Depend on libterm-readkey-perl as it is needed for grml-quickconfig.
[grml-scripts-core.git] / usr_bin / random-hostname
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Filename:      random-hostname
3 # Purpose:       print random hostname to stdout
4 # Authors:       grml-team (, (c) Michael Prokop <>
5 # Bug-Reports:   see
6 # License:       This file is licensed under the GPL v2.
7 # Latest change: Sam Dez 02 20:30:20 CET 2006 [mika]
8 ################################################################################
9 num=$(wc -l $0)
10 num=${num%% $0}
11 num=$(( $num - 16 ))
12 randline=$(($(date +%Y%M%S) * $$ % $num))
13 hostname=$(tail -n $randline "$0" | head -1 | grep -v "'" | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^$')
14 [ -n "$hostname" ] && echo "$hostname" || echo "grml"
15 # EOF - line 15; now the hostnames:
16 hostnames='
17 23
18 42
19 ackbar
20 agamemnon
21 alderaan
22 alphacentauri
23 anakin
24 antares
25 apfel
26 aphrodite
27 archill
28 argl
29 argon
30 auge
31 avoision
32 a-wizard-did-it
33 awk
34 baby
35 bane
36 banjologist
37 bar
38 barnards
39 barteldan
40 bartesque
41 bartwisch
42 basegame
43 bbbq
44 beginulate
45 beheadbumped
46 bespin
47 beta
48 beteigeuze
49 bethselamin
50 bielefeld
51 billiboy
52 binkel
53 bitch
54 blackbush
55 blingwad
56 boba
57 bonus-eruptus
58 boo-urns
59 bottom
60 bovine-university
61 brain-medicine
62 brassafrax
63 brett
64 bsdkiller
65 bughunter
66 butler
67 c-3po
68 calisto
69 capdabbler
70 car-hole
71 celibacy
72 charm
73 chazzwozzers
74 chestal
75 chewbacca
76 chocotastic
77 cholera
78 clouseauesque
79 cody
80 commie-nazis
81 connemara
82 corellia
83 coruscant
84 cragganmore
85 crantastic
86 crap-factory
87 craptacular
88 cray
89 crisitunity
90 cromulent
91 crotch-dot
92 dagobah
93 dalwhinnie
94 damogran
95 dantooine
96 darth
97 darthsidious
98 darthvader
99 dash-hole
100 debilian
101 debsauber
102 deceleratrix
103 dickety
104 diddly
105 diefront
106 dingens
107 dings
108 dingsbums
109 doctorb
110 dodge
111 dodgerock
112 doesntexist
113 dogma
114 doh
115 dooku
116 down
117 drunkening
118 dumbening
119 duro
120 eadrax
121 electromicide
122 embiggen
123 eprouvette
124 erde
125 erotikon
126 error
127 fantastipotamus
128 farkbot
129 faxtrola
130 fehlstart
131 find
132 fischvergiftung
133 flanswered
134 flauschig
135 floor-pie
136 flunjer
137 foo
138 foodbag
139 foodrinkery
140 forfty
141 frinkahedron
142 frogurt
143 froschstern
144 fscking
145 fuchsiatard
146 fudrucker
147 fuss
148 g3nt00
149 gamblor
150 garbagewater
151 gegruemmelt
152 gelbescheibe
153 geonosis
154 gewusel
155 gibby-gabby
156 glaven
157 golatsche
158 golgafrincham
159 greedo
160 grievous
161 grmled
162 grmlegg
163 grmlei
164 guglhupf
165 ham-in-a-can
166 hansolo
167 harem
168 hedge
169 hektor
170 helium
171 hera
172 herakles
173 herpes
174 herz
175 homersexual
176 hoth
177 hoyvin-mayvin
178 hypohemia
179 idspispopd
180 ilum
181 introubulate
182 jabba
183 jacen
184 jaina
185 jango
186 jebeditis
187 jebus
188 jiminy-jillikers
