 ii  ketchup                                      0.9.6-2                                      update utility for linux-kernel sources
854 ii  kexec-tools                                  1.101-2                                      kexec tool
855 ii  keychain                                     2.5.5-5                                      key manager for OpenSSH
856 ii  kismet                                       2005.08.R1-1.2+b1                            Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool
857 ii  kiss                                         0.21-12                                      Karel's Interactive Simple Shell
858 ii  klibc-utils                                  1.1.16-1                                     small statically-linked utilities built with klibc
859 ii  knockd                                       0.5-1                                        small port-knock daemon
860 ii  knocker                                      0.7.1-3                                      a simple and easy to use TCP security port scanner
861 ii  krb5-config                                  1.7                                          Configuration files for Kerberos Version 5
862 ii  krb5-user                                    1.4.3-5                                      Basic programs to authenticate using MIT Kerberos
863 ii  ksh                                          93q+93r-1                                    The real, AT&T version of the Korn shell
864 ii  kwtools-bin                                  0.4.2-1                                      Includes kwadmin, combines kwtools scripts.
865 ii  kwtools-common                               0.4.2-1                                      General functions for kwtools scripts.
866 ii  kwtools-graphic                              0.4.2-1                                      Graphics scripts.
867 ii  kwtools-net                                  0.4.2-1                                      Network scripts.
868 ii  kwtools-net-postfix                          0.4.2-1                                      Network script kwpostfix.
869 ii  kwtools-sys                                  0.4.2-1                                      System scripts.
870 ii  kwtools-sys-lvm                              0.4.2-1                                      Script to manage LVMs
871 ii  kwtools-utils                                0.4.2-1                                      Includes several scripts for general tasks.
872 ii  labrea                                       2.5-stable-1                                 a "sticky" honeypot and IDS
873 ii  lacheck                                      1.26-8                                       A simple syntax checker for LaTeX
874 ii  laptop-detect                                0.12.1                                       attempt to detect a laptop
875 ii  laptop-mode-tools                            1.11-1                                       Userland scripts to control "laptop mode"
876 ii  latex-beamer                                 3.06-1                                       LaTeX class to produce presentations
877 ii  latex-xcolor                                 2.00-2                                       Easy driver-independent TeX class for color
878 ii  latextug                                     0.3                                          German documentation on LaTeX for TUG
879 ii  lbdb                                         0.31                                         The little brother's database for the mutt mail reader
880 ii  lbxproxy                                     6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               Low Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server
881 ii  lcap                                         0.0.6-3.1                                    Removes 'capabilities' in the kernel, making the system more secure
882 ii  lcdtest                                      1.01-1                                       a utility to display LCD monitor test patterns
883 ii  ld.so.preload-manager                        0.3.3-1.1                                    A utility to manage the libraries in /etc/ld.so.preload
884 ii  ldap-utils                                   2.2.26-5                                     OpenLDAP utilities
885 ii  ldapscripts                                  1.4-1                                        Add and remove user and groups (stored in a ldap directory)
886 ii  ldaptor-common                               0.0.42                                       Pure-Python library for LDAP (common files)
887 ii  ldapvi                                       1.1-2                                        Perform an LDAP search and update results using a text editor
888 ii  lde                                          2.6.0-7                                      Linux Disk Editor
889 ii  leave                                        1.12-1                                       Reminds you when you have to leave
890 ii  less                                         394-1                                        Pager program similar to more
891 ii  lesstif2                                     0.94.4-1                                     OSF/Motif 2.1 implementation released under LGPL
892 ii  lft                                          2.2-3                                        layer-four traceroute
893 ii  lftp                                         3.4.0-1                                      Sophisticated command-line FTP/HTTP client programs
894 ii  lha                                          1.14i-10                                     lzh archiver
895 ii  libaa-bin                                    1.4p5-30                                     sample programs using aalib
896 ii  libaa1                                       1.4p5-30                                     ascii art library
897 ii  libabz0                                      0.6.2                                        Miscellaneous useful routines
898 ii  libacl1                                      2.2.34-1                                     Access control list shared library
899 ii  libacme-bleach-perl                          1.12-1                                       For really clean programs
900 ii  libacme-eyedrops-perl                        1.51-1                                       Visual Programming in Perl
901 ii  libacme-smirch-perl                          0.91-1                                       For really dirty programs
902 ii  libadns1                                     1.1-4                                        Asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
903 ii  libanthy0                                    6724-1                                       Anthy runtime library
904 ii  libao2                                       0.8.6-1.1                                    Cross Platform Audio Output Library
905 ii  libapache-mod-chroot                         0.5-1                                        run Apache in a secure chroot environment
906 ii  libapache-mod-dosevasive                     1.10-1                                       evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks
907 ii  libapache-mod-ssl                            2.8.25-1                                     Strong cryptography (HTTPS support) for Apache
908 ii  libapache2-mod-php5                          5.1.2-1                                      server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2.0 module)
909 ii  libapm1                                      3.2.2-4                                      Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
910 ii  libapr0                                      2.0.55-3                                     the Apache Portable Runtime
911 ii  libapt-pkg-perl                              0.1.18+b1                                    Perl interface to libapt-pkg
912 ii  libarch-perl                                 0.5.1-2                                      Perl library for GNU Arch
913 ii  libarchive-tar-perl                          1.26-2                                       Archive::Tar - manipulate tar files in perl
914 ii  libarchive-zip-perl                          1.16-1                                       Module for manipulation of ZIP archives
915 ii  libarchive1                                  1.02.036-2                                   Single library to read/write tar, cpio, pax, zip, iso9660, etc.
916 ii  libart-2.0-2                                 2.3.17-1                                     Library of functions for 2D graphics - runtime files
917 ii  libartsc0                                    1.5.0-3                                      aRts sound system C support library
918 ii  libasound2                                   1.0.10-2                                     ALSA library
919 ii  libast2                                      0.6-0pre2003010606.1                         the Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
920 ii  libatk1.0-0                                  1.10.3-1                                     The ATK accessibility toolkit
921 ii  libatm1                                      2.4.1-17                                     shared library for ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
922 ii  libattr1                                     2.4.25-1                                     Extended attribute shared library
923 ii  libaudio2                                    1.7-3                                        The Network Audio System (NAS). (shared libraries)
924 ii  libaudiofile0                                0.2.6-6                                      Open-source version of SGI's audiofile library
925 ii  libavc1394-0                                 0.5.1-1                                      control IEEE 1394 audio/video devices
926 ii  libavcodeccvs                                20060101-0.2                                 library to encode decode multimedia streams - runtime files
927 ii  libavutilcvs0                                20060101-0.2                                 avutil shared libraries
928 ii  libbeecrypt6                                 4.1.2-4                                      open source C library of cryptographic algorithms
929 ii  libbind9-0                                   9.3.2-1                                      BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND
930 ii  libbit-vector-perl                           6.4-4                                        Perl and C library for bit vectors and more
931 ii  libblkid1                                    1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.31-1                   block device id library
932 ii  libbluetooth1                                2.24-1                                       Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bluetooth stack
933 ii  libbsd-resource-perl                         1.24-2                                       perl BSD::Resource - BSD process resource limit and priority
934 ii  libbz2-1.0                                   1.0.3-2                                      high-quality block-sorting file compressor library - runtime
935 ii  libc6                                        2.3.5-11                                     GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone data
936 ii  libc6-dev                                    2.3.5-11                                     GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files
937 ii  libcairo2                                    1.0.2-3                                      The Cairo 2D vector graphics library
938 ii  libcanlock2                                  2b-3                                         library for creating and verifying Usenet cancel locks
939 ii  libcap-bin                                   1.10-14                                      basic utility programs for using capabilities
940 ii  libcap1                                      1.10-14                                      support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
941 ii  libcapi20-3                                  3.8.2005-12-06-4                             libraries for CAPI support
942 ii  libcarp-clan-perl                            5.3-3                                        Perl enhancement to Carp error logging facilities
943 ii  libccid                                      0.9.4-3                                      PC/SC driver for USB CCID smart card readers
944 ii  libcdk4                                      4.9.9-4                                      C-based curses widget library
945 ii  libcdparanoia0                               3a9.8-11                                     Shared libraries for cdparanoia (runtime lib)
946 ii  libcflexplugin                               1.1.5-4.0.1                                  MuscleCard Cryptoflex PlugIn
947 ii  libclamav1                                   0.88-2                                       virus scanner library
948 ii  libclass-accessor-chained-perl               0.01-1                                       make chained accessors
949 ii  libclass-accessor-perl                       0.22-1                                       Automated accessor generator
950 ii  libclass-singleton-perl                      1.03-7                                       perl Class::Singleton - Implementation of a "Singleton" class
951 ii  libcomerr2                                   1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.31-1                   common error description library
952 ii  libcompfaceg1                                1.5.2-1                                      Compress/decompress images for mailheaders, libc6 runtime
953 ii  libcompress-zlib-perl                        1.41-1                                       Perl module for creation and manipulation of gzip files
954 ii  libconfig-general-perl                       2.30-1                                       generic configuration module
955 ii  libconfig-inifiles-perl                      2.38-3                                       Read .ini-style configuration files
956 ii  libconfig-simple-perl                        4.58-1                                       simple configuration file class
957 ii  libconfigfile-perl                           1.2.1                                        Parses simple configuration files
958 ii  libconsole                                   0.2.3dbs-60                                  Shared libraries for Linux console and font manipulation
959 ii  libconvert-asn1-perl                         0.19-1                                       Perl module for encoding and decoding ASN.1 data structures
960 ii  libcpufreq0                                  0.4-1                                        shared library to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature
961 ii  libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl                      1.3-6                                        interoperable MD5-based crypt() for perl
962 ii  libcrypt-smbhash-perl                        0.12-1                                       generate LM/NT hash of a password for samba
963 ii  libcrypt-ssleay-perl                         0.51-5                                       Support for https protocol in LWP
964 ii  libcupsimage2                                1.1.23-15                                    Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - image libs
965 ii  libcupsys2                                   1.1.23-15                                    Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs
966 ii  libcurl3                                     7.15.1-1                                     Multi-protocol file transfer library
967 ii  libcurl3-gnutls                              7.15.1-1                                     Multi-protocol file transfer library
968 ii  libcurses-perl                               1.13-1                                       Curses interface for Perl
969 ii  libdaemon0                                   0.10-1                                       lightweight C library for daemons
970 ii  libdar3c2a                                   2.2.4-2                                      Disk ARchive: Shared library
971 ii  libdate-calc-perl                            5.4-4                                        Perl library for accessing dates
972 ii  libdate-manip-perl                           5.44-2                                       a perl library for manipulating dates
973 ii  libdb1-compat                                2.1.3-8                                      The Berkeley database routines [glibc 2.0/2.1 compatibility]
974 ii  libdb3                                       3.2.9-23                                     Berkeley v3 Database Libraries [runtime]
975 ii  libdb3-util                                  3.2.9-23                                     Berkeley v3 Database Utilities
976 ii  libdb4.2                                     4.2.52-23                                    Berkeley v4.2 Database Libraries [runtime]
977 ii  libdb4.3                                     4.3.29-3                                     Berkeley v4.3 Database Libraries [runtime]
978 ii  libdbd-mysql-perl                            3.0002-2                                     A Perl5 database interface to the MySQL database
979 ii  libdbd-pg-perl                               1.43-1                                       a PostgreSQL interface for Perl 5 using DBI
980 ii  libdbi-perl                                  1.50-1                                       Perl5 database interface by Tim Bunce
981 ii  libdbus-1-2                                  0.60-5                                       simple interprocess messaging system
982 ii  libdbus-glib-1-2                             0.60-5                                       simple interprocess messaging system (GLib-based shared library)
983 ii  libdebian-installer-extra4                   0.36                                         Library of some extra debian-installer functions
984 ii  libdebian-installer4                         0.36                                         Library of common debian-installer functions
985 ii  libdebug0                                    0.4.2                                        Memory leak detection system and logging library
986 ii  libdevmapper1.02                             1.02.02-1                                    The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
987 ii  libdigest-md4-perl                           1.5-1                                        MD4 Message Digest for Perl
988 ii  libdigest-sha1-perl                          2.10-1                                       NIST SHA-1 message digest algorithm
989 ii  libdirectfb-0.9-22                           0.9.22-8                                     frame buffer graphics library
990 ii  libdiscover2                                 2.0.7-2.1                                    hardware identification library
991 ii  libdivxdecore0                               5.0.1-1                                      DivX MPEG-4 Codec - decoder library
992 ii  libdlm0                                      0.trunk20050206-2                            Distributed lock manager - library
993 ii  libdm0                                       2.2.2-1                                      Data Management API runtime environment
994 ii  libdmx1                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               Distributed Multihead X client library
995 ii  libdns21                                     9.3.2-1                                      DNS Shared Library used by BIND
996 ii  libdotconf1.0                                1.0.13-1                                     Configuration file parser library - runtime files
997 ii  libdpkg-ruby1.8                              0.3.1                                        modules/classes for dpkg on ruby 1.8
998 ii  libdshconfig1                                0.20.11-1                                    configuration file parser library for dsh - runtime
999 ii  libdumbnet1                                  1.8-1.3                                      A dumb, portable networking library
1000 ii  libdv4                                       0.104-1                                      software library for DV format digital video (runtime lib)
1001 ii  libdvdread3                                  0.9.4-5.1                                    Simple foundation for reading DVDs
1002 ii  libdynamite0                                 0.1-4                                        libraries for PKWARE Data Compression decompressor applications
1003 ii  libedit2                                     2.9.cvs.20050518-2.2                         BSD editline and history libraries
1004 ii  libelfg0                                     0.8.5-1.1                                    an ELF object file access library
1005 ii  libelfsh0                                    0.51b3-2.1                                   The ELF shell library
1006 ii  libenv-ps1-perl                              0.05-1                                       prompt string formatter
1007 ii  libesd0                                      0.2.36-3                                     Enlightened Sound Daemon - Shared libraries
1008 ii  libetpan3                                    0.40-1                                       mail handling library
1009 ii  libevent1                                    1.1a-1                                       An asynchronous event notification library
1010 ii  libevms-2.5                                  2.5.4-1                                      Enterprise Volume Management System (library)
1011 ii  libexif-gtk5                                 0.3.5-3                                      Library providing GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags
1012 ii  libexif12                                    0.6.12-2                                     library to parse EXIF files
1013 ii  libexiv2c2a                                  0.7-9.1                                      EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation library
1014 ii  libexpat1                                    1.95.8-3                                     XML parsing C library - runtime library
1015 ii  libexporter-tidy-perl                        0.06-1                                       Another way of exporting symbols
1016 ii  libfaac0                                     1.24-0.4                                     an AAC audio encoder - library files
1017 ii  libfaad2-0                                   2.0.0-0.7                                    freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files
1018 ii  libfam0c102                                  2.7.0-7                                      client library to control the FAM daemon
1019 ii  libfile-chdir-perl                           0.06-1                                       A more sensible way to change directories
1020 ii  libfile-rsyncp-perl                          0.52-1                                       A perl based implementation of an Rsync client
1021 ii  libfile-tail-perl                            0.98-5                                       File::Tail perl module
1022 ii  libfilehandle-unget-perl                     0.1621-2                                     a FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
1023 ii  libflac7                                     1.1.2-3+b1                                   Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library
1024 ii  libflite1                                    1.2-release-2.2                              a small run-time speech synthesis engine - shared libraries
1025 ii  libfontconfig1                               2.3.2-1.1                                    generic font configuration library (shared library)
1026 ii  libfreetype6                                 2.1.10-1                                     FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files
1027 ii  libfribidi0                                  0.10.7-1                                     Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm
1028 ii  libfs6                                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Font Server library
1029 ii  libft-perl                                   1.2-15                                       Perl module for the FreeType library
1030 ii  libfuse2                                     2.4.1-0.1                                    Filesystem in USErspace library
1031 ii  libgc1                                       6.4-1                                        conservative garbage collector for C and C++
1032 ii  libgcc1                                      4.0.2-6                                      GCC support library
1033 ii  libgcj-common                                4.0.2-6                                      Java runtime library (common files)
1034 ii  libgcj6                                      4.0.2-6                                      Java runtime library for use with gcj
1035 ii  libgcrypt11                                  1.2.2-1                                      LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
1036 ii  libgd2-xpm                                   2.0.33-3                                     GD Graphics Library version 2
1037 ii  libgdbm3                                     1.8.3-2                                      GNU dbm database routines (runtime version)
1038 ii  libgdchart-gd2-noxpm                         0.11.5-3                                     Generate graphs using the GD library
1039 ii  libgdk-pixbuf2                               0.22.0-11                                    The GdkPixBuf image library, gtk+ 1.2 version
1040 ii  libgenders-perl                              1.3-4-1                                      perl interface to the LLNL genders cluster management utilities
1041 ii  libgenders0                                  1.3-4-1                                      C library for parsing and querying a genders database
1042 ii  libgetopt-mixed-perl                         1.008-10                                     Perl module for processing options in GNU-style (= long and short)
1043 ii  libgfortran0                                 4.0.2-6                                      Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications
1044 ii  libggi2                                      2.0.5-1.1                                    General Graphics Interface runtime libraries
1045 ii  libghttp1                                    1.0.9-17                                     original GNOME HTTP client library - run-time kit
1046 ii  libgii0                                      0.9.1-0.1                                    General Input Interface runtime libraries
1047 ii  libgii0-target-x                             0.9.1-0.1                                    General Input Interface X input target
1048 ii  libglade2-0                                  2.5.1-2                                      library to load .glade files at runtime
1049 ii  libglib1.2                                   1.2.10-10.1                                  The GLib library of C routines
1050 ii  libglib2.0-0                                 2.8.6-1                                      The GLib library of C routines
1051 ii  libglib2.0-data                              2.8.6-1                                      Common files for GLib library
1052 ii  libglide3                                    2002.04.10-11                                graphics library for 3Dfx Voodoo based cards - shared libraries
1053 ii  libglu1-xorg                                 6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               Mesa OpenGL utility library [X.Org]
1054 ii  libgmp3c2                                    4.1.4-11                                     Multiprecision arithmetic library
1055 ii  libgmpxx3                                    4.1.4-11                                     Multiprecision arithmetic library (C++ bindings)
1056 ii  libgnutls11                                  1.0.16-14                                    GNU TLS library - runtime library
1057 ii  libgnutls12                                  1.2.9-2                                      the GNU TLS library - runtime library
1058 ii  libgpewidget1                                0.88-2                                       GPE Palmtop Environment widget library
1059 ii  libgpg-error0                                1.1-4                                        library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components
1060 ii  libgpgme11                                   1.1.0-1                                      GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy
1061 ii  libgpgme6                                    0.3.16-2                                     GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy
1062 ii  libgphoto2-2                                 2.1.6-6                                      gphoto2 digital camera library
1063 ii  libgphoto2-port0                             2.1.6-6                                      gphoto2 digital camera port library
1064 ii  libgpmg1                                     1.19.6-21                                    General Purpose Mouse - shared library
1065 ii  libgsasl7                                    0.2.5-1                                      GNU SASL library
1066 ii  libgsm1                                      1.0.10-13                                    Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
1067 ii  libgsmme1c2a                                 1.10-9                                       GSM mobile phone access library
1068 ii  libgtk-perl                                  0.7009-6                                     Perl module for the gtk+ library
1069 ii  libgtk1.2                                    1.2.10-18                                    The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
1070 ii  libgtk1.2-common                             1.2.10-18                                    Common files for the GTK+ library
1071 ii  libgtk2.0-0                                  2.8.10-1                                     The GTK+ graphical user interface library
1072 ii  libgtk2.0-bin                                2.8.10-1                                     The programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
1073 ii  libgtk2.0-common                             2.8.10-1                                     Common files for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
1074 ii  libhal-storage1                                                        Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library for storage devices
1075 ii  libhal1                                                                Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library
1076 ii  libhfsp0                                     1.0.4-10                                     shared library to access HFS+ formatted volumes
1077 ii  libhtml-lint-perl                            2.0-1                                        Check for HTML errors in a string or file
1078 ii  libhtml-parser-perl                          3.48-1                                       A collection of modules that parse HTML text documents
1079 ii  libhtml-tagset-perl                          3.10-1                                       Data tables pertaining to HTML
1080 ii  libhtml-template-perl                        2.8-1                                        HTML::Template : A module for using HTML Templates with Perl
1081 ii  libhtml-tree-perl                            3.19.01-1                                    represent and create HTML syntax trees
1082 ii  libice6                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               Inter-Client Exchange library
1083 ii  libiconv-ruby                                1.8.2-1                                      A Wrapper class of iconv for the Ruby
1084 ii  libid3-3.8.3c2a                              3.8.3-5                                      Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags.
1085 ii  libid3tag0                                   0.15.1b-7                                    ID3 tag reading library from the MAD project
1086 ii  libidl0                                      0.8.5-1                                      library for parsing CORBA IDL files
1087 ii  libidn11                                     0.5.18-1                                     GNU libidn library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications
1088 ii  libimage-size-perl                           2.992-2                                      determine the size of images in several common formats
1089 ii  libimlib2                                    1.2.1-2                                      powerful image loading and rendering library
1090 ii  libinline-perl                               0.44-4                                       Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
1091 ii  libintl-gettext-ruby1.8                      0.11-5                                       Gettext wrapper for Ruby 1.8
1092 ii  libio-socket-ssl-perl                        0.97-1                                       Perl module implementing object oriented interface to SSL sockets
1093 ii  libio-string-perl                            1.05-1                                       Emulate IO::File interface for in-core strings
1094 ii  libio-zlib-perl                              1.04-1                                       IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
1095 ii  libiodbc2                                    3.52.3-1                                     iODBC Driver Manager
1096 ii  libisc11                                     9.3.2-1                                      ISC Shared Library used by BIND
1097 ii  libisccc0                                    9.3.2-1                                      Command Channel Library used by BIND
1098 ii  libisccfg1                                   9.3.2-1                                      Config File Handling Library used by BIND
1099 ii  libiw28                                      27+28pre13-1                                 Wireless tools - library
1100 ii  libjack0.100.0-0                             0.100.0-4                                    JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
1101 ii  libjasper-1.701-1                            1.701.0-2                                    The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library
1102 ii  libjcode-perl                                2.13-2                                       Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
1103 ii  libjcode-pm-perl                             2.03-1                                       Perl extension interface to convert Japanese text
1104 ii  libjpeg-progs                                6b-11                                        Programs for manipulating JPEG files
1105 ii  libjpeg62                                    6b-11                                        The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library
1106 ii  libkadm55                                    1.4.3-5                                      MIT Kerberos administration runtime libraries
1107 ii  libkeynote0                                  2.3-11                                       Decentralized Trust-Management system, shared library
1108 ii  libklibc                                     1.1.16-1                                     minimal libc subset for use with initramfs
1109 ii  libkpathsea3                                 2.1-1                                        path search library for teTeX (runtime part)
1110 ii  libkpathsea4                                 3.0-13                                       path search library for teTeX (runtime part)
1111 ii  libkrb53                                     1.4.3-5                                      MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
1112 ii  libksba8                                     0.9.12-1                                     X.509 and CMS support library
1113 ii  liblame0                                     3.96.1+debian-1.unofficial.sarge.1           LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder (library)
1114 ii  liblcms1                                     1.13-1                                       Color management library
1115 ii  libldap-2.2-7                                2.2.26-5                                     OpenLDAP libraries
1116 ii  libldap2                                     2.1.30-12                                    OpenLDAP libraries
1117 ii  liblingua-en-inflect-perl                    1.89-1                                       plural inflections and "a"/"an" selection for English words
1118 ii  liblircclient0                               0.7.1pre2-11                                 LIRC client library
1119 ii  liblocale-gettext-perl                       1.05-1                                       Using libc functions for internationalization in Perl
1120 ii  liblockdev1                                  1.0.2-1                                      Run-time shared library for locking devices
1121 ii  liblockfile-simple-perl                      0.2.5-7                                      Simple advisory file locking
1122 ii  liblockfile1                                 1.06.1                                       NFS-safe locking library, includes dotlockfile program
1123 ii  liblog-agent-perl                            0.307-1                                      Log::Agent - Helper logging routines for perl
1124 ii  libltdl3                                     1.5.22-2                                     A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool
1125 ii  liblua50                                     5.0.2-5.1                                    Main interpreter library for the Lua 5.0 programming language
1126 ii  liblualib50                                  5.0.2-5.1                                    Extension library for the Lua 5.0 programming language
1127 ii  liblwres9                                    9.3.2-1                                      Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
1128 ii  liblzo1                                      1.08-3                                       data compression library (old version)
1129 ii  libm17n-0                                    1.2.0-5                                      a multilingual text processing library - runtime
1130 ii  libmad0                                      0.15.1b-2.1                                  MPEG audio decoder library
1131 ii  libmagic1                                    4.15-2                                       File type determination library using "magic" numbers
1132 ii  libmagick9                                                           Image manipulation library
1133 ii  libmail-mbox-messageparser-perl              1.4001-1                                     fast and simple mbox folder reader for perl
1134 ii  libmailtools-perl                            1.62-1                                       Manipulate email in perl programs
1135 ii  libmcardplugin                               1.1.5-4.0.1                                  MuscleCard Applet PlugIn
1136 ii  libmcrypt4                                   2.5.7-5                                      De-/Encryption Library
1137 ii  libmhash2                                    0.9.4a-1                                     Library for cryptographic hashing and message authentication
1138 ii  libmikmod2                                   3.1.11-a-6                                   A portable sound library
1139 ii  libmng1                                      1.0.8-1                                      Multiple-image Network Graphics library
1140 ii  libmodplug0c2                                0.7-5                                        shared libraries for mod music based on ModPlug
1141 ii  libmodule-depends-perl                       0.10-1                                       identify the dependencies of a distribution
1142 ii  libmp4-0                                     2.0.0-0.3                                    freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files
1143 ii  libmpcdec3                                   1.2.2-1                                      Musepack (MPC) format library
1144 ii  libmpfr1                                     2.2.0.dfsg.1-3                               multiple precision floating-point computation
1145 ii  libmysqlclient12                             4.0.24-10sarge1                              mysql database client library
1146 ii  libmysqlclient14                             4.1.15-1                                     mysql database client library
1147 ii  libmysqlclient15                             5.0.18-4                                     mysql database client library
1148 ii  libnasl2                                     2.2.5-2+b1                                   Nessus Attack Scripting Language, shared library
1149 ii  libncp                                       2.2.6-3                                      shared library used by programs that use NetWare Core Protocol
1150 ii  libncurses-ruby1.8                           1.0-1                                        ruby Extension for the ncurses C library
1151 ii  libncurses5                                  5.5-1                                        Shared libraries for terminal handling
1152 ii  libncurses5-dev                              5.5-1                                        Developer's libraries and docs for ncurses
1153 ii  libncursesw5                                 5.5-1                                        Shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
1154 ii  libneon24                                    0.24.7.dfsg-3                                An HTTP and WebDAV client library
1155 ii  libnessus2                                   2.2.5-1                                      Nessus shared libraries
1156 ii  libnet-daemon-perl                           0.38-1                                       Perl module for building portable Perl daemons easily.
1157 ii  libnet-ldap-perl                             0.33-2                                       A Client interface to LDAP servers
1158 ii  libnet-pcap-perl                             0.04-3                                       Pcap interface for perl
1159 ii  libnet-perl                                  1.19-3                                       Implementation of Internet protocols for Perl
1160 ii  libnet-ssleay-perl                           1.25-2                                       Perl module for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
1161 ii  libnet-telnet-cisco-perl                     1.10-4                                       Additional functionality to automate Cisco management
1162 ii  libnet-telnet-perl                           3.03-1                                       Script telnetable connections
1163 ii  libnet0                                      1.0.2a-7                                     library for the construction and handling of network packets (obsolete)
1164 ii  libnet1                                                                library for the construction and handling of network packets
1165 ii  libnetdude                                   0.3.3-2.1                                    NETwork DUmp data Displayer and Editor for tcpdump trace files
1166 ii  libnetpbm10                                  10.0-10                                      Shared libraries for netpbm
1167 ii  libnetpbm9                                   10.0-10                                      Shared libraries for netpbm
1168 ii  libnetwork-ipv4addr-perl                     0.10-1.1                                     The Net::IPv4Addr perl module API and ipv4calc script
1169 ii  libnewt0.51                                  0.51.6-31                                    Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang
1170 ii  libnfsidmap1                                 0.8-1                                        An nfs idmapping library
1171 ii  libnids1.20                                  1.20-3                                       IP defragmentation TCP segment reassembly library
1172 ii  libnss-db                                    2.2.3pre1-2                                  NSS module for using Berkeley Databases as a naming service
1173 ii  libnss-ldap                                  238-1.1                                      NSS module for using LDAP as a naming service
1174 ii  libntfs8                                     1.12.1-1                                     library that provides common NTFS access functions
1175 ii  libnuclient                                  1.0.16-1                                     client library for nufw authentication
1176 ii  libogg0                                      1.1.2-1                                      Ogg Bitstream Library
1177 ii  liboggflac3                                  1.1.2-3+b1                                   Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library (ogg)
1178 ii  liboop4                                      1.0-3                                        Event loop management library
1179 ii  libopencdk8                                  0.5.7-2                                      Open Crypto Development Kit (OpenCDK) (runtime)
1180 ii  libopenct1                                   0.6.6-2                                      middleware framework for smart card terminals (libraries)
1181 ii  libopenobex-1.0-0                            1.0.0-rel-3                                  OBEX protocol library
1182 ii  libopensc2                                   0.10.1-1                                     SmartCard library with support for PKCS#15 compatible smart cards
1183 ii  libopts25                                    5.7.3-1                                      automated option processing library based on autogen - runtime
1184 ii  liborange0                                   0.3-2                                        library to extracts CAB files from self-extracting installers
1185 ii  liborbit2                                    2.12.4-1                                     libraries for ORBit2 - a CORBA ORB
1186 ii  libosp5                                      1.5.2-1                                      Runtime library for OpenJade group's SP suite
1187 ii  libostyle1c2                                 1.4devel1-15                                 Runtime libraries for OpenJade
1188 ii  libotf0                                      0.9.3-1.1                                    A Library for handling OpenType Font - runtime
1189 ii  libpalm-perl                                 1.3.0-4                                      Perl 5 modules for manipulating pdb and prc database files
1190 ii  libpam-chroot                                0.9-1                                        Chroot Pluggable Authentication Module for PAM
1191 ii  libpam-devperm                               1.5-2                                        PAM module to change device ownership on login
1192 ii  libpam-dotfile                               0.7-1                                        A PAM module which allows users to have more than one password
1193 ii  libpam-krb5                                  1.2.0-1                                      PAM module for MIT Kerberos
1194 ii  libpam-ldap                                  178-1sarge1                                  Pluggable Authentication Module allowing LDAP interfaces
1195 ii  libpam-modules                               0.79-3                                       Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
1196 ii  libpam-mount                                 0.12.0-1                                     PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
1197 ii  libpam-mysql                                 0.5.0-7                                      PAM module allowing authentication from a MySQL server
1198 ii  libpam-ncp                                   2.2.6-3                                      PAM module allowing authentication from a NetWare server
1199 ii  libpam-opie                                  0.21-8                                       Use OTPs for PAM authentication
1200 ii  libpam-pgsql                                 0.5.2-9                                      PAM module to authenticate using a PostgreSQL database
1201 ii  libpam-pwgen                                 0.1-2                                        a password generator
1202 ii  libpam-runtime                               0.79-3                                       Runtime support for the PAM library
1203 ii  libpam-smbpass                               3.0.21a-1                                    pluggable authentication module for SMB password database
1204 ii  libpam-ssh                                   1.91.0-9                                     enable SSO behavior for ssh and pam
1205 ii  libpam-tmpdir                                0.05-2                                       automatic per-user temporary directories
1206 ii  libpam-umask                                 0.03                                         adjust users' default umask using PAM
1207 ii  libpam0g                                     0.79-3                                       Pluggable Authentication Modules library
1208 ii  libpango1.0-0                                1.10.2-1                                     Layout and rendering of internationalized text
1209 ii  libpango1.0-common                           1.10.2-1                                     Modules and configuration files for the Pango
1210 ii  libpaper-utils                               1.1.14-5                                     Library for handling paper characteristics (utilities)
1211 ii  libpaper1                                    1.1.14-5                                     Library for handling paper characteristics
1212 ii  libparse-debianchangelog-perl                1.0-1                                        parse Debian changelogs and output them in other formats
1213 ii  libparse-recdescent-perl                     1.94.free-1                                  Generates recursive-descent parsers in Perl
1214 ii  libparted1.6-13                                                       The GNU Parted disk partitioning shared library
1215 ii  libpcap0.7                                   0.7.2-7                                      System interface for user-level packet capture
1216 ii  libpcap0.8                                   0.9.4-1                                      System interface for user-level packet capture
1217 ii  libpcd2                                      1.0.1                                        A library for reading PhotoCD images
1218 ii  libpcre3                                     6.4-1.1                                      Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files
1219 ii  libpcsclite1                                 1.2.9-beta9-1                                Middleware to access a smart card using PC/SC (library)
1220 ii  libperl5.8                                   5.8.7-10                                     Shared Perl library
1221 ii  libpg-perl                                   2.1.1-2                                      Perl modules for PostgreSQL
1222 ii  libpisock8                                   0.11.8-17                                    Library for communicating with a PalmOS PDA
1223 ii  libplrpc-perl                                0.2017-1                                     Perl extensions for writing PlRPC servers and clients
1224 ii  libpng12-0                                   1.2.8rel-5                                   PNG library - runtime
1225 ii  libpolyp0                                    0.7+20050805-2                               Library for the polypaudio sound server
1226 ii  libpoppler0c2                                0.4.4-1                                      PDF rendering library
1227 ii  libpopt0                                     1.7-5                                        lib for parsing cmdline parameters
1228 ii  libpostproccvs0                              20051101-0.0                                 postproc shared libraries
1229 ii  libpostproccvs51                             20060101-0.2                                 postproc shared libraries
1230 ii  libpq3                                       7.4.11-1                                     PostgreSQL C client library
1231 ii  libpq4                                       8.1.2-1                                      PostgreSQL C client library
1232 ii  libprinterconf0c2a                           0.5-8                                        Printer autodetection library
1233 ii  libprintsys                                  0.6-4                                        printcap parser, helper for gnulpr's printfilters
1234 ii  libpth2                                      2.0.1-2.1                                    The GNU Portable Threads
1235 ii  libqdbm11                                    1.8.33-2                                     QDBM Database Libraries [runtime]
1236 ii  libqt3-mt                                    3.3.5-3                                      Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3
1237 ii  libquicktime0                                0.9.7-0.4                                    A library for reading and writing Quicktime files
1238 ii  libraw1394-5                                 0.10.1-1.1                                   library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire)
1239 ii  libreadline-ruby1.8                          1.8.4-1                                      Readline interface for Ruby 1.8
1240 ii  libreadline4                                 4.3-18                                       GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
1241 ii  libreadline5                                 5.1-5                                        GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
1242 ii  libreadline5-dev                             5.1-5                                        GNU readline and history libraries, development files
1243 ii  librecode0                                   3.6-12                                       Shared library on which recode is based
1244 ii  librexml-ruby                                                pure Ruby non-validating XML parser supporting Namespaces, XPath
1245 ii  librlog1c2a                                  1.3.7-1                                      flexible message logging library
1246 ii  librpm4                                      4.4.1-5                                      RPM shared library
1247 ii  librrd2                                      1.2.11-0.5                                   Time-series data storage and display system (runtime)
1248 ii  librrds-perl                                 1.2.11-0.5                                   Time-series data storage and display system (perl-shared)
1249 ii  librsync1                                    0.9.7-1                                      Library which implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm
1250 ii  librubilicious-ruby1.8                       0.1.4-2                                      Ruby bindings for Delicious, social bookmarks manager
1251 ii  libruby                                      1.8.2-1                                      Libraries necessary to run Ruby 1.8.x
1252 ii  libruby1.8                                   1.8.4-1                                      Libraries necessary to run Ruby 1.8
1253 ii  librudiments0                                0.28.2-1                                     C++ class library providing base classes
1254 ii  libruli4                                     0.33-1                                       Library for easily querying DNS SRV records
1255 ii  libsafe                                      2.0-16-6                                     Protection against buffer overflow vulnerabilities
1256 ii  libsamplerate0                               0.1.2-2                                      audio rate conversion library
1257 ii  libsasl2                                     2.1.19-1.8                                   Authentication abstraction library
1258 ii  libsasl2-modules                             2.1.19-1.8                                   Pluggable Authentication Modules for SASL
1259 ii  libsdl-image1.2                              1.2.4-1                                      image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2
1260 ii  libsdl1.2debian                              1.2.9-0.0                                    Simple DirectMedia Layer
1261 ii  libsdl1.2debian-oss                          1.2.9-0.0                                    Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and OSS options)
1262 ii  libselinux1                                  1.28-2                                       SELinux shared libraries
1263 ii  libsemanage1                                 1.4-3                                        shared libraries used by SELinux policy manipulation tools
1264 ii  libsensors3                                  2.9.2-7                                      library to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
1265 ii  libsepol1                                    1.10-1                                       Security Enhanced Linux policy library for changing policy binaries
1266 ii  libsgutils1                                  1.17-2                                       Utilities for working with generic SCSI devices (shared libraries)
1267 ii  libshout3                                    2.1-5                                        MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming library
1268 ii  libsidplay1                                  1.36.59-4                                    SID (MOS 6581) emulation library
1269 ii  libsigc++-2.0-0c2a                           2.0.16-2                                     type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
1270 ii  libslang1                                    1.4.9dbs-10                                  The S-Lang programming library - runtime version
1271 ii  libslang2                                    2.0.5-1                                      The S-Lang programming library - runtime version
1272 ii  libslp1                                      1.2.1-5                                      OpenSLP libraries
1273 ii  libsm6                                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System Session Management library
1274 ii  libsmbclient                                 3.0.21a-1                                    shared library that allows applications to talk to SMB servers
1275 ii  libsndfile1                                  1.0.12-3                                     Library for reading/writing audio files
1276 ii  libsnmp-base                                                           NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) MIBs and Docs
1277 ii  libsnmp9                                                               NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Library
1278 ii  libsnmpkit2c2a                               0.9-11.1                                     multithreaded SNMP connection library
1279 ii  libsocks4                                    4.3.beta2-14                                 SOCKS libraries
1280 ii  libsoundtouch1c2                             1.3.0-2                                      sound stretching library
1281 ii  libsp1c2                                     1.3.4-1.2.1-46                               Runtime library for James Clark's SP suite
1282 ii  libspeechd1                                  0.5-3                                        Speech Dispatcher: Shared libraries
1283 ii  libspeex1                                                             The Speex Speech Codec
1284 ii  libsqlite0                                   2.8.16-1                                     SQLite shared library
1285 ii  libsqlite3-0                                 3.2.8-1                                      SQLite 3 shared library
1286 ii  libsqlrelay-0.36                             0.36.4-4                                     SQL Relay (runtime libraries)
1287 ii  libss2                                       1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.31-1                   command-line interface parsing library
1288 ii  libssl0.9.7                                  0.9.7g-5                                     SSL shared libraries
1289 ii  libssl0.9.8                                  0.9.8a-5                                     SSL shared libraries
1290 ii  libstatgrab6                                 0.12-1                                       library being useful interface to system statistics
1291 ii  libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2                       2.95.4-24                                    The GNU stdc++ library
1292 ii  libstdc++5                                   3.3.6-12                                     The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
1293 ii  libstdc++6                                   4.0.2-6                                      The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
1294 ii  libstdc++6-4.0-dev                           4.0.2-6                                      The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
1295 ii  libsvga1                                     1.4.3-22                                     console SVGA display libraries
1296 ii  libsvn0                                      1.2.3dfsg1-3                                 shared libraries used by Subversion (aka. svn)
1297 ii  libsynce0                                    0.9.1-2                                      A helper library for synce, a tool to sync WinCE devices
1298 ii  libsysfs1                                    1.3.0-7                                      interface library to sysfs
1299 ii  libt1-5                                      5.1.0-2                                      Type 1 font rasterizer library - runtime
1300 ii  libtag1c2a                                   1.4-3                                        TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
1301 ii  libtagc0                                     1.4-3                                        TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library (C bindings)
1302 ii  libtasn1-2                                   0.2.17-1                                     Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
1303 ii  libtdb1                                      1.0.6-13                                     Trivial Database - shared library
1304 ii  libterm-readkey-perl                         2.30-2                                       A perl module for simple terminal control
1305 ii  libterm-readline-gnu-perl                    1.15-2                                       Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
1306 ii  libterm-readline-perl-perl                   1.0203-3                                     Perl implementation of Readline libraries
1307 ii  libterm-readline-zoid-perl                   0.07-2                                       Pure Perl implementation of Readline libraries
1308 ii  libterm-size-perl                            0.2-1                                        Perl extension for retrieving terminal size
1309 ii  libtext-autoformat-perl                      1.12-3                                       Perl module for automatic text wrapping and reformating
1310 ii  libtext-charwidth-perl                       0.04-3                                       get display widths of characters on the terminal
1311 ii  libtext-iconv-perl                           1.4-2                                        converts between character sets in Perl
1312 ii  libtext-reform-perl                          1.11-3                                       Perl module for manual text wrapping and reformating
1313 ii  libtext-wrapi18n-perl                        0.06-4                                       internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
1314 ii  libtheora0                                   0.0.0.alpha4-1.2                             The Theora Video Compression Codec
1315 ii  libtidy-0.99-0                               20051018-1                                   HTML syntax checker and reformatter - library
1316 ii  libtiff4                                     3.7.4-1                                      Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
1317 ii  libtime-modules-perl                         2003.1126-2                                  Various Perl modules for time/date manipulation
1318 ii  libtime-period-perl                          1.20-7                                       Perl library for testing if a time() is in a specific period
1319 ii  libtimedate-perl                             1.1600-5                                     Time and date functions for Perl
1320 ii  libtool                                      1.5.22-2                                     Generic library support script
1321 ii  libtorrent6                                  0.8.2-1                                      a C++ BitTorrent library
1322 ii  libtre4                                      0.7.2-1                                      regexp matching library with approximate matching
1323 ii  libttf2                                      1.4pre.20050518-0.3                          FreeType 1, The FREE TrueType Font Engine, shared library files
1324 ii  libtw0                                       4.5.1-1                                      a Text mode WINdow environment - required library
1325 ii  libucl1                                      1.03-2                                       Portable compression library - runtime
1326 ii  libuclibc0                                   0.9.27-1                                     A small implementation of the C library
1327 ii  libufs2                                      0.0+2004.06.26-4                             UFS filesystem shared library
1328 ii  libungif4g                                   4.1.4-1                                      shared library for GIF images (runtime lib)
1329 ii  libunicode-map-perl                          0.112-8                                      Perl module for mapping charsets from and to UTF16 Unicode
1330 ii  libunicode-map8-perl                         0.12-2                                       Perl module to map 8bit character sets to Unicode
1331 ii  libunicode-maputf8-perl                      1.09-6                                       Perl module for conversing between any character sets and UTF8
1332 ii  libunicode-string-perl                       2.09-1                                       Perl modules for Unicode strings
1333 ii  libuniconf4.2                                4.2.2-1                                      C++ network libraries for rapid application development
1334 ii  libunix-syslog-perl                          0.100-4                                      Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
1335 ii  libunshield0                                 0.5-3                                        library to extracts CAB files from InstallShield installers
1336 ii  libupnp0                                     1.2.1-2                                      Intel Universal Plug And Play SDK for Linux (shared libraries)
1337 ii  liburi-perl                                  1.35-1                                       Manipulates and accesses URI strings
1338 ii  libusb-0.1-4                                 0.1.10a-22                                   userspace USB programming library
1339 ii  libuuid1                                     1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.31-1                   universally unique id library
1340 ii  libvformat1                                  1.13-3                                       Library to read and write vcard files
1341 ii  libvideo-capture-v4l-perl                    0.224-5                                      Perl interface to the Video4linux framegrabber interface
1342 ii  libvideo-ivtv-perl                           0.13-3                                       Perl extension for using V4l2 in the ivtv perl scripts
1343 ii  libvorbis0a                                  1.1.0-1                                      The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
1344 ii  libvorbisenc2                                1.1.0-1                                      The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
1345 ii  libvorbisfile3                               1.1.0-1                                      The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
1346 ii  libwhisker-perl                              1.8-1                                        Perl module geared for HTTP testing
1347 ii  libwrap0                                     7.6.dbs-8                                    Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library
1348 ii  libwvstreams4.2-base                         4.2.2-1                                      C++ network libraries for rapid application development
1349 ii  libwvstreams4.2-extras                       4.2.2-1                                      C++ network libraries for rapid application development
1350 ii  libwww-perl                                  5.803-4                                      WWW client/server library for Perl (aka LWP)
1351 ii  libx11-6                                     6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System protocol client library
1352 ii  libxau6                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Authentication library
1353 ii  libxaw7                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Athena widget set library
1354 ii  libxaw8                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Athena widget set library
1355 ii  libxcomposite1                               6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X off-screen compositing library
1356 ii  libxcursor1                                  1.1.3-1                                      X cursor management library
1357 ii  libxdamage1                                  6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X region 'damage' library
1358 ii  libxdelta2                                   1.1.3-6.1                                    Xdelta runtime library
1359 ii  libxdmcp6                                    6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Display Manager Control Protocol library
1360 ii  libxext6                                     6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System miscellaneous extension library
1361 ii  libxfixes3                                   6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System miscellaneous 'fixes' library
1362 ii  libxft2                                      2.1.7-1                                      FreeType-based font drawing library for X
1363 ii  libxi6                                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System Input extension library
1364 ii  libxinerama1                                 6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System multi-head display library
1365 ii  libxkbfile1                                  6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Keyboard Extension file parsing library
1366 ii  libxkbui1                                    6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Keyboard Extension user interface library
1367 ii  libxml-grove-perl                            0.46alpha-11                                 Perl module for accessing parsed *ML instances
1368 ii  libxml-parser-perl                           2.34-4                                       Perl module for parsing XML files
1369 ii  libxml-parser-ruby1.8                        0.6.8-1                                      Interface of expat for the scripting language Ruby 1.8
1370 ii  libxml-perl                                  0.08-1                                       Perl modules for working with XML
1371 ii  libxml-simpleobject-perl                     0.53-1                                       Objectoriented Perl interface to a parsed XML::Parser tree
1372 ii  libxml-writer-perl                           0.600-2                                      Perl module for writing XML documents
1373 ii  libxml2                                      2.6.23-1.1                                   GNOME XML library
1374 ii  libxml2-utils                                2.6.23-1.1                                   XML utilities
1375 ii  libxmltok1                                   1.2-2                                        XML Parser Toolkit, runtime libraries
1376 ii  libxmu6                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System miscellaneous utility library
1377 ii  libxmuu1                                     6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               lightweight X Window System miscellaneous utility library
1378 ii  libxosd2                                     2.2.14-1.2                                   X On-Screen Display library - runtime
1379 ii  libxp6                                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System printing extension library
1380 ii  libxplc0.3.13                                0.3.13-1                                     Light weight component system
1381 ii  libxpm4                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X pixmap library
1382 ii  libxrandr2                                   6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension library
1383 ii  libxrender1                                                            X Rendering Extension client library
1384 ii  libxslt1.1                                   1.1.15-2                                     XSLT processing library - runtime library
1385 ii  libxss1                                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Screen Saver client-side library
1386 ii  libxt6                                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Toolkit Intrinsics
1387 ii  libxtrap6                                    6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System protocol-trapping extension library
1388 ii  libxtst6                                     6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System event recording and testing extension library
1389 ii  libxv1                                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System video extension library
1390 ii  libxvidcore4                                 1.1.0-beta2+cvs-0.0                          High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
1391 ii  libxxf86dga1                                 6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Direct Graphics Access extension library
1392 ii  libxxf86misc1                                6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X miscellaneous extensions library
1393 ii  libxxf86vm1                                  6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Video Mode selection library
1394 ii  libyaml-perl                                 0.39-1                                       YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm)
1395 ii  libyaml-ruby                                 1.8.2-1                                      YAML for Ruby
1396 ii  libzvbi-common                               0.2.17-5                                     video Blank Interval decoder (VBI) - common files
1397 ii  libzvbi0                                     0.2.17-5                                     video Blank Interval decoder (VBI) - runtime files
1398 ii  lighttpd                                     1.4.9-2                                      A fast webserver with minimal memory footprint
1399 ii  lilo                                         22.6.1-7+b1                                  LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others
1400 ii  linda                                        0.3.17                                       Debian package checker, not unlike lintian
1401 ii  links                                        0.99+1.00pre12-1                             Character mode WWW browser
1402 ii  links2                                       2.1pre20-2                                   Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
1403 ii  linneighborhood                              0.6.5-3.1                                    An SMB network browser for Linux and X11.
1404 ii  lintian                                      1.23.15                                      Debian package checker
1405 ii  linux-doc-2.6.15-grml                        grml.07                                      Linux kernel specific documentation for version 2.6.15-grml
1406 ii  linux-headers-2.6.15-grml                    grml.07                                      Header files related to Linux kernel, specifically,
1407 ii  linux-image-2.6.15-grml                      grml.07                                      Linux kernel binary image for version 2.6.15-grml
1408 ii  linux-kernel-headers-grml                    0.1-3                                        virtual package to replace linux-kernel-headers-knoppix
1409 ii  linux-sound-base                             1.0.10-3                                     base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems
1410 ii  linux-wlan-ng                                0.2.3-1                                      utilities for wireless prism2 cards
1411 ii  linux-wlan-ng-modules-2.6.15-grml            grml.07+0.2.0+0.2.1pre21-1.1                 drivers for wireless prism2 cards
1412 ii  linuxdoc-tools                               0.9.21-0.2                                   SGML converters for the LinuxDoc DTD only.
1413 ii  listadmin                                    2.27-2                                       command line mailman moderator queue manipulation
1414 ii  lkl                                          0.1.1-1                                      userspace keylogger for x86 architecture
1415 ii  lltag                                        0.10-1                                       Automatic command-line mp3/ogg/flac file tagger
1416 ii  lm-sensors                                   2.9.2-7                                      utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
1417 ii  lmbench                                      2.0-patch2-9                                 Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems
1418 ii  loadlin                                      1.6c.really1.6c-1                            a loader (running under DOS) for LINUX kernel images
1419 ii  localepurge                                  0.4.1                                        Automagically remove unnecessary locale data
1420 ii  locales                                      2.3.5-11                                     GNU C Library: National Language (locale) data [support]
1421 ii  lockfile-progs                               0.1.10                                       Programs for locking and unlocking files and mailboxes
1422 ii  loco                                         0.32-3                                       Perl script to add nice colors to your /var/log/messages file
1423 ii  log2mail                                     0.3.0-2                                      Daemon watching logfiles and mailing lines matching patterns
1424 ii  login                                        4.0.14-2                                     system login tools
1425 ii  logrotate                                    3.7.1-2                                      Log rotation utility
1426 ii  logtools                                     0.13c                                        Russell's misc tools for managing log files.
1427 ii  logwatch                                     7.1-2                                        log analyser with nice output written in Perl
1428 ii  loop-aes-utils                               2.12r-1                                      Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
1429 ii  lout                                         3.31-2                                       Typesetting system, an alternative to (La)TeX
1430 ii  lout-common                                  3.31-2                                       Common files for the Lout typesetting system
1431 ii  lout-doc                                     3.31-2                                       Documentation on the Lout typesetting system
1432 ii  lpr                                          2005.05.01                                   BSD lpr/lpd line printer spooling system
1433 ii  lrzsz                                        0.12.21-4.1                                  Tools for zmodem/xmodem/ymodem file transfer
1434 ii  lsb-base                                     3.0-14                                       Linux Standard Base 3.0 init script functionality
1435 ii  lsdvd                                        0.15-5                                       read the content info of a DVD
1436 ii  lshw                                         02.06-3                                      information about hardware configuration
1437 ii  lshw-common                                  02.06-3                                      information about hardware configuration
1438 ii  lslk                                         1.29-2                                       a lock file lister
1439 ii  lsof                                         4.76.dfsg.1-1                                List open files.
1440 ii  lsscsi                                       0.15-1                                       list all SCSI devices (or hosts) currently on system
1441 ii  ltrace                                       0.3.36-2                                     Tracks runtime library calls in dynamically linked programs
1442 ii  lua50                                        5.0.2-5.1                                    Small embeddable language with simple procedural syntax
1443 ii  luasocket                                    2.0-alpha-2                                  TCP/UDP socket library for Lua 5.0
1444 ii  lufs-module-2.6.15-grml                      0.9.7-7+grml.07                              Linux Userland Filesystem - module for Linux 2.6.15-grml
1445 ii  lufs-utils                                   0.9.7-7                                      Linux Userland Filesystem - utilities
1446 ii  lvm-common                                   1.5.20                                       The Logical Volume Manager for Linux (common files)
1447 ii  lvm10                                        1.0.8-12                                     The Logical Volume Manager for Linux
1448 ii  lvm2                                         2.02.01-3                                    The Linux Logical Volume Manager
1449 ii  lwatch                                       0.4.1-1                                      A simple log colorizer
1450 ii  lynx                                         2.8.5-2sarge1                                Text-mode WWW Browser
1451 ii  lzop                                         1.01-3                                       fast compression program
1452 ii  m-tx                                         0.60-3                                       A simple music-from-text language for use with MusiXTeX
1453 ii  m17n-db                                      1.2.0-1                                      a multilingual text processing library - database
1454 ii  m4                                           1.4.4-1                                      a macro processing language
1455 ii  macchanger                                   1.5.0-1                                      utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
1456 ii  macutils                                     2.0b3-13.1                                   Set of tools to deal with specially encoded Macintosh files
1457 ii  madison-lite                                 0.6                                          display versions of Debian packages in an archive
1458 ii  madwifi-modules-2.6.15-grml                  0.svn20051110-2+grml.07                      modules for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi (kernel 2.6.15-grml)
1459 ii  madwifi-tools                                0.svn20051110-2                              tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi
1460 ii  magma                                        0.trunk20050206-1                            Magma cluster abstraction - tool
1461 ii  mailcheck                                    1.91.1                                       Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail
1462 ii  maildirsync                                  1.1-1                                        simple and efficient Maildir synchronisation utility
1463 ii  mailfilter                                   0.6.2-1                                      A program that filters your incoming e-mail to help remove spam
1464 ii  mailx                                        8.1.2-0.20050715cvs-1                        A simple mail user agent
1465 ii  mairix                                       0.17-2                                       indexes and searches email in locally stored email
1466 ii  make                                         3.80+3.81.b4-1                               The GNU version of the "make" utility.
1467 ii  makedev                                      2.3.1-79                                     creates device files in /dev
1468 ii  makejail                                     0.0.5-6                                      Automatically create chroot jails for programs
1469 ii  makepasswd                                   1.10-3                                       Generate and encrypt passwords
1470 ii  man-db                                       2.4.3-3                                      The on-line manual pager
1471 ii  manpages                                     2.17-1                                       Manual pages about using a GNU/Linux system
1472 ii  manpages-dev                                 2.17-1                                       Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for development
1473 ii  manpages-posix                               2.16-1                                       Manual pages about using POSIX system
1474 ii  maradns                                      1.0.35-1                                     Simple security-aware Domain Name Service server
1475 ii  markdown                                     1.0.1-2                                      Text-to-HTML conversion tool
1476 ii  mawk                                         1.3.3-11                                     a pattern scanning and text processing language
1477 ii  mb2md                                        3.20-2                                       Converting Mbox mailboxes to Maildir format
1478 ii  mbmon                                        2.05-4                                       Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (text client)
1479 ii  mboxcheck                                    0.1.1                                        MBOX scan utility
1480 ii  mboxgrep                                     0.7.9-1                                      Grep through mailboxes
1481 ii  mbr                                          1.1.5-2                                      Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.
1482 ii  mc                                           4.6.1-1                                      midnight commander - a powerful file manager
1483 ii  mcelog                                       0.4-4                                        x86-64 Machine Check Exceptions collector and decoder
1484 ii  md5deep                                      1.8-1                                        compute MD5, SHA-1, or SHA-256 message digests on files
1485 ii  mdadm                                        1.12.0-1                                     tool to administer Linux md device arrays (software RAID)
1486 ii  mdetect                                                                  mouse device autodetection tool
1487 ii  memstat                                      0.4                                          Identify what's using up virtual memory.
1488 ii  memtest86+                                   1.65-1                                       thorough real-mode memory tester
1489 ii  memtester                                    2.93.1-3.1                                   A utility for testing the memory subsystem
1490 ii  menu                                         2.1.27                                       generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications
1491 ii  menu-xdg                                     0.2.2                                        freedesktop.org menu compliant window manager scripts
1492 ii  mercurial                                    0.7-8                                        Scalable distributed version control system
1493 ii  metamail                                     2.7-50                                       implementation of MIME
1494 ii  mg                                                                     multi-line grep
1495 ii  mgetty                                       1.1.33-3                                     Smart Modem getty replacement
1496 ii  mgp                                          1.11b-6                                      MagicPoint- an X11 based presentation tool
1497 ii  migrationtools                               46-2                                         Migration scripts for LDAP
1498 ii  mii-diag                                     2.11-1                                       A little tool to manipulate network cards
1499 ii  mikmod                                       3.2.1-2                                      Portable tracked music player
1500 ii  mime-codecs                                  7.19-7                                       Fast Quoted-Printable and BASE64 MIME transport codecs
1501 ii  mime-support                                 3.35-1                                       MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
1502 ii  minicom                                      2.1-10                                       friendly menu driven serial communication program
1503 ii  minised                                      1.6-1                                        a smaller, cheaper, faster SED implementation
1504 ii  mirror                                       2.9-52                                       Keeps FTP archives up-to-date
1505 ii  mirrordir                                    0.10.49-intl-2                               duplicate a directory by making a minimal set of changes
1506 ii  mixmaster                                    3.0b2-2                                      Anonymous remailer client and server
1507 ii  mkcue                                        1-2                                          Generates a CUE sheet from a CD
1508 ii  mkisofs                                      2.01+01a03-5                                 Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images
1509 ii  mklibs-copy                                  0.1.20                                       Shared library reduction script
1510 ii  mknbi                                        1.4.4-1                                      Create tagged images for Etherboot or Netboot
1511 ii  mksh                                         25.0-1                                       enhanced version of the Korn shell
1512 ii  mmv                                          1.01b-12.3                                   Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files
1513 ii  mobilemesh                                   1.0-6                                        Mobile adhoc networking
1514 ii  moc                                          2.3.3-1                                      ncurses based console audio player
1515 ii  mod-chroot-common                            0.5-1                                        run Apache in a secure chroot environment
1516 ii  module-assistant                             0.10.2                                       tool to make module package creation easier
1517 ii  module-init-tools                            3.2.2-1                                      tools for managing Linux kernel modules
1518 ii  modutils                                                              Linux module utilities
1519 ii  monit                                        4.6-1                                        A utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs
1520 ii  moosic                                       1.5.2-1                                      Daemon/client combo to easily queue music files for playing
1521 ii  most                                         4.10.2-2                                     Pager program similar to more and less
1522 ii  mount                                        2.12r-2                                      Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
1523 ii  mozilla-firefox                              1.5.dfsg-4                                   Transition package for firefox rename
1524 ii  mozilla-firefox-adblock                                              AdBlock extension for the Firefox web browser
1525 ii  mozilla-imagezoom                            0.2.2-1                                      Mozilla context menu option to zoom current image
1526 ii  mozilla-mplayer                              3.17-1                                       MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla
1527 ii  mp                                           3.7.1-4                                      pretty-printer for email messages and other text files
1528 ii  mp3blaster                                   3.2.0-7                                      Full-screen console mp3 and ogg vorbis player
1529 ii  mp3c                                         0.29-2                                       MP3Creator - Creator for MP3/OGG-files
1530 ii  mp3gain                                      1.4.6-2                                      Lossless mp3 normalizer with statistical analysis
1531 ii  mp3info                                      0.8.4-8                                      An MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor
1532 ii  mp3splt                                      2.1-1                                        Splits MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files without reencoding
1533 ii  mp3wrap                                      0.5-1                                        Utility for MP3 wrapping (rolling multiple MP3s into one)
1534 ii  mpack                                        1.6-1.1                                      tools for encoding/decoding MIME messages
1535 ii  mpage                                        2.5.4-2                                      print multiple pages per sheet on PostScript printer
1536 ii  mpc                                          0.11.2-1                                     A command-line tool to interface MPD
1537 ii  mpg321                                                                  A Free command-line mp3 player, compatible with mpg123
1538 ii  mplayer-nogui                                1.0-pre7cvs20051102-0.0                      The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux
1539 ii  ms-sys                                       2.1.0-1                                      Write a Microsoft compatible boot record
1540 ii  msgid-chooser                                0.6-2                                        get usenet-posting via message-id
1541 ii  msmtp                                        1.4.4-3                                      light SMTP client with support for server profiles
1542 ii  msort                                        8.11-1                                       utility for sorting records in complex ways
1543 ii  mt-st                                        0.8-1                                        Linux SCSI tape driver aware magnetic tape control (aka. mt)
1544 ii  mtd-tools                                    20050122-2                                   memory Technology Device Tools
1545 ii  mtools                                       3.9.9-2.1                                    Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
1546 ii  mtop                                         0.6.6-1                                      MySQL terminal based query monitor
1547 ii  mtr-tiny                                     0.69-2                                       Full screen ncurses traceroute tool
1548 ii  multi-aterm                                  0.2.1-1                                      tabbed terminal emulator with efficent pseudo transparency
1549 ii  multipath-tools                              0.4.5-3.1                                    Command-line utilities for administering multipath disk access
1550 ii  multiseat                                    0.9.10                                       administration and configuration tools for multiseat systems
1551 ii  multitail                                    3.8.4-1                                      view multiple logfiles windowed on console
1552 ii  multitee                                     3.0-3                                        send multiple inputs to multiple outputs
1553 ii  munin                                        1.2.4-1                                      network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)
1554 ii  muscletools                                  0.9.2-3                                      Manage and personalize your MuscleCard smartcards
1555 ii  musepack-decoder                             sv7.15+1.95z67-1                             high quality lossy audio codec (alpha) - decoder
1556 ii  musepack-encoder                             sv7.0+1.15v-0.1                              high quality lossy audio codec - encoder
1557 ii  musepack-replaygain                          0.84-1                                       audio volume manipulation utility - musepack variant
1558 ii  musixtex                                     0.112.1-3                                    Typeset music scores with TeX
1559 ii  mutella                                      0.4.5-5                                      Gnutella client with command line and http interface
1560 ii  mutt                                         1.5.11-5                                     Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading
1561 ii  mutt-ng                                      0.0+20060113-1                               text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading
1562 ii  muttprint                                    0.72d-3                                      Pretty printing of mails
1563 ii  muttprofile                                  1.0.1-2                                      a utility to choose profiles in Mutt
1564 ii  mwcollect                                    2.1.2-1                                      collect worms and other autonomous spreading malware
1565 ii  mysql-client                                 4.1.15-1                                     mysql database client (transitional dummy package)
1566 ii  mysql-client-4.1                             4.1.15-1                                     mysql database client binaries
1567 ii  mysql-common                                 5.0.18-4                                     mysql database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf)
1568 ii  mysql-server                                 4.1.15-1                                     mysql database server (transitional dummy package)
1569 ii  mysql-server-4.1                             4.1.15-1                                     mysql database server binaries
1570 ii  naim                                         0.11.8-1                                     A console client for AOL Instant Messenger and IRC
1571 ii  nano                                         1.3.10-1                                     free Pico clone with some new features
1572 ii  nasm                                         0.98.38-1.2                                  General-purpose x86 assembler
1573 ii  nast                                         0.2.0-2                                      packet sniffer and a lan analyzer
1574 ii  nat-traverse                                 0.4-1                                        establish connections between nodes behind NAT gateways
1575 ii  nbtscan                                      1.5.1-2                                      A program for scanning networks for NetBIOS name information
1576 ii  ncftp                                        3.1.9-1                                      A user-friendly and well-featured FTP client
1577 ii  ncftp2                                       2.4.3-15                                     A user-friendly and well-featured FTP client
1578 ii  ncmpc                                        0.11.1+svn-r3362-1                           text based audio player
1579 ii  ncp                                          1.2.4-1                                      a utility for copying files in a LAN
1580 ii  ncpfs                                        2.2.6-3                                      utilities to use resources from NetWare servers
1581 ii  ncurses-base                                 5.5-1                                        Descriptions of common terminal types
1582 ii  ncurses-bin                                  5.5-1                                        Terminal-related programs and man pages
1583 ii  ncurses-term                                 5.5-1                                        Additional terminal type definitions
1584 ii  ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.15-grml              1.5-1+grml.07                                Ndiswrapper linux kernel module
1585 ii  ndiswrapper-utils                            1.5-1                                        Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper
1586 ii  nedit                                        5.5-1                                        A powerful, customizable, Motif based text editor
1587 ii  nemesis                                      1.32+1.4beta3-2                              TCP/IP Packet Injection Suite
1588 ii  nessus                                       2.2.5-3                                      Remote network security auditor, the client
1589 ii  nessus-plugins                               2.2.5-6                                      Nessus plugins
1590 ii  nessusd                                      2.2.5-3                                      Remote network security auditor, the server
1591 ii  net-tools                                    1.60-17                                      The NET-3 networking toolkit
1592 ii  netbase                                      4.24                                         Basic TCP/IP networking system
1593 ii  netcat                                       1.10-29                                      TCP/IP swiss army knife
1594 ii  netcat6                                      0.5-1                                        TCP/IP swiss army knife with IPv6 support
1595 ii  netdiag                                      0.7-7.1                                      Net-Diagnostics (trafshow,strobe,netwatch,statnet,tcpspray,tcpblast)
1596 ii  netdiscover                                  0.3beta6-1                                   active/passive address scanner using arp requests
1597 ii  netdude                                      0.3.3-2.1                                    NETwork DUmp data Displayer and Editor for tcpdump trace files
1598 ii  nethack-common                               3.4.3-8                                      Common files for Nethack dungeon crawl game
1599 ii  nethack-console                              3.4.3-8                                      Text-based overhead view D&D-style adventure game
1600 ii  netkit-inetd                                 0.10-10.2                                    The Internet Superserver
1601 ii  netmask                                      2.3.7                                        helps determine network masks
1602 ii  netpbm                                       10.0-10                                      Graphics conversion tools
1603 ii  netperf                                      2.4.0-2                                      Network performance benchmark
1604 ii  netpipe-tcp                                  3.6.2-2                                      A network performance tool using the TCP protocol
1605 ii  netpipes                                     4.2-3                                        a package to manipulate BSD TCP/IP stream sockets
1606 ii  netrik                                       1.15.3-1                                     text mode WWW browser with vi like keybindings
1607 ii  netris                                       0.52-5                                       free, networked version of T*tris
1608 ii  netsed                                       0.01c-2                                      The network packet altering stream editor
1609 ii  netstat-nat                                  1.4.5-2                                      A tool that display NAT connections
1610 ii  netwag                                       5.33.0-1                                     graphical frontend for netwox
1611 ii  netwox                                       5.33.0-1                                     networking utilities
1612 ii  newsflash                                    0.99-10                                      gets news with the newnews command from a server
1613 ii  nfs-common                                   1.0.7-3                                      NFS support files common to client and server
1614 ii  nfs-kernel-server                            1.0.7-3                                      Kernel NFS server support
1615 ii  ngrep                                        1.44-1                                       grep for network traffic
1616 ii  nhfsstone                                    1.0.7-3                                      NFS benchmark program
1617 ii  nictools-nopci                               1.3.3-1                                      Diagnostic tools for many non-PCI ethernet cards
1618 ii  nictools-pci                                 1.3.7-2                                      Diagnostic tools for many PCI ethernet cards
1619 ii  nikto                                        1.35-1                                       web server security scanner
1620 ii  nis                                          3.15-3                                       Clients and daemons for the Network Information Services (NIS)
1621 ii  nload                                        0.6.0-3                                      A realtime console network usage monitor
1622 ii  nmap                                         3.95-1                                       The Network Mapper
1623 ii  nmapfe                                       3.95-1                                       The Network Mapper Front End
1624 ii  normalize-audio                              0.7.6-7                                      adjust the volume of WAV files to a standard volume level
1625 ii  noshell                                      4.0.11-2                                     Tools to secure bastion hosts
1626 ii  nscd                                         2.3.5-11                                     GNU C Library: Name Service Cache Daemon
1627 ii  nsd                                          2.3.3-1                                      authoritative name domain server
1628 ii  nstx                                         1.1-beta6-4                                  Tunnel IP over DNS
1629 ii  ntfsprogs                                    1.12.1-1                                     tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux
1630 ii  ntlmaps                                      0.9.9-4                                      NTLM Authorization Proxy Server
1631 ii  ntp                                          4.2.0a+stable-8.1                            Network Time Protocol: network utilities
1632 ii  ntp-server                                   4.2.0a+stable-8.1                            Network Time Protocol: common server tools
1633 ii  ntp-simple                                   4.2.0a+stable-8.1                            Network Time Protocol: daemon for simple systems
1634 ii  ntpdate                                      4.2.0a+stable-8.1                            The ntpdate client for setting system time from NTP servers
1635 ii  nttcp                                        1.47-4                                       New test TCP program
1636 ii  nufw                                         1.0.16-1                                     a per-user firewalling daemon that interfers with libipq
1637 ii  nullidentd                                   1.0-3                                        small, fast identd daemon
1638 ii  numlockx                                     1.1-3                                        enable NumLock in X11 sessions
1639 ii  nutcpc                                       1.0.16-1                                     a linux client for the nufw authentication gateway system
1640 ii  nvi                                          1.79-22                                      4.4BSD re-implementation of vi
1641 ii  nvidia-xconfig                               1.0+20051122-2                               The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool
1642 ii  nvtv                                         0.4.7-3                                      tool to control TV chips on NVidia cards under Linux
1643 ii  nxclient                                     1.5.0-135                                    NoMachine NX Client and Libraries.
1644 ii  obexftp                                      0.10.7+0.10.8pre9-3                          file transfer utility for devices that use the OBEX protocol
1645 ii  offlineimap                                  4.0.11                                       IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
1646 ii  oinkmaster                                   1.2-1                                        Snort rules manager
1647 ii  olsrd                                        0.4.9-1                                      implementation of the ad-hoc routing protocol OLSR
1648 ii  olsrd-gui                                    0.4.9-1                                      a gui front-end for the olsr daemon
1649 ii  olsrd-plugin                                 0.4.9-1                                      plugins for the olsrd
1650 ii  ooo2dbk                                      1.5.0-1                                      converts OpenOffice.org SXW documents to DocBook XML
1651 ii  opalmod                                      0.1.13                                       A set of Perl modules for various tasks
1652 ii  openafs-client                               1.4.0-3                                      AFS distributed filesystem client support
1653 ii  openafs-krb5                                 1.3-10.1                                     The AFS distributed filesystem- Kerberos 5 Integration
1654 ii  openafs-modules-2.6.15-grml                  1.4.0-3+grml.07                              AFS distributed filesystem kernel module
1655 ii  openjade                                     1.4devel1-15                                 Implementation of the DSSSL language
1656 ii  opensc                                       0.10.1-1                                     SmartCard utilities with support for PKCS#15 compatible cards
1657 ii  openssh-client                               4.2p1-5                                      Secure shell client, an rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement
1658 ii  openssh-server                               4.2p1-5                                      Secure shell server, an rshd replacement
1659 ii  openssl                                      0.9.8a-5                                     Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools
1660 ii  openvpn                                      2.0.5-1                                      Virtual Private Network daemon
1661 ii  opie-client                                  2.32-10                                      OPIE programs for generating OTPs on client machines
1662 ii  opie-server                                  2.32-10                                      OPIE programs for maintaining an OTP key file
1663 ii  orange                                       0.3-2                                        extracts CAB files from self-extracting installers
1664 ii  orpheus                                      1.5-4                                        Light-weight text mode menu- and window-driven audio player
1665 ii  os-prober                                    1.09                                         utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives
1666 ii  osdsh                                        0.7.0-8                                      Overlays your screen with various system information
1667 ii  osiris                                       4.1.8-3                                      network-wide system integrity monitor control interface
1668 ii  p0f                                          2.0.5-1                                      Passive OS fingerprinting tool
1669 ii  p3scan                                       2.1-2                                        transparent POP3-proxy with virus- and spam-scanning
1670 ii  packit                                       1.0-1                                        Network Injection and Capture
1671 ii  pads                                         1.2-7                                        Passive Asset Detection System
1672 ii  paketto                                      1.10-6                                       Unusual TCP/IP testing tools
1673 ii  pal                                          0.3.5-1pre1.1                                Command-line calendar program that can keep track of events
1674 ii  par                                          1.51-1.1                                     Paragraph reformatter
1675 ii  par2                                         0.4-6                                        Parity Archive Volume Set, for checking and repair of files
1676 ii  parted                                                                The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program
1677 ii  partimage                                    0.6.4-14                                     backup partitions into a compressed image file
1678 ii  partimage-server                             0.6.4-14                                     server to use partimage across a network
1679 ii  passwd                                       4.0.14-2                                     change and administer password and group data
1680 ii  patch                                        2.5.9-2                                      Apply a diff file to an original
1681 ii  patcher                                      0.0.20040521-4                               perl script useful for managing patches
1682 ii  patchutils                                   0.2.31-1                                     Utilities to work with patches
1683 ii  pavuk                                        0.9.33-1                                     Multiprotocol file grabber with textual and graphic control
1684 ii  pax                                          1.5-15                                       Portable Archive Interchange
1685 ii  paxctl                                       0.3-1                                        user-space utility to control PaX flags - new major upstream version
1686 ii  pbuilder                                     0.145                                        personal package builder for Debian packages
1687 ii  pbzip2                                       0.9.5-1                                      parallel bzip2 implementation
1688 ii  pciutils                                     2.1.11-15.3                                  Linux PCI Utilities
1689 ii  pcmciautils                                  012-1                                        PCMCIA utilities for Linux 2.6
1690 ii  pconf-detect                                 0.5-8                                        Small printer auto-detect command-line tool
1691 ii  pconsole                                     1.0-6                                        parallel console shell for administering clusters
1692 ii  pcregrep                                     6.4-1.1                                      grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes.
1693 ii  pcscd                                        1.2.9-beta9-1                                Middleware to access a smart card using PC/SC (daemon side)
1694 ii  pdfjam                                       1.20-1                                       collection of PDF document handling utilities
1695 ii  pdksh                                        5.2.14-20                                    A public domain version of the Korn shell
1696 ii  pdmenu                                       1.2.87                                       simple full screen menu program
1697 ii  pdns                                         2.9.19-3                                     meta package for the pdns nameserver
1698 ii  pdns-backend-ldap                            2.9.19-3                                     LDAP backend for PowerDNS
1699 ii  pdns-backend-mysql                           2.9.19-3                                     generic mysql backend for PowerDNS
1700 ii  pdns-backend-pgsql                           2.9.19-3                                     generic PostgreSQL backend for PowerDNS
1701 ii  pdns-backend-pipe                            2.9.19-3                                     pipe/coprocess backend for PowerDNS
1702 ii  pdns-backend-sqlite                          2.9.19-3                                     sqlite backend for PowerDNS
1703 ii  pdns-recursor                                2.9.19-3                                     PowerDNS recursor
1704 ii  pdns-server                                  2.9.19-3                                     extremely powerful and versatile nameserver
1705 ii  pdsh                                         2.8-1-1                                      Efficient rsh-like utility, for using hosts in parallel
1706 ii  pdumpfs                                      1.3-2                                        a daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
1707 ii  pekwmsvn                                     0.1-1                                        Light & fast Window manager
1708 ii  perforate                                    1.2-1                                        Utilities to save disk space
1709 ii  perl                                         5.8.7-10                                     Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
1710 ii  perl-base                                    5.8.7-10                                     The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
1711 ii  perl-doc                                     5.8.7-10                                     Perl documentation
1712 ii  perl-modules                                 5.8.7-10                                     Core Perl modules
1713 ii  perl-suid                                    5.8.7-10                                     Runs setuid Perl scripts
1714 ii  perlmagick                                                           A perl interface to the libMagick graphics routines
1715 ii  pgf                                          1.00-1                                       TeX Portable Graphic Format
1716 ii  pgpool                                       2.7-1                                        connection pool server for PostgreSQL
1717 ii  php5                                         5.1.2-1                                      server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)
1718 ii  php5-common                                  5.1.2-1                                      Common files for packages built from the php5 source
1719 ii  php5-mysql                                   5.1.2-1                                      MySQL module for php5
1720 ii  php5-pgsql                                   5.1.2-1                                      PostgreSQL module for php5
1721 ii  php5-sqlite                                  5.1.2-1                                      SQLite module for php5
1722 ii  pia                                          3.94-1.0                                     movie player
1723 ii  pilot-link                                   0.11.8-17                                    Tools to communicate with a PalmOS PDA
1724 ii  pinentry-curses                              0.7.2-3                                      curses-based PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG
1725 ii  pinfo                                        0.6.8-6                                      An alternative info-file viewer
1726 ii  pip                                          1.2-2                                        make any program a filter
1727 ii  pipemeter                                    0.9.3-1                                      Missing
1728 ii  pisg                                         0.67-1                                       Perl IRC Statistics Generator
1729 ii  piuparts                                     0.14-1                                       .deb package installation, upgrading, and removal testing tool
1730 ii  pkg-config                                   0.20-1                                       manage compile and link flags for libraries
1731 ii  playmidi                                     2.4debian-4                                  MIDI player
1732 ii  playmp3list                                  0.95-4.1                                     Another front-end to mpg123 with theme support
1733 ii  plptools                                     0.14-3                                       Access a Psion PDA over a serial link
1734 ii  pmidi                                        1.5.5-2                                      A command line midi player for ALSA
1735 ii  pmount                                       0.9.7-2                                      mount removable devices as normal user
1736 ii  pmx                                          2.5.7-1                                      A Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
1737 ii  pnm2ppa                                      1.12-14                                      PPM to PPA converter
1738 ii  pnpbios-tools                                3.2.8-5.2                                    Plug and Play BIOS tools
1739 ii  po-debconf                                   0.9.2                                        manage translated Debconf templates files with gettext
1740 ii  podracer                                     1.3-1                                        podcast aggregator/downloader
1741 ii  policycoreutils                              1.28-2                                       SELinux core policy utilities
1742 ii  pop3browser                                  0.4.1-1                                      Allows to check a pop3 mailbox before downloading any mail
1743 ii  pork                                         0.99.7-2                                     Console-based AOL Instant Messenger & IRC client
1744 ii  portmap                                      5-17                                         The RPC portmapper
1745 ii  portsentry                                   1.2-9                                        Portscan detection daemon
1746 ii  posh                                         0.4.4                                        Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell
1747 ii  poster                                       20020830-2                                   Create large posters out of PostScript pages
1748 ii  postfix                                      2.2.8-6                                      A high-performance mail transport agent
1749 ii  postfix-ldap                                 2.2.8-6                                      LDAP map support for Postfix
1750 ii  postfix-mysql                                2.2.8-6                                      MYSQL map support for Postfix
1751 ii  postfix-pcre                                 2.2.8-6                                      PCRE map support for Postfix
1752 ii  postfix-pgsql                                2.2.8-6                                      PGSQL map support for Postfix
1753 ii  postfix-policyd                              1.55-1                                       anti-spam plugin for Postfix
1754 ii  postgresql-8.1                               8.1.2-1                                      object-relational SQL database, version 8.1 server
1755 ii  postgresql-client-8.1                        8.1.2-1                                      front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.1
1756 ii  postgresql-common                            39                                           manager for PostgreSQL database clusters
1757 ii  postgresql-contrib-8.1                       8.1.2-1                                      additional facilities for PostgreSQL
1758 ii  potion                                       0.0.4                                        IP Flow Monitor
1759 ii  powermgmt-base                               1.23                                         Common utils and configs for power management
1760 ii  powernowd                                    0.96-2.grml                                  control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface
1761 ii  pperl                                        0.25-3                                       Make Perl scripts persistent in memory
1762 ii  ppmd                                         9.1-12                                       fast archiver program with good compression ratio
1763 ii  ppmtofb                                      0.32                                         Display netpbm graphics on Linux framebuffer devices
1764 ii  ppp                                          2.4.4b1-1                                    Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon
1765 ii  pppconfig                                    2.3.12                                       A text menu based utility for configuring ppp
1766 ii  pppoe                                        3.5-4                                        PPP over Ethernet driver
1767 ii  pppoeconf                                    1.8                                          configures PPPoE/ADSL connections
1768 ii  pppstatus                                    0.4.2-8                                      console-based PPP status monitor
1769 ii  pptp-linux                                   1.7.0-1                                      Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
1770 ii  pptpd                                        1.2.1-5                                      PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server
1771 ii  preload                                      0.2-4                                        an adaptive readahead daemon
1772 ii  preview-latex                                0.9.1-4                                      render LaTeX environments within emacs
1773 ii  preview-latex-style                          0.9.1-4                                      LaTeX style files for editor embedded preview of some environments
1774 ii  prismstumbler                                0.7.0-2                                      Wireless network sniffer
1775 ii  privoxy                                      3.0.3-5                                      Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy
1776 ii  procinfo                                     18-1                                         Displays system information from /proc
1777 ii  procmail                                     3.22-14                                      Versatile e-mail processor
1778 ii  procmeter3                                   3.4d-5                                       graphical system status monitor
1779 ii  procps                                       3.2.6-2                                      /proc file system utilities
1780 ii  proftpd                                      1.2.10-27                                    Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
1781 ii  proftpd-common                               1.2.10-27                                    Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
1782 ii  prosilla                                     1.2-1                                        multi-threaded download accelerator for ssh
1783 ii  prospect                                     0.9.8b-7                                     Non-intrusive, system-wide performance analysis tool
1784 ii  prosper                                      1.00.4+cvs.2004.03.29-2                      LaTeX class for writing transparencies
1785 ii  proxsmtp                                     1.3-1                                        multi purpose SMTP Proxy
1786 ii  proxychains                                  2.1-5                                        proxy chains - redirect connections through proxy servers
1787 ii  proxycheck                                   0.49a-1                                      checks existence of open proxy
1788 ii  proxymngr                                    6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X proxy services manager
1789 ii  psad                                         1.4.4-1                                      The Port Scan Attack Detector
1790 ii  pscan                                        1.2-5                                        Format string security checker for C files.
1791 ii  psfontmgr                                    0.11.8-0.1                                   PostScript font manager -- part of Defoma, Debian Font Manager
1792 ii  psh                                          1.8-5                                        interactive shell with the power of perl
1793 ii  psmisc                                       22.1-1                                       Utilities that use the proc filesystem
1794 ii  pspax                                        0.1-1                                        display PaX flags/capabilities/xattr
1795 ii  pstack                                       1.2-1                                        Display stack trace of a running process
1796 ii  pstotext                                     1.9-2                                        Extract text from PostScript and PDF files
1797 ii  psutils                                      1.17-21                                      A collection of PostScript document handling utilities
1798 ii  pterm                                        0.58-3                                       PuTTY terminal emulator
1799 ii  ptunnel                                      0.61-1                                       Tunnel TCP connections over ICMP packets
1800 ii  pump                                         0.8.24-1                                     BOOTP and DHCP client for automatic IP configuration
1801 ii  pv                                           0.9.1-1                                      Shell pipeline element to meter data passing through
1802 ii  pwc-modules-2.6.15-grml                      10.0.10-1+grml.07                            pwc modules
1803 ii  pwgen                                        2.04-1                                       Automatic Password generation
1804 ii  pxe                                          1.4.2-3                                      free PX daemon
1805 ii  python                                       2.3.5-3                                      An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version)
1806 ii  python-apt                                   0.6.16                                       Python interface to libapt-pkg
1807 ii  python-cddb                                  1.4-4                                        Python interface to CD-IDs and FreeDB
1808 ii  python-clamav                                0.3.0-1                                      Python bindings to ClamAV
1809 ii  python-eyed3                                 0.6.8-1                                      Python module for id3-tags manipulation
1810 ii  python-fuse                                  2.4-1                                        Python bindings for FUSE (Filesystems in USErland)
1811 ii  python-gnupginterface                        0.3.2-7                                      Python interface to GnuPG (GPG)
1812 ii  python-id3                                   1.2-6.1                                      Python module for id3-tags manipulation
1813 ii  python-id3lib                                0.5.1-6                                      id3lib wrapper for Python - dummy package
1814 ii  python-libgmail                                                        Python bindings to access Gmail accounts
1815 ii  python-profiler                              2.3.5-5                                      deterministic profiling of any Python programs
1816 ii  python-pyao                                  0.82-1                                       A Python interface to the Audio Output library
1817 ii  python-pymad                                 0.5.4-1                                      Python wrapper to the MPEG Audio Decoder library
1818 ii  python-pyogg                                 1.3-1                                        A Python interface to the Ogg library
1819 ii  python-pyvorbis                              1.3-1                                        A Python interface to the Ogg Vorbis library
1820 ii  python2.3                                    2.3.5-9                                      An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.3)
1821 ii  python2.3-apt                                0.6.16                                       Python interface to libapt-pkg
1822 ii  python2.3-bsddb3                             3.3.0-6                                      Python 2.3 interface to libdb3
1823 ii  python2.3-crypto                             2.0.1+dfsg1-1                                cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python
1824 ii  python2.3-elementtree                        1.2.6-3                                      Light-weight toolkit for XML processing
1825 ii  python2.3-eyed3                              0.6.8-1                                      Python module for id3-tags manipulation
1826 ii  python2.3-fuse                               2.4-1                                        Python bindings for FUSE (Filesystems in USErland)
1827 ii  python2.3-id3lib                             0.5.1-6+b1                                   id3lib wrapper for Python - library
1828 ii  python2.3-ipython                            0.6.15-1                                     enhanced interactive Python shell [built for python 2.3]
1829 ii  python2.3-profiler                           2.3.5-5                                      deterministic profiling of any Python programs
1830 ii  python2.3-pymad                              0.5.4-1                                      Python wrapper to the MPEG Audio Decoder library
1831 ii  python2.3-pyopenssl                          0.6-2                                        Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
1832 ii  python2.3-pyparsing                          1.3.3-2                                      Python parsing module
1833 ii  python2.3-subversion                         1.2.3dfsg1-3                                 python modules for interfacing with Subversion (aka. svn)
1834 ii  python2.3-twisted-bin                        2.0.1-5                                      Event-based framework for internet applications
1835 ii  python2.3-zopeinterface                      3.0.1-1                                      Python library for API definitions through interfaces
1836 ii  python2.4                                    2.4.2-2                                      An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.4)
1837 ii  python2.4-celementtree                       1.0.2-2                                      Light-weight toolkit for XML processing
1838 ii  python2.4-elementtree                        1.2.6-3                                      Light-weight toolkit for XML processing
1839 ii  python2.4-minimal                            2.4.2-2                                      A minimal subset of the Python language (version 2.4)
1840 ii  pytris                                       0.96                                         two-player networked console tetris clone
1841 ii  qc-usb-modules-2.6.15-grml                   0.6.3-1+grml.07                              kernel module for QuickCam Express
1842 ii  qc-usb-utils                                 0.6.3-1                                      Utility programs for the qc-usb kernel module
1843 ii  qjackctl                                     0.2.19a-1                                    User interface for controlling the JACK sound server
1844 ii  qprof                                        0.5.1-6                                      Profiling utilities for Linux
1845 ii  qtparted                                     0.4.5-1                                      A parted frontend using QT
1846 ii  queue                                        1.30.1-6                                     transparent load balancing system
1847 ii  quilt                                        0.42-2                                       Tool to work with series of patches
1848 ii  quota                                        3.13-4                                       implementation of the disk quota system
1849 ii  raccess                                      0.7-2                                        Security Tool to audit remote systems
1850 ii  racoon                                       0.6.2-2                                      IPsec IKE keying daemon
1851 ii  radeontool                                   1.5-3                                        utility to control ATI Radeon backlight functions on laptops
1852 ii  radio                                        3.94-1.0                                     ncurses-based radio application
1853 ii  raggle                                       0.4.4-1                                      console RSS aggregator
1854 ii  rain                                         1.2.9beta1-1                                 packet builder for testing IP protocols implementations.
1855 ii  rainbowcrack                                 1.2-1                                        time-memory trade-off password cracker
1856 ii  randomize-lines                              0.2.4                                        randomize lines of input text
1857 ii  rar                                          3.30-2                                       Archiver for .rar files
1858 ii  ras                                          1.03-2                                       Adds redundancy files to archives for data recovery.
1859 ii  ratmenu                                      2.3.6                                        Creates X menus from the shell
1860 ii  ratpoison                                    1.4.0-beta4-7                                Simple window manager with no fat library dependencies
1861 ii  rats                                         2.1-5                                        Rough Auditing Tool for Security
1862 ii  rblcheck                                     20020316-5                                   Tool to Query RBL Servers
1863 ii  rc                                           1.7.1-2                                      an implementation of the AT&T Plan 9 shell
1864 ii  rcs                                          5.7-16                                       The GNU Revision Control System
1865 ii  rdate                                        1.4-7                                        sets the system's date from a remote host
1866 ii  rdesktop                                     1.4.1-1.0.1                                  RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server
1867 ii  rdiff                                        0.9.7-1                                      Binary diff tool for signature-based differences
1868 ii  rdiff-backup                                 1.1.5-1                                      remote incremental backup
1869 ii  read-edid                                    1.4.1-2                                      hardware information-gathering tool for VESA PnP monitors
1870 ii  readline-common                              5.1-5                                        GNU readline and history libraries, common files
1871 ii  readpst                                      0.5.1-1                                      Converts Outlook PST files to mbox and others
1872 ii  realpath                                     1.9.27                                       Return the canonicalized absolute pathname
1873 ii  realtime-lsm                                 0.1.1-6                                      Scripts for handling the realtime Linux security module
1874 ii  realtime-lsm-module-2.6.15-grml              0.1.1-6+grml.07                              Realtime Linux Security module.
1875 ii  recode                                       3.6-12                                       Character set conversion utility
1876 ii  recover                                      1.3c-10                                      Undelete files on ext2 partitions
1877 ii  recoverjpeg                                  1.1.1-1                                      Recover jpeg pictures from a filesystem image
1878 ii  redir                                        2.2.1-2                                      Redirect TCP connections
1879 ii  reiser4progs                                 1.0.5-1                                      administration utilities for the Reiser4 filesystem
1880 ii  reiserfsprogs                                3.6.19-1                                     User-level tools for ReiserFS filesystems
1881 ii  renameutils                                  0.8.1-2                                      Programs to make file renaming easier
1882 ii  replicator                                   3.1-sarge-1.5                                automate new computer installations in a networked site.
1883 ii  reprepro                                     0.8-1                                        debian package repository producer
1884 ii  rgpsp                                        1.1.0-3                                      Remote poller for GPS (Graphical Process Statistics)
1885 ii  rhapsody                                     0.26b-2                                      small and efficient ncurses based IRC client
1886 ii  rinetd                                       0.62-5                                       Internet TCP redirection server
1887 ii  rlwrap                                       0.21-1                                       readline feature command line wrapper
1888 ii  rman                                         3.2-3                                        PolyglotMan - Reverse compile man pages
1889 ii  rng-tools                                    2-unofficial-mt.10-1                         Daemon to use a Hardware TRNG
1890 ii  root-tail                                    1.2-2                                        Displays select log files in the X root window
1891 ii  rootsh                                       1.5.2-1                                      an auditing wrapper for shells
1892 ii  router-audit-tool                            1.1-4                                        Tool for auditing Cisco router configuration
1893 ii  rox-filer                                    2.4-2                                        A simple graphical file manager for X11
1894 ii  rpl                                          1.5.2                                        intelligent recursive search/replace utility
1895 ii  rpm                                          4.4.1-5                                      Red Hat package manager
1896 ii  rrdtool                                      1.2.11-0.5                                   Time-series data storage and display system (programs)
1897 ii  rsnapshot                                    1.2.1-1                                      local and remote filesystem snapshot utility
1898 ii  rssh                                         2.3.0-1                                      Restricted shell allowing only scp, sftp, cvs, rsync and/or rdist
1899 ii  rsync                                        2.6.6-1                                      fast remote file copy program (like rcp)
1900 ii  rt2400-2.6.15-grml                           1.2.2+cvs20051217-2+grml.07                  RT2400 wireless network drivers
1901 ii  rt2400-utility                               1.2.2.b2-2                                   Ralink RT2400 configuration utility
1902 ii  rt2500-2.6.15-grml                           1.1.0+cvs20051217-1+grml.07                  RT2500 wireless network drivers
1903 ii  rt2500-utility                               1.1.0.b2-2                                   Ralink RT2500 configuration utility
1904 ii  rtorrent                                     0.4.2-1                                      ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent
1905 ii  rubilicious                                  0.1.4-2                                      Ruby bindings for Delicious, social bookmarks manager
1906 ii  ruby                                         1.8.2-1                                      An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
1907 ii  ruby1.8                                      1.8.4-1                                      Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby 1.8
1908 ii  ruby1.8-examples                             1.8.4-1                                      Examples for Ruby 1.8
1909 ii  rungetty                                     1.2-8                                        minimal console getty that can run any process
1910 ii  rxvt-beta                                    2.7.10-1                                     VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System
1911 ii  rxvt-unicode                                 7.0-1                                        RXVT-like terminal emulator with Unicode support
1912 ii  s3switch                                     0.0.20030423-2                               Manage the output device on S3 Savage chips
1913 ii  saidar                                       0.12-1                                       curses-based program which displays live system statistics
1914 ii  salvage-ntfs                                 0.1+20050901-2                               free NTFS data recovery tools
1915 ii  sam                                          4.3-18.grml                                  the plan9 text editor -- ed with a gui and multi-file editing
1916 ii  samba                                        3.0.21a-1                                    a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix
1917 ii  samba-common                                 3.0.21a-1                                    Samba common files used by both the server and the client
1918 ii  samdump                                      2-1                                          dump Windows 2k/NT/XP password hashes
1919 ii  sash                                         3.7-7                                        Stand-alone shell
1920 ii  sbm                                          3.7.1-7                                      Smart Boot Manager (SBM) is a full-featured boot manager
1921 ii  sc                                           7.16-2                                       Text-based spreadsheet with VI-like keybindings
1922 ii  scanerrlog                                   2.01-3                                       Generate summaries from Apache error logs
1923 ii  scanlogd                                     2.2.5-1                                      A portscan detecting tool
1924 ii  scantv                                       3.94-1.0                                     scan TV channels for stations
1925 ii  scapy                                        1.0.2-1                                      Packet generator/sniffer and network scanner/discovery
1926 ii  scavr                                        1.7.0-2                                      Squid ClamAV Redirector
1927 ii  schedtool                                    1.2.5-1                                      query or alter a process' scheduling policy
1928 ii  schedutils                                   1.4.0-1                                      Linux scheduler utilities
1929 ii  schroot                                      0.1.7-3                                      Execute commands in a chroot environment
1930 ii  scli                                         0.2.12-2.1                                   a collection of SNMP command line management tools
1931 ii  scmxx                                        0.8.2-1                                      Exchange data with Siemens mobile phones
1932 ii  scons                                        0.96.1-2                                     A replacement for Make
1933 ii  scponly                                      4.1-1                                        Restricts the commands available to scp- and sftp-users
1934 ii  screen                                       4.0.2-4.1                                    a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
1935 ii  scrounge-ntfs                                0.8.6-1                                      data recovery program for NTFS file systems
1936 ii  scsi-idle                                    2.4.23-5                                     turn off SCSI disks when idle
1937 ii  scsiadd                                      1.95-5                                       add or remove SCSI devices by rescanning the bus
1938 ii  scsitools                                    0.8-2                                        Collection of tools for SCSI hardware management
1939 ii  sdate                                        0.2.1                                        never ending September date
1940 ii  sdd                                          1.52-3                                       File duplication and conversion tool, similar to 'dd'
1941 ii  sdparm                                       0.96-1                                       Output and modify SCSI device parameters
1942 ii  secure-delete                                3.1-2                                        tools to wipe files, free disk space, swap and memory
1943 ii  securecgi                                    0.11.1                                       Wrapper for secure executing of CGI programs
1944 ii  secvpn                                       2.20                                         Secure Virtual Private Network
1945 ii  sed                                          4.1.4-5                                      The GNU sed stream editor
1946 ii  sendemail                                    1.52-3                                       email-from-console sending tool
1947 ii  sendfile                                     2.1-26                                       Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
1948 ii  sendip                                       2.5-2                                        A commandline tool to allow sending arbitrary IP packets
1949 ii  sensord                                      2.9.2-7                                      hardware sensor information logging daemon
1950 ii  ser2net                                      2.3-1                                        Allows network connections to serial ports
1951 ii  setcd                                        1.5-3                                        Control the behaviour of your cdrom device
1952 ii  setserial                                    2.17-43                                      controls configuration of serial ports
1953 ii  sfind                                        1.0-2                                        improved version of the find utility
1954 ii  sformat                                      3.5-1.1                                      SCSI disk format and repair tool
1955 ii  sg3-utils                                    1.17-2                                       Utilities for working with generic SCSI devices
1956 ii  sgml-base                                    1.26                                         SGML infrastructure and SGML catalog file support
1957 ii  sgml-data                                    2.0.3                                        common SGML and XML data
1958 ii  sgmltools-lite                                           convert DocBook SGML source into HTML using DSSSL
1959 ii  sgrep                                        1.92a-10                                     tool to search a file for structured pattern
1960 ii  shadowfs                                     0.0.svn+r33-1                                LD_PRELOAD wrappers for filesystem features
1961 ii  shaperd                                      0.2.1-5                                      A user-mode traffic shaper for tcp-ip networks
1962 ii  shared-mime-info                             0.16-3                                       FreeDesktop.org shared MIME database and spec
1963 ii  sharutils                                    4.2.1-15                                     shar, unshar, uuencode, uudecode
1964 ii  shc                                          3.7-2                                        Shell script compiler
1965 ii  shish                                        0.7-pre3-1                                   the diet shell
1966 ii  shmux                                        1.0b6-1                                      execute the same command on many hosts in parallel
1967 ii  shorewall                                    3.0.4-1                                      Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall)
1968 ii  shtool                                       2.0.1-2                                      portable shell tool from the GNU project
1969 ii  shunit                                       1.2-1                                        A Unit Testing Framework for the Bourne Family of Shells
1970 ii  simh                                         3.5.1-1                                      Emulators for 32 different computers
1971 ii  sing                                         1.1-10                                       A fully programmable ping replacement
1972 ii  sip-tester                                   1.1rc4-1                                     a performance testing tool for the SIP protocol
1973 ii  sipsak                                       0.9.5-1                                      SIP Swiss army knife
1974 ii  sitar                                        0.9.0-1                                      System InformaTion At Runtime
1975 ii  sitecopy                                     0.16.1-1                                     A program for managing a WWW site via FTP, DAV or HTTP
1976 ii  sjog                                         0.6-2                                        A program to use the "Jog Dial" on Sony Vaio Laptops
1977 ii  sl-modem-daemon                              2.9.9d+e-pre2-2                              SmartLink software modem daemon
1978 ii  sl-modem-modules-2.6.15-grml                 2.9.9d-7+grml.07                             Smart Link modem modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.15-grml)
1979 ii  slapd                                        2.2.26-5                                     OpenLDAP server (slapd)
1980 ii  slat                                         2.0-1                                        Tools for information flow analysis of SELinux policies
1981 ii  slay                                         2.5                                          Kills all of the user's processes
1982 ii  sleepd                                       1.2.16                                       puts a laptop to sleep during inactivity
1983 ii  sleepenh                                     1.2-2                                        Sleep until a given date with subsecond resolution
1984 ii  sleuthkit                                    2.03-1                                       Tools for forensics analysis
1985 ii  sloccount                                    2.26-2                                       Programs for counting physical source lines of code (SLOC)
1986 ii  slrn                                                               threaded news reader (fast for slow links)
1987 ii  slrnface                                     2.1.1-5                                      shows X-Faces from a newsposting on an X11 terminal emulator
1988 ii  slrnpull                                                           pulls a small newsfeed from an NNTP server
1989 ii  slsh                                         2.0.5-1                                      S-Lang shell
1990 ii  slurm                                        0.3.2-1                                      Realtime network interface monitor
1991 ii  smake                                        1.2a23-1                                     Schily make. Portable, extensible make
1992 ii  smartmontools                                5.33+5.34cvs20050802-3                       control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.
1993 ii  smb-nat                                      1.0-4                                        Netbios Auditing Tool
1994 ii  smbc                                         1.2.2-1                                      samba-commander - curses based samba network browser
1995 ii  smbclient                                    3.0.21a-1                                    a LanManager-like simple client for Unix
1996 ii  smbfs                                        3.0.21a-1                                    mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x)
1997 ii  smbldap-tools                                0.9.2-3                                      Scripts to manage Unix and Samba accounts stored on LDAP
1998 ii  sn                                           0.3.8-4                                      Small NNTP server for leaf sites
1999 ii  snarf                                        7.0-4                                        A command-line URL grabber
2000 ii  sniffit                                      0.3.7.beta-11                                packet sniffer and monitoring tool
2001 ii  snoopy                                       1.3-12                                       An execve() wrapper and logger
2002 ii  snort                                        2.3.3-2                                      Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System
2003 ii  snort-common                                 2.3.3-2                                      Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [common files]
2004 ii  snort-rules-default                          2.3.3-2                                      Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System ruleset
2005 ii  snowdrop                                     0.02b-5                                      plain text watermarking and watermark recovery
2006 ii  snownews                                                             Text mode RSS newsreader
2007 ii  socat                                                                  multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer
2008 ii  sound-recorder                               0.06-7                                       Direct-to-disk recording and play-back programs.
2009 ii  sox                                          12.17.9-1                                    A universal sound sample translator
2010 ii  sp                                           1.3.4-1.2.1-46                               James Clark's SGML parsing tools
2011 ii  spca5xx-modules-2.6.15-grml                  20051212-1+grml.07                           spca5xx modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.15-grml)
2012 ii  speech-dispatcher                            0.5-3                                        Common interface to speech synthesizers
2013 ii  speechd-el                                   1.0-3                                        Emacs speech client using Speech Dispatcher
2014 ii  speechd-up                                   0.1-1                                        Speakup to Speech Dispatcher interface
2015 ii  speex                                                                 The Speex Speech Codec
2016 ii  spell                                        1.0-16                                       GNU Spell, a clone of Unix `spell'
2017 ii  spellutils                                   0.7-4                                        Utilities to spell-check selectively
2018 ii  spicctrl                                     1.6-1                                        Sony Vaio controller program to set LCD backlight brightness
2019 ii  splint                                       3.1.1-4.1                                    A tool for statically checking C programs for bugs
2020 ii  splitvt                                      1.6.5-9                                      run two programs in a split screen
2021 ii  sqlite                                       2.8.16-1                                     command line interface for SQLite
2022 ii  sqlite3                                      3.2.8-1                                      A command line interface for SQLite 3
2023 ii  sqlrelay                                     0.36.4-4                                     Database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing
2024 ii  sqlrelay-mysql                               0.36.4-4                                     SQL Relay MySQL connection daemon
2025 ii  sqlrelay-postgresql                          0.36.4-4                                     SQL Relay PostgreSQL connection daemon
2026 ii  sqlrelay-sqlite                              0.36.4-4                                     SQL Relay for SQLite connection daemon
2027 ii  squashfs                                     2.2r2-1                                      tool to create and append to squashfs filesystems
2028 ii  squid                                        2.5.12-4                                     Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)
2029 ii  squid-common                                 2.5.12-4                                     Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache) - common file
2030 ii  squidview                                    0.69-2                                       monitors and analyses squid access.log files
2031 ii  src2tex                                      2.12h-6                                      A converter from source program files to TeX format files
2032 ii  srcinst                                      0.8.3                                        Build and install Debian packages completely from source
2033 ii  ssed                                         3.60-2.1                                     The super sed stream editor
2034 ii  ssh                                          4.2p1-5                                      Secure shell client and server (transitional package)
2035 ii  ssh-askpass                                                            under X, asks user for a passphrase for ssh-add
2036 ii  sshfs                                        1.2-1                                        filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol
2037 ii  ssl-cert                                     1.0-11                                       Simple debconf wrapper for openssl
2038 ii  ssldump                                      0.9b3-2                                      An SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
2039 ii  sslwrap                                      2.0.6-18                                     Simple TCP service encryption using TLS/SSL
2040 ii  ssmping                                      0.8.1-1                                      check your multicast connectivity
2041 ii  star                                         1.5a67-1                                     A fast POSIX-compliant tape archiver
2042 ii  starttls                                     0.10-2                                       TLS encryption helper program
2043 ii  statgrab                                     0.12-1                                       sysctl-style access to system statistics
2044 ii  statserial                                   1.1-22                                       Displays serial port modem status lines
2045 ii  stegdetect                                   0.6-3                                        Detect and extract steganography messages inside JPEG
2046 ii  steghide                                     0.5.1-7                                      A steganography hiding tool
2047 ii  stow                                         1.3.3-2.1                                    Organiser for /usr/local/ hierarchy
2048 ii  strace                                       4.5.12-1                                     A system call tracer
2049 ii  streamripper                                 1.61.17-1                                    download online streams into mp3 files
2050 ii  stress                                       0.18.4-1                                     A tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system
2051 ii  stunnel                                      3.26-7                                       Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons
2052 ii  subversion                                   1.2.3dfsg1-3                                 advanced version control system (aka. svn)
2053 ii  subversion-tools                             1.2.3dfsg1-3                                 assorted tools related to Subversion (aka. svn)
2054 ii  sudo                                         1.6.8p12-1                                   Provide limited super user privileges to specific users
2055 ii  sudosh                                       1.8.2-1                                      execution of a root shell with logging
2056 ii  super                                        3.26.1-1                                     Execute commands setuid root
2057 ii  surfraw                                      2.1.1                                        a fast unix command line interface to WWW
2058 ii  sux                                          1.0.1-3                                      wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials
2059 ii  svn-ssh-wrappers                             0.2                                          Small wrappers around svn
2060 ii  swaks                                        0+20050625.8-1                               SMTP command-line test tool
2061 ii  swapd                                        0.2-10                                       Swap demon for dynamic swap file creation
2062 ii  swatch                                       3.1.1-1                                      Log file viewer with regexp matching, highlighting, & hooks
2063 ii  swish++                                      5.15.3-3.1                                   Simple Document Indexing System for Humans: C++ version
2064 ii  symlinks                                     1.2-4.2                                      scan/change symbolic links
2065 ii  synctree                                     0.7-1                                        synchronize a directory tree using a set of rules
2066 ii  sysfsutils                                   1.3.0-7                                      sysfs query tool and boot-time setup
2067 ii  syslinux                                     3.11-3                                       Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies
2068 ii  syslog-ng                                    1.6.9-1                                      Next generation logging daemon
2069 ii  sysprof                                      1.0.1-3                                      A system-wide linux profiler
2070 ii  sysprof-module-2.6.15-grml                   1.0.1-3                                      Sysprof module for Linux (kernel 2.6.15-grml)
2071 ii  sysstat                                      6.0.2-1                                      sar, iostat and mpstat - system performance tools for Linux
2072 ii  systune                                      0.5.6                                        kernel tuning through the /proc file system
2073 ii  sysvinit                                     2.86.ds1-6                                   System-V like init
2074 ii  t-prot                                       2.0.2-1                                      display filter for RFC822 messages
2075 ii  tagtool                                      0.12.2-1+b1                                  tool to tag and rename MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files
2076 ii  tailor                                       0.9.19-2                                     migrate changesets between version control systems
2077 ii  tal                                          1.9-2                                        Trailer Alignment Filter Program
2078 ii  tar                                          1.15.1-2                                     GNU tar
2079 ii  tart                                         3.07-1                                       versatile and feature-rich email signature generator
2080 ii  tasksel                                      2.38                                         Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian system
2081 ii  tcc                                          0.9.23-2                                     The smallest ANSI C compiler
2082 ii  tcl8.3                                       8.3.5-5                                      Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.3 - run-time files
2083 ii  tcl8.4                                       8.4.11-1                                     Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.4 - run-time files
2084 ii  tclx8.3                                      8.3.5-5                                      Extended Tcl (TclX) version 8.3.5 -- TclX runtime package
2085 ii  tcng                                         9m-1                                         Linux traffic control language interpreter
2086 ii  tcpd                                         7.6.dbs-8                                    Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
2087 ii  tcpdump                                      3.9.4-2                                      A powerful tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
2088 ii  tcpick                                       0.2.1-2                                      TCP stream sniffer and connection tracker
2089 ii  tcpreen                                      1.2.2-1                                      Simple TCP re-engineering tool
2090 ii  tcpreplay                                    2.99+3.0.beta7-1                             Tool to replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds
2091 ii  tcpspy                                       1.7d-3                                       Incoming and Outgoing TCP/IP connections logger
2092 ii  tcpstat                                      1.4-4.1                                      network interface statistics reporting tool
2093 ii  tcptrace                                     6.6.1-1                                      Tool for analyzing tcpdump output
2094 ii  tcptrack                                     1.1.5-1                                      Displays a TCP connection list, with states and speeds
2095 ii  tcputils                                     0.6.2-6                                      Utilities for TCP programming in shell-scripts
2096 ii  tcpxtract                                    1.0.1-1                                      extracts files from network traffic based on file signatures
2097 ii  tcsh                                         6.14.00-2                                    TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh
2098 ii  tdl                                          1.5.2-2                                      To-do list manager
2099 ii  telak                                        0.3-3                                        display remote or local pictures on your desktop
2100 ii  telnet-ssl                                   0.17.24+0.1-9                                The telnet client with SSL encryption support
2101 ii  telnetd-ssl                                  0.17.24+0.1-9                                The telnet server with SSL encryption support
2102 ii  testdisk                                     6.1-1+b1                                     Partition scanner and disk recovery tool
2103 ii  tetex-base                                   3.0-11                                       Basic library files of teTeX
2104 ii  tetex-bin                                    3.0-13                                       The teTeX binary files
2105 ii  tetex-extra                                  3.0-11                                       Additional library files of teTeX
2106 ii  tethereal                                    0.10.13-1.1                                  network traffic analyzer (console)
2107 ii  tetradraw                                    2.0.3-2                                      ANSI drawing and viewing utility
2108 ii  tex-common                                   0.14                                         Common infrastructure for using and building TeX in Debian
2109 ii  tex-refs                                     0.3.9-1                                      References for TeX and Friends
2110 ii  texi2html                                    1.76-3                                       Convert Texinfo files to HTML
2111 ii  texify                                       1.18                                         Beautify source code for use with LaTeX
2112 ii  texinfo                                      4.8-4                                        Documentation system for on-line information and printed output
2113 ii  texpower                                     0.2-1                                        Macros for creating professional presentations with LaTeX
2114 ii  textdraw                                     0.2-1                                        Tool to draw/modify/move geometric figures & text for ASCII art
2115 ii  texttools-doc                                0.1-7                                        collection of documentation for several text tools
2116 ii  tftp-hpa                                     0.40-4.1                                     HPA's tftp client
2117 ii  tftpd-hpa                                    0.40-4.1                                     HPA's tftp server
2118 ii  thc-pptp-bruter                              0.1.4-1                                      PPTP brute forcer (1723/tcp)
2119 ii  thinkpad-base                                5.8-4                                        Configuration files for thinkpad-modules packages
2120 ii  thinkpad-modules-2.6.15-grml                 5.8-4+grml.07                                Device driver modules for configuring ThinkPads
2121 ii  thttpd                                       2.23beta1-4                                  tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
2122 ii  tidev-modules-2.6.15-grml                    2.0.3+grml.07                                Drivers for Texas Instruments calculators link cables (Linux kernel v2.6.15-grml)
2123 ii  tidy                                         20051018-1                                   HTML syntax checker and reformatter
2124 ii  tiger                                        3.2.1-28                                     Report system security vulnerabilities
2125 ii  timeout                                      1.11-6.2                                     Run a command with a time limit.
2126 ii  tin                                          1.8.0-1                                      A full-screen easy to use Usenet newsreader
2127 ii  tinyhoneypot                                 0.4.6-8                                      Small honeypot to trap attackers
2128 ii  tk-brief                                     5.9-1                                        GUI for easily writing letters with LaTeX
2129 ii  tk8.4                                        8.4.11-1                                     Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11, v8.4 - run-time files
2130 ii  tla                                          1.3.3-3                                      arch revision control system
2131 ii  tlswrap                                      1.02-1                                       a TLS / SSL FTP wrapper / proxy
2132 ii  tmpreaper                                    1.6.5                                        Cleans up files in directories based on their age
2133 ii  tn5250                                       0.16.5-12.0.1                                5250 telnet emulator for accessing an IBM iSeries (AS/400)
2134 ii  tnef                                         1.3.4-1                                      Tool to unpack MIME application/ms-tnef attachments
2135 ii  tofrodos                                     1.7.6-1                                      Converts DOS <-> Unix text files, alias tofromdos
2136 ii  tor                                                                   anonymizing overlay network for TCP
2137 ii  torsmo                                       0.18-5                                       system monitor that sits in the corner of your desktop
2138 ii  toshset                                      1.71-1                                       Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware interface
2139 ii  toshutils                                    2.0.1-13.1                                   Toshiba laptop utilities
2140 ii  tpb                                          0.6.4-2                                      program to use the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys
2141 ii  tpconfig                                     3.1.3-7                                      configure touchpad devices
2142 ii  tpctl                                        4.17-2                                       ThinkPad hardware configuration tools
2143 ii  tpp                                          1.3-1                                        text presentation program
2144 ii  traceproto                                   1.1.2beta1-2                                 traceroute replacement that supports TCP, UDP, and ICMP
2145 ii  traceroute                                   1.4a12-20                                    traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network
2146 ii  transfig                                     3.2.5-alpha7-1                               Utilities for converting XFig figure files
2147 ii  transset                                     0.1.0+cvs.20051218-1                         X transparency manager
2148 ii  trapdoor2                                    1.2-1                                        HTTPS trapdoor daemon
2149 ii  tree                                         1.5.0-2                                      displays directory tree, in color
2150 ii  trickle                                      1.07-4                                       user-space bandwidth shaper
2151 ii  tripwire                                                             file and directory integrity checker
2152 ii  tsocks                                       1.8beta5-2                                   transparent network access through a SOCKS 4 or 5 proxy
2153 ii  tspc                                         2.1.1-6                                      Client to configure an IPv6 tunnel to Hexago's migration broker
2154 ii  ttf-bitstream-vera                           1.10-3                                       The Bitstream Vera family of free TrueType fonts
2155 ii  ttf-dejavu                                   2.1-1                                        Bitstream Vera fonts with additional characters
2156 ii  tth                                          3.67-4                                       TeX/LaTeX to HTML converter
2157 ii  tthsum                                       1.1.0-1                                      generates or checks TTH message digests
2158 ii  ttmkfdir                                     3.0.9-5                                      Utility used to create fonts.scale files for TrueType fonts
2159 ii  ttysnoop                                     0.12d-2                                      TTY Snoop - allows you to spy on telnet+serial connections
2160 ii  turkey                                       1.34.0-1                                     dummy text generator
2161 ii  twin                                         0.5.1-1                                      a Text mode WINdow environment
2162 ii  twm                                          6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               Tab window manager
2163 ii  txt2man                                      1.4.8-2                                      Converts flat ASCII text to man page format
2164 ii  txt2regex                                    0.8-2                                        A Regular Expression "wizard", all written with bash2 builtins
2165 ii  type1inst                                    0.6.1-4                                      Install Adobe Type 1 fonts into X11 and Ghostscript
2166 ii  ucf                                          2.004                                        Update Configuration File: preserves user changes to config files.
2167 ii  udev                                         0.080-1grml1                                 /dev/ and hotplug management daemon
2168 ii  udftools                                     1.0.0b3-11                                   tools for UDF filesystems and DVD/CD-R(W) drives
2169 ii  udpcast                                      20040531-1                                   multicast file transfer tool
2170 ii  udptunnel                                    1.1-1                                        Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
2171 ii  ufsutils                                     0.0+2004.06.26-4                             UFS filesystems utilities
2172 ii  ulogd                                        1.23-4                                       The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
2173 ii  unace                                        1.2b-3                                       extract, test and view .ace archives
2174 ii  uni2ascii                                    3.0-1                                        convert UTF-8 into 7-bit ASCII and vice versa
2175 ii  unicode                                      0.6                                          display unicode character properties
2176 ii  unifont                                      1.0-1                                        X11 dual-width GNU unicode font
2177 ii  unionfs-utils                                1.1.0-1                                      stackable unification file system - management tools
2178 ii  unison                                       2.13.16-4                                    A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
2179 ii  unison2.9.1                                  2.9.1-5                                      A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
2180 ii  units                                        1.85-3                                       converts between different systems of units
2181 ii  unp                                          1.0.10                                       unpack (almost) everything with one command
2182 ii  unrar                                        3.5.4-0.1                                    Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
2183 ii  unrar-free                                   0.0.1-2                                      Unarchiver for .rar files
2184 ii  unrtf                                        0.19.3-1.1                                   RTF to other formats converter
2185 ii  unzip                                        5.52-6                                       De-archiver for .zip files
2186 ii  unzoo                                        4.4-4                                        zoo archive extractor
2187 ii  unzsplit                                     1.2.0-1                                      unzsplit will read splitted files produced by zsplit, glue and decompress them to its origin.
2188 ii  update                                       2.11-4                                       daemon to periodically flush filesystem buffers.
2189 ii  update-apt                                   1.0-3                                        A nightly Debian update tool.
2190 ii  upgrade-oldest                               0.2                                          upgrade oldest Debian packages
2191 ii  upx-ucl                                      1.25-5                                       an efficient live-compressor for executables
2192 ii  urlview                                      0.9-16                                       Extracts URLs from text
2193 ii  uruk                                         20051027-1                                   Very small firewall script, for configuring iptables
2194 ii  usbutils                                     0.71+cvs20051029-4                           USB console utilities
2195 ii  usbview                                      1.0-7                                        USB device viewer
2196 ii  user-de                                      0.20                                         Settings for German speaking users
2197 ii  userinfo                                     1.10a-1                                      display informations about a local user
2198 ii  util-linux                                   2.12r-2                                      Miscellaneous system utilities
2199 ii  util-linux-locales                           2.12r-2                                      Locales files for util-linux
2200 ii  uudeview                                     0.5.20-2                                     Smart multi-file multi-part decoder (command line)
2201 ii  v4l-conf                                     3.94-1.0                                     tool to configure video4linux drivers
2202 ii  vaiostat-2.6.15-grml                         1.2-7+grml.07                                Sony Vaio status and control kernel module
2203 ii  valgrind                                     3.1.0-2                                      A memory debugger and profiler
2204 ii  vbetool                                      0.5-1                                        run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
2205 ii  vblade                                       6-1                                          virtual AoE blade emulator
2206 ii  vcdtools                                     0.4-2                                        Creates Video CD (VCD) filesystem images
2207 ii  vde                                          1.5.9-3                                      virtual distributed ethernet
2208 ii  vera                                         1.15-1                                       List of computer acronyms
2209 ii  vfu                                          4.06-1                                       A versatile text-based filemanager
2210 ii  viewglob                                     2.0.3-2                                      A graphical display of directories referenced at the shell prompt
2211 ii  vifm                                         0.3-2                                        a ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings
2212 ii  vim                                          6.4-006+1                                    Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
2213 ii  vim-common                                   6.4-006+1                                    Vi IMproved - Common files
2214 ii  vim-gtk                                      6.4-006+1                                    Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI
2215 ii  vim-gui-common                               6.4-006+1                                    Vi IMproved - Common GUI files
2216 ii  vim-latexsuite                               0.20041219-2                                 brings the LaTeX power to Vim
2217 ii  vim-runtime                                  6.4-006+1                                    Vi IMproved - Runtime files
2218 ii  vim-scripts                                  6-3                                          plugins for vim, adding bells and whistles
2219 ii  vim-vimoutliner                              0.3.3-6                                      script for building an outline editor on top of Vim
2220 ii  vkeybd                                       0.1.17-2                                     Virtual MIDI Keyboard
2221 ii  vlan                                         1.9-1                                        user mode programs to enable VLANs on your ethernet devices
2222 ii  vlock                                        1.3-8                                        Virtual Console locking program
2223 ii  vnc-common                                   3.3.7-8                                      Virtual network computing server software
2224 ii  vncommand                                    0.7.1-5                                      VNC server which monitors a specified program
2225 ii  vncserver                                    3.3.7-8                                      Virtual network computing server software
2226 ii  vnstat                                       1.4-2                                        Console-based network traffic monitor
2227 ii  vorbis-tools                                 1.1.1-2                                      several Ogg Vorbis tools
2228 ii  vorbisgain                                   0.36-1                                       add suggested volume level for .ogg files as .ogg comment
2229 ii  vpnc                                         0.3.3+SVN20051028-2                          Cisco-compatible VPN client
2230 ii  vrfy                                         990522-4                                     Verify electronic mail addresses
2231 ii  vrms                                         1.11                                         virtual Richard M. Stallman
2232 ii  vtgrab                                       0.1.8-2                                      A VNC like console monitoring
2233 ii  vtun                                         2.6-4                                        Virtual Tunnel over TCP/IP Networks
2234 ii  w3-el-e21                                    4.0pre.2001.10.27-19                         Web browser for GNU Emacs 21
2235 ii  w3-url-e21                                   2005.10.23-5                                 URL library for use by w3-el-e21
2236 ii  w3m                                          0.5.1-3                                      WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support
2237 ii  w3m-el                                       1.4.4-1                                      a simple Emacs interface of w3m
2238 ii  w3m-img                                      0.5.1-3                                      inline image extension support utilities for w3m
2239 ii  w9wm                                         0.4.2-4                                      Enhanced window manager based on 9wm
2240 ii  wacom-tools                                  0.6.6-8                                      utilities for wacom tablets and other hid devices
2241 ii  wajig                                        2.0.31                                       simplified Debian package management front end
2242 ii  wakeonlan                                    0.41-3                                       Sends 'magic packets' to wake-on-LAN enabled ethernet adapters
2243 ii  wamerican-small                              6-2                                          American English dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
2244 ii  waproamd                                     0.6-7                                        WLAN roaming daemon
2245 ii  wavemon                                      0.4.0b-8                                     Wireless Device Monitoring Application
2246 ii  wcalc                                        2.1.2-2                                      A flexible command-line scientific calculator
2247 ii  wdiff                                        0.5-16                                       Compares two files word by word
2248 ii  webcam                                       3.94-1.0                                     capture and upload images
2249 ii  webcamd                                      0.7.6-3                                      Capture images from video devices
2250 ii  webcheck                                     1.9.5                                        website link and structure checker
2251 ii  webcpp                                       0.8.4-2                                      configurable utility to convert source code to HTML
2252 ii  weblint-perl                                 2.0-1                                        A syntax and minimal style checker for HTML
2253 ii  weechat-common                               0.1.7-1                                      Common files for WeeChat
2254 ii  weechat-curses                               0.1.7-1                                      Fast, light and extensible IRC client
2255 ii  weechat-plugins                              0.1.7-1                                      Plugins for WeeChat
2256 ii  wellenreiter                                 1.9-1                                        war driving tool written in perl
2257 ii  weplab                                       0.1.4-1                                      analyze WEP encryption security on wireless networks
2258 ii  wget                                         1.10.2-1                                     retrieves files from the web
2259 ii  whiptail                                     0.51.6-31                                    Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
2260 ii  whois                                        4.7.11                                       the GNU whois client
2261 ii  whowatch                                     1.6.0-5                                      Real-time user logins monitoring tool
2262 ii  wiggle                                       0.6-5                                        a program for applying patches with conflicting changes
2263 ii  windowlab                                    1.33-1                                       Small and simple Amiga-like window manager
2264 ii  wipe                                         0.20-1                                       Secure file deletion
2265 ii  wireless-tools                               27+28pre13-1                                 Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions
2266 ii  wmaloader                                    0.1-2                                        firmware downloader for Linksys WMA11B media adapter
2267 ii  wmctrl                                       1.07-5                                       control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager
2268 ii  wmi                                          10-1                                         Tiled window manager with support for overlapping windows
2269 ii  wmii                                         2.5.1-1                                      lightweight tabbed and tiled X11 window manager
2270 ii  wmmisc                                       0.9-2                                        Dock app that monitors your system
2271 ii  wondershaper                                 1.1a-4                                       Easy to use traffic shaping script
2272 ii  workbone                                     2.40-6                                       A simple text-based CD player
2273 ii  wpasupplicant                                0.4.5-1.grml                                 Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)
2274 ii  wprint                                       2.05-1                                       Print any charset from web browsers and HtmlDoc
2275 ii  wput                                         0.5-3                                        A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files
2276 ii  wvdial                                       1.55-1                                       PPP dialer with built-in intelligence
2277 ii  wwwconfig-common                             0.0.44                                       Debian web auto configuration
2278 ii  x-ttcidfont-conf                             21                                           Configure TrueType and CID fonts for X
2279 ii  x-window-system-core                         6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System core components
2280 ii  x11-common                                   6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
2281 ii  x11vnc                                       0.7.1-5                                      VNC server which uses your current X11 session
2282 ii  x2x                                          1.27-8                                       Link two X displays together, simulating a multiheaded display
2283 ii  x86info                                      1.17-1                                       Display diagnostic information about i386 compatible CPUs
2284 ii  xautolock                                    2.1-6                                        Program launcher for idle X sessions
2285 ii  xautomation                                  0.96-3                                       Control X from the command line, and find things on the screen
2286 ii  xaw3dg                                       1.5+E-10                                     Xaw3d widget set
2287 ii  xawtv                                        3.94-1.0                                     X11 TV application
2288 ii  xawtv-plugins                                3.94-1.0                                     plugins for xawtv and motv
2289 ii  xbase-clients                                6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               miscellaneous X clients
2290 ii  xcardii                                      0.9.9-6                                      Graphical program to manage a MuscleCard smartcard
2291 ii  xcb                                          2.4-4                                        Pigeon holes for your cut and paste selections
2292 ii  xcompmgr                                     1.1.1+cvs.20051218-1                         X composition manager
2293 ii  xdebconfigurator                             1.20                                         A script used with debconf to autoconfigure xserver-xfree86
2294 ii  xdelta                                       1.1.3-6.1                                    A diff utility which works with binary files
2295 ii  xdesktopwaves                                1.3-1                                        Simulation of water waves on the X Window System
2296 ii  xdialog                                      2.0.6-3                                      X11 replacement for the text util dialog
2297 ii  xen-tools                                    0.8.5-1                                      Tools to manage debian XEN virtual servers
2298 ii  xfaces                                       3.3-24                                       Displays an image for each piece of mail in your mailbox
2299 ii  xfig                                         3.2.5-alpha5-4                               Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11
2300 ii  xfonts-100dpi                                6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               100 dpi fonts for X
2301 ii  xfonts-100dpi-transcoded                     6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               100 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
2302 ii  xfonts-75dpi                                 6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               75 dpi fonts for X
2303 ii  xfonts-75dpi-transcoded                      6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               75 dpi fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
2304 ii  xfonts-artwiz                                1.3-2                                        x11 fonts created by Artwiz, TigerT, and Daniel Erat
2305 ii  xfonts-base                                  6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               standard fonts for X
2306 ii  xfonts-base-transcoded                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               standard fonts for X (transcoded from ISO 10646-1)
2307 ii  xfonts-bolkhov-cp1251-75dpi                  1.1.20001007-4                               75 dpi CP1251 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection)
2308 ii  xfonts-bolkhov-cp1251-misc                   1.1.20001007-4                               Character-cell CP1251 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection)
2309 ii  xfonts-intl-european                         1.2.1-4                                      International fonts for X -- European
2310 ii  xfonts-konsole                               3.4.3-3                                      fonts used by the KDE's Konsole
2311 ii  xfonts-scalable                              6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               scalable fonts for X
2312 ii  xfonts-terminus                              4.16-2                                       Fixed-width fonts for fast reading
2313 ii  xfree86-driver-synaptics                     0.14.4-1                                     Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org/XFree86 server
2314 ii  xfs                                          6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X font server
2315 ii  xfsdump                                      2.2.30-1                                     Administrative utilities for the XFS filesystem
2316 ii  xfsprogs                                     2.7.7-1                                      Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem
2317 ii  xfwp                                         6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X firewall proxy server
2318 ii  xinetd                                       2.3.13-3                                     replacement for inetd with many enhancements
2319 ii  xkbset                                       0.5-5                                        Small utility to change the AccessX settings of XKEYBOARD
2320 ii  xlibmesa-dri                                 6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               Mesa 3D graphics library modules [X.Org]
2321 ii  xlibmesa-gl                                  6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               Mesa 3D graphics library [X.Org]
2322 ii  xlibs                                        6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System client libraries metapackage and XKB data
2323 ii  xlibs-data                                   6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System client data
2324 ii  xloadimage                                   4.1-16                                       Graphics file viewer under X11
2325 ii  xlockmore                                    5.13-2.1                                     Lock X11 display until password is entered.
2326 ii  xml-core                                     0.09                                         XML infrastructure and XML catalog file support
2327 ii  xmlstarlet                                   1.0.0-1                                      command line XML toolkit
2328 ii  xmon                                         1.5.6-1.3                                    An interactive X protocol monitor
2329 ii  xmove                                        2.0beta2-8                                   allows you to move programs between X Window System displays
2330 ii  xnee                                         1.08-3                                       X event recorder/replayer
2331 ii  xnest                                        6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               nested X server
2332 ii  xosd-bin                                     2.2.14-1.2                                   X On-Screen Display library - binary files
2333 ii  xpdf                                         3.01-5                                       Portable Document Format (PDF) suite
2334 ii  xpdf-common                                  3.01-5                                       Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- common files
2335 ii  xpdf-reader                                  3.01-5                                       Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- viewer for X11
2336 ii  xpdf-utils                                   3.01-5                                       Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- utilities
2337 ii  xprint                                       0.1.0.alpha1-13                              Xprint - the X11 print system (binary)
2338 ii  xprint-common                                0.1.0.alpha1-13                              Xprint - the X11 print system (configuration files)
2339 ii  xprobe                                       0.3-1                                        Remote OS identification
2340 ii  xresprobe                                    0.4.18-1                                     X Resolution Probe
2341 ii  xrsh                                         5.92-4                                       remote execution of XWindow programs
2342 ii  xserver-common                               6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               files and utilities common to all X servers
2343 ii  xserver-xorg                                 6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               the X.Org X server
2344 ii  xsltproc                                     1.1.15-2                                     XSLT command line processor
2345 ii  xtail                                        2.1-2                                        like "tail -f", but works on truncated files, directories, more
2346 ii  xterm                                        208-3.1                                      X terminal emulator
2347 ii  xtermcontrol                                 2.7-1                                        dynamic configuration of xterm properties
2348 ii  xtermset                                     0.5.1-1                                      change the characteristics of an xterm
2349 ii  xtla                                         1.1-1                                        Emacs front-end to GNU Arch
2350 ii  xtrace                                       0.2.1-1                                      trace communication between X client and server
2351 ii  xtrlock                                      2.0-11                                       Minimal X display lock program
2352 ii  xtv                                          1.1-8                                        View the screen of a remote X11 display
2353 ii  xutils                                       6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               X Window System utility programs
2354 ii  xvfb                                         6.9.0.dfsg.1-3                               virtual framebuffer X server
2355 ii  xvkbd                                        2.6-2                                        software virtual keyboard for X11
2356 ii  xvncviewer                                   3.3.7-8                                      Virtual network computing client software for X
2357 ii  xwit                                         3.4-9                                        a collection of simple routines to call some X11 functions
2358 ii  xzgv                                         0.8-5                                        Picture viewer for X with a thumbnail-based selector
2359 ii  xzoom                                        0.3-17                                       magnify part of X display, with real-time updates
2360 ii  yacpi                                        2.0-1                                        ncurses based acpi monitor for text mode
2361 ii  yaird                                        0.0.12-3                                     Yet Another mkInitRD
2362 ii  yasr                                         0.6.5-1                                      General-purpose console screen reader
2363 ii  yersinia                                     0.5.6-1                                      layer 2 multiattack network tool
2364 ii  ysm                                          2.9.6-1                                      A powerful ICQ console client
2365 ii  zd1211-firmware                                                   Firmware images for the zd1211 wireless driver
2366 ii  zd1211-module-2.6.15-grml                    0.0.0.svnr23-3+grml.07                       ZD1211 wireless USB dongle driver module.
2367 ii  zec                                          0.11.1-1                                     Z-Shell Empire client
2368 ii  zeroconf                                     0.6.1-1                                      IPv4 link-local address allocator
2369 ii  zgv                                          5.9-1                                        SVGAlib graphics viewer
2370 ii  zile                                         2.2.9-1                                      very small emacs-like editor
2371 ii  zip                                          2.31-3                                       Archiver for .zip files
2372 ii  zlib1g                                       1.2.3-9                                      compression library - runtime
2373 ii  zoidberg                                     0.95-1                                       modular Perl shell
2374 ii  zsh                                          4.3.0-dev-2-4                                A shell with lots of features
2375 ii  zsh-doc                                      4.3.0-dev-2-4                                zsh documentation - info/HTML format
2376 ii  zsh-lovers                                   0.5-1                                        tips, tricks and examples for the zsh
2377 ii  zsh-static                                   4.3.0-dev-2-4                                A shell with lots of features (static link)
2378 ii  zsplit                                       1.2.0-1                                      zsplit - will read big devices or files and make compressed splitted image chunks of it.
2379 ii  zssh                                         1.5c.debian.1-1                              interactive file transfers over ssh
2380 ii  zsync                                        0.4.2-1                                      client-side implementation of the rsync algorithm