189 jumping-box
190 jupiter
191 kamino
192 kashyyyk
193 kidnappophilie
194 kilbeggan
195 killbot-factory
196 kitchensink
197 knifey-spooney
198 knowitallism
199 knowledgeum
200 kollateralschaden
201 korriban
202 krautundrueben
203 krikkit
204 krypton
205 kukuruz
206 kwyjibo
207 lagavulin
208 lamuella
209 land-cow
210 lart
211 lasagne
212 liberty-log
213 lima
214 localhorst
215 lochnagar
216 lunge
217 lupper
218 macallan
219 magno
220 magrathea
221 malak
222 malparkage
223 manaan
224 master
225 maximegalon
226 mazuma
227 megacide
228 mehlmuehle
229 melange
230 menapplause
231 milliways
232 minor
233 minuteman
234 money-fight
235 monster
236 mund
237 musikapparat
238 mustafar
239 mygeeto
240 naboo
241 nase
242 neglecterino
243 neighborino
244 neon
245 niere
246 nucleon
247 nuisancefon
248 nulecule
249 nutty-fudgekins
250 oban
251 obiwankenobi
252 odysseus
253 oglarun
254 ohr
255 okely-dokely
256 omega
257 omfg
258 onderon
259 onetuplet
260 oops
261 ossus
262 ovulicious
263 palpatine
264 panaka
265 panchito
266 panic
267 paradigma
268 paranoia
269 paris
270 persephone
271 phonon
272 photon
273 pizza
274 plagueis
275 plasmon
276 pointy-kitty
277 popocatepetl
278 porridge
279 postefix
280 posturologists
281 praesitlyn
282 preliumtarn
283 presbylutheran
284 pricetaggery
285 pull-a-homer
286 pusteblume
287 pustefix
288 quantum-tunnel
289 quetzlzacatenango
290 quinlan
291 r2-d2
292 radon
293 rageohol
294 rastafy
295 raunzer
296 raytheist
297 rear-admiral
298 rechengnom
299 re-dorkulated
300 retirony
301 revan
302 reverse-vampires
303 reversifying-glass
304 rhadamanthys
305 rinderwahnsinn
306 ronzer
307 rotate-the-shield-harmonics
308 rtfm
309 rupert
310 sacrilicious
311 saturn
312 saubaua
313 saxamaphone
314 schwipps
315 science-pole
316 scientician
317 scp
318 scponly
319 scrod-basket
320 sebulba
321 sed
322 shanagary
323 shinning
324 shirkaday
325 shirt-wiener
326 shiva-h.-vishnu
327 sisterectomy
328 skywalker
329 smashy-smashy
330 smeckler
331 smendler
332 smokesperson
333 snacktacular
334 solo
335 sonne
336 sophistimacated-doowhackey
337 soulianis
338 spaghettimonster
339 spambox
340 speedholes-or-speed-holes
341 spispopd
342 spokesrebel
343 ssh
344 stabby
345 steamed-hams
346 sterz
347 stillroot
348 successmanship
349 supercalifragilistics
350 superliminal
351 swedish-lunchbox
352 swishifying
353 sync
354 syphilis
355 talisker
356 talon
357 taris
358 tasty-fake
359 tatooine
360 telepanhandling
361 telos
362 thinkgeek
363 thrawn
364 throughhole
365 thule
366 tomacco
367 tomorry
368 top
369 traumedy
370 trebor
371 tromboner
372 tsykolon
373 ulic
374 unblowuppable
375 unfaceuptoable
376 unpossible
377 up
378 uppity-box
379 ursa
380 utapau
381 velocitator
382 vi
383 viltvodl
384 vim
385 vista
386 vogsphere
387 volleybrick
388 walking-bird
389 wassissn
390 watto
391 wiggle-puppy
392 wildwuchs
393 woozle-wuzzle
394 word-hole
395 wurmloch
396 xenon
397 yaddle
398 yellodisk
399 yellow-fatty-beans
400 yoda
401 yoink
402 ysolldins
403 zazz
404 zeus
405 zicke
406 zuh
407 